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Trust Bank

University of Development Alternative (UODA)

Internship Report on 

“General Banking Activities & Customers
Satisfaction of Trust  Bank Ltd” 
Submitted To 


Faculty of Business Administration 

University of Development Alternative (UODA)

Supervised By 
Somaiya Sarwar 
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business Administration 
University Of Development Alternative (UODA)

Submitted By 
Tasnia Rahman
Student ID: 021171012
Batch : 54th
Date of Submission: 21 December, 2020

Trust Bank
Letter of Transmittal

21th Dec 2020

Professor Latifur Rahman
Dean, Faculty of Business Administration
University of Development Alternative, Dhaka

Subject: Submission of Internship Report.

Dear Sir, It is my pleasure to present this Report on

General Banking of Trust Bank Limited  as a requirement for completing my Bachelor of
Business Administration (BBA). I enjoyed preparing the report though it was challenging to
finish within the given time. In preparing this report, I have tried my level best to include all the
relevant information related to general banking activities of Trust Bank Limited.

I have a strong belief that the report will fulfill your expectation and I have tried to give my best
effort so that I can prepare a solid report as per your instruction. I would be very grateful if you
accept my report. Your kind consideration will be highly appreciated.

Yours Faithfuly,
Tasnia Rahman
ID: 021171012
BBA 54th Batch
Major in Marketing of Business Administration
University of Development Alternative, Dhaka

Trust Bank

Trust Bank
Student’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the internship report entitled “General Banking Activities and
Customer Staisfaction of Trust Bank Ltd: A Study on Rangpur Cantonment Branch,
Rangpur.”has been prepared by me under the supervision of Somaiya Sarwar, Senior
Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of University Of Development

I also declare that the matter embodied in this report is original and neither this report nor
any part of this report has been submitted elsewhere for the award of any other any degree
or any other purpose. 

Tasnia Rahman
Student I’D : 021171012

BBA (Marketing)

University Of Development Alternative,Dhaka

Trust Bank


At first I Desire to express my deepest sense of almighty Allah.

I have completed my internship at Trust Bank Limited (Rangpur Cantonment Branch) from
October 12,2020 to 12 January 2020.My internship report won’t be possible without contribution
of few people.

With profound regard I gratefully acknowledge my respected advisor Somaiyah Sarwar ,senior
lecturer, University of Development Alternative for her constant assistance and knowledgeable
guidelines to carrying out the internship and preparation of the report. Without her enthusiastic
guidelines and critical comments during the entire phase of the writing ,it would not be possible
for me to prepare this.

I would like to tender my heartiest gratitude to Nazma Sultana (FAVP & Branch manager) , Md.
Ziaur Rahman ( Sub Manager), Md. Mahfuzzullah ( Principle Officer)

They helped me with the very best opportunity as much as possible. Without their sincere co-
operation the completion of internship would be nightmare

Next I want to express special thank to all the employees of Trust Bank LTD, Rangpur
Cantonment Branch.

Iam very grateful to few people who helped me in many ways. They are Md. Shihab Harun
(TAO), Md. Sujaudullah Ahmed (Junior Officer),Mohammad Fazle Rabbi (Assistant Officer)
and many more.

I am also grateful to the Human Resource development of Trust Bank LTD for giving me the the
opportunity to make my internship program in this organization .Their consideration favored me
to perform the internship and prepare this report. Otherwise it would not possible for me to
complete the internship.

I am privileged for the support and encouragement I have received from all of my teachers and
friends of University of Development Alternative.

Trust Bank

Executive Summary
The Internship Program of BRAC University is required for completing our Bachelor of
Business Administration. It helps us to achieve huge knowledge and practical work experiences
of today’s business and also prepares us to face the challenges of new corporate life.

I worked in General Banking department of Trust Bank Limited, Rangpur Cantt branch for 3
months of my internship period. Trust Bank limited is becoming one of the leading private
commercial bank and it is basically for Army Welfare Trust (AWT). The bank has built itself
very strong competitors for other bank. It is capturing a large number of market shares in
Bangladesh Banking Industry. Trust Bank tries to introduce its high standard products and
services to attract customers. Customer satisfaction is very important for every organization to
increase its growth. My internship report is on “General Banking Activities of TBL”.

This report ”General Banking Activities of Trust Bank ” is the picture of quality services
provided by one of the well-known private commercial bank of Bangladesh ‘Trust Bank
Limited’. The study covers the following sections:

 Brief Discussion about Trust Bank Limited (TBL)

 General banking activities of TBL

 Services provided by Trust Bank Limited

 Findings & Recommendations.

Trust Bank
Topic Pages

Chap :1 : Introduction 8-14

 Introduction of topic 9
 Rational of the study 10
 Objective of the Study 11
 Scope of the study 12
 Methodology 12
 Conceptual Framework 13
 Limitation 14

Chap:02 :History of TBL 15-21

 An overview of TBL 16-17

 Philosophy of TBL 18
 Objective of TBL 18
 Board of Directors 19
 Organizational structure 20
 Mission statement 21
 Vision statement 21

Chap: 03: Topic Analysis & Description 22-37

 Dispatch Department 23
 Cash Department 23
 Deposits Department 23-24
 Remittance & Bill Dept 25-26
 Product & Scheme 27
 Account Opening Department 28
 New Deposiots Product 29-35
 Loan & Advanced Dept 36-37

Chap: 04: Customer Satisfaction 38-50

Chap:05: Description of Each Task Completed During Internship 53-54

Chap: 06 :Concluding Statement & Reference 55-61

 Findings 56
 Recommendation 57-59
 Conclusion 60
 Reference 61

Trust Bank

Chapter : 01


Trust Bank

This internship is a part of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program that
provides an on the job experience to students. I was placed at Trust Bank Limited, Rangpur
Cantonment Branch as an internee officer for three months. This internship program was my
very first on the job exposure and provided me with learning experience and knowledge in
several areas. During the first few weeks on my internship period, I was able to get accustomed
to the working environment of Trust Bank Limited. As the internship continued, I not only
learned about the activities and operations of correspondent bank, but I also gathered some
knowledge about the basic business activities of banking in first one month of my internship

Generally by the word “bank” we can easily understand that the financial institution deals with
money. But they are difference types of bank such as; Central bank, Commercial Bank, Saving
Banks, Investment Bank, Industrial Banks, co-operative Banks etc. commercial bank are the
primary contributors to the economy of a country. So we can say commercial banks are a profit
making institution that holds the deposits of individuals and business in checking and saving
accounts and then uses these funds to make loans. As, banks are profit-earning concern, they
collect deposit at the lowest possible cost and provide loans and advances at higher cost. The
differences between two are the profit for the bank.

Efficacy of customer service is related with progression of operation. We can identify the
efficacy of customer service by studying the progress of “Trust Bank Limited.” The progress of
“Trust Bank Limited” is very rapid with the concern of its profit making and growth of its
operation within the country towards the country’s economy.

 Trust Bank Limited pursues decentralized management policies and gives adequate work
freedom to the employees. This result is less pressure for the workers and acts as a motivational
tool for them, which gives them, increased encouragement and inspiration to move up the ladder
of success. Overall, I have experienced a very friendly and supporting environment at Trust Bank
Limited, which gives me the pleasure and satisfaction to be apart of them for a while. While
working in different departments of this branch I have found each and every employee too
friendly to us to cooperate. They have discussed in details about their respective tasks. I have
also participated with their work

Trust Bank
The internship program is very helpful to bridge the gap between the theoretical knowledge and
real life experience as part of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program. This
internship report has been designed to have a practical experience through the theoretical

Internship program is essential for every student, especially for the students of the Business
administration, which helps them to know the real life situation. For this reason, a student takes
the internship program at the stage of the degree, to launch a career with some practical
experience. As a complete fulfillment of internship program, introduction the students with the
real life business situation.

This report is a part of my academic program. The internship program has been set for three (3)
months period at “Trust Bank LTD” as a part of my BBA program. In our BBA program all
courses based on theoretical and we have to learn practically. The program has helped me a lot to
understand the organizational atmosphere and behavior and I gather some practical knowledge
about “General Banking operation of the Trust Bank Ltd’

Trust Bank
The objective of this report to complete partial fulfillment requirement of the BBA prorram by
gathering practical knowledge regarding banking system and operation in the form of a research
study. This practical orientation gives me a chance to co ordinate my theoretical knowledge with
the practical experience

Broad Objective: Practical knowledge regarding banking system, operation and

implantation of theoretical knowledge.

Specific Objective :
 To present an overview of “Trust Bank LTd”
 To get an overall idea of banking point of view
 To apply theoretical knowledge in the practical procedures of day to day banking
 To assess the decision understanding by the top level management to keep rein with the
competitiveness of the market
 To understand the recent complexity of banking in the wake of rising terrorism and
 To relate the theories of banking with the practical banking activities
 To review the technique uses by the bank to make it lucrative
 Determining the drawback of the existing system
 To study existing banker customer relationship, particularly the efficiency of customer
service of the bank
 Recommending some guideline to improve the effectiveness

Trust Bank


The internship report cover all trade related products handled by “Trsut Bank LTD” such as cash
department, Dispatch, account opening department, Remittance & bill, Loan & advance, cheque ,
clearning etc.

The report has been prepared through extensive discussion with bank employee and the
customer while preparing this report. I had a great opportunity to have an in depth knowledge of
all the banking activities practices by the Trust Bank LTD . It also helped me to acquire a first
hand perspective of leading private Bank in Bangladesh


This study is based on a theoretical knowledge , field survey and practical orientation. This is a
survey work in the form of the research study. Imn order to make the report more meaningful
and presentable, two source of data and information have been used widely. These are both
Primary data & Secondary data.

The primary sources are :

1.Direct communication with the clients

2.Expousure on different desk of the bank

3.File study

4.In dept interview

The secondary sources are :

1.Annual report of the TBL

2. Periodicals published by the Bangladesh bank.

3. Different publication regarding banking function and credit policies

Trust Bank



Dispatch Department Better image

Cash Department Reputation

Account Opening Loyalty


General Banking
Deposits Department Operation Better Grow

Remittance & Bill Potential Customer


Loan & Advance More Profit


Trust Bank
The performance evaluation of The Trust Bank LTD have been conducted based on the trend
growth over the last three years startin analysis.


The present study was not out of limitation but it was a great opportunity for me to know the
banking activities of the Bangladesh specially Trust Bank LTD .Some constraint are appended

 The main constraint of the study is inadequate access to information, which has hampered
the scope of analysis required for the study.
 Due to time limitation many of the aspects could not be discussed in the present report
 Every organization has their own secrecy that is not revealed to others while collecting
data i.e: interviewing the employees, they did not disclose much information for the sake
confidentiality of the organization
 The clients were too busy to provide me much time for interview
 I have had no opportunity to compare the general banking system of the TBL with that of
other contemporary and common size banks. It was mainly because of the shortage of
time and internship nature

Trust Bank


History of the TBL

Trust Bank


Trust Bank Ltd. is a private, commercial, scheduled Bank, which obtained license from
Bangladesh Bank on July 15, 1999. Presently Army Welfare Trust is the major shareholder. The
authorized capital of the Bank is Taka two thousand million and paid-up capital of Taka five
hundred million. Public shares are expected to be floated in the near future. The Bank was
formally inaugurated and listed as a scheduled Bank on November 1999.

The idea of setting up a Bank by Bangladesh Army was first conceived in 1987 and on
November 29, 1999 the first branch of Trust Bank Ltd came into operation Composition of the
Board of TBL consists of Ex-officio Directors of in-service senior Army personnel, with the
Chief of Army Staff as its Chairman and the Adjutant General as its Vice-Chairman.

Trust Bank Limited is one of the leading private commercial bank having a spread network of35
branches across Bangladesh and plans to open few more branches to cover the important
commercial areas in Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet and other areas in 2008. The bank, sponsored by
the Army Welfare Trust (AWT), is first of its kind in the country. With a wide range of modem
corporate and consumer financial products Trust Bank has been operating in Bangladesh since
1999 and has achieved public confidence as a sound and stable bank.

In order to provide up-to-date information on the bank at fingertips to the trade and business
communities of the world, their own IT team has developed a E-mail address and a web page for
the bank. It can be accessed to under the domain: and

In addition to ensuring quality, Customer services related to general banking the bank also deals
in Foreign Exchange transactions. In the mean time, the bank has extended credit facilities to
almost all the sector of the country's economy. The bank has plans to invest extensively in the
country's industrial and agricultural sectors in the coming days.

It has also plans to promote the agro-based industries of the country. The bank has already
participated in syndicated loan agreement with other banks to promote textile sectors of the
country. Such participation would continue in the future for greater interest of the overall
economy. Keeping in mind the client's financial and banking needs the bank is engaged in
constantly improving its services to the clients and launching new and innovative products to
provide better services towards fulfillment of growing demands of its customers. 8 ta Trust Bank
General Banking Operation Of Trust Bank Limited

Trust Bank
In 2001, the bank introduced automated branch banking system to increase efficiency and
improve customer service. In the year 2005, the bank moved one step further and introduced
ATM services for its customers.

Since bank's business volume increased over the years and the demands of the customers
enlarged in manifold, our technology has been upgraded to manage the growth of the bank and
meet the demands of our customers.

Trust bank limited recently at the end of the year 2006 changed their name from "The Trust Bank
Limited" to "Trust Bank Limited" and also changed their logo to bring the bank more closer to the
general public.

In January 2007, Trust Bank successfully launched Online Banking Services which facilitate Any Branch
Banking, ATM Banking, Phone Banking, SMS Banking, & Internet Banking to all customers. Customers
can now deposit or withdraw money from any Branch of Trust Bank nationwide without needing to
open multiple accounts in multiple Branches

Via Online Services and Visa Electron (Debit Card), ATMs now allow customers to retrieve 24x7 hours
Account information such as account balance checkup through mini-statements and cash withdrawals.

Trust Bank is about to introduce Visa Credit Cards to serve it's existing and potential valued customers.
Credits cards can now be used at shops & restaurants all around Bangladesh and even internationally.

Trust Bank is a customer oriented financial institution. It remains dedicated to meet up with the ever
growing expectations of the customer because at Trust Bank, customer is always at the center.

Trust Bank


At the present the Bank has as many as 113 branches including SME centre across the country
and it committed to become equal service providers compatible with the norms of commercial
schedule bank. It renders all types of personal, commercial and corporate banking service to its
customers within the purview of bank companies Act,1991 and in line with the directives and
policy guidelines lay down by Bangladesh Bank.


The Trust Bank Limited has been established with the objective of providing efficient and
innovative banking services to the people of all sections of our society. One of the remarkable
strength of this bank is that it is backed by the disciplined i,e Bangladesh Army and there is
synergy of welfare and profits in the dynamics of the institution. Bank is service oriented
industry and on our part are committed to ensure customized qualitative and hassle free services
in our banking operations along with the focus to broaden the clients base. The Bank is
committed to contribute as much as possible within its limitations for the economic growth anfd
for ensuring value of its available resources.

In addition to ensuring quality customer services related to general banking the bank also provide
loan facilities. In the mean time the bank hs plan to invest extensively in the country’s industrial
and the country’s economy. The bank has plans to invest extensively in the country’s industrial
and agriculture sectors in the coming days. Keeping in mind the client’s financial needs the bank
is engaged in constantly imprpving its services to the clients and launching new and innovative
products to provide better service towards fulfillment of growing demands of its customers

Trust Bank

Gen.Aziz Ahmed Chairman
Chief Of Army Staff
Maj.Gen.Md.Enayet Ullah Chairman
Brig.Gen.Saleem Ahmed Khan Vice Chairman
Brig.Gen.Abu Naser.Md.Elias Vice Chairman
Brig.Gen.Rakibuddin Ahmed Vice Chairman
Brid.Gen.Abul Mansur.Md.Ashraf Khan Director
Brig.Gen.Md.Golam Faruque Director
Brig.Gen.Sheikh Mohammad Sarwer Director
Mr.Shahedul Islam Independent Director

Mr.Arshad Jamal Independent Director

Mr.Faruq Mainuddin Ahmed Managing Director and CEO

Trust Bank
Managing Director (MD)

Deputy Managing Director (DMD)

Executive Vice-President (EVP)

Senior Vice-President (SVP)

Vice-President (VP)

Senior Assistant Vice-President (SEVP)

Assistant Vice-President (AVP)

Executive Officer

Principal Officer

Senior Officer

Training Officer

Junior Officer

Trust Bank

Achieving sound and profitable growth in assets and liabilities, with focus to maintain
non-performing assets at acceptable level

To build long lasting and manually dependable relationships with customers
To excel in rendering superior customer service
To be the preferred employer among Bank in Bangladesh

To build a sustainable and respectable financial institution
To be a leading commercial bank, with a social factors assisting in the economic
development of the country

The profit of the Bank used for the socio economic development of the member of the
Bangladesh Army and thereby the nation as a whole

Trust Bank



Trust Bank

Dispatch is one of the primary departments of banking activities. Dispatch can be categorized
into two parts.

Inward Register: In inward register all the documents are received and registered according to
date the destiny

Outward Register: The documents which are needed to mail to different branches of TBL in
Bangladesh or outside of Bangladesh in outward registered and mailed by courier or by post
which one is suitable

 Opening of cash: Beginning balance is balance is used to start daily transaction
 Maintenance of Receipt and payment different amount of cash
 Previously issued cheque cannot be made payment even one day before
 Evening Banking: Can only receive cash, No payment can be made except some special
 Issue Note: Note issued by the bank and accepted by the people,fresh notes
Non-issue Note : Notes can not be issued for public like torn, multi lated notes, solid
notes etc.



Clients give their cheque with their signature. These signatures are justified with
specimen signature cards. If these signatures are correct the A/C number are posted into

Trust Bank
the computer and required balances are given to them after checking that they have
sufficient balance in their account.


This transfer is made through account to account, not in cash


Payment is made through clearing house, In this case parties are account holders different
banks. The clearing house in Bangladesh bank makes the clearing task working day
where the representatives of every scheduled Bank are present there to collect their own
bank’s cheque.

The Bank offers its clients “free cost” ATM (Q cash). To be a holder of the card vthe person
needs nothing but to be a client or account holder of the bank. The bank charges no initial card
processing cost or no yearly or monthly service charge. It seems to be a value added service to
the clients.


 When cheque returned from clearing house they mentioned the causes of the returning
TBL. Return memo includes the following causes
1. Insufficient Fund
2. Not arrange for
3. Effects not cleared, may be presented
4. Exceed arrangements
5. Full cover not received
6. Payment stopped by drawer
7. Payee’s endorsement irregular/ illegible/ required

Trust Bank
8. Drawer signature differ/ required
9. Payee’s endorsement irregular/ required bank’s confirmation
10. Alternation in date/ figures/ words required drawer’s full signature
11. Amount in words and figure differ
12. Crossed cheque must be presented through a bank.
13. Clearing stamp required/ required cancellation
14. Addition to bank discharge should be authenticated .
15. Collecting Bank’s discharge irregular/ required.

 After returning of cheque the causes is notified to the client to take necessary
 Also the voucher are reversal after returning of cheque i,e Bill lodges debited and bill for
collection credited


Local Remittance is one of the main components of general banking. Remittance & bills section
plays a very vital role in case of Banks customer service section.

Cash handling from one place to another is risky, so bank remits funds on behalf of the
customers to save them from any mishaps through the network of their branches.

There are four modes of remetting money from one place to another. They are

I. Pay Order (PO)

II. Demand Draft (DD)
III. Telegraphic Transfer (TT)
IV. Shanchaya patra


The Process of issuing pay order :

Trust Bank
 Customer is supplied with PO form
 After filling the form the customer pays the money in cash or by cheque
 The concerned officer then issues PO on its specific block
 At the end customer is provided witjh two part of the block after signing on the blank of
theb Bank’s part


Some times customer use Demand Draft for the transfer of money from one place to another. It is
must needed for sending money outside of Rangpur city for getting a DD. Customer has to fill up
an application form. The form contains date, name and address of the applicant, signature of the
applicant, cheque number ( if cheque is given for issuing the DD) , Draft number, name of payee,
name of the branch on which the DD will be drawn and the amount of the DD . The form will be
duly signed by the applicant and by the authorized officer . TBL charges 15% commission on the
face value of DD as service charges.

It is an order from the issuing branch to the drawee bank /branch for payment of certain sum of
money to the beneficiary . The payment instruction is sent by telephone and fund are paid to the
beneficiary through his account . Maintained with the drawee branch or through a pay order if no
account is maintained with the drawee branch . No charge is required for TT

Shanchaya patra is received from Bangladesh Bank . People purchasing these bonds by
depositing money in this branch and payment are made on maturity to customers from this
branch only . Every transaction is reported to Bangladesh bank in case of issuance , report to be
reached to BB within 48 hours , otherwise penalty is imposed . Money is relized from BB after
making payment to customer .

In case of collecting DD , PO , PS following things are to be carefully checked

 Instrument of the TBL

Trust Bank
 Crossing seal
 Clearing seal
 Branch name
 Amount same in word & figure
 Signature verification
 Avoid the stop orfder PO , DD
 Test key verification. Every TT must have test key
 Maintenance of PO/ TT/ DD & payable book
 Balancing at the end of the month


 Current Deposit Account
 Saving deposit Account
 Short term Deposit
 Trust smart sever scheme (TSSS)
 Trust Money Double Scheme(TMDS)
 Monthly Benefit Deposit Scheme(MBDS)
 Trust Money Making Scheme (TMMS)
 Trust Education Scheme (TES)
 Lakhopati Saving scheme (LSS)
 Interest First Fixed Deposit Scheme (IFFDS)

 Car loan
 Consumer Durable loan scheme
 Doctor’s Loan
 Educational Loan
 Travel loan

Trust Bank
 Any purpose loan
 Apon Nibash Loan
 Marriage Loan

 Visa Gold Local
 Visa classic Local
 Visa Gold International
 Visa Classic International
 Visa Dual card

 Debit Card
 Phone Banking
 SMS Banking
 Internet Banking

 Corporate Financing
 SME Financing
 Syndicate Loan
 Infrastructure Development


A Bank has to maintain different types of accounts for different purposes. Trust Bank LTD
(TBL) offers the general deposit products in the form of various account.

Trust Bank
Savings bank deposit is popular account maintained in Banks. The different matters relating SB
account are described in the following discussion. The summary of the rules and regulations to
open a savings account is as follows:-

 Any person or persons of more than 18 years having sound mind can open and operate this
account singly or jointly.

 In case of a minor (a person below 18 years), a guardian can open and operate this account
on his or her behalf

 Clubs, Societies, Sole Proprietorship firms, Partnership firms, Limited Companies either
public or private and other similar organization are eligible to open such account.

 More than one account cannot be opened in the same name.

 A minimum initial deposit of Tk. 1500.00 is required to open such account.

 Money will be withdrawn through cheque and debit card.

 In case of closure of any account, the bank deducts Tk. 100.00 as closing charge


Most businessmen maintain Current Deposit accounts in order to make their daily business
activities. This account’s funds change most frequently than any other accounts because
customers use to withdraw and deposit funds in regular basis. The summary of the rules and
regulations to open a current account & short term deposit (STD) account as follows:-

 A minimum deposit of Tk. 1000.00 is needed to open a current account.

Trust Bank
 The bank charges an incidental charge of Tk 100.00 for every six (6) months for the
maintenance of the account.

 In case of the closure, the bank charges Tk. 100.00 as closing charge of the account.

 Withdrawal of money is allowed only through the levels of the cheque book issued by the

Trust Bank
The bank allows people to keep their idle money secured and profitable as Fixed Deposit.

 Afferent Provisions: For FDR minimum period is 01 month and maximum

period has no limit. FDR may be individuals or joint

 Payment on Maturity:  After maturity period the customer gets the interest plus

principal back

 Payment of death: It is a critical process when FDR holder dies. The rest of the

family members must have to submit the following documents.

 Succession Certificate: Court mentioning, who will get & what portion.

 Death Certificate: The payee must make an application including the above documents.
The branch will forward it to the head Office. It is very important to note that in these
cases, the bank have to be very careful. Some FDR mentions either orsurvivor, in this
case survivor will get the amount.
 Renewal of FDR:  The FDR account will be renewed automatically on the maturity date.
The renewed period shall be the prevailing rate for Fixed Deposits
 FDR Block: A receipt, given to the applicant after opening the FDR account,
will show it after maturity to take his money back.

Pre Requisite of Opening an Account:

Trust Bank
To open a savings, current, STD account, the following documents are mandatory:


 Two copies of passport size photograph of the clients (Attested by the introducer or
verified with passports)
 Copy of Valid Passport/ Nationality certificate/Driving License/ Photo ID in case of Birth
registration of the applicant
 Photocopy OF Service ID Card/ Business Trade License/ Student ID card
 Proof of Address : Electricity Bill/ Gas Bill/ Telephone Bill/ Holding Tax receipt from
City Corporation or Municipiality
 TIN Certificate.
 Document of source of fund: In case of student, housewife or any other person has no
income of his/her own, also needs to submit father/husband’s service ID/ trade license
copy as the source of income along with self declaration form.
 Photograph of Nominee(s) attested by account holder


 Passports/ Nationality Certificate/ Employer’s Certificate of the Proprietor

 Transaction Profile.

 Photograph of the Nominee(s) attested by the account holder.

 TIN Certificate

 Relationship between theaccount holders.

 Purpose of opening of the Joint account.

 Customer Profile.


 Two copies of Passport size Photograph of the proprietor (Attested by
introducer or Verified with Passports)
 Passports/ Nationality Certificate/ Employer’s Certificate of the Propriety
 Customer Profile.
 Transaction Profile.

Trust Bank
 Photograph of the Nominee(s) attested by the account holder
 TIN Certificate.
 Trade License.
 VAT Registration (if available)


Two copies of Passport size Photograph of each partner(Attested by introducer or

Verified with Passports)

Passports/ Nationality Certificate.

Company Profile.

Transaction Profile of the concern.

Personal Profile of the partners.

Photograph of the Nominee(s) attested by the account holder.

TIN Certificate.

Trade License of the concern.

VAT Registration (if available)

Relationship between the partners.

Attested Photocopy of the Partnership Deed (Deed on Tk 1000.00 stamp)

Resolution regarding opening and operation of the account


 Attested or Certified copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

 Certificate of Incorporation.
Trust Bank
 Certificate of Commencement of Business
 Two copies of Passport size Photograph of all Directors (Attested by introducer or
Verified with Passports)
 Passports/ Nationality Certificate of all Directors of the company.
 Company Profile.
 Transaction Profile of the company.
 Personal Profile of all Directors as per enclosed sheet in the Company’s letterhead pad.
 TIN Certificate.
 Trade License.
 VAT Registration (if available).
 Board resolution of the company regarding opening and operation of the account

Trust Bank


 Attested or Certified copy of the Constitution.

 Registration Certificate.
 List of all Executive Members (as per enclosed format).

I. Two copies of Passport size Photograph of the account operators (Attested by

introducer or Verified with Passports)
II. Passports/ Nationality Certificate of the account operators.
III. Personal Profile of all members of the governing body and Managing
IV. Board resolution regarding opening and operation of the account.


 Registration Certificate from the Joint Stock Company/ Ministry of Social Welfare.

 List of all Executive Members (as per enclosed format).

 Board resolution as per Memorandum regarding opening and operation of the
 Attested or Certified copy of the Constitution/Bylaws.
 Two copies of Passport size Photograph of all Members (Attested by introducer or
Verified with Passports)
 Passports/ Nationality Certificate of all Members.
 Profile of the Firm.

Trust Bank
Trust Smart Savers Scheme (TSSS):

Under the TSSS, the following category of deposit and

maturity payment has been declared:

Installment Amount Amount Amount Amount

payable at payable at payable at payable at
maturity maturity maturity maturity
(3 years) (5 years) (7 years) (10 years)
500 19757 35032 52239 82216
1000 39515 70065 104479 164432
1500 59272 105097 156718 246648
2000 7903 140129 208958 328863
2500 98788 175162 261198 411079
3000 118545 210194 313437 493295
3500 138303 245226 365677 575510

Trust Bank

Trust Student Account:

Saving student deposit is popular account maintained in banks. The different discussion. The
summary of the rules and regulations to open a student account is as follows matters relating
student account are described in the following:-

 Any school and college student are open student account. But account are open jointly
(father and mother) are operate this account.
 Student is submitted 4 copy photos and joint person are 4 copy photos and 1 copy
nominee photo.
 Both people are signature same place.
 A minimum initial deposit of taka 100.
 Money will be withdrawn through debt card not provide cheque book.
 Monthly provide interest.
 Money will be withdrawing limited amount, monthly 2000 taka only.

Trust Education Scheme (TES):

The TES has been introduced to assist the poor students financially and chronologically. Under
the scheme, a student may deposit jhinuk Tk 500.00 (per months) for a period of three or five
years. After the maturity period he or she may get a lump-sum amount of Tk20,069.00 (for three
years maturity) or Tk 35,967.00 (for Five years maturity). He/she may get monthly education
allowance of Tk 630.00 (per yea

Trust Bank
 Loan & Advances Department
The bank lends the deposited money on different sectors and at different rates. A summary of
sector wise lending and lending rate is as follows:

There are two types of Loan:

1) Short-Term Loans: Time period is less than 1 year

2) Long -Term Loans: Time period is 1 year & above

Loans and advances Department is the most important department of a bank. Banks borrows
money from the public by accepting Deposits from them and then lending it to a borrower for a
specific period of time to be repaid with a certain amount of interest. This Dept. is one of the
main sources of TBL' s profits.

When bank wants to give loans of advances to a borrower, first of all he has to do LRA
(Lending Risk Analysis) and when loan amount is 20, 00,000 & above this analysis is
compulsory. Because the amount, which is given to, a borrower, actually comes from the public
and it is repayable on demand. So, bank has to be careful when giving loans and advances. When
banks cannot collect the loan amount with interest, they have to bear losses.

If TBL agrees to give loans and advances to a borrower after analyzing all sorts of risk, then the
borrower writes an application addressing the manager and the amount, business types,
securities etc also are mentioned in the application. After getting the application the manager
scrutinizes it for justifying all information whether genuine or not. and after doing this he
sanctions the loan. also collect the borrower's credit report from CIB(Credit Information Bureau)
department of Bangladesh Bank (If the borrower takes loans above Tk. 1,00,000 from any bank,
that bank will send this credit reports to the Bangladesh Bank.

The manager can sanction specific amount of loans and advances (In this branch it is Tk. 15,
00,000). If the loan amount crosses this limit, then he will recommend it to regional office.
Regional manager also has limit for sanctioning loans and advances. If the amount of loans and
advances above his limit, he will recommend it to the head office. Then head office will sanction
that loans and advances.

TBL sanctions loans and advances under certain terms of conditions. When the borrower's loan
is sanctioned, he is known through intimation/ a copy of sanction letter. If he accepts all terms of
conditions, then he has to come within 3, 7, or 15 days whatever mentioned in the sanction letter.

Trust Bank
• Selection of Borrower: In extension of bank credit, nothing is more significant than selection
of borrower. While choosing a borrower, bank must study three things: Character, Capacity and
in Capital or in other words Reliability, Responsibility, Resourcefulness of a party.

Retail Products
 car Loan
 House Hold Durable Loan scheme (HHDL)
 Doctor's Loan
 Deffence personal Salary Against Loan
 Education Loan
 Travel Loan
 Hospitalization Loan
 Any Purpose Loan
 Apon Nibash Loan
 Marriage Loan

Trust Bank

Chapter -4

Customer’s Satisfaction on General

Banking procedure Of TBL


Trust Bank
Customer’s Importance & Level of Satisfaction: 
Customers importance and level of satisfaction at Trust Bank shown briefly. The results are
produced according to the various service quality dimensions. Each dimension consists of
its own specific questions. The results of the survey are presented according to these
questions that were asked to the respondents with the help of a structured questionnaire.
The results of this study are as follows: 

 Advanced product and service: 

The main customer satisfaction factor is the various types of product and services.
Advanced product and service helps the customer to define which their satisfaction
level and to find out which bank provides them best services. So here is aimed at
finding out how much customer is satisfied with the advanced product and service of
Trust Bank ltd, Rangpur Cantonment branch; at present. 







stongly agree agree netural strongly disagree disagree

FIGURE: Advanced product and service

Trust Bank
The figure shows 50% of the total customer are said Trust Bank ltd advanced product and
service are excellent that is they are fully satisfied regarding the product and service of
Trust Bank ltd, 20% are said good and 30% are average . Therefore, in general it can be
said that customers are satisfied regarding product and service of Trust Bank Limited.

 Account opening procedure:

Account opening procedure is also an important satisfaction factor of customer. Most of

the time, customers make compare with other bank about fast service. So here our aim is

to measure the level of customer satisfaction against account opening procedure.










Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Disagree


Majority of the client about 46% expressed that they are fully satisfied with A/C opening

Trust Bank
procedure where as 22% are satisfied with this Service and14% said average service.

Therefore, in general it can be said that customer are satisfied A/C opening procedure of Trust

Bank Limited .

 Time taken to issuance cheque book and debit card:

Time is one of the most important elements of customer. They don’t want to compromise

with the time. They want best service within short period of time. In that case, to issue

cheque and debit card, they want fast service. So by the analysis, our aim objective is to

find out the level of customer satisfaction about Time taken to issuance cheque book and

debit card.









Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree

Figure: Time taken to issuance Cheque book and debit card

Trust Bank

The figure shows 40% of the total customer are said Trust Bank’s Cheque Book

Issuance procedure are excellent that is they are fully satisfied regarding the Cheque

Book issuing procedure of Trust Bank ltd, 24% are said good and 18% Said Average.

Therefore, in general it can be said that customers are satisfied regarding Cheque Book

Issuance procedure of Trust Bank Limited.

 Interest rate of different deposit scheme:

Interest rate of different deposit scheme is also an important factor of level of customer

satisfaction. Customers always want best benefit. In that case, the always expect high

interest rate against their deposit money. So they can get high profit of their deposit

money at the end of maturity. But it is rarely varied from other bank because interest rate

is getting fixed from Bangladesh bank, itself. But as a satisfaction factor of customer, our

aim is to find out their satisfaction level.

Trust Bank






Strong Agree Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Disagree

Figure: Interest rate of different Deposit scheme

The above figure shows 50% of the total customer are said Trust Bank ltd interest rate

provided for different deposit scheme are excellent that is they are fully satisfied

regarding the interest rate provided for different deposit scheme of Trsut Bank Limited.,

26% are said good and 10% said Average.

Trust Bank
 Loan and credit facility of Trust Bank:

The Trust Bank Limited gives loan and credit facility to customer. In Rangpur cantonment
Branch, there are some customers who take loan in a regular basis. They are satisfied with the
service of the Trust Bank Limited Rangpur cantonment Branch. So here we will follow how
much customer is satisfy with the Advanced Loan and credit facility of Trust Bank Limited;
Rangpur Cantonment Branch branch, at present.








Stongly Agree Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Disagree

Figure: Loan and Credut Facility of TBL

The above figure shows 34% of the total customer are said Bank ’s loan issuing procedure are
complex that is they are not fully satisfied regarding the loan issuing procedure of Trust Bank
Limited because of too much policy, 16% are said good on their loan issuing procedure that they
are satisfied and 26% are said average. Therefore, in general it can be said that the credit
customers are satisfied regarding loan issuing procedure of Trust Bank Limited.

Trust Bank
 Online banking system of Trust Bank:

Here our aim is to find out customer satisfaction level case of Online banking system of Trust
Bank. Here customers want to give less interest.








Strongly agree Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Disagree

Figure: Online banking system of TBL

The above figure shows number of the customer are not fully satisfied regarding online banking
system by Trust Bank Limited. 46% are said disagree and 26% said strongly disagree that is they
are not satisfied, 18% are said average. Therefore, in general it can be said that the general
customers are quite not satisfied regarding online banking system by Trust Bank Limited.

Trust Bank
 Behavior of employee:

Employee’s behavior is also important factor of customer satisfaction. Some times customer
came back to the bank because of friendly behavior by employee. On the other hand if they are
disturbed for one time, they don’t come for second time. That’s why, this is important factor.
Now our objective is to find out customer satisfaction level case of behavior of employee of
TBL, Rangpur Cantt Branch.





Series 3


Strongly agree Agree Neutral Strongly disagree Disagree

Figure: Behavior of Employee

The above figure shows that 52% are strongly disagree with the opinion ‘Employee

behavior is not perfect’ in Trust Bank limited. 30% are agreed with

Trust Bank
ATM Booth Service: Here our main objective is to find out customer
satisfaction level in case of ATM booth service. 








Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Disagree

Figure: ATM Booth Service

Here the percentage shows that 35% customer has mentioned about the service of
ATMbooth is not available. So comparing to the other segment we can say that
customer didn’t find proper service from it. So here their satisfaction level is quite

Trust Bank
Findings from the observation: 

Besides the formal questionnaire survey I have found out some important facts. Those
facts were revealed from the observation during the three months of period. Such facts
reflex the customer’s expectation regarding the service provided by the bank. Such
facts are as follows: 

 Though the ATM machines are latest in technology but every the customers are
coming up with complaints regarding the ATM booths are not available in different

 ∙ Quality of service is the most important part of the Trust Bank. But they donot
give quality full service. So it is very necessary to improve their service quality 

 Trust Bank does not use modern equipment and technology that better satisfy
customers needs 

 Trust Bank does not give individual attention to the customer 

 ∙The customers have to pay charge to get second copy of bank statement. If it is for
last six months then the bank provides it instantly, but they seek for more than six
months, statements are delivered on after two or three days. 

 ∙ Most of the customers feel safe in transactions with Trust Bank. So that it is one
of the most vital or strong part for Trust Bank. 

Implication of Result: 

 Divers of Satisfaction: If banks are to improve their satisfaction loyalty ratings and
differentiate themselves from the competition, they need to understand what really
drives satisfaction and loyalty. they also need to know which areas have the greatest
room for improvement. There is little point in intervening resources on areas that are
important but are performing well, or in areas that there is much room for improvement
but they are not important in driving satisfaction and loyalty. Thus Trust Bank
managers need to know what levers to push to increase these measures of success. One
useful tool is to search for the most important attributes that allow analyzing those
areas that are important and have much room for improvements. In the following
section the most important attributes will be discussed. 

Trust Bank

 Most important attributes of the service: As mentioned earlier, the major concern
of managers is to find out satisfaction of the customers across the various drivers of
satisfaction. The results of the survey showed that customers were satisfied only
across the following drivers of satisfaction: 

 ∙ Promptness of error correction 

 ∙ Location of the branches 

 ∙ Professionalism of the employees 

 ∙ Reliability and accuracy of the statements 

Thus the above attributes were only very few compared to the list of highly important attributes.
Again the customer also ranked some of the highly important factors as highly dissatisfactory.
These attributes thus damaged the overall satisfaction scores drastically. Some such attributes are
as follows: 

 ∙ Speed of Service 

 ∙ Locations of ATM’s 

Most of the other drivers of satisfaction that were very important to customers showed
average satisfaction scores. This depicts that most of the customers are not very satisfied
with the attributes and are the some what indifferent with the attributes. This bought down
the overall satisfaction scores to the neutral or average points. 

 Most Satisfied Aspects of Trust Bank Service: The respondent showed high

satisfaction scores towards some of the attributes of the service dimensions. Though
most of these were not very important to customers they do represent the good side of
the service provided by Trust Bank. Some such satisfied attributes are listed below
starting from the most satisfied ones:

 ∙ Safety with Trust Bank 

 ∙ Reliability and Accuracy of statement 

Trust Bank
 Cleanliness of the premises 

 ∙ Friendliness and courtesy of employees 

 ∙ Location of the branch 

 ∙ Professionalism of the employees 

So these were the attributes that resemble strength of service provided by Trust Bank
services, which were ranked as satisfactory by the respondents. 

 Most Dissatisfied Aspects of Trust Bank Service: The respondent while expressing their
satisfaction views toward various attributes ranked some of the aspect of the service quality
poorly. Such dissatisfied must be taken care as early as possible. Some such poorly ranked
dissatisfied attributes are as follows: 

 ∙ ATM booth service 

 ∙ willingness to help 

 ∙ Trust Bank has best interest of the customer 

 ∙ Searching for solution

Trust Bank

Chapter : 5



Trust Bank
Trust bank limited is a scheduled commercial bank established under the bank company’s act,
1991, which obtained license from Bangladesh bank on July 15, 1991 and in corporated as a
public limited company under the companies act, 1994 in Bangladesh on June 17, 1999.Trust
bank limited is one of the leading private commercial bank having a spread network of 113
branches across Bangladesh and plans to open few more branches to cover the important area in

Being able to work in this organization I find myself lucky. I got the opportunity to work with
different departments in Rangpur Cantonment Branch. During the three months of my internship
I was placed in the Rangpur Cantonment Branch under Nazma Sultana (FAVP and Sub
Manager) of Trust Bank Limited. I heavily enjoyed the working environment of this office. The
work experience gave me a good idea of the overall banking system of Bangladesh and taught
me the professionalism at work place. This branch these are: customer service, advice the
customer problem, Issuing of Cheque Books & delivery. Closing of an Account, Stopping
Payment and dishonoring of a cheque,

Most important working is

 Provide customer’s product related information
 All types account opining system.
 issue and writing New cheque book cheque paper.
 Writing pay order instrument.
 Helping clients to fill account opening from and pay order from.
 Process loan paper

Trust Bank
Internship Experience
During my three months of internship period at Trust Bank LTD, I was placed different
departments on rational basis. I worked from 10 am to 6 pm.

It was a great experience for me to work in these departments and helped me a lot for gathering
huge knowledge about banking sector

There my responsibilities was like preparing all kind of declaration, writing account
information’s customer statement, writing ,sorting, counting and filling daily voucher,
communicate with customers and keeping all the records in the register. I helped customers to fill
up their account opening form and provide them customer related information, I also fiiled up the
pending files of customer like KYC form for each Deposit, Current account ,savings account,
fixed deposit account.

The Task that I had assign for-

As an intern at Mutual Trust Bank – Elephant Road Branch, there were several activities which I
was assigned to do. The activities are given below,

 Account Opening
 Receiving & Delivery Cheque Book
 Give entry of receiving cheque book
 Call for giving debit card, credit card, FDR Receipt
 Giving and filling up different forms according to customers deman
 Writing Pay order On PO block
 Posting PO order on flora web
 In clearing Department helping the clearing office, Receiving and Checking the cheques,
learning clearing process
 In loan and advanced department, arranging and listing loan document, checking CIB,
correcting the SBS error

Even though the activities seem very basic but as the number of clients was very high, so the
work was a lot. Because of the friendly environment as the help of the employees at the work
place, the activities became easier compared to the way they should be.

Trust Bank

Doing an Internship will:

 Increase your skills and knowledge
 Improve your understanding of a particular job or industry
 Show you other roles you may not have previously considered
 Help you to gain an insight into the way organizations operate and the challenges they
 Provide you with networking opportunities
 Give you and the employer a chance to 'try before you buy' and clarify whether this type
of work is really for you.

The benefits of internships can include:

 Payment, by law the National Minimum Wage is the least you should expect subsidized
travel or lunches
 Attendance at in-company training courses
 A supervisor who might be able to act as a referee for you in future job applications

My future career plan based on my internship:

I have done my major in marketing. Banking sector always looked a

lucrative place for me. After working in TBL, I’m planning to pursue my career in banking

sector as this sector immense opportunity. Not only I can know more about the financial

condition of our country but also it will give me a chance to work directly with customers. There

is also a work life balance which will give me enough flexibility to work. The appreciation I got

from my supervisor & co-workers encouraged me to work harder. I am now more confident &

motivated than I ever was. Thus it will be my pleasure to join TBL or any other renowned

bank in future.

Trust Bank

Chapter: 06

Concluding Statement

Trust Bank
 The number of Billboards of Trust bank is very low in Dhaka City.

 The Billboards are smaller than the competitors in the market so it’s less highlighted.

 Not enough campaign is run around the year for the promotion of its product.

 Not enough branches are there in Dhaka city.

 Limited ATM booth.

 Small team for big work load of the entire department.

 Office area is too small for marketing and communication department.

 Lack of upgraded guideline for the employees to avoid any confusion.

 Lack of communication between the customer and the organization.

 Bank cleaning and maintaining workers are not that much active to keep the environment
clean and fresh.

Trust Bank
Based on the above findings and analysis we can see that Trust bank Limited is a growing bank.
The growth of Trust bank, Rangpur branch has increased. All the customers of Trust Bank like
their products and services. Though Trust bank is basically based on Army wellbeing and they
take special care for Military clients, they are also trying to establish their position in civil
consumers mind. But from my perspective they need to modify some of their strategies to attract
more Non military customers with advanced products and facilities to be the leading
organization in banking sector of Bangladesh.

 The number of Billboards of Trust Bank should increase in Dhaka city for advertisement.

 They should open more branches around Dhaka city.

 Service quality is the main factor of customer satisfaction. Though Trust Bank has its
various products and services but it can be improved by providing their services on time.

 Debit card reissue processing should be simplified.

 Their team should be extended for better work efficiency.

 Communication between customer and the organization should be updated.

 Bank cleaning and maintaining workers should be active to keep the environment clean
and fresh.

 Beside their Military clients they should also focus on civil customers. They should take
special care of their Non military clients by improving their product levels and service
charges, interest rates of any loan and other facilities.

 I think account opening is a lengthy process. Trust bank should improve their fast service
system in account opening desk.

Trust Bank

 Now a day’s ATM card is a mandatory service for any bank. In this segment Trust bank
has fewer facilities. Customers face this shortage of ATM booth problem. So Trust Bank
should increase their number of ATM booth.

 Low cost deposit should be increased.

 There are always shortages of application forms, brochures, etc in the branch. So they
should ensure sufficient forms and brochures. Otherwise, customer service will be

 Banking is a service oriented business and its profit depends on service quality. So the
service delivery of the branch should be closely monitored.

 Though Trust Bank is still lagging behind in upgrading their (FLORA) software system,
the bank has the prospect to select high quality banking software which will make the
banking operations easier and smoother.

 In general banking department it is necessary to implement modern banking process

instead of traditional system. It should be more computerized means dynamic.

 Branch should give requisition for new more printers and photocopy machines to
improve and faster their service.

 Bank’s ATM services should use better technology to fasten their services.

 Proper training should be given to all employees on regular basis to identify the
suspicious transactions for Anti Money Laundering compliance policy.

 Ensuring transparency of its financial reports.

 Some time the branch’s computers remain out of order and it is also true for the
photocopiers. Attention should be given on proper maintenance of phone, computer, fax
machine and photocopier.

Trust Bank
 The interest rate for different loans is also high in Trust bank. To sell more and attract
their customers they should reduce their rates and that can help them make higher profit.
Beside their Military clients they should also take care of their Non military client by
reducing their interest rates closer to the rates they charged for Military clients.

 From my observation and talking with customers I got to know that the customer of TBL
has poor knowledge about online and mobile banking of TBL. Bank should motivate
them to follow and use online and mobile banking systems.

 Although they are giving high standard product and services but still their service
charges are quite higher than other bank. Though for Military clients the service charges
are free but Trust bank should also lower their service charges for Non military

 Trust Bank is sponsored by the Army Welfare Trust (AWT) and has a strong brand name
so my recommendation would be for TBL is to promote its product more among the
existing and new customers.

Trust Bank
Trust Bank Limited pursues decentralized management polices and gives adequate work freedom
to the employee. This results in less pressure for the workers and acts as a motivational tool for
them, which gives them, increased encouragement and inspiration to move up the ladder of
success. The profit earned by the bank is used to the welfare activities of the Trust. The
economic service of the bank is open to all caste and class of people. The bank is formatting and
accomplishing various welfare project and activities for the socio economic infrastructural
development of the country and the active participation to the up gradation of the comparative
feeble class of the society, instead of accumulating profit. It has also been linked with many
foreign banks to facilitate the foreign currency transfer by the members of armed forces working
in the UN and emigrant Bangladeshi. There port is aimed at studying and understanding the
various service offered by TBL to its clients. In addition, the report also studies how Trust Bank
Limited has maintaining and enhancing its relationship with its clients. The success of Trust
Bank Limited is largely credited to its friendly, co-operative approach, understanding the special
Banking needs of each and every client and concern for the benefits and welfare. From the
beginning, the prime objective of Trust Bank Limited was to increased capitalization, to maintain
disciplined growth and high corporate ethics standard and enhance the health of the shareholders.
Its customer service is very much impressive then of other financial institutions. Their effective
strategy, time demand offerings, up to date rules and regulations to cope with international
market and their friendship customer services easily impress the clients. So, now Trust Bank
Limited is in leading position in financial institutional sector in Bangladesh. The financial
performance of the bank in recent years is pretty well. Moreover, any laxity in operational
ground can considerably be compensated through the cordial services provided by a staff of
talented officers or employees

Trust Bank













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