What Is Drug Abuse?

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1. Define drugs and drug abuse.

A drug is a chemical substance that brings about physical, emotional or behavioral

change in a person taking it. Any drug can be harmful when taken in excess. Some
drugs can also be harmful if taken in dangerous combinations or by hypersensitive
(allergic) persons in ordinary or even small amounts. Substance like glue, paint thinners,
gasoline and other volatile (breathable) solvents contain a variety of dangerous
chemicals. They should be sold and used with caution.
What is Drug Abuse?
Drug abuse is the use of any chemical substance, licit or illicit, which results in an
individual’s physical, mental or social impairment. It may refer to any of the following
1. Using, without benefit or prescription, useful drugs which have the capacity to alter
the mood or behavior.
2. Using drugs and substances for a purpose different from the one for which the drug
has been prescribed.
3. Using drugs and substances having no legitimate medical application for purposes
other than research.

A person who is abusing drugs has a lot of changes in behavior, appearance and mood.
The changes may be pleasant or unpleasant.

Drug abuse leads to medical and health problems. The physical complications depend to
an extent on the specific drug, its source and the way it is used

2. Enumerate reasons why people turn to drugs.

These are the reasons ranging from the following:
1. “Medicines” can solve problems
2. Widespread access to various drugs
3. Peer pressure
4. The notion that drugs give enjoyment to users and in the context that it is used as an alcohol

3. Enumerate drugs which are commonly used.

Drugs that are commonly abused depending on their pharmacological effects may be classified
1. Stimulants – drugs which increase alertness and physical disposition. Examples are
amphetamine, cocaine, caffeine and nicotine
2. Hallucinogens (also called as psychedelics) – drugs which affect sensation, thinking, self-
awareness and emotion. Changes in time and space perception, delusions (false beliefs) and
hallucinations may be mild or overwhelming, depending on dose and quality of the drug.
Examples are LSD, Mescaline and Marijuana
3. Sedatives – drugs which may reduce anxiety and excitement. Examples are barbiturates,
non-barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol
4. Narcotics – drugs that relieve pain and often induce sleep. Examples are opium and its
derivatives (morphine, codeine and heroin)
4. What can you do as NSTP student to prevent drug abuse?

What can person do to prevent Drug Abuse?

1. Maintain god physical and mental health
2. Use drug properly
3. Understand your own self
4. Develop your potentials
5. Learn to relate effectively to whom you can communicate your problems freely
6. Learn to cope with your problems and other stresses without the use of drugs
7. Seek professional help if you feel you cannot cope with your problems
8. Develop strong moral and spiritual foundations

5. Discuss briefly the importance of studying health.

Health is the complete fitness of the body, soundness of the mind and wholesomeness of the
emotion, which make possible the highest quality of effective living and of service.
Why do we have to study Health?
The following are the reasons why we have to study health:
1. Medical health records show that current health practices are poor
2. People’s attitude towards health does not lead to hygienic living
3. People lack basic information regarding health matters
4. Habits affect health and the school can develop health habits

6. Enumerate four common deficiency diseases by inadequate nutrients in the body.

1. Kwashiorkor- calorie deficiency

2. Vitamin A deficiency
3. Vitamin B deficiency
4. Vitamin C deficiency

7. Enumerate twelve different common communicable diseases.

communicable disease is a disease that can be transferred from the source to another person.
Some signs of disease are abnormal changes in temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate.
Symptoms are pain and restlessness, though these may not be the same for all persons.
The following are the different communicable diseases:
1. Sore eyes
2. Chronic bronchitis
3. El tor or cholera
4. Common cold
5. Chicken pox
6. Whooping cough
7. Measles
8. Pneumonia
9. Tuberculosis
10. Dengue fever
11. Typhoid fever
12. Mumps

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