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Choose the best answer to fill the gap in each of the following

1. I've got a runny nose and ____

a) throat ache b) a sore throat c) a pain in the throat

2. Footballer John Winters was ____ during the second half of the match
against Manchester United.
a) wounded b) damaged c) injured

3. He will miss the next three matches because of a ____ ankle.

a) dislocated b) sprained c) stretched d) dead

4. I cut my hand and needed six_____ in it.

a) plasters b) bandages c) stitches d) slings

5. The man suddenly felt a sharp ____ in his chest.

a) ache b) pain c) itch

6. He has a bad ____ all over his body.

a) spot b) wart c) rash d) bruise

7. I hit my forehead on a low doorway and now I've got a big ____ above my
left eye.
a) bruise b) spot c) wart d) rash

8. I'm allergic __ seafood.

a) for b) with c) on d) to

9. Smoking ____ your health

a) hurts b) wounds c) damages

10. I felt very _____ after the medicine. I had to go and lie down.
a) drowsy b) injured c) unconscious d) allergic

11. I fell over while skiing and ____ my shoulder.

a) dislocated b) broke

12. I've got a _____ from wearing those new shoes all day.
a) bruise b) spot c) blister d) wart

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