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ID Epiclust day Backdoor Extra Achievement

Non Playing 1
A Stewardess 1 Y 2
B Beach Bar Girl 3
C Day 1 RB girl Y Y 4
D Clothes Shop Girl 5
E Porn star Y 6
F Nerdy girl 7
G Mermaid Y 8
H Nurse Raque 9
I Gwendoline Y 10
0 Anna 5 Y 11
1 Brittany 6 Y 12
2 Chantelle 6 N 13
3 Chiyo 4 Y 14
4 Gym Daniella 7 N 15
5 Aunt Debby 4 N 16
6 Doris 7 Y 17
7 Store Francine 5 N 18
8 Frieda 3 Y 19
9 Halle 3 N 20
10 Nurse Jennifer 5 Y 21
11 Kate 3 N 22
12 Katsumi 2 N 23
13 Laura 3 N 24
14 Maddy 4 Y
15 Librarian Maria 4 N
16 Mother Nancy 3 N
17 Sister Nicky 2 Y
18 Lifeguard Pamela 6 Y
19 Sandy 4 N
20 Principal Sophia 4 Y
21 Webcam Tanya 4 Y
22 Teacher Teagan 4 N/Y
23 Coach Viviane 5 Y

Backdoors 14
Fuckable day 2 2
Fuckable day 3 7
Fuckable day 4 15
Fuckable day 5 19
Fuckable day 6 22
Fuckable day 7 24
Title Required girls or actions
Mile-High Clubber Stewardess
Motherfucker Nancy
Classroom Bandit Frieda, Kate, Laura, Maddy
Asian Lover Chiyo, Katsumi
Colonizer Halle, Tanya
Student Crasher Halle, Sandy
Homesteader Debby, Nancy, Nikki
Lawbreaker Get arrested twice (Lolly day 2 , camera at Audacious)
MILF Hunter Anna, Maria, Nancy
Faculty Cumptroller Sophia, Teagan, Viviane
Cockblocker Cockblock José on Debby, Maria, Nikki
Cuckmaker Jennifer, Tanya
King of the Fill Debby, Francine, Tanya, Teagan
Island Bosom Jennifer, Sophia
Dr. Peeper Need to peep 8 times
Pussy Grabber Brittany, Chantelle, Kate
Island Conqueror All 24 girls
Watersport Buff Pamela, Viviane
Backdoor Banger Need to anal fuck 12 times
Muscleman Training with Chantelle, Doris, Maddy, round 1 M Stud
Extras on the Side 5 extra girls
Brickhouse Buster Doris, Nikki, Tanya
Awesome Threesomer 4 Threesomes
Ultimate Stud All 24 girls before José
Peeping When Who Where Needed Time
Day 1, evening Mother Nancy Bedroom nothing +0
Day 2, 18-19 hr Mother Nancy Bathroom wd69 +0
Day 2, afternoon Lesbians Randy Beach, furthest location known +1
Day 2, evening Sister Nicky Bathroom wd69 +0
Day 3, morning Sister Nicky Bathroom wd69 +0
Day 3, afternoon Neighbors School rooftop location known +1
Day 3, 18-19 hr Mother Nancy Bathroom wd69 +0
Day 4, afternoon Neighbors School rooftop location known +1
Day 4, 18-19 hr Mother Nancy Bathroom wd69 +0
Day 4, afternoon Baba Randy Beach, furthest location known +0
Day 5, afternoon Neighbors School rooftop location known +1
Day 5, 18-19 hr Mother Nancy Bathroom wd69 +0
Day 5, afternoon Swedish Sisters Randy Beach, closest location known +0
Day 5, afternoon Lesbians Downtown gym, 3rd day location known +1
Day 6, morning Sister Nicky Bathroom wd69 +0
Day 6, afternoon Neighbors School rooftop location known +1
Day 6, 18-19 hr Mother Nancy Bathroom wd69 +0
Day 6, 18-19 hr Aunt Debby Debby's house Debby fucked +1
Day 6, afternoon Swedish Sisters Randy Beach, closest location known +0
Day 6, afternoon Baba Randy Beach, furthest location known +0
Day 6, afternoon Lesbians Randy Beach, furthest location known +0
Day 6, afternoon Randy Red Downtown shop, left cabin Chiyo fucked +1
Day 6, afternoon Lesbians Downtown gym, 3rd day location known +1
Day 7, morning Aunt Debby Debby's house Debby fucked +1
Day 7, afternoon Randy Red Downtown store, left cabin Chiyo fucked +1
Day 7, afternoon Lesbians Downtown gym, 3rd day location known +1
Day 7, 18-19 hr Mother Nancy Bathroom wd69 +0


Muscleman When Where Needed Time

Day 2, afternoon School Gym Chantelle +1
Day 2, afternoon School Gym Maddy +1
Day 3, afternoon School Gym Chantelle +1
Day 3, afternoon School Gym Maddy +1
Day 3, afternoon Downtown Gym nothing +1
Day 4, afternoon School Gym Chantelle +1
Day 4, afternoon Downtown Gym nothing +1
Day 5, afternoon School Gym Chantelle +1
Day 5, afternoon Downtown Gym nothing +1
Day 6, afternoon Downtown Gym nothing +1
Day 7, afternoon Downtown Gym strength or pills +3
Eyesores when/where Who Time Stamina
+1 Day 1, right parasol Old Woman +0 -1
+1 Day 2, middle parasol Old Woman +0 -1
Day 3, middle parasol Old Man +0 +0
+1 Day 4, middle cabin Old Woman +0 -1
Day 5, middle parasol Old Couple +0 -1
Day 5, middle cabin Old Woman +0 -1
Day 6, middle parasol any not seen +1 ?
Day 6, middle cabin Old Woman +0 -1
Day 7, middle cabin Old Woman +0 -1


Day 1 Day 2
Sun Mon
Time Dur Action Pts José
7:00 wakeup, check inventory on computer +5
7:00 1:00 go for jog, stretch with mom, discover store +1
8:00 breakfast, pocket money
8:00 1:00 go to school
9:00 class, talk to girls +7
9:00 1:00 class, French lesson, listen, answer correct +0
10:00 talk to Quentin
10:00 talk to Nikki and Chantelle +2
10:00 1:00 talk to principal Sophia +3
11:00 1:00 talk to nurse Jennifer +3
12:00 1:00 lunch with sister, talk to all +1 +6
13:00 locker, meet Brittany +1 +1
13:00 1:00 gym, meet Chantelle, training +2
14:00 library, talk to Frieda +1
14:00 school backyard, talk to Laura +1
14:00 leave school to Burbs +7
14:00 go home, shower, leave to Burbs +7
14:00 1:00 take bus to beach, get pheromones +7
15:00 beach bar, talk, discover Audacious
15:00 walk along beach, meet Maria and Lolly +2
15:00 Randy Beach, meet old woman
15:00 1:00 take bus to downtown
16:00 shop, talk to clerk, discover massage parlour
16:00 buy black tanktop
16:00 1:00 take bus back home
17:00 store, meet Francine, ask for job +1
17:00 store, buy wristband, lubricant
17:00 store, go to work +1
17:00 1:00 catch Francine, clean storage room +2
18:00 greet Teagan, carry bottles +2
18:00 become Teagan's delivery boy +1
18:00 1:00 end of shift
19:00 buy army knife
19:00 go home
19:00 bathroom, use lubricant, peek, a little, leave
19:00 leave to Burbs
19:00 1:00 aunt Debby's house, get Audacious pass
20:00 1:00 dinner +1 +5
21:00 1:00 help Nikki find earrings, leave +2
22:00 bathroom, peek, a little, leave
22:00 1:00 computer, learn to use pendulum
23:00 1:00 read the book from Laura
0:00 sleep

José Game total income +$275
+19 Game total expenses -$188
Strength Day +34 +38
+6 Total +51 +57
Day 3
Stam $$$ Str Epic Time Dur Action
+5 7:00 wakeup, put on black tanktop
7:00 1:00 go for jog, meet Tanya
+$5 8:00 breakfast, pocket money
8:00 1:00 go to school
9:00 class, talk to Frieda
9:00 1:00 class, sex education, don't screw up
10:00 promise Teagan to deliver groceries at 7 pm
10:00 talk to Quentin
-1 10:00 1:00 swimming training
-1 +$10 11:00 1:00 swimming training, train with Maddy
12:00 1:00 lunch, upset Quentin, talk to all classmates
13:00 1:00 gym, meet Maddy, training
+1 14:00 library, meet nerdy girl
14:00 principal's office, meet Willie
-1 14:00 sport's hall, peek on Viviane, leave
14:00 bathroom, meet Brittany, give wristband
+1 14:00 leave school to Burbs
14:00 go home, shower, leave to Burbs
14:00 store, buy nothing
14:00 1:00 take bus to downtown
-1 15:00 shop, talk to clerk, discover downtown gym
15:00 Audacious, see mom and aunt Debby, leave
15:00 1:00 take bus to beach
-$10 16:00 beach bar, talk, discover lifeguard tower
16:00 walk along beach, go for swim
16:00 meet mermaid, get gold coin
-$12 16:00 Randy Beach, meet Baba
16:00 Randy Beach, meet old guy
16:00 lifeguard tower, arm wrestling
+$5 16:00 1:00 lifeguard tower, I'm in, no beer
17:00 rescue Lolly, standard procedure
+$5 17:00 1:00 clean up, find case of beer
-$10 18:00 go meet Pamela, buy alcoholic
18:00 1:00 take bus back home
19:00 store, pick up Teagan's groceries
19:00 Teagan's house
19:00 1:00 aunt Debby's house, model swimsuit
20:00 1:00 dinner
21:00 1:00 go to Tanya
22:00 1:00 play smutty game
23:00 1:00 mom's room, look keyhole
0:00 sleep

+2 -$7 +1 +0 Day
+$13 +7 +0 Total
Day 4
Pts José Stam $$$ Str Epic Time Dur
+3 +5 7:00
+3 7:00
-1 +$5 7:00 1:00
8:00 1:00
+2 9:00
+0 9:00
9:00 1:00
+6 -1 10:00 1:00
+1 11:00
+5 +3 11:00 1:00
+2 +1 12:00 1:00
+3 13:00
+3 13:00
+3 +1 13:00 1:00
+3 14:00
+3 14:00 1:00
+3 15:00
+1 15:00
+5 +$20 15:00 1:00
+1 -$6 16:00
16:00 1:00
+2 +$5 17:00
+2 +$10 17:00
+1 17:00
+3 -1 17:00
+1 17:00
+3 17:00
17:00 1:00
18:00 1:00
19:00 1:00
20:00 1:00
21:00 1:00
22:00 1:00
23:00 1:00

+43 +18 +4 +$34 +1 +0

+94 +75 +$47 +8 +0
Action Pts José Stam $$$ Str Epic
wakeup, put on black tanktop +3 +5
go shower, undress, breakfast +0
go to school
talk to all classmates on bus -2
stay close to Maria, look for B. Gigantus +1
let Maria know, not pick up +1
at Lyrebird burp +1
talk to Teagan and Maria, get hardon +3
can do better, fuck Teagan and Maria +3 -1 +2
stay close to Viviane, look for B. Gigantus
investigate, pick it up
talk to Frieda, Kate on bus, ask photoshoot +1
principal's office, meet Willie again
change Frieda's grade
library, barge in, important stuff, cockblock +1
library, talk to Frieda +3
school backyard, talk to Laura +1
nurse's office, what's in it, go to clinic +3 -1 +$5
take shortcut to burbs, go home, shower +3 +1
mom's room, get dildo, leave to Burbs +3
store, buy wristband, condoms, store again +1 +6 -$10
take bus to town, fight shady guy +$5
shop, talk to clerk, discover Old Joe's
buy Halle bikini +6 -$20
unusually busy, changing room, left cabin +1
middle cabin, meet old woman -1
right cabin, give Chiyo dildo, leave shop +3
Old Joe's, sell coin +$40
downtown gym, meet Daniella
get gym tour, buy memebership +1 -$50
approach Doris, training, leave +2 +1
Audacious, give mom massage +1
fotography session, get camera
leave with camera, do not fuck porn star
take bus to beach
beach bar, talk, don't buy jury membership
Randy Beach, meet Baba and stewardess
Randy Beach, meet Brittany, give wristband +4
wet t-shirt competition, Chantelle wins +1
take shortcut to burbs
go home, photoshoot with Kate, leave +4
store, go to work, found beer case +2 +$5
build pole-dancing platform, no Froggie +1
imagine naked, end of shift, buy energy drink +1 +$5
aunt Debby's house, wash car, stay silent +$20
take shortcut to beach
address on shady guys's card, fuck Maddy +2 -1 +1
take shortcut to burbs, dinner, fuck mom +2 -1 +1
go to Tanya, fuck +4 -1 +1
campfire, whisper, curse Damian, fuck Laura +3 -1 +1
Nikki's room, pick up spider, white bull, fuck +2 +0 +1
sleep +3

Day +57 +17 +0 +$0 +1 +7

Total +151 +92 +$47 +9 +7
Day 5
Time Dur Action Pts José Stam
7:00 wakeup, put on black tanktop +3 +5
7:00 go for breakfast, join mom's yoga
7:00 1:00 breakfast, pocket money
8:00 1:00 go to school +1
9:00 1:00 class, daydream doesn't matter
10:00 promise Teagan to deliver groceries at 7 pm
10:00 talk to Quentin
10:00 1:00 talk to Frieda, fuck +1 -1
11:00 2:00 lunch with sister, talk to José +2
13:00 report to principal Sophia for guidance
13:00 I found Bostiboobicus Gigantus, flimsy +3
13:00 1:00 get guidance, leave +2 -1
14:00 locker, meet Kate, ask photoshoot +3
14:00 principals's office, volunteer for posters
14:00 sport's hall, leave her alone, no deal, beat him +2
14:00 leave school to Burbs +3
14:00 go home, shower +1
14:00 mom's room, get dildo, leave to Burbs +3
14:00 store, buy energy drink +3
14:00 take shortcut to beach
14:00 beach bar, talk, discover pier
14:00 walk along beach, meet Halle +2
14:00 meet mermaid, get gold coin, a fish -1
14:00 Randy Beach, meet old couple -1
14:00 Randy Beach, meet the Swedish girls
14:00 pier, Chantelle's name
14:00 invite Chantelle to gym +1
14:00 1:00 take bus to downtown
15:00 shop, talk to clerk, discover main plaza
15:00 changing room, meet Chiyo, use dildo +3
15:00 Old Joe's, sell coin
15:00 plaza, buy pills
15:00 downtown gym
15:00 tanning room, get free pass +3
15:00 help Anna +2
15:00 approach Doris, spot her +1
15:00 1:00 sauna with Doris +3 -1
16:00 1:00 put up posters for Miss Titsworthy
17:00 1:00 take bus back home
18:00 go home
18:00 1:00 photoshoot with Kate, fuck +2 -1
19:00 get caught by mom and Nikki
19:00 leave to Burbs
19:00 store, pick up Teagan's groceries
19:00 Teagan's house
19:00 1:00 aunt Debby's house, wash car, fuck, cockblock +2 -1
20:00 1:00 Anna's house, muscular, talk to Nikki +1
21:00 1:00 swim behind, cockblock +1
22:00 2:00 training
0:00 sleep +3

Day +32 +17 +0

Total +183 +109
Day 6
$$$ Str Epic Time Dur Action
7:00 wakeup, put on black tanktop
7:00 1:00 go for jog
+$5 8:00 breakfast, pocket money
8:00 1:00 go to school
9:00 1:00 class, daydream doesn't matter
10:00 promise Teagan to deliver groceries at 7 pm
10:00 talk to Quentin
+1 10:00 1:00 swimming training
11:00 confront Viviane, train with Maddy
11:00 1:00 training with Pamela
12:00 1:00 lunch, talk to all classmates, spike Quentin
13:00 report to principal Sophia for guidance
13:00 I put up posters, leave
13:00 gym, meet Chantelle, cough, leave
13:00 sport's hall, leave her alone, no deal, beat him
13:00 leave school to Burbs
13:00 store, buy nothing, store again
13:00 1:00 take bus to downtown
-$10 14:00 shop, talk to clerk, discover nothing
14:00 changing room, meet Chiyo, use dildo
14:00 gym, call Chantelle, approach Daniella
14:00 join Muscle Stud Competition
14:00 Chantelle arrives
14:00 tanning room, watch Chantelle, leave
14:00 1:00 massage parlor, get massage, fuck Katsumi
15:00 1:00 take bus back home
16:00 go home, shower, leave to Burbs
16:00 take shortcut to beach
16:00 beach bar, don't talk
16:00 walk along beach, meet Halle
+$40 16:00 meet mermaid, get gold coin, a fish
-$20 16:00 1:00 lifeguard tower, I'm in, no beer
17:00 1:00 rescue Sandy, CPR, I saved you
18:00 1:00 quiet place, use pheromones, fuck
19:00 take shortcut to burbs
19:00 store, pick up Teagan's groceries
19:00 Teagan's house
19:00 take shortcut to beach
19:00 beach bar, don't talk
19:00 Randy Beach, meet Anna
+1 19:00 1:00 Randy Beach, meet Doris, da MAN, 200 lbs
20:00 take shortcut to burbs
20:00 1:00 pageant, vote Brittany, congratulat her
21:00 1:00 fuck Brittany
+$5 22:00 go back to the party, choose Sophia
-$5 +1 22:00 1:00 fuck Sophia
23:00 1:00 go back to Anna's house, fuck
0:00 sleep
+1 0:00

+$15 +1 +3 Day
+$62 +10 +10 Total
Day 7
Pts José Stam $$$ Str Epic Time Dur
+3 +5 8:00
+1 8:00
+$5 8:00 1:00
9:00 1:00
10:00 1:00
11:00 1:00
12:00 1:00
+1 -1 13:00
+4 13:00 1:00
14:00 1:00
+1 15:00
+1 15:00 1:00
+2 16:00 1:00
+3 17:00 1:00
+6 18:00
18:00 1:00
+3 19:00
+2 -1 19:00
+1 19:00
+1 19:00 1:00
+10 -1 -$30 +1 20:00
20:00 1:00
+1 21:00
21:00 3:00
+2 0:00
-1 0:00
+1 0:00
+3 0:00
+2 -1 +1 0:00
+$5 0:00
+5 0:00
+1 0:00
+2 0:00
-1 +1 0:00
+1 0:00
-1 +1 0:00
-1 +1 0:00
+3 0:00

+38 +19 +0 -$20 +0 +5

+221 +128 +$42 +10 +15
Action Pts José Stam $$$ Str Epic
wakeup +3 +5
go for jog +1
yoga with mom
store, buy nothing +3
take bus to downtown +4
Old Joe's, sell coin +$40
plaza, buy pill -$5
eat lunch
gym, don't invite, approach Daniella
I'm in, keep for competition +1
Muscle Stud, take pill, do it! +1 -1
spike Max
extra-big +5 -2
fuck Daniella and Doris -1 +2
take bus back home +3
clinic, is she hot, don't say a word, be gentle +2
fuck Jennifer +2 -1 +$10 +1
take shortcut to burbs +3
aunt Debby's house, say hi
take shortcut to beach
walk along beach, meet Halle +2
meet mermaid, get gold coin, a fish -1
use pendulum, fuck Halle +1 -1 +1
take shortcut to burbs
Nikki's room, I'm in, dare, take top off +2
whitebull, fuck Chantelle and Nikki +1 +1
sleep +3
Day +15 +19 +1 +$45 +0 +5
Total +236 +147 +$87 +10 +20

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