Anam Hijab Word Formation Process

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DATE: November 1, 2020


As we know that language is getting advance day by day because of the addition
of new words, new words are formed and because of that language become
flexible and advance. The process by which new words are formed is known as
“word formation process” and through this process we can form new words.
Word Formation Process (also called Morphological Process) is a means by which
new words are produced either by modification of existing words or by complete
innovation, which in turn become a part of the language. Most English vocabulary
arises by making new lexemes out of old ones either by adding an affix to
previously existing forms, altering their word class, or combining them to produce
compounds. There are several processes of word formation by whicgh we create
new words. Some of them are blending, compounding, borrowing, acronyms,
conversion, backformation, clipping, coinage, and derivation.

In this assignment I will discuss the compounding process in English and Urdu
language and will further discuss some similarities and differences between both
of them.

Compounding is the process of combining two words (free morphemes) to create
a new word (commonly a noun, verb, or adjective). It is also called composition, it
is from the Latin which means "put together".Compounds are written sometimes
as one word (sunglasses), sometimes as two hyphenated words (life-threatening),
and sometimes as two separate words (football stadium). Compounding is the
most common process of word formation in English. It is the most useful and
considerable process of word formation. Compounds are not limited to two
words, as shown by examples such as bathroom towel-rack and community
center finance committee. Indeed, the process of compounding seems unlimited
in English: starting with a word like sailboat, we can easily construct the
compound sailboat rigging, from which we can, in turn, create sailboat rigging
design, sailboat rigging design training, sailboat rigging design training institute,
and so on. Compounds may be compositional which means that the meaning of
the new word is determined by combinning the meaning of the parts or b it may
be non compositional which means that the meaning of the new word cannot be
determined by combinning the meaning of the parts. For example a blue berry is
a berry that is blue. However a breakup is not a relationship that was served into
pieces in an upward direction.


Compounding English language can be two words, two hyphanated words or it
may be two separate words. For example “tea” and “pot” are two different words
but these two words are joined togethor to form another word that is Teapot, so
it is written as one word. We can have hyphanated words like two and third and
by combinning them we get two-third. There may be words which can be written
separately like shopping and mall but it is pronounced as one word like “shopping

This means that by joining two different words the spelling doesnot change but
the meaning of the combined word is changed. The compound word can be made
from noun to noun or adjective to noun, verb to noun, noun to verb, verb to verb
or verb to preposition and so on. Some of the other examples of compound words

For example:







So these are some of the examples of compounding in English language.


In Urdu language new words are formed through the process of compounding. In
Urdu It is the combination of two words which can form a single word. New words
can be formed by linking either two words or through a morpheme which can
make a single meaningful word.

Some of the examples of compounding in Urdu language are:

‫وزیر مملکت‬

‫حال صورت‬

‫امن و امان‬

So the above words are the combination of two words. These words can
be formed either by placing two different words together by making it new
word as a whole or it can be formed by putting ‫ و‬in between the words
which give the meaning of "and", and make it a new word.

So the following are similarities between English and Urdu compounding:

● The first one is that the formation of new words in both English and
Urdu are formed by one process and that is “word formation".
● In English and Urdu when new words are formed by joining the
different words they are through the same process which is
● The formation of new words in both languages shows that their
meaning is just Change by placing different words together.
● The combination of different words in both Languages can be the
combination of either noun to noun, noun to verb, adjective to noun or
verb to noun.

● In English we have different types of compounding but in Urdu we
dont have types of compounding.
● In English we have more than two compounding words but in urdu we
dont have more than two compounding words.
● We have hyphenated compounding words in English while in Urdu
words are combined through ‫ و‬and it makes a new word.

From the above detailed assignment it is concluded that word formation is
that process through which different new words are formed and then in
word formation there are some other process by which we can add prefixes
and suffixes to words to make a full new word or to change the class of a
word. Like clipping, blending, mixing, affixation, back formation is the
process through which we form new words.

The assignment discuss above is about the compounding of English and

Urdu language. Compounding is that process through which language is
advancing day by day. Because of compounding new words can be formed
in every language and this process is very vital for every language. So from
this we can conclude that language is progessing through compounding
process each day.

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