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(Pre – Pro Biotic Capsules)


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Dvit Feo
(Iron Capsules)

Prevent Low Blood Levels of Iron (Such as Those

Caused by Anemia or Pregnancy)

Helps to Produce Red Blood Cells

Dietary Insufficiency

Chronic or Acute Blood Loss

Dvit Thy
(Thyroid Capsules)

Ashwagandha reduce cortisol levels, balance thyroid

hormones, and protect against stress.

L-Tyrosine is converted to hormones which regulate

metabolism and levels of T3 & T4 thyroid hormones

In our body
Dvit Collagen

Could prevent bone loss.

Helps relieve joint pain.

Can improve skin health.

Could boost muscle mass.

Promotes heart health

Dvit Liv
(Livercare Capsules)

Silymarin can improve fatty infiltration of liver and liver

function in children and adolescents.

Reduce insulin resistance, inflammation and liver

damage in people with NAFLD

(Pancreatic Capsules)

The pancreas cannot make or does not release enough

digestive enzymes into the small intestines to digest the

food (conditions such as chronic pancreatitis, cystic

fibrosis, cancer of the pancreas, post-pancreatectomy,

post-gastrointestinal bypass surgery).

Chronic pancreatitis.

Cystic fibrosis.

Cancer of the pancreas.


Post-gastrointestinal bypass surgery.

Dvit Immun
(Immunity Booster Capsules)

Carnitine may modulate immune functions through the

production of selected cytokines.

Supplementing with zinc may help protect against respiratory

tract infections and reduce the duration of these infections.

Citrus flavonoids stimulate anti-viral activity mediated by up

regulation of IRF7 gene expression.

Omega-3 FAs can be considered as potential alternative or

adjunctive therapeutic agents because of their antimicrobial

and immunomodulatory properties.

B complex, folic acid and its derivatives as potent inhibitors

of inflammatory factors against novel corona virus.

Dvit Gluta
(Glutathione sachet)

Glutathione: The Body's Master antioxidant.

Glutathione acts as a detoxification agent which results neutralizing

and eliminating the toxins effectively.

Relieves oxidative stress by binding the free radicals.

Anti aging.

Helps in skin lightening & brightening, decrease wrinkles

and improves skin elasticity.

Reduce psoriasis.

Helps in maintaining brain health in old age people.

May prevent heart disease.

Promotes normal airflow and lung tissue, as well as

lowering the risk of “oxygen-induced lung injury”.

Reduces chronic inflammation and restores immune function.

Helps the immune system stay strong and ready to fight infections.
Dvit FOS
(Glutathione sachet)

Helpful in constipation.

Reduces cholesterol.

Helps in weight loss.

Relieves diarrhea.

Boosts digestion.

Regulates blood sugar.

Cures acidity.
D-Biotic Sachet
Pre & Probiotic with zinc (mixed fruit flavoured)


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Immunocompromised Patients

Inhibits growth of pathogenic micro-organisms for the renewal

or normal levels of obligate GIT organisms.

Efficiently resolves the symptoms of aphthous stomatitis .

Probiotics are friendly bacteria that form part of our natural intestinal

flora. They aid digestion of food, protect us from invasive, pathogenic

bacteria, and even produce some nutrients.

Prebiotics provide nourishment for probiotics. They are non digestable

carbo hydrates, like soluble plant fiber, that provide a food source for the

probiotics, allowing them to flourish.

Cholecalciferol Sachet 60,000IU.


Could prevent bone loss.

For healthy bones and strong teeth.

Easy and cost-effective therapeutic measure.

Allows reduction of Vitamin D Deficiency.

Extends better control of minerals metabolism.

For rickets in children & osteomalacia in adults.

For prevention of colon, breast, and prostate cancer

Improves Cardiac dysfunction.

Exert Strong Immune Enhancing Effect

Controls Blood Presure

Improves Proper Bone Development & Muscle Corntraction

Controls Hypoparathyroidism, Hypophosphatemia, Hypocalcemia

Dehydration Oral Replacement with Zinc & Probiotics

Compensate your loss .

Intense physical exertion

Helps restore fluids

Adults and children will get help to replace any

lost glucose and minerals with probiotic and zinc advantage.

Calcium Citrate Malate 500mg, Calcitriol .25mog, Zinc 7.5 mg, Mangnesium 100 mg Capsules


Calcium Citrate Malate & Zinc effectively reduce the

incidence and severity of hypocalcaemia.

Enhances Calcium Absorption & Helps in bone Mineralization

Regulate bone metabolism

It helps replenish age-related bone loss.

Lesser the risk of fractures

Improves muscular strength & agility.

Lycopene 10% 5000mcg+L-Lysine+Beta carotene

Calcium Citrate Malate & Zinc effectively reduce the

Lycopene is the most efficient biological carotenoid singlet oxygen quencher.

Chemopreventive effect against prostate cancer.

Improves sperm concentration in 66% patients, sperm

motility in 53% patients and sperm marphology in 46% patients.

4 fold higher concentration of lycopene leads to lower

rate of CHD and total mortality.

L-Arginine, Vitamin C, Folic Acid & Grapeseed Extract


Synthesis and repair of DNA & RNA

Helps the body to produce & maintain new cells

Important precursor of Nitric Oxide

Improves immune function, fertility, detoxification

Increases hormones & insulin

Fights inflammation & repair blood vessels

Corrects impotency, erectile dysfunction (ED), female & male infertility

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