Intermediate Progress Test 6A: Units 11-12: Pronunciation

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Intermediate Progress Test 6A: Units 11–12

1 Track 11 Listen to the sentences. Write 1 if the sentence is positive (+) or 2 if the
sentence is negative (-).
You mustn’t leave your bicycle here. 2

2 Track 12 Listen and tick the sentence you hear.

a You could have met Lucy before.
b You couldn’t have met Lucy before. 
1 a I should have been early.
b I shouldn’t have been early.
2 a We would have seen you.
b We wouldn’t have seen you.
3 a You would have remembered.
b You wouldn’t have remembered.
4 a They could have helped you.
b They couldn’t have helped you.
5 a You should have sat down.
b You shouldn’t have sat down.

Language focus
3 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
You _a_ use your mobile phone on an aeroplane.
a mustn’t b aren’t allowed c don’t have to
1 If you want to travel abroad, you                               have an ID card.
a have to b should c are allowed to
2 You                               to park here unless you have a permit.
a shouldn’t b aren’t allowed c don’t have
3 We                               wear a school uniform, so I usually wear jeans.
a don’t have to b shouldn’t c mustn’t
4 My best friend is really lucky because she                               to stay out late at the weekends.
a can b has c ’s allowed
5 You really                               know the rules by now.
a can b should c ought


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Intermediate Progress Test 6A: Units 11–12
4 Choose the correct answers.
We were / weren’t allowed to stay up late on special occasions.
1 Mark had to / could go to the police station last week because his car was broken into.
2 In the 18th century you were allowed to / could go to prison for the most minor offences.
3 You didn’t have to / couldn’t have a driving licence to drive a car in the early 20th century.
4 Women didn’t have to / couldn’t vote until quite recently.
5 I wasn’t allowed to / didn’t have to wear jeans at school because we had a strict uniform.


5 Complete the sentences with would have, should have or could have and the correct
form of the verb in brackets.
We would have missed (miss) the train if we hadn’t taken a taxi.
1 You                                                                                 (be) so rude to Mark. He was only trying to be
2 Look out! You                                                                                 (drive) off the road.
3 Emma                                                                                 (love) to be a dancer, but she was too tall.
4 I’m really annoyed with myself. I really                                                                                 (know) better.
5 Don’t worry. You                                                                                 (do) anything to help.


6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
If I had known (know) then what I know now, I would have done (do) things differently.
1 Laura                                                   (not be) a doctor now if she                                                   (study)
2 If I                                                   (have) more money, I                                                   (travel) in my gap year.
3 Stephen                                                   (not be) in hospital now if he                                                   (not have)
an accident last week.
5 If I                                                   (go) to Spain on my last holiday as planned, I                                                  
(not meet) Nick.
6 We                                                   (move) out of the city a long time ago if we                                                  
(be able) to afford it.


7 Choose the correct answers.
We didn’t know what to do and for that reason / also didn’t do anything.
1 I don’t believe in unnecessary rules. What is more / However, I do believe in law and order.
2 It’s clear that taking exercise is important for good health, despite this / therefore I go
jogging twice a week.
3 Maria started playing tennis recently and as a result / besides she is much fitter.
4 David paid for all the damage although / besides he hadn’t been involved.
5 I became a vegetarian recently and I besides / also stopped drinking coffee.


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Intermediate Progress Test 6A: Units 11–12
8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. You won’t need
all the words.
judge commit mugging death penalty community service prisoner burglary
arrest shoplifting release
The judge sentenced the defendant to five years.
1 The young woman was accused of                                                             as she tried to leave the
2 If you                                                             a crime, you should expect to get caught.
3 There was a                                                             in the house at the end of our street.
4 Jack was                                                             from prison early for good behaviour.
5                                                             is a good alternative to prison if the crime isn’t serious.


9 Choose the correct answers.

I don’t know what to do. I’m having a lot of problems with / for my neighbours.
1 Luke doesn’t seem to have a care from / in the world. He’s always so happy.
2 If you’re worried, I’d be happy to talk the situation over / off with you.
3 I’m so pleased you’ve finally sorted out / through your problems.
4 There’s no point losing sleep over / for the situation as there’s nothing you can do.
5 The problem won’t go off / away on its own, so you really need to do something about it.


10 Replace the underlined words and phrases with the words and phrases in the box.
not have a care in the world concerns ignore sympathetic talk it over
trust your intuition
He looks as if he has nothing to worry about.
doesn’t have a care in the world
1 You should believe in your feelings.
2 If you have any things you worry about, you can always talk to me.
3 Don’t pretend you can’t see the problem, do something about it.
4 Come round for a coffee and we’ll discuss the situation.
5 My friend is kind and willing to listen, which is a great help.


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Intermediate Progress Test 6A: Units 11–12
Functional language
11 Choose the correct answers.
You have / should to remember that Ben is still very young.
1 I don’t care / know about you, but I don’t think Peter’s being fair.
2 Well, that may / can be so, but I’m still not happy.
3 What do you mind / mean? I don’t understand.
4 But to be honest / true, I don’t really agree.
5 In / For my opinion, we need to focus on the good points.

12 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences/questions.

that / know / I / about / don’t
I don’t know about that.
1 agree / be / I / really / but / honest / with / to / don’t / you
2 think / don’t / right / about / it’s / I / you / I / know / but / don’t
3 that / do / say / why / you ?
4 point / take / well / I / your
5 there’s / my / more / in / we / opinion / do / can

Total: 100

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