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Advanced VLSI Design Lab (EC17203)


Aim: To design and simulate Differential Amplifier using Symica DE.

Tools used: SymicaDE

A differential amplifier is designed to give the difference between two input signals.
When a differential amplifier is driven at one of the inputs, the output appears at
both the collector outputs. Such a circuit is very useful in instrumentation systems.
Differential amplifiers have high common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) and high
input impedance.

Fig.11.1 Circuit diagram of Differential Amplifier

Table 11.1: Design specifications of CMOS Inverter:

S. No. Parameters Value

1. CMOS Technology PTM 130nm
2. VDC 1.8V
3. Differential nputs Idc=1mA, va=0.45V, freq=500MHz, r=1K
4. NMOS (W/L) 2000nm/180nm
5. PMOS (W/L) 2000nm/180nm
Circuit Diagram:

Fig 11.2 Schematic of Differential Amplifier


Fig 11.3 Transient response of Differential Amplifier

Fig 11.4 DC analysis of Differential Amplifier

 The schematic of Differential Amplifier was designed successfully
 It’s transient and DC analysis was obtained using Symica DE

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