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Tugas Opinion

A .Choose one of the topic given below. create a dialogue of your opinion about your choosen
topic. follow the opinion giving technique you have learnt before.

1. Do you think education is a right or a priviledge ? Support your opinion with the reason and
2. Do you think gaming affects the life of teenagers ? Support your opinion with the reason and
3. Smoking be banned in public places. What is your opinion? What is the opinion of other
people in your class on this

B. Answer the question dialogue on the second meeting ( jawablah pertanyaan dari dialog di
pertemuan ke dua


A.)Kevin: hey Rio, Good Morning,I just saw a magazine yesterday, its talk about gaming. Do you
think that gaming affects the life of teenagers like us?

Rio: Good Morning kevin,hmm.. I'm not sure.

Kevin: why?

Rio: i dont know, maybe it depends of the people who use it. if some people play games
everytime, every hour, every minute, every second, maybe they will never do the homework or
other stuff. but if they're can play games wisely, they can do both. if they're already did the
homework, in their free time they can play the games.

Kevin: oh yeah, I agreed.

Rio: that's just my opinion tho.

Kevin: yes, and it make sense.

B.)1. Junerly and Devin are exchanging their opinions on bullying topic.

2. They're having a casual conversation about bullying.

3. I agree with Devin. I believe that bullying shouldn't be done in any way possible even if it's
only a small teasing. I also think that bullying is everyone's problems, so if we see someone is
being bullied, we have to try to stop that.

4. No, I haven't. But I imagine I would be very sad and angry if I ever witnessed bullying

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