Preparatorio Practica 2

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Nombre: Mario Yánez
Fecha: 10/11/20
Preparatorio Practica # 2

Question 1
Look up or derive the trigonometric identity for the product of two sines expressed as a sum.
Confirm that the frequencies in this sum are (f1 + f2) and |f1 - f2|, where f1 and f2 are the
input frequencies. Confirm that the output components are of equal magnitudes.

sin a. sin b = ½ ( cos(a-b) – cos(a+b) )

Question 2
Look up or derive the Fourier series of a squarewave (with no DC component) of duty ratio other
than 50% (25% and 1% say). Note the sinx/x shaped spectrum envelope. Locate the frequency
of the first null of the envelope for each case and note the relationship with the pulse width.
Now consider the 50% duty ratio case. Comment on the disappearance of the even harmonics.

50%: f(t)= 4/π[ 1.sin(wt) + 1/3.sin(3wt) + 1/5.sin(5wt) +… ] para simetría de cuarto de onda impar, A = 1

Question 3
Derive the spectrum of the product of a sinewave and a 1% duty ratio squarewave. You can do
this easily by using superposition with the results in Question 1 and Question 2. For convenience,
make the frequency of the squarewave around five times the sinewave frequency. Plot the
resulting spectrum.

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