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Chapter 1


The name of my project is 'Online Examination System'. Online Examination

System is an on-line test simulator is to take online examination, test in an efficient
manner and no time wasting for manually checking of the test paper. The main
objective of this web based online examination system is to efficiently evaluate the
student thoroughly through a fully automated system that not only saves lot of time
but also gives fast and accurate results. Online examination system helps students
to offer a quick and easy way to appear for the test. It also provides the results
immediately after the examination with 100% accuracy and security. Student can
enter to perform exam only with their valid username and password. This
examination contains multiple choice questions and appropriate number of options.
There are no limitations on number of options and it can be randomized so same
set of question will not appear to all student so it prevent manipulation. More than
one option can be correct but the user can select only one option. This provides
time limit. The user can see their results after completing the exam. This helps the
students to write the exam from far distance and which can provide security and
simplicity and other beneficial features to the user.

1.1 Projecct Overview:

The name of my project is "Online Examination System". The goal of
this project is to make jobs easier. Candidates must first create a profile
by registering on the website. After that they have to upload the
required information like educational background, previous work
experience etc. Here we will give test twice or thrice per week. We will
make an agreement with different companies, so that if their company
needs a employees, we will give them employees according to their
needs. When the company needs employees, we will post the job on
the website of that company on behalf of that company. Those who are
interested in the job will apply for that post. After that, their interview
will be arranged.

1.2 Project Purpose:

The main objective of my project is to provide jobs to unemployed educated
youth in Bangladesh. Because many educated youth of Bangladesh are doing
various kinds of criminal activities without getting jobs. As a result instability is
being created in the society. We have contracts with different companies and we
will give employees according to their needs. All the unemployed youth will get
jobs according to their qualifications.
Chapter 2

Software Requirement Specification

Functional Requirement: (Admin):

SRS Process Name Description Priority
FR_ Sign In By using an Email and password, Admin can High
01 sign into the system.
FR_02 Manage User The admin will be able to view the user Medium
profile and disable or enable the user.
FR_03 Approve Job Circilar In this part admin can Approve Job Circular, Medium
FR_04 View Applyer Admin View Job Request Candidate High
FR_05 Manage Question The admin can add a question to the High
website for user.
FR_06 Marks Upload Admin Can Upload Exam Marks High
FR_07 Announcement Admin can Post Important Announcement High
FR_08 Logout Admin can Logout in the system Medium

Functional Requirement: (User):

SRS ID Process Name Description Priority
FR_01 Registration User Must be Sign Up Using by Name , High
company name , Address , phone , email
& Password etc he/she will have to Sign
FR_02 Login Using by Email & Password to login High

FR_3 Post Job Circilar Employer can post job circular. High

FR_4 View CV Employer view Cv from job applier. Medium

FR_5 View Announcement Employer View important notice. Medium
FR_6 Logout Employer can do logout Medium

Non Functional Requirement:

SRS ID Process Name Description Priority

NFR_1 Usability System should be user friendly for all user High
NFR_2 Security System has to protect users data High
NFR_3 Availability The System should work 24/7/365 as user can get High
access and serivice
NFR_4 Interoperability This website can be use from different system Medium
Sign In

Use Case:Admin:

Sing In

User Manage

Add Question

View Question
Update Question
Use Case (User):


Sign In

Given Exam

Create Profile

Update Profile

View Result

Job Apply


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