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Nursing Practice

Caring Science: Transforming the Ethic of Caring-Healing Practice,

Environment, and Culture within an Integrated Care Delivery System
Anne Foss Durant, RN, MSN, NP, NEA-BC; Shawna McDermott, MBA; Gwendolyn Kinney, RN, MSN; Trudy Triner Perm J 2015 Fall;19(4):e136-e142

high-quality health care services and to

ABSTRACT improve the health of our members and
In early 2010, leaders within Kaiser Permanente (KP) Northern California’s Patient the communities we serve. In addition,
Care Services division embarked on a journey to embrace and embed core tenets it was believed that Caring Science was
of Caring Science into the practice, environment, and culture of the organization. relevant and applicable to caregivers
Caring Science is based on the philosophy of Human Caring, a theory articulated across disciplines and professions, and
by Jean Watson, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, as a foundational covenant to guide thus facilitative of KPNC’s commit-
nursing as a discipline and a profession. Since 2010, Caring Science has enabled KP ment to promote and to advocate for
Northern California to demonstrate its commitment to being an authentic person- and total health. Thus, efforts to embrace
family-centric organization that promotes and advocates for total health. This com- and embed core tenets of Caring Sci-
mitment empowers KP caregivers to balance the art and science of clinical judgment ence have intentionally evolved beyond
by considering the needs of the whole person, honoring the unique perception of nursing, taking root among social work-
health and healing that each member or patient holds, and engaging with them to ers, physical therapists, spiritual care
make decisions that nurture their well-being. The intent of this article is two-fold: 1) professionals, patient quality and safety
to provide context and background on how a professional practice framework was professionals, physicians, environmental
used to transform the ethic of caring-healing practice, environment, and culture across service workers, and ombudsmen.
multiple hospitals within an integrated delivery system; and 2) to provide evidence Although Caring Science defines
on how integration of Caring Science across administrative, operational, and clini- a broad and universal construct for
cal areas appears to contribute to meaningful patient quality and health outcomes. caring consciousness and action, the
education, outreach, and resources de-
INTRODUCTION themes of loving-kindness, compas- veloped at the regional level of the or-
In early 2010, leaders within Kaiser sion, authentic presence, transpersonal ganization have sought to consistently
Permanente (KP) Northern California relationships, unity of being, healing reinforce three core guiding principles
(KPNC) Patient Care Services division environments, and caring-healing mo- for KP caregivers:
agreed to adopt Caring Science as a com- dalities. • Cocreate Caring-Healing-Nurturing
mon shared framework to guide profes- Over the past few decades, Caring Environments—This includes at-
sional nursing practice across the Region Science has become widely known and tentiveness to the design and sensory
(21 Medical Centers). Caring Science is integrated into nursing education cur- impact of physical spaces,12 and the
based on the philosophy of Human Car- ricula6,7 and has been adopted as a model use of caring-healing-energy modali-
ing,1-5 a theory first articulated by Jean of professional nursing practice8-10 by ties,13-16 such as healing art programs,
Watson, PhD, RN, AHC-BC, FAAN, organizations around the world. With aromatherapy, healing touch/mas-
in 1979, as a foundational covenant this as context, Caring Science was one sage, guided imagery, pet therapy,
to guide nursing as a discipline and a of several theories evaluated by KPNC and music, as well as the interpersonal
profession. The theory seeks to deepen leaders as the decision was made to dynamics that nurture authentic con-
understanding of the universal, ethical, adopt a common shared framework nection between a patient and his/her
and person-centered roots of caring and to guide professional nursing practice caregiver team.
healing for self, system, and others. In within the Northern California Region. • Foster Helping-Trusting-Collabor-
her more recent writings, Dr Watson Caring Science was selected, in part, for ative Relationships—This includes
reinforces the core concepts of Car- its strategic and philosophical align- attentiveness to practices that con-
ing Science through the definition of ment with the overarching mission of vey loving-kindness, compassion,
“10 Caritas Processes”3 that explore the organization to provide affordable, and empathy,17,18 and that generate

Anne Foss Durant, RN, MSN, NP, MBA, NEA-BC, is the Chief Nurse Officer—East Bay and former Director of Adult Services and Caring
Science Integration for Kaiser Permanente Northern California Patient Care Services in Oakland. E-mail:
Shawna McDermott, MBA, is the Operations Strategy Leader at the Watson Caring Science Center, University of Colorado, College of Nursing
in Aurora, and the former Director of Operational Strategy and Integration and Lead Consultant for Kaiser Permanente Northern California in
Oakland. E-mail: Gwendolyn Kinney, RN, MSN, is the Manager of Caring Science Integration for Kaiser
Permanente Northern California Patient Care Services in Oakland. E-mail: Trudy Triner is the former Director of
Patient Care Services Leadership Development for Kaiser Permanente Northern California in Oakland. E-mail:

e136 The Permanente Journal/ Fall 2015/ Volume 19 No. 4

Caring Science: Transforming the Ethic of Caring-Healing Practice, Environment, and Culture within an Integrated Care Delivery System

collaborative inquiry and insight across METHODS But I always believed in it in principle.
four distinct relationships19-22: the re- Our Journey The way in which Caring Science has
lationship we hold with our self, the In this section, our goal is to provide changed my practice here now is that
relationships we hold with our care- an overview of the specific activities I’ve been able to recall everything I’ve
giver teams, the relationship we hold that defined our Caring Science strategy always hoped to do and wanted to do,
with our patients and their families, over time, because we believe that the and now I have support for it. I actually
and the global relationship we hold degree of adoption, spread, and integra- have a framework, and I have a support
with the communities we serve. tion we have observed is related to the from leadership to practice this.”
• Honor Health, Healing, and Whole- intentionality, scope, and sequence of In 2011, the focus of the regional CSI
ness—This includes attentiveness to what was developed and orchestrated team was 2-fold: 1) to create a leadership
the psychosocial, emotional, and spiri- at a regional level. Accordingly, once infrastructure for the transformational
tual needs that influence and affect the the decision to adopt Caring Science change desired in professional practice,
clinical/medical/physical diagnosis, as the framework to guide profes- and 2) to facilitate spread of concrete
with the intent to integrate subjective sional nursing practice was made in activities and projects undertaken lo-
and objective data and to cocreate so- the spring of 2010, a small regional cally that demonstrated core concepts
lutions and plans of care that nurture team dedicated to CSI was formed of the theory. Toward the first aim, the
total health and well-being.1,22,23 with the initial objective to organize a CSI team developed 4 teaching-learning
These principles were promoted and series of educational forums to provide modules for frontline nursing managers
supported at a philosophical level and senior hospital operations leaders, chief and educators on how to “Lead with
intentionally not linked to any specific nursing officers, nursing managers and Care.” The modules identified core
tactic or initiative. This approach re- educators, and frontline nursing staff concepts of Caring Science as context
flected the belief that Caring Science from across the KPNC Region the op- and perspective for concrete leadership
has the potential to serve as a founda- portunity to learn about the philosophy and interpersonal practices that sought
tional ethic at both an individual and a and theory of human caring directly to foster helping-trusting-collaborative
collective level and was consistent with from Dr Watson. These forums were relationships. Each module was dedi-
a broader organizational commitment structured to allow time for interac- cated to 1 of 4 key relationships: self,
to create a “culture of accountability”24 tive dialogue and idea generation on caregiver team, patients and family, or
and to foster “appreciative inquiry.”25 how nursing practice within KPNC communities we serve. Reflective, mind-
In addition, prior and ongoing experi- could be informed and inspired by fulness-based practices were interwoven
ence with the Institute for Healthcare Caring Science. Participant feedback into the modules, and participants were
Improvement’s frameworks for Trans- was extremely positive and indicated given time to individually and collec-
forming Care at the Bedside26-28 and a sense that adopting Caring Science tively practice how to engage in and to
efforts to establish systems and processes would revitalize the identity of our encourage caring-healing conversations,
for identifying and implementing rapid nurses and rekindle their passion as actions, and interactions. To facilitate
cycle innovation29 validated the per- caregivers. The nature of this sentiment rapid spread and to deepen Caring
spective that transformational change is beautifully articulated by operating Science leadership advocacy across the
is best achieved when opportunities for room staff nurse Carole Weller, RN: “I Region, the modules were taught using
experiential learning and direct engage- always believed in caring science; I just a “train the trainer” model, resulting in
ment of frontline managers and staff didn’t know how to define it by name. the responsibility for the delivery of these
are facilitated.30-31 Accordingly, regional
efforts to spur Caring Science integra-
tion (CSI) focused on building an in- “Caritas in Action” Awareness Campaign Installment: SCIENCE
frastructure for education, awareness,
As Kaiser Permanente caregivers, we are committed to keeping our patients:
and spread that encouraged an organic,
Safe: we take precautions and we are reliable in our adherence to safety standards,
creative process for local teams to adopt,
including those that protect ourselves
adapt, and frame Caring Science within
Comfortable: we create caring-healing environments and proactively manage our
their daily practice and at their Medical
patient’s comfort
Centers. In this article, we outline some
Informed: we engage in respectful dialogue and take the time to check for under-
of these practices, provide an overview
of our regional Caring Science strategy,
Engaged: we involve our patients in the course of their care
and begin to provide evidence on how
Nurtured: we demonstrate the capacity for understanding and kindness
integration of Caring Science across
Connected: we connect to our patients as individuals and serve as their voice when
administrative, operational, and clinical
they are unable to speak for themselves
areas within a Medical Center appears to
Empowered: we encourage our patients to make decisions throughout their care
contribute to meaningful patient quality
journey that strengthen their mind, body, and spirit
and health outcomes.

The Permanente Journal/ Fall 2015/ Volume 19 No. 4 e137

Caring Science: Transforming the Ethic of Caring-Healing Practice, Environment, and Culture within an Integrated Care Delivery System

modules to be owned by local leaders June 2012 (Caring Connections, Catalyst ombudspersons, and professionals from
within each of the 21 Medical Centers. for Change), July 2013 (Holding Space within spiritual care and community
Driven by the second aim, the CSI for Human Flourishing), June 2014 benefit—to hear directly from respected
team organized a Caritas Consortium (Honoring Health, Healing and Whole- internal and external leaders on themes
in May 2011 (titled Nurturing Hearts, ness), and July 2015 (Journey to Shared and research aligned with Caring Sci-
Transforming Care) to bring together Wisdom: Co-Creating Understanding). ence and to learn about specific projects
caregivers from across the Northern Over the course of 3 to 4 days, each and activities undertaken by frontline
California Region to recognize and to consortium provided the opportunity staff and managers that held the great-
explore the transformative practices for approximately 1200 caregivers— est potential for spread and innovation
that demonstrate KP’s commitment including acute care, home health and across the Region (see examples outlined
to being an authentic person- and hospice nurses, inpatient physicians, in the “Evidence of Transformation”
family-centric organization that pro- physical therapists, respiratory care section).
motes and advocates for total health. practitioners, patient care coordinators, In late 2012, the regional CSI team
Subsequent consortia were organized in quality coordinators, social workers, launched a Caritas in Action campaign

Evidence in Practice
Caring Science as a lens to reframe and revitalize the HAPU storytelling and observed behaviors of staff to capture caring-
Prevention Program1—To integrate three constructs of Caring healing at the bedside is perceived as an effective teaching
Science theory into the design of the HAPU (hospital-acquired and learning method of Caring Science theory. Specifically,
pressure ulcers) Prevention Program: 1) teaching and learn- the videos explored three constructs of Caring Science: 1)
ing, 2) holistic care, and 3) creating a healing environment. intentionality, 2) the transpersonal-caring relationship, and
Integration of Caring Science into new hospital construc- 3) human dignity.
tion2—To apply Caring Science principles of caring-healing,
compassion, and love into the overall “Total Health Environ- 1. Ricossa K. Caring science as a lens to reframe and revitalize HAPU prevention
[Internet]. Caritas Consortium 2013: Proceedings of the 3rd annual Kaiser
ment” branding concept guiding the new San Leandro Hospital Permanente Northern California Caritas Consortium; 2013 Jul; San Ramon, CA.
design and construction. Oakland, CA: Kaiser Permanente Caritas Consortium; 2013 [cited 2015 Jun 11].
Caring-centric implementation of sleep and pain initia- Available from:
tives3—To translate elements of the Quiet at Night (sleep) 2. Daniel L, Hobbs Y, Tesorero G. Integration of caring science into San Leandro
and Pain Management initiatives from a Caring Science hospital build [Internet]. Caritas Consortium 2013: Proceedings of the 3rd annual
perspective, increasing attentiveness on how to cocreate a Kaiser Permanente Northern California Caritas Consortium; 2013 Jul; San
Ramon, CA. Oakland, CA: Kaiser Permanente Caritas Consortium; 2013 [cited
caring-healing-nurturing environment and to foster helping-
2015 Jun 11]. Available from:
trusting-collaborative relationships. of-caring-science-into-san-leandro-hospital-build.
Donate Life Flag Program: spiritual and emotional support for 3. Hills K, Timothy K. Caring-centric implementation of sleep & pain initiatives
donor families4—To transform the routine actions associated [Internet]. Caritas Consortium 2013: Proceedings of the 3rd annual Kaiser
Permanente Northern California Caritas Consortium; 2013 Jul; San Ramon,
with organ donation into a meaningful honoring and healing CA. Oakland, CA: Kaiser Permanente Caritas Consortium; 2013 [cited 2015
ritual guided by the principles of Caring Science. Jun 11]. Available from:
Leaving a legacy to their children from young parents with implementation-of-sleep-pain-initiatives-2013podium.
4. Parker C, Tam N, Cellini L. Donate Life flag program: spiritual and emotional
life-limiting illness5—To reflect Caring Science constructs support for donor families [Internet]. Caritas Consortium 2014: Proceedings of
into a research study designed to assist young parents with the 4th annual Kaiser Permanente Northern California Caritas Consortium; 2014
an oncology diagnosis to meet the end of their lives with Jun; San Mateo, CA. Oakland, CA: Kaiser Permanente Caritas Consortium;
2014 [cited 2015 Jun 11]. Available from:
dignity. To assess 1) whether creating a “Living Legacy” video donate-life-flag-program-spiritual-and-emotional-support-for-donor-families.
has a relationship to improving parents’ quality of their life as 5. Catlin A, Girvin C. Leaving a legacy to their children from young parents with life-
measured by the Chan and Pang6 instrument on quality at end limiting illness. Caritas Consortium 2014: Proceedings of the 4th annual Kaiser
Permanente Northern California Caritas Consortium; 2014 Jun; San Mateo, CA.
of life, 2) whether creating the video influences the parent’s
Oakland, CA: Kaiser Permanente Caritas Consortium; 2014.
willingness to accept hospice/comfort care, and 3) whether 6. Chan HYL, Pang SMC. Applicability of the modified quality-of-life concerns in
the parent will accept dying at home. the end of life questionnaire (mQOLC-E) for frail older people. Asian Journal of
Gerontology and Geriatrics 2008 Apr;3(1):17-36.
Holding sacred space: Schwartz Center Rounds7—To ex-
7. Bendixen B, Carlile A, Gunthermaher M, et al. Holding sacred space: Schwartz
plore the Schwartz Center Rounds practice developed by the Center Rounds. Caritas Consortium 2014: Panel discussion at the 4th annual
Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare from a Caring Kaiser Permanente Northern California Caritas Consortium; 2014 Jun; San
Science perspective. Within this context, the practice seeks Mateo, CA. Oakland, CA: Kaiser Permanente Caritas Consortium; 2014.
8. Laws D, Lamke D, Smith E. A bouquet of wisdom: bundling caring actions
to create a safe and sacred space for caregivers across all dis- [Internet]. Caritas Consortium 2013: Proceedings of the 3rd annual Kaiser
ciplines to share the psychological, emotional, and spiritual Permanente Northern California Caritas Consortium; 2013 Jul; San Ramon, CA.
dimensions of particularly challenging cases, encouraging Oakland, CA: Kaiser Permanente Caritas Consortium; 2013 [cited 2015 Jun
11]. Available from:
grief, gratitude, and grace to rise to the surface. bundling-caring-actions-2013podium.
A bouquet of wisdom: staff perspectives on Caring Science8—
To assess whether use of video that relies upon the power of

e138 The Permanente Journal/ Fall 2015/ Volume 19 No. 4

Caring Science: Transforming the Ethic of Caring-Healing Practice, Environment, and Culture within an Integrated Care Delivery System

to bring the theoretical concepts which are four tenets upheld by hos- by feedback shared by participants as
of Caring Science into language that pital leadership well as one of our keynote speakers:
would appeal to frontline managers and • Team collaboration—focus on open “One of the things I will take away
staff with the intent to transform their communication, clinical competence, from this experience is how important
approach to caring-healing at the bed- and shared intentionality as key ele- it is to connect, listen, and care. With
side and as a foundational ethic. There ments of fostering helping-trusting- gratitude comes joy and joy impacts
have been 7 campaign “installments” collaborative relationships within and positively. I am encouraged and hon-
released to date through wide internal across interprofessional teams ored to be a part of the change.”
e-mail distribution and through post- • Human flourishing—focus on the —Consortium participant
ing on an internal Caring Science Web concept of “holding space for hu- “I have participated in all four of
site ( man flourishing” and how acting [KPNC’s] Caritas conferences as a
practice/caritas/action/index.html). with heart-centered intentionality keynote speaker and performer. I have
Local leaders are encouraged to share cultivates resilience, creativity, and been deeply moved by the depth of
the content during regularly scheduled regenerative practices commitment [KP] has made to the
forums, including staff “huddles,” de- • Health, healing and wholeness— work of Jean Watson’s brilliant Car-
partment meetings, and governance focus on the concept of “honoring ing Science theory, as well as by the
councils. Accordingly, each installment health, healing, and wholeness” and authentic way the various teams and
has a set of resource tools designed to the power and possibilities of awak- facilities have integrated the principles
encourage dynamic dialogue around ening to healing, seeing the whole and practices in their work routines
the concepts and themes being ex- person, and fostering a culture of care. and protocols. The Caritas Consor-
plored. A core component is inclusion tium event has become a centerpiece
of both a facilitator guide and a par- RESULTS for this widespread work and is, in
ticipant handout to promote a 10- to Evidence of Transformation my opinion, the most effective, in-
20-minute reflective exercise. In addi- There are two primary means by spirational, and practical health care
tion, most installments include short which we have evaluated the spread and conference I have attended.”
video segments featuring frontline impact of Caring Science on KPNC —Bruce Cryer, CEO, Lissa Rankin Inc,
KP caregivers and leaders sharing the practice, environment, and culture. senior advisor, HeartMath Inc.
meaning that Caring Science has had 1. Annual Caritas Consortium 2. Evidence-in-Practice Assessment Tool
for them in their personal and profes- Five annual Caritas Consortia have In 2013, an on-site survey assessment
sional lives. been held to date (2011 to 2015). Al- tool was developed by the regional CSI
Installments to Date: though the prevalence of projects in the team to evaluate the integration of  Car-
• CARING—focus on how, as KP first two years were focused on Self, such ing Science at each Medical Center.
caregivers, we are committed to be- as the creation of caring-healing staff Specifically, 13 evidence-in-practice
ing Caring, Authentic, Responsible, lounges or Caring Science educational indicators were defined to capture the
Intentional, Nurturing, and Growth- content, we have seen increasingly more range of actions and authentic practices
oriented depth and breadth in projects and inten- believed to be informed by Caring Sci-
• SCIENCE—focus on how, as KP tionality year after year. Each of the ex- ence. The indicators were grouped into
caregivers, we are committed to keep- emplars below were presented at one of 4 categories, 2 designed to assess the
ing our patients Safe, Comfortable, the consortia and were selected for their level of awareness and adoption, and 2
Informed, Engaged, Nurtured, Con- deep level of creativity and collaboration designed to assess the scope of integra-
nected, and Empowered (see Sidebar: across teams (several of these main stage tion and transformation (Table 1).
“Caritas in Action” Awareness Cam- presentations included or represented • Awareness and adoption: Education,
paign Installment: SCIENCE) team members from professions other awareness, and spread (three indica-
• Nursing process—focus on how Car- than nursing), alignment and integra- tors) and staff practices and behaviors
ing Science informs and inspires the tion with hospital quality and care ex- (three indicators)
nursing process for our KP nursing perience efforts, and active engagement • Integration and transformation:
professionals of patients and their family members Caritas Council leadership (four in-
• Caring Science integration—focus as well as the broader communities in dicators) and administrative imple-
on how Caring Science serves as a which we serve. All of these have since mentation (three indicators).
“lens” by which we, as KP caregiv- resulted in some level of adoption or Each on-site assessment was con-
ers, exhibit the values, behaviors, and adaptation across disciplines and Medi- ducted by a member of the regional CSI
beliefs that enable the organization to cal Centers, demonstrating tangible team in coordination and collaboration
be known as a quality leader, deliver evidence of spread and integration (see with local leadership, with the evalua-
an exceptional care experience, ensure Sidebar: Evidence in Practice). tion based on observation of practice
care without delay, and foster a highly The value, meaning, and influence of and environmental cues, review of docu-
skilled and motivated workforce, the consortia are perhaps best captured mentation, and elicitation of stories and

The Permanente Journal/ Fall 2015/ Volume 19 No. 4 e139

Caring Science: Transforming the Ethic of Caring-Healing Practice, Environment, and Culture within an Integrated Care Delivery System

exemplars from staff and management. • 1 = No knowledge or no evidence of 4 patient safety outcome metrics were
A regional leader, not involved in any of the indicator selected for a comparative analysis to
the site visits and who had deep knowl- • 5 = Indicator consistently performed, the overall average Caring Science as-
edge of Caring Science, was assigned completed, and/or evidenced in all sessment score. Four Medical Centers
sole responsibility to review the resulting units. were excluded from the comparative
narrative and supporting materials for Assessments were completed for all analysis because their Caring Science
each Medical Center with the intent to 21 Medical Centers in 2013, providing assessment was conducted at a service
mitigate variation and issues of interrater a quantifiable means to explore the link area level (East Bay: Oakland and
reliability. For each indicator, the expert between Caring Science, patient satis- Richmond; Central Valley: Manteca
reviewer established a numeric score faction, and patient quality outcomes. and Modesto) and thus, it was not pos-
within the range of 1 (low) to 5 (high): Accordingly, 3 patient satisfaction and sible to establish a direct link between

Table 1. Caring Science evidence-in-practice assessment tool: 13 indicators, by dimension and category
Dimension Category Measure Action/authentic practice Evidence in practice
Integration and Caritas Council 1A Councils Monthly or bimonthly Caritas Councils held
transformation leadership 2A Charter Charter, vision, mission statement developed
3A Disciplines other than nursing Caritas Council projects shared with other disciplines (respiratory
therapy, rehabiliation, social work, chaplaincy, etc.)
4A Hospital design and programs Caritas Council projects manifested in hospital design or programs
Adoption and Education, 5B Staff education and resources Caring Science awareness/education/resources provided for staff
awareness awareness, 6B Unit-level education “Caritas in Action” education used for in-servicing on the unit level
and spread 7B Caritas practice sharing Poster/presentation at June 2012 or July 2013 Caritas Consortium
Staff practices 8C Incorporation in staff meetings Centering, caring story; team sharing used for huddles/meetings
and behaviors and huddles
9C Centering practices evident Staff articulated a technique for awareness/focus
10C Caring behaviors evident Staff articulated caring behaviors used to connect with their
patients on a daily basis
Integration and Administrative 11D Documentation/daily Caring Science incorporated into daily processes, informational
transformation implementation processes/quality resources, documentation, and/or patient quality outcomes
12D Interview questions Caring Science question used for job interviews
13D Policy/procedures All nursing policies updated with Caring Science principles or with
a Caring Science policy statement

Table 2. Caring Science assessment tool score compared with key patient satisfaction and patient safety outcome data
2013 Caring 2013 Patient Satisfaction
Science (HCAHPSb & Avatarc) 2013 Patient Safety
No. Average Rate Nurse Caritas HAPU Falls with C-diff i ICU
Tiera Hospitals score hospitald communicatione nursingf 3+g injuryh BSI j
High—both dimensions 2 4.08 78.4 79.0 75.1 0.00 0.0 3.1 3
High—composite 4 3.93 74.7 77.4 74.7 0.00 0.5 3.8 2
Mid—composite 10 3.24 73.3 75.2 71.5 0.06 0.3 5.0 1
Low—composite 3 2.49 69.8 73.7 70.1 0.07 0.3 5.3 2
Tier assignment is based on the average numerical score across indicators for each Medical Center; High ≥ 3.75 and Low is ≤ 2.75; accordingly, Mid is 2.76-3.74.
HCAHPS: (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey): the first national, standardized, publicly reported survey of patients’ perspectives
of hospital care.
Avatar: a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services-approved provider of the HCAHPS survey; Avatar offers clients a powerful research tool that incorporates fully
customized service- or specialty-related items.
Rate hospital: a global HCAHPS survey question regarding the overall rating of the hospital by the patient.
Nurse communication: a composite of three HCAHPS survey questions: During this hospital stay, how often did nurses 1) treat you with courtesy and respect; 2) listen
carefully to you; and 3) explain things in a way you could understand?
Caritas nursing: a composite of two Avatar survey questions: 1) My nurses consistently provided care to me with loving-kindness; and 2) My nurses accepted and supported
my cultural traditions and spiritual beliefs.
HAPU 3+: the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPU) that were documented as stage 3 or above.
Falls with injury: the incidence of patient falls that resulted in an injury.
C-diff: the incidence of Clostridium difficile bacteria infection acquired during hospital stay; one of several health care-associated infections considered to be a leading threat
to patient safety by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
ICU BSI: the incidence of central line-associated bloodstream infection (BSI) acquired during hospital stay within the intensive care unit (ICU); one of several health care-
associated infections considered to be a leading threat to patient safety by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

e140 The Permanente Journal/ Fall 2015/ Volume 19 No. 4

Caring Science: Transforming the Ethic of Caring-Healing Practice, Environment, and Culture within an Integrated Care Delivery System

their assessment scores and the patient Science baseline score or a year-over- Caring Science is trusted for bringing
satisfaction and patient safety metrics year score to gauge change or progres- greater attentiveness to the covenant
that are documented at the independent sion of Caring Science evidence in we hold as caregivers, encouraging us
hospital level. practice over time. Although informa- to honor and to hold the patient/fam-
To delineate the degree to which Car- tion to validate multiple indicators ily perspective, to promote total health
ing Science was embedded in practice, of the tool was collected by request, and well-being from a whole-person
environment, and culture within each portions of the assessment reflect the identity, and to take time to nurture
Medical Center, a tier designation limited snapshot of activity that was our souls as healers.
was established and assigned by the observed on the specific day of the At its core essence, Caring Science
regional CSI team on the basis of the on-site visit. In addition, the wave of captures the heart-centered inten-
overall average Caring Science assess- assessments occurred during several tionality of KP caregivers to promote
ment score. An average score at or months, thus hospitals that were visited human flourishing, acknowledging
above 3.75 was considered indicative later in the year inadvertently had more the power that is theirs for affecting
of a high level of integration and an time to develop and deepen Caring change and transforming care. At the
average score at or below 2.75 was Science practices relative to those that individual level, Caring Science ex-
considered indicative of a low level of were visited earlier in the year. Finally, pands the concept of accountability,
integration, with the mid-tier reflect- because the number of professionals inspiring behavior that is authentic,
ing scores in between. qualified and resources available to responsible, and intentional, and
Comparative analysis of overall aver- conduct the assessments was limited, promoting reliance on psychosocial-
age Caring Science assessment scores the tool did not undergo a rigorous emotional-spiritual wisdom as well
appears to correlate and give context to process for data validity and interrater as intellectual-tactical knowledge. At
scores on key patient satisfaction and reliability, although attentiveness to the system level, given our study de-
patient safety outcome data (Table 2). consistency was built into the design. sign, integration of Caring Science
The average scores for hospitals in the Despite these limitations, the results of across administrative, operational, and
high tier had more positive outcomes this first-wave assessment were compel- clinical areas within a Medical Center
on the seven patient-centric metrics we ling and our hypothesis that Caring appears to demonstrate positive in-
reviewed than those in the mid tier and Science is a meaningful component terconnectivity toward higher patient
low tier. This distinction was even more in delivering high-quality outcomes satisfaction scores and patient quality
definitive when we looked at the aver- and patient-centric care will, we hope, outcome metrics.
age of the two hospitals that scored in guide further evaluative analysis and
the high tier on both the adoption and assessment at KPNC. CONCLUSION
awareness dimension and the integra- Implementing Caring Science as a
tion and transformation dimension of Inquiry, Insight, and Innovation consistent framework for process and
the Caring Science indicator evidence- It is notable to acknowledge that all culture change across a large integrat-
in-practice tool. This leads us to an 21 Medical Centers had several distinct ed care delivery system has provided
emerging hypothesis that as the leaders, service, quality, and patient safety ini- a platform for meaningful dialogue at
frontline managers, and staff within our tiatives in place before and during the all levels within the organization. Car-
Medical Centers move from a shared CSI efforts outlined, and that these also ing Science provides a language that
understanding of  Caring Science theory played a meaningful role in fostering resonates with caregivers, re-engaging
to a shared foundational ethic of caring- a culture of caring-healing within the them in the purpose and value of their
healing that informs practice, environ- organization. The interconnectedness work. It serves as the lens by which
ment, and culture across administrative, between Caring Science and these they can see the interconnectivity
operational, and clinical areas, they are patient-facing areas is believed to be a between their values, behaviors, and
more likely to demonstrate high quality significant factor in the transformation beliefs and the strategic priorities,
and highly reliable performance on key we have seen. Leaders across these areas programs, policies, and initiatives that
patient-centric metrics. engaged in collaboration and inquiry to guide practice within KPNC. This
ensure alignment with the core guid- awareness and alignment inspire more
DISCUSSION ing principles of Caring Science. For cohesive orchestration at the indi-
Limitations example, Caring Science was one of vidual, team, and system levels. These
We recognize that there are several several motivating factors that led the observations and early evidence can
limitations to the use of this tool and organization to reframe the term ser- guide future research on how Caring
its associated scores and findings. First, vice to care experience and has directly Science or other professional practice
the assessment tool and site visits were influenced the approach and language models can serve as a foundation to
conducted only once for each hospi- used in care experience initiatives. Per- transform the ethic of caring-healing
tal in the Region (in 2013), and thus ceived as a valuable tenet of KPNC’s practice, environment, and culture
we did not have either a pre-Caring person- and family-centered focus, in alignment with the industrywide

The Permanente Journal/ Fall 2015/ Volume 19 No. 4 e141

Caring Science: Transforming the Ethic of Caring-Healing Practice, Environment, and Culture within an Integrated Care Delivery System

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