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Advanced English Video

Presents: Leidy Marcela Aguilera Arevalo

Ibero-American University Corporation,

Faculty of Social and Human Sciences

Psychology program

1- It is the main airport in Colombia, its name that was given based on a famous
legend from colonial times, when it was rumored that the city was made entirely of

What is the name of the Bogotá airport?

A- El Dorado International Airport.

B- Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport
C- Jose Maria Cordoba International Airport

2- They are capable of consuming both plant and animal products, they have
adopted a series of diets that vary with the food sources available in the regions
where they live and also with cultural and religious norms, these range from purely
vegetarian to mainly carnivorous.

What is the name of the way humans eat?

A- Carnivores
B- Omnivores
C- Herbivores
3- It is to produce virtual information of the territorial space and make it
available to man in a cartographic document, which must be executed with
specialty, legality and authenticity

What does cartography specialize in?

A- Study the maps
B- cardboard manufacturing
C- location on the maps

4- The same year of his triumph in the Los Angeles Olympic Games, he began
his professional career, he was chosen in the NBA draft by the Chicago Bulls,
a team in which he would remain throughout almost his entire sports career
and with which he won six NBA championships.

What sport did Michael Jordan practice?

A- Tennis
B- volleyball
C- Basketball

5- They are those animals whose mode of reproduction includes the deposit
of eggs in the external environment where they complete their development
before hatching. They are most insects, fish, amphibians and reptiles, as well
as all birds.
What is an oviparous?
A- Animal that hatches from the egg
B- animal that develops in the mother's womb
C- Animal that hatches from an egg but inside the mother's womb

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