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4-Year Plan and Personal/Professional Goals

Ashley Cabrera-Quintero

Brigham Young University Idaho

FCS 101: Introduction to Family and Consumer Science

Sister Sandy Holbrook

November 03, 2020

Key: ​HERE​= Completed ​Here​= Currently Taking

Fall 2020
● REL 275C- Teaching of Book of Mormon
● FDENG101- Writing and Reasoning Foundations
● GE101- College Success
● BIO264- Human Anatomy Physiology
● BIO264L- Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab
● MATH100B- Beginning Algebra

Fall 2020
● REL200C- The Eternal Family
● MATH108X- Math for the Real World
● NUTR150- Essentials of Human Nutrition
● FAML300- Marriage
● FAML200- Preparation for Marriage
● FCS 101- Intro Family and Consumer Sciences

Spring 2021
● REL250C- Jesus Christ Everlasting Gospel
● HUM110- Introduction to the Humanities
● FAML100- The Family
● PSYCH111- General Psychology
● POLSC110- American Government
● CHILD120- Infants and Toddlers
● AGBUS108A- Economics and Budgeting Principles

Fall 2021
● REL121- Book of Mormon
● PSYCH201- Developmental Psych Lifespan
● FAML400- Family Theories and Dynamics
● FCS340- Money Management
● COMM102- Public Speaking
● SOC111- Introduction to Sociology
● INTST100- Introduction to International Stuides

Spring 2022
● REL225C- Foundations of the Restoration
● REL215- Scripture Study
● REL122- Book of Mormon
● BUS301- Adv Writing in Pro Context
● FAML110- Marriage Skills
● FAML220- Parenting
● CHILD300- Infants and Toddler Development
● CHILD340- Language and Literacy

Fall 2022
● GESCI110- Sustaining Human Life
● FAML460- Child and Family Advocacy
● FAML430- Family & Consumer Relationship
● CHILD310- Early/Middle Child Development
● CHILD320- Adolescent Development

Spring 2023
● FAML120- Parenting Skills
● FAML160- Family Relations
● FAML360- Family Stress and Coping
● CHILD330- Parent Education
● FAML420- The Helping Relationship
● SOC311- Sociology of the Family

Fall 2023
● FAML150- Intro Marriage & Family Studies
● FAML498R- Internship
● COMM352- Persuasion
● SMMBC160- Advocacy and Advertising
● FAML490R- Relationship Education Cert.
● FCS160- Home and Family Resources Mgmt
● PSYCH112- Career Development in Psychology
Yearly Plan
Year 1
● Personal Goals: Read the CBT Method book
● Professional Goals: Create a resume for internship opportunities
● Educational Goals: Learn about different career opportunistic with my degree
● Spiritual Goals: Finish the Book of Mormon in Spanish

Year 2
● Personal Goal: Read two books on psychology techniques
● Professional Goals: Find a local clinical psychologist to shadow
● Educational Goals: Decide on a specific career path I want to achieve
● Spiritual Goals: Start reading the Book of Mormon in Mandrain

Year 3
● Personal Goals: Start studying case studies on clinical psychology
● Professional Goals: Start looking for internship opportunities
● Educational Goals: Continue to learn about techniques
● Spiritual Goals: Create a book with different quotes from prophets and conference talks.
This book will be put into my own words and I can write what I think the message is

Year 4
● Personal Goals: Start looking for job opportunities
● Professional Goals: Receive a job offer
● Educational Goals: Start looking into Graduate schools
● Spiritual Goals: Help create a way to teach the gospel to my children

I can accomplish these goals by placing daily, weekly, and monthly goals. I will be able to crush
through these goals by having a good support system and surrounding myself with the right
connections. As I continue to look towards these goals, I will be able to achieve my final result;
becoming a clinical psychologist. Setting goals throughout my four years will help me throughout
graduate school and my future career.

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