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By T.

Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by

Mark Becomes a Magician is an entertaining

story of a young boy who, while at a magic show,
gets selected to learn and perform a magic card
trick. To his surprise, the trick works and he even
shares the trick with the reader.

Published by monkey pen publishing 2015

Mark was really excited. Today was his
7th birthday and he was going to see
Magneto, the Magician at the Performing
Arts Center. “Imagine!” he said to
himself. “I am actuallly going to see
Magneto do his magic in person.”
Then he shouted,”Come on, mom. Let’s
go, Dad. Mary fix your hair in the car. I
don’t want to be late!”

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The show began on time and when Magneto come
onto the stage, the crowd gave him
a standing ovation.
Oh – it was a great show!!. Magneto sawed a
pretty lady in half, then he made a person
disappear, flowers grew from a
paper bag, and he even made it snow in the
Magneto was truly a great magician and Mark
was having the best day of his life.
“My dear friends,” Magneto said. “We are in
that part of the show where there is a short
intermission. But before you leave ,
I want to do one more thing.

You see, a short time back, while I was

performing in a land far away, another magician
gave me a magic feather. He told me that
the feather had the power to select a special
person, one who has mystical powers, one who is
a magician.
Now, for the first time, I am going to have
the magic feather select that special person.
Please do not jump up and try to grab the magic
feather. Just let it select that magical person
on its own.”

Then Magneto held a large white feather

in front of his face, took a noisy and very
deep breath, then blew on the feather. What
happened next was remarkable!

Everyone thought the feather would gently

float to someone up front, but it didn’t. Instead
it zoomed to the back of the auditorium. It
dipped, dodged peoples heads, slowed and
seemed to look at and examine
different people. Then it rose to the ceiling,
did several flips, and gently landed in Marks lap.

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“I see the magic feather has made
its selection. Please young man,
come up to the stage. What’s your name?”
“Mark,” the young lad replied.
”Are you ready to learn a magic trick
and perform it on the stage?”
Mark had to think for a moment, He still couldn’t
believe he was on stage with such a great
magician and was a bit nervous. “Yes,” he replied.

Then Magneto said, “Ladies and gentlemen,

families and friends, please enjoy
the intermission. When you return,
Mark, the Magnificent will perform
a feat of magic to mystify your minds.”
Magneto took Mark backstage and explained
the magic trick to him. They practised
for some time till Mark had the trick down pat.
“Are you ready, Mark?” “You bet I am,”
mark replied.
They both waited for the curtain to rise.
The curtain rose and Magneto introduced
Mark, the Magnificent to the audience. Then he
stepped back and turned the show over to Mark.

As Mark began, the cameras zoomed in on

him and the table. Then his actions instantly
appeared on giant TV screens all around the
auditorium. Everyone could see everything.

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“I need an assistant from the audience,”
Mark said. He wanted to pick his sister
but Magneto told him not to pick anyone he
knew. “The lady in the green dress,
would you please come to the stage!”
Mark said confidently.
“Oh darn, I thought he would have picked me.”
Mary said to her mom
as the lady walked to the stage.
“Please take this deck of cards and remove the
King, the Queen, the Jack, and the Ace of each
suite. They are the only cards we will need,”
Mark instructed. The lady did as Mark said.

Mark then took the 16 cards and on the table

made 4 stacks, face up, for all to see. Each
stack contained all the same cards. One stack
for the Kings, one for the Queens, one for the
Jacks, and one for the Aces.

“Please examine the cards and ensure they are

the same ones you gave me,” Mark instructed.
The lady looked and said, “They look the same to
me. Four neat stacks, each containing the same
type card.” “Remember these stacks for they
are the start of the journey,” Mark said to the
lady and the audience.
Mark began talking. “Once there were four sons
of a great ruler who each wanted a kingdom
of his own. The great ruler considered their
request and granted them their request. You
shall become the King of Hearts and rule the
North.” With that Mark put the King of Hearts,
face up, at the top of the table. “You shall have a
beautiful wife,” he said as he placed
the Queen of Hearts, face up, on top of the King.
Then he said “Your son will be a great hunter” as
he placed the Jack of Hearts, face up,
on top of the Queen.

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“You will have a great army to protect your
kingdom,” he said as he placed the Ace of
Hearts, face up,
on top of the Jack. Then Mark moved the cards
and asked the lady to ensure they were the King,
Queen, Jack, and Ace of Hearts. The lady looked
and confirmed
to all that they were. Mark made a neat stack
making sure he didn’t change the order of
the cards and turned the stack face down on
the table. “The Kingdom of the Hearts is now
complete,” he said with authority.
Mark then told a similar story for the remaining three
suits (Spades, Diamonds, and Clubs).He was very careful
to make sure he placed the cards in the same manner
(King, Queen, Jack, and Ace) and turned the stacks
face down when each was complete.
“Each kingdom wanted more. This kingdom overpowered
this one!” Mark shouted. At the same time he took one
stack of cards and placed them face down on top of one
of the other stacks. “Now there are three,” he said.
“The other two kingdoms joined forces,” Mark said
excitedly. At the same time, he put one of the other
stacks of four cards on top of the remaining stack of
four making sure the stacks were face down. “Over
time, these two great kingdoms merged and became a
single Nation,” he said as he placed one stack of eight
cards face down on top of the other. “But over time
something happened. Things changed! Things got all
mixed-up!” he said to the audience.
Then he asked the lady to cut the cards. To pick
some part of the card pile and put them face
down and then put the remaining cards face
down on top of that stack.

“Oh, there are still more changes taking place,”

Mark said and he asked the lady to once again
cut the cards in the same manner. (Pick some
part of the stack, place it face down on the
table, and then put the remaining cards face
down on top of that stack).

Mark asked the audience, “Do you want the

cards cut one more time?” They all yelled “Yes!”

He asked the lady to cut the deck for the third

and final time.

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Mark looked at the audience and Magne to
came to the table smiling.

Mark then waved his hands over the deck

and said to the audience. “Sometimes magic
is required to restore order and bring things
He then picked up the deck of cards and let
Magneto say some magical words. Mark then
took the top card and placed it face down on
the table to begin a stack. He took the second
card and placed it face down to start a second
stack and did the same thing for the next two
cards to start four stacks.
Next, Mark took the top card in the deck and
put it on the first stack. The next card on the
second stack, the third on the third and the
fourth on the fourth. Then he repeated this
sequence for the remaining cards.

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The audience could clearly see the four stacks of
cards face down on the table.

Mark again waved his hands over the cards and said
to the audience. “The great nation has come full
circle. Everything now is as it was in the beginning.”

He asked the lady to turn over the first stack of

cards. The camera zoomed in and all the cards were
Aces. He asked her to do the same for the other
stacks and surprise!! Each stack had the same type
cards: Aces, Kings, Queens, and Jacks.

The audience cheered, Magneto bowed to the new

magician Mark , the Magnificent, and the lady left
the stage wondering how he did it.

Mark truly had the BEST BIRTHDAY ever.

To try the magic yourself, follow what
Mark did in the story.
Why Fit in When You Were Born to
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Mark Becomes a Magician is an entertaining story of a young
boy who, while at a magic show, gets selected to learn and
perform a magic card trick. To his surprise, the trick works
and he even shares the trick with the reader.

Not everything is as it seems.

By T. Albert
Illustrated by

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