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Working paper 1.

The General Assembly,

It is up to the government
what they recognize as drug
related crimes

of peace

What the government has

considered to be drug no military
related crimes, should be
strictly punished intervention
1) Defines narco-terrorism as Terrorism associated with the trade of illicit narcotics
nationally and internationally through different means, the money from illicit drug
trade is used by narco-terrorist to buy arms,
2) Advices United Nations Security Council(UNSC) to make the definition legally
binding by adding it to the United Nations Conventions against illicit trafficking in
narcotic drugs,
3) Recommends the implementation of Demand Supply Control(DESCON) Model,
Reinforcement, Peace and Government Plan (RPG), Narco-terrorism Save Plan,
Treatment Neutralization and Training (TNT) Plan, Immigration Transparency (IT),
Stabilize Disarm Rehabilitate (SDR), Counter Narco-terrorism Global
Alliance(CNGA) to combat narco-terrorism, this plan should:
a) Work to strengthen border security by creation of Jointed Border Offices with the
supervision of United Nations Office on Drug and Crime
i. should have joint training of military personnel between transfer
nation and recipient nation involved in trade, these military
personnel’s should be at checkpoints in these areas but not limited
to porous borders and cross border tunnels, the government and
UNODC should decide the check points,
ii. should have sharing of technology and information with consent of
both nations,
iii. should provide incentives to military personnel’s to avoid
corruption by:
1. reconsidering their wages, and possibly increasing them in
order to reduce the intentions of accepting bribes in order to
gain petty cash,
2. improving their life conditions in order to reduce job
b) Reduce the production of illegal growth of narcotic crops by,
i) Incentivizing farmers to grow crops in regions where narcotics
were previously grown and provide them with high yielding variety
of alternate seeds with the help of Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO), these incentives includes possibly increasing
the wages of farmers,
ii) Regulating farms where precursor drugs are grown by drug law
enforcement agencies such as,
1. Ministry of health should check and deicide how much amount
of precursor drugs should be grown,
2. Narcotic control bureau of ministry of public security should
handle all criminal investigations involving unregulated growth
of opium, heroin, and methamphetamine,
c) Encourage nations to decriminalize the use of drugs by treating it as a disease and
not a criminal offence by :
i) Rehabilitation and treatment centers which should:
1. Treat people by stated means,
a. Psychological counselling,
b. Behavioral therapy,
c. Information of voluntary abstinence and infectious diseases,
ii) Having treatment agreement by the person who uses drugs or his/her
parent or guardian to ensure a fully informed consent,
iii) registering these drug users by administrative authorities and checking the
progress of drug users,
i) Provide the following funding mechanisms for the above mentioned solutions which are
as follows:
i) all willing nations including china but not limited to, to provide financial aid,
ii) the collection of funds will be done by united nations development program
iii) the fifth committee of United Nations which is the budget and administrative
committee to allocate the budget used for accountability,
4) Recommends the UN to implement SDR which is Stabilize, Disarm and Rehabilitate Plan:
a. This shall be funded by willingly and economically stable countries such as the P5 and
G20 countries,
b. The funds shall be monitored and allocated by MATAF which is Monitoring Aid
Transfer Allocation of Funds,
c. The S in the SDR stands for stabilize, which is to be done by inspection methods
supervised by FAO workers, which shall:
i) Supervise the synthesis of morphine, an opiate of poppy plant, into codeine for
medical purposes and to inspect that no morphine is semi-synthesized into heroin,
ii) Inspect on the production of cannabis crops and making sure that no illegal drug are
made by its synthesis,
iii) Provide farmers with security as well as alternatives to narcotics, cultivation such as
saffron which is highly valued in international community, and can be cultivated on
the same soil and climatic conditions, alongside improving and creating a better
irrigation system,

d) The D in SDR is disarmament by Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which shall:

I) Prevent and combat money laundering to stop the financing of terrorism as well as its
II) Criminalize money laundering, identifying, trace and evaluation property that is
subject to confiscation,
III) Take provisional measures such as freezing and seizing to prevent any dealing,
transfer or disposal of such property,
IV) Criminalize terrorist financing on the basis of Terrorist Financing Convention, by
criminalizing the financing of terrorist acts and terrorist organizations,
j) The R in SDR stands for rehabilitation in which the Social, Cultural and Humanitarian
Committee (SOCHUM) to address the creation of rehabilitation centers for nations suffering from
substantial drug addiction problems, which would prefer therapeutic treatment for drug addicts
according to the RPG Plan.

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