DAGT Excom 16december2020 MTG Minutes

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Minutes of Democrats Abroad Guatemala

Executive Committee meeting on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 11:00am via Zoom

Members in Attendance: John Chudy, Chair; Mary Lou Ridinger, Vice Chair; Vincent D’Agati,
Treasurer; Kee Adams Evans, Events Coordinator; Karl Holzwarth, Member at Large; Juan
Pablo Aris, Counsel.

Per our bylaws (paragraph 19.3), all meetings are open to all members.

Called to order at 11:09 am

Approval of Agenda and Minutes: Minutes from November meeting and agenda for December meeting
were approved unanimously.

Treasurer's report: Vincent reported that as of December 16th there was Q6496 in the account at the
bank that reflects a Q10 debit card charge plus petty cash of Q1310 for a total balance of Q7806. The
report was approved following motion from Kee and second from Juan Pablo.

Chair’s Report: A brief discussion on the December 12th Zoom 2020 Election Celebration took place.
Everyone agreed it was a success, though a greater turnout would have been nice.

John Chudy reported on the Americas Region meeting held December 1st. Expiring members (those who
reach four years without activity in their DA record by January 31st) was the main item and Guatemala
has 63 expired or to expire by Jan 31. We will need to call and email these members to determine their

For the Georgia Runoff DA global gave DAGT $300 for Facebook ads. Three ads were run for five days,
one on DA Latino (a local boost), and two on the DAGT page. Total charge was $258.76, which was
reimbursed by DA global. No charge to DAGT.

The Annual general meeting was discussed. Kee moved and Karl seconded that the AGM take place
March 20th (online). Vincent commented that maybe a weekend would affect online band width in
Antigua. Since we are likely to have an online audience no larger than the Election Celebration, it was
agreed that we proceed with March 20th. Elections of officers will be the main item this year. John will
discuss with Kee and others to identify possible members who could serve on a nominations committee
which has to be formed by January 20th.
2021 Field Plan: The Excom agreed to meet on January 8th at 12 noon to discuss only the field plan. John
will clean up the draft outline shared earlier. All sections of the Field Plan will be covered in the Jan 8
meeting. The Field Plan will be presented to the membership at the AGM March 20th. Kee will take the
lead on events preparation. John discussed including resolutions as part of the Field Plan.Vincent will
take the lead and Mary Lou will assist on a draft resolution on sustaining democracy in America; Vincent
will take the lead on developing strategies for growing DAGT’s membership and others should come
prepared to contribute; John will present a resolution to address migration from the northern triangle
countries that has increased due to the pandemic and more recently Hurricanes Eta and Iota. For better
understanding the Democrats Abroad use of resolutions the Excom should visit the DA wiki at:

Events 2020: Kee presented an idea for commemorating the Biden Harris inauguration with a “New
Beginnings” coffee mug. In white, the mug would carry the DAGT logo on one wide with “New
Beginnings” January 20, 2021 on the other. Production price would be for 1-10 mugs Q35 each; 11 to 20
mugs Q30 each, and 21-30 mugs Q25 each. Discussion led to an agreement to order 50 mugs and to sell
them for Q75 each or two for Q100. Also, the first three new members to sign up at voter registration
drive would receive a mug free (we did not set a calendar limit on these events). John moved and Mary
Lou seconded that we proceed with this effort; the motion carried unanimously. Kee will order 50 mugs
and they should be ready for sale in January.

Voter registration events will begin in January with Kee planning to convene the first one in-person (no
more than two people in the sign up room at a time) January 16th at her condominium in Jocotenango.
Other tentative dates are: February for Guatemala City – provided a MeetUp chair is identified; March for
Xela; July for Huehueteango with Johnny leading that event; Lago Atitlán provided a MeetUp chair is
identified – Kee and Karl to talk about possible candidates.

Final items: Kee mentioned an anecdote she heard from a neighbor in her condominium that Antigua will
be shut down Christmas and New Years, even the roads in and out, as a covid-19 control measure. Also,
Kee received a call from a non-member she helped during the general election asking when the U.S.
Embassy in Guatemala City would begin covid-19 vaccinations for US citizens. NOTE:the US Embassy
will not be providing vaccine. For complete covid-19 information available from the Embassy, Americans
should access this link: https://gt.usembassy.gov/alert-covid-19-2/

Next DAGT Abroad meeting by Zoom is scheduled for January 27, 2021 at 11am.

Next Regional Meeting. To be determined and announced

Adjourned 12:20 pm
07/13/20 1,000.00 1,000.00
07/13/20 Deposit Balance transferred 4,984.00 4,984.00
07/13/20 Deposit Income/T Shirst 800.00 800.00
07/13/20 Income/Donations 15.00 15.00
07/13/20 Deposit Income/T Shirst 600.00 600.00
Total Bank Deposits 6,399.00 1,000.00 7,399.00
08/15/20 FB ads (76.10) (76.10)
08/15/20 FB ads (76.10) (76.10)
08/13/20 FB ads (44.44) (44.44)
NTB (3.36) (3.36)
John's Contribution 10.00 10.00
09/16/20 810.00 (190.00)
08/05/20 exp Facebook Ad (113.00) (113.00)
08/05/20 exp Tee Shirst (780.00) (780.00)
08/05/20 CK 00001 Total Aug Exp (893.00) 810.00 (83.00)
5,506.00 810.00 6,316.00
09/16/20 T shirt Income 1,000.00 1,000.00
09/16/20 Contribution 20.00 20.00
09/23/20 Total Cash 6,526.00 810.00 7,336.00 (Cash in Bank + Petty Cash)
10/14/20 Bank Fee (Fraud insurance) (10.00) (10.00)
10/14/20 Total Cash 6,516.00 810.00 7,326.00 (Cash in Bank + Petty Cash)
11/14/20 Bank Fee (Fraud insurance) (10.00) (10.00)
11/16/20 t shirts 200.00 200.00
11/16/20 t shirts 200.00 200.00
11/16/20 donoation 100.00 100.00
11/16/20 Total Cash 6,506.00 1,310.00 7,816.00 (Cash in Bank + Petty Cash)
11/28/20 Bank Fee (Fraud insurance) (10.00) - (10.00)
12/16/20 Total Cash 6,496.00 1,310.00 7,806.00 (Cash in Bank + Petty Cash)

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