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General Science Review Items

1. Which of the following terms describes the total distance travelled by an object in a given unit of time?
A. average speed C. constant velocity
B. average velocity D. average acceleration
2. If an empty glass is dipped in water in an inverted position and pushed downward, the glass will not be
filled with water. What does this show?
A. water occupies space C. air occupies space
B. water exerts pressure D. air cannot be compressed

3. The table shows a daily record of atmospheric conditions. Which generalization can be made based on
the data?
Date Time Temperature Pressure Relative Humidity
(oC) (Pa) (%)
November 10 9:10 26.5 1006.2 78
November 11 9:10 28.2 1008.6 76
November 12 9:10 28.8 1008.9 76
A. As time and pressure increase, relative humidity increases.
B. As temperature and pressure increase, relative humidity decreases.
C. As pressure and relative humidity decrease, temperature increases.
D. As pressure and relative humidity increase, temperature increases.
4. A ball rolls off and falls at the edge of the table as shown. In which of the three positions does gravity
act on the ball?
A. point A C. points A and B
B. point B D. point A, B and C A *
B *
C *

5. A certain planetary law states that “an imaginary line from a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal
time interval”. Who was this scientist who stated this law?
A. Hans Geiger C. Johannes Kepler
B. Isaac Newton D. Albert Einstein
6. A student wires a series circuit that includes a block of rubber and a light bulb. She states that she does
not expect the light bulb to light up when current is applied to the circuit. Which of the following best
describes the statement?
A. It is a conclusion based on observed data about electrical phenomena.
B. It is a hypothesis based on knowledge about electrical phenomena.
C. It is a procedure based on her hypothesis about electrical phenomena.
D. It is a theory based on her observations of electrical phenomena.
7. The inside of the Earth consists of four major layers. Movement in which layer causes the movement of
the continents?
A. Mantle C. Inner core
B. Outer core D. Crust

8. Removal of small pieces of disintegrated rock is called ____________.

A. Mechanical weathering C. Chemical weathering
B. Erosion D. Transportation

9. Which of the following is a characteristic of soil horizons?

A. They can be distinguished from one another by appearance and chemical composition
B. Boundaries between soil horizons are usually transitional rather than sharp
C. They are classified by assigned letters
D. All of these

10. The single most effective agent for chemical weathering at the earth’s surface is ________.
A. Carbonic acid
B. Water
C. Hydrochloric acid

D. Carbon dioxide

11. Which factor is the most important in determining soil characteristics?

A. Topography C. Vegetation cover
B. Type of bedrock D. Climate

12. Farmers are asked to change their crops by season. What approach is applied in this case?
A. Strip cropping C. Continuous farming
B. Crop rotation D. Contour farming

13. Excessive presence of carbon dioxide in the air, trapping heat near the earth’s surface causing a rise in
temperature in the environment.
A. El Nino C. Deforestation
B. Greenhouse Effect D. Weather disturbance
14. The Earth’s shield against sun’s harmful radiation and is located in the planet’s stratosphere. What is
this called?
A. Atmosphere C. Ozone layer
B. Air D. Ionosphere
15. Which factor is the main reason that causes both high and low tides?
A. Earth’s rotation on its axis
B. Moon’s gravitational pull
C. Sun’s solar energy
D. Earth’s gravitational pull
16. How does an occlusion form or how is an occluded front formed?
A. Cold air moving up from the ground
B. Cold front pushing warm air up of the ground
C. Unbalance electrical reaction in the air
D. Cold and warm air mixing in the atmosphere

17. Which terms are used to refer to the male and the female sex cells?
A. Sperm cell and egg C. Chromosomes and genes
B. Testosterone and estrogen D. Red and white blood cells

18. Which nitrogen compound is known as the building blocks of proteins?

A. Ketones
B. amino acids
C. Minerals
D. fats or Lipids
19. The growth of roots towards water is a response to a stimulus. Which of the following is the proper
term for this?
A. Chemotropism C. Hydrotropism
B. Geotropism D. Phototropism
20. In flowering plants, what is the site of fertilization?
A. Pollen tube C. Ovules
B. Stamen D. Pollen grain
21. Which of the following is a source of energy needed for photosynthesis of plants and the source of
energy in the biosphere?
A. Water C. Light
B. Soil D. Fertilizer
22. Which of the following is NOT a compound?
A. acetic acid C. Magnesium
B. alcohol D. Zinc Oxide

23. The willingness of an atom to receive electron is measured by its?

A. Electronegativity C. Atomic size
B. Ionization potential D. Electron affinity
24. It is the measure of the amount of matter in an object. What term is referred?
A. Weight C. Volume
B. Mass D. Quantity
25. It is the distance travelled by light in a span of one year and it is the unit used to quantify great
distances in outer space?

A. Lightyear C. Acceleration
B. Speed of light D. None of the above
26. It is the reluctance of the object to change either its’ state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line
A. Force C. Inertia
B. Friction D. Motion
27. The relationship of give-and-take of living organism in the biosphere is a balance of nature
A. universal relationship
B. symbiotic relationship
C. spontaneous relationship
D. abiogenetic relationship
28. Which of the following statement is CORRECT?
A. As altitude increases, atmospheric pressures corresponding
B. Throughout the available space, gas tends to contract
C. Equal chances are always given to all in life
D. Shadow is formed when a colored object is projected against the wall
29. Which instrument will one use to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy?
A. rotor B. generator C. motor D. circuit

30. The point in the planet’s orbit where it is nearest to the sun is called _____________.
A. Solstice C. Aphelion
B. Eclipse D. Perihelion
31. Due to this being able to accurately know the age of fossil remains, and ancient artifacts became
possible. What discovery was this?
A. Combustion Engine C. Uranium
B. Evolutionary staging D. Carbon-dating
32. This phenomenon occurs when the earth is between the sun and the moon, with the earth’s shadow
cast over the moon.
A. Total eclipse C. Eclipse
B. Lunar eclipse D. Partial Eclipse
33. These are cellular secretions which help regulate the breakdown and build-up of various substance in
the body
A. Enzymes C. Plasma
B. Amino Acids D. Hormones
34. It shows the complex food relationship of organism in a given area and the cyclic flow of food
through organisms
A. Food chain C. Food pyramid
B. Food web D. Biological cycle
35. Which of the following does NOT occur to both respiration and fermentation?
A. energy is released
B. sugar is broken down
C. carbon dioxide is produced
D. alcohol is formed
36. Compounds with the same molecular formula but with different structural formulas
A. Cellulose C. Polymers
B. Isomers D. Monomers
37. The most penetrating type of radiation given off by radioactive elements
A. Alpha radiation C. Gamma radiation
B. Beta radiation D. None of the above
38. A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without itself undergoing a chemical change just like
calcium carbide hastening the ripening of mangoes
A. catalyst C. Electrolytes
B. Enhancer D. Ionizer
39. The temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the pressure of the surrounding
A. Melting point C. Boiling Point
B. Critical point D. None of the above
40. It is the union of two light nucleus to form a heavier nucleus, resulting in a mass defect and release of
A. Radiation C. Nuclear Fusion
B. Nuclear Fission D. Radioactivity
41. A material whose ability to conduct electricity lies between those of conductors and insulators

A. Integrated Circuits C. Semiconductors
B. Silicon Chips D. Insulators

42. When an iron nail gets rusted, iron oxide is formed ______________________.
A. Without any change in the mass of the nail
B. With a decrease in the mass of the nail
C. With an increase in the mass of the nail
D. Without any change in color or mass of the nail
43. The element common to all acids is ______________________.
A. Hydrogen C. Sulfur
B. Carbon D. Oxygen

44. Carbon, diamond and graphite are together called ____________________.

A. Allotropes
B. Isomorphs
C. Isomers
D. Isotopes

45. Which of the following is in liquid form at room temperature?

A. Lithium
B. Sodium
C. Francium
D. Cerium
46. Production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) gas which is proposed to be banned in India, is used in
which of the following domestic products?
A. Television
B. Refrigerator
C. Tube light
D. Cooking gas
47. The study of the way individual traits are transmitted from one generation to the next is called
A. Ecology
B. Genetics
C. Microbiology
D. Pathology
48. Of the following biological levels of organization, which represents the smallest or lowest level?
A. Organs
B. Populations
C. Cells
D. Organism
49. Which of the following is not a property of life?
A. Reproducing, passing hereditary material to the next generation
B. Maintaining a relatively constant internal condition
C. Molding or adapting to one’s environment
D. Responding to stimuli
50. Thirty percent (30%) of the nucleotide bases in human DNA are adenine (A). What is the percentage
of guanine (G) in human DNA?
A. 20%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 70%
51. How are new alleles formed?
A. By crossing over during meiosis
B. By cloning a new variety in a population
C. By mutation in the DNA of a gene
D. By production of a new phenotype from the same DNA
52. Which of the following prevent entry of pathogens into the human body?
A. The skin and phagocytosis
B. The skin and chemical barriers
C. Inflammation response and phagocytosis
D. Inflammation and chemical barriers
53. The method of food propulsion in the esophagus is called _______________.

A. Peristalsis
B. Chewing
C. Swallowing
D. Devouring
54. The hormone that is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in the male is
A. Estrogen
B. Progesterone
C. Testosterone
D. Prolactin
55. The membranes that surround the lungs are called ___________________.
A. Pericardium
B. Pleura
C. Mucous membrane
D. Mediastinum
56. Excess of water escaping from the plants in a liquid form is called ___________.
A. Transpiration
B. Osmosis
C. Guttation
D. Respiration

57. The part of the seed that germinates and grows first is the _________________.
A. Plumule
B. Radicle
C. Cotyledons
D. Epicotyl

58. The corm is an underground stem that grows ___________________________.

A. Horizontally
B. Vertically
C. Above the soil
D. Obliquely

59. Radiocarbon is produced in the atmosphere as a result of ________________.

A. Collision between fast neutrons and nitrogen nuclei present in the
B. Action of ultraviolet light from the sun on atmospheric oxygen
C. Action of solar radiation particularly cosmic rays on carbon dioxide present
in the atmosphere
D. Lightning discharge in the atmosphere
60. It is easier to roll up a stone up a sloping road than to lift it vertically upward because
A. Work done in rolling is more than in lifting
B. Work done in lifting the stone is much more than rolling it
C. Work done in both is the same but the rate of doing work is less in rolling
D. Work done in rolling a stone is less than in lifting it
61. Mirage is due to ____________________________.
A. Unequal heating of different parts of the atmosphere
B. Magnetic disturbances in the atmosphere
C. Depletion of the ozone layer
D. Equal heating of the different parts of the atmosphere
62. Metals are good conductors of electricity because _______________.
A. They contain free electrons
B. The atoms are lightly packed
C. They have high melting points
D. All of the above
63. On a rainy day, small oil films on water show brilliant colors. This is due to ____________.
A. Dispersion
B. Diffraction
C. Interference
D. Polarization
64. RADAR is used for ____________________________.

A. Locating submerged submarines
B. Receiving a signal in a radio receiver
C. Locating geostationary satellites
D. Detecting and locating the position of objects like airplanes

65. On a cold day when the room temperature is 15 0, the metallic cap of a pen becomes much colder to
the touch than its plastic body, though both are at the same temperature because
A. Metals have higher thermal capacity than plastics
B. Plastics have lower densities than metals
C. Metals are good conductors of heat
D. Plastics have higher conductivities than metals

66. Which sequence of processes occurs in the correct order?

A. Weathering, erosion, transportation
B. Erosion, weathering, transportation
C. Erosion, transportation, weathering
D. Transportation, erosion, weathering

67. The type of mass movement characterized by the slow downhill movement of soil is called
A. Slip
B. Earthflow
C. Mudflow
D. Creep

68. A stream in its youth exhibits which of the following sets of characteristics?
A. Broad meanders and a wide floodplain
B. Few rapids and waterfalls and a U-shaped valley
C. Steep gradient and a V-shaped valley
D. Low gradient and presence of ox bow lakes

69. Which of the following statements about meandering is true?

A. Greater erosion occurs on the inside portion of the curve
B. Meanders occur in youthful streams
C. When the meanders from two adjacent streams meet, an ox bow lake is formed
D. Meanders result in the widening of the valley floor
70. The filament in an automobile headlight radiates light that is reflected from a converging mirror. The
reflected rays form a parallel beam of light because the filament is placed _____.
A. at the principal focus
B. at the center of curvature
C. beyond the center of curvature
D. between the mirror and the principal focus

71. A farsighted person needs a convex lens to correct his vision because this lens makes the image fall
on _____.
A. on the eyeball C. before the retina of the eye
B. on the retina of the eye D. beyond the retina of the eye

72. A person standing waist-deep in a swimming pool appears to have short legs because light is _____.
A. diffracted B. refracted C. reflected D. superimposed

73. A real and inverted image of an object is focused on a screen by a converging lens. If the upper half
of the lens is then covered, what happens to the image?
A. The lower half of the image disappears.
B. The upper half of the image disappears.
C. The image does not change in any way.
D. The entire image remains the same and becomes less bright.

74. Car exhaust has been blamed for increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. This added
amount of carbon dioxide may cause _____.

A. global warming

B. habitat preservation

C. increased biodiversity

D. ozone destruction

75. Which of the following statements best describe how humans affect the dynamic equilibrium in the

A. Strong winds increases water evaporation.

B. A typhoon causes a stream to overflow its banks.

C. Water pollution causes a decrease in fish populations in rivers.

D. The ozone shield helps prevent harmful radiation from reaching the Earth’s surface.

76. Which of the following statements below has contributed to the production of acid rain?

A. Passing environmental land pollution laws

B. Establishing reforestation projects in lumbered areas

C. Using pesticides for the control of insects that feed on lakes

D. Burning fuels that produce air pollutants containing sulfur and carbon monoxide

77. Which of the following statements best describe a stable environment?

A. It usually consists of one type of producer.

B. It usually consists of a great diversity of species.

C. It has complex food webs that have more heterotrophs than autotrophs.

D. It has simple food chains that have more consumers than producers.

78. In the DDT cycle, an unexpected result on the use of DDT was noted. Before the DDT was
banned, DDT was used to combat an organism called red mite. The population of the red mite
increased rather than decreased, while the population of insect predators of the red mite decreased.
What can be inferred from this situation?

A. The red mites were immune to the effects of DDT.

B. Using pesticides is a reliable way to eliminate all insect predators.

C. The red mite and its insect predators were all competing for the same resources.

D. Environmental changes that affect one population can affect other populations.

79. What would be the implication of the findings of the astronomers that the moon has no

A. It is the reason why it is revolving very fast.

B. It would eventually capture the atmosphere of the Earth.

C. Its sky would be so white which is observed on Earth.

D. Its sky would be so dark and there will be a lot of craters due to the collision of
meteoroids to its surface.

80. How much time does it take for the moon to go through all its phases?

A. 27 ⅓days

B. 29 ½ days

C. 30 days

D. 31 days

81. Which among the following causes the changes in the length of day?

A. Sun’s rays

B. Earth’s tilt

C. Phases of the moon

D. None of the above

82. The type of soil that contains a mixture of clay, sand, silt and organic matter is called

A. loam B. caliche C. peat D. podzol

83. Carbon monoxide exuded by vehicles is dangerous when inhaled in great amounts because

A. it competes with oxygen for binding with red blood cells

B. it damages and clogs the opening of the lungs
C. it is toxic to the digestive system
D. it causes skin allergies and other skin related diseases

84. A sachet of coffee granules and a tablespoon of sugar were mixed with a cup of hot water, then
stirred. The resulting mixture can be classified as _________________.
A. heterogeneous C. colloidal
B. solution D. precipitate

85. Which of the following would you expect to have a pH value that is greater than 7?
A. pure water C. orange juice
B. soap mixture D. none of these

86. A solar eclipse can occur when __________________.

A. the moon is between the earth and the moon
B. the sun is between the earth and the moon
C. the earth is between the sun and the moon
D. the earth and the moon are facing the sun in the same direction

87. Which of these animal tissue – function is mismatched?

A. epithelial tissue – protection and support
B. muscular tissue – contraction and conduction
C. connective tissue – binding and support
D. nervous tissue – conduction and message sending

88. One way of effectively killing a tree is to cut a ring of bark around the trunk of the tree. This method
essentially affects the function of what tissue. This method essentially affects the function of what
A. ground tissue C. phloem
B. xylem D. pith

89. Two groups of corn plants were grown under laboratory conditions. Humus was added to the soil of
one group and the other group without humus served as the control. The leaves of the control group
were yellowish (less green) than the group in humus enriched soil. Which best explains the observation?
A. the humus-enriched plants absorbed more chlorophyll from the soil
B. the healthier plants used the food in the decomposing leaves of the humus for energy to
make chlorophyll
C. the humus contained minerals such as Mg and Iron needed for the synthesis of chlorophyll
D. the humus made the soil more loosely packed, so the roots of the plants would grow with less

90. Acceleration is the change of velocity for a given time interval. A car has an acceleration of 1 m/s 2.
What is the change in its velocity after every 3 seconds?
A. 3 m/s B. 2 m/s C. 0 m/s D. 1 m/s

91. Which of the two systems has greater density, a lake full of water or a cup full of lake water?
A. the cup full of lake water C. both have the same density
B. the lake D. not enough information to say
92. A weather instrument used to measure the relative humidity, using the cooling effect of evaporation.
A. psychrometer C. anemometer
B. barometer D. radar

93. Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association of ______________________________________.

A. fungi and roots of plants
B. cyanobacteria and leaves of plants
C. bacteria and fungi
D. algae and plants

94. Which of the following pairs of organisms is most related?

A. molds and mushrooms because both belong to Kingdom Fungi
B. dogs and cats because they both belong to Order to Carnivora
C. spiders and insects because they both belong to Phylum Arthropoda
D. Gumamela and okra because both belong to Famiy Malvaceae

95. In a symbiotic relationship, __________________.

A. one organism is benefited while the other is harmed
B. both organisms are benefited
C. the two organisms live closely to each other
D. two organisms produce a product that each cannot produce individually

96. Object A has a mass of 300 g and a density of 3 g/cm 3. Object B has mass of 450 g and a density of 45
g/cm3. Which of the following statements is or are true?
A. Object A has bigger volume than object B
B. Object B will displace more water than object A
C. Object B has bigger volume than object A
D. a and b

97. What power in watts is employed in lifting a 5-kg mass to a height of 2 m in 7 seconds?

A. 1.4 B. 14 C. 1.75 D. 17.5

98. Objects seem to be heavier on the earth than on the moon for what reason?
A. earth has more mass than the moon
B. the moon has no atmosphere unlike the earth
C. earth is nearer to the sun than the moon most of the time
D. earth has a stronger gravitational pull than the moon

99. When cut and removed from the body and placed in a suitable saline solution, the heart can be
observed to continually beat. Which best explains this observation?
A. the saline solution keeps the heart beating
B. there is a natural pacemaker in the heart that initiates the heart beat
C. the beating of the heart is under the control of the organism
D. the heart is multinucleated such that there are many points of regulating heart beat

100. The ozone layer is known to filter harmful radiation such as UV and gamma rays from entering the
earth and causing damage to life forms. In what region of the atmosphere is it mostly located?
A. stratosphere C. ionosphere
B. troposphere D. exosphere

101. Runners crossing the finish line of a race often take time before they completely stop. Which best
explains this?
A. Law of Acceleration C. Law of Conservation of Energy
B. Law of Inertia D. Law of Conservation of Momentum

102. Salt and sugars are often used as food preservatives. Jams, salted fish and eggs do not spoil easily
because the high amounts of salt and sugar _______________________________.
A. is toxic to most microorganisms
B. prevents water from being available to microorganisms
C. prevents important nutrients from entering the cells of microorganisms eventually killing
D. causes the release of toxic substances from the microorganism

103. Which of the following is not an underground root that functions for food and or water storage?
A. carrot B. potato C. radish D. cassava

104. Which of the following statements about water is false?

A. The freezing and melting points are the same
B. In pure form, the pH is equal to 7
C. it is “heavier” at 40C than at 100C
D. none of these

105. Dengue, in its advanced stage, causes internal bleeding that may be fatal in most cases. This
dreaded disease is caused by ______________
A. a certain kind of virus C. a certain of bacterium
B. a species of mosquito D. a certain kind of fungus

106. The atomic mass of an atom is represented by _______________________.

A. the number of protons in the nucleus
B. the number of electrons of the atom
C. the number of neutrons in the nucleus
D. the sum of the number of neutrons and protons

107. If the chromosome number of your skin cells is 46, the number of chromosome in your gametes is
equal to ___________________.

A. 46 B. 23 C. 44 D. 12

108. A person eats a chunk of pork meat. Which will most probably happen as it reaches the stomach?
A. the meat will be converted to amino acids by pepsin and trypsin
B. the meat will be converted to glucose by amylase
C. the meat will be converted to glycerol and fatty acids by lipase
D. the meat will be converted to nucleotides by endonuclease

109. Which is not found in a plant cell?

A. cell membrane C. vacuole
B. cell wall D. none

110. It is during this period of the Mesozoic era when the dinosaurs first evolved.
A. Triassic C. Cretaceous
B. Jurassic D. Ordovician

111. A certain vine plant is symbiotically associated with a certain tree. The vine gets nutrients by
piercing through the vascular tissues of the tree. This is an example of _________________.
A. parasitism C. mutualism
B. competition D. commensalism

112. An energy pyramid is a diagram that compares the amount of energy available at each position or
level in the feeding order in a community. Which statement/s is or are correct about an energy
A. the top level contains the most energy and is made up of producers
B. the lowest level contains the most energy and is made up of producers
C. the top level contains the least energy and is made up of producers
D. the lowest level contains the most energy and is made up of consumers

113. An electric motor is a device that changes __________________________.

A. magnetic field producing electricity
B. electric energy into mechanical energy
C. chemical energy into electrical energy
D. potential energy into electrical energy

114. Substance X has a pH of 7.8, substance Y has a pH of 8.2 and substance Z has a pH of 9.4. Which
statements is or are correct?
A. substance Y is more acidic than X, but less acidic than Z
B. substance Y is more basic than X, but less basic than Z
C. substance Y is less acidic than X, but more acidic than Z
D. substance Y is less basic than X, but more basic than Z

115. Compared to radio waves, infrared rays have __________________________________.

A. shorter wavelength, but higher frequency
B. shorter wavelength and lower frequency
C. longer wavelength and longer frequency
D. longer wavelength, but lower frequency


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