Intermediate Mid-Course Test A: Pronunciation

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Intermediate Mid-course Test A

1 Track 13 Listen and underline the stressed words.
Can you tell me your date of birth?
1 Did you have a nice holiday?
2 Where are you living now?
3 How is your new job?
4 When’s your birthday?
5 What does your brother do?

2 Track 14 Listen and underline the linked words in these sentences.

I’ve been living here for about a month.
1 We’ve known each other for a while.
2 Tom’s been hanging around since eight o’clock.
3 My parents moved to the new apartment a few weeks ago.
4 I quit my old job in August.
5 Lucy started university in America.

3 Track 15 Listen to speakers talking about places they have visited. Choose the
correct answer: a, b or c.
Speaker 1 is describing a/an _a_ place.
a arty b smart c touristy
1 Speaker 2 is describing a           place.
a dangerous b spectacular c peaceful
2 Speaker 3 is describing a           place.
a crowded b peaceful c colourful
3 Speaker 4 is describing a           place.
a smart b lively c old-fashioned
4 Speaker 5 is describing a           place.
a peaceful b lively c crowded
5 Speaker 6 is describing a           place.
a dangerous b industrial c polluted


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Intermediate Mid-course Test A
Language focus
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
know have work visit think enjoy
Do you know my sister Hannah?
1 Matt                               his holiday because the weather’s really bad at the moment and he can’t
go out.
2 When we were children we                               our grandparents every summer.
3 My father                               as a teacher when he met my mother.
4 I                               of taking a gap year because I want to travel.
5 We                               much money when I was growing up.

5 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.

London is not as expensive _a_ Tokyo.
a as b than c from
1 Who are the               happy people you know?
a least b less c most
2 The place where I live is             different from how it used to be.
a more b exactly c completely
3 Prague is             far the most beautiful city in Europe in my opinion.
a at b by c in
4 Mount Everest is a                 higher than Kilimanjaro.
a more b much c lot
5 To me, home is the most special place             the world.
a in b around c of

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
meet buy lose want take see
Have you ever met anyone famous?
1 Paul                                                   his driving test yesterday. I wonder if he passed.
2 Alice                                                   to go to university straight after school, so she had a gap year.
3 I                                                   any new clothes for ages because I’m trying to save some money,
but I really need a new winter coat.
4                     you                     Brad Pitt’s new film last week?
5 I can’t believe you                                                   your glasses again! You’re so careless.

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Intermediate Mid-course Test A
7 Choose the correct answers.
John is planning / thinking of looking for a new job.
1 I hope you will visit / are visiting us this summer.
2 Pam won’t leave home until / as soon as she has a job.
3 I’m going to fail / failing my driving test again! I always get so nervous.
4 Louise intends to go travelling when / before she settles down.
5 Peter and Anne will get / are getting married on Saturday.

8 Rewrite the sentences/questions as reported speech.

‘I don’t want to go out’.
Jane said she didn’t want to go out.
1 ‘We’re looking forward to spending some time with our relatives.’
Mark said
2 ‘Will you come to my party, Ben?’
Sally asked
3 ‘Tom saw his cousins for the first time recently.’
Dan said                                                                                                                                                                                                        
4 ‘My parents haven’t met Simon before.’
Erica said
5 ‘Why did you leave your job, Fred?’
Jeff asked

9 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You won’t need all the words.
make-up children hair nothing shopping ironing friends paperwork
texting gym
Mum usually puts on make-up for special occasions.
1 I always do the                               at the weekend as I do all the washing on Saturday mornings.
2 Matt spends ages chatting to                               . I don’t know when he does his homework.
3 I like to go                               with my best friend as we both love clothes.
4 Dad always does                               at the last minute, so he gets angry when we disturb him.
5 Who does your                               ? It looks really nice.

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Intermediate Mid-course Test A
10 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
My parents were very _a_, so there were a lot of rules in our house.
a strict b ashamed c rude
1 My mother always told me                   when I did something wrong.
a on b out c off
2 My English teacher                 me confidence because she believed in me.
a made b gave c got
3 It’s important to               your parents and teachers because they are older and wiser than
a criticise b respect c punish
4 Clare’s parents have always               her to do her best.
a encouraged b praised c criticised
5 I was very naughty and was always               into trouble at school.
a being b going c getting

11 Choose the odd one out.

canal lake waterfall forest
1 cathedral factory mosque temple
2 skyscraper bay beach cliff
3 ancient ruins monument festival museum
4 docks harbour factory view
5 market farmland shopping mall skyscraper

12 Complete the sentences with a suitable verb.

After Alison lost her job she became very depressed.
1 I’d like to                               up my children in the country because city life is just too stressful.
2 Jack organised a big party to celebrate after                               all his exams.
3 John                               in love with Hannah as soon as he saw her.
4 After Ben’s parents                               divorced, they didn’t see each other for several months.
5 We                               house so many times in the last few years because of Dad’s job.

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Intermediate Mid-course Test A
13 Complete the table.

Verb Noun Adjective

distract 1                 2                
3                 production 4                
5                 6                 successful
fail 7                 failed
know 8                 9                
improve 10                               improved

Functional language
14 Complete and match the conversations.
We saw you at the concert yesterday. a_
1 Tom has just called to say he’ll be late. ___
2 I really don’t like my dessert. ___
3 The weather was great yesterday. ___
4 Clare’s coming to visit next week. ___
5 You’re looking great! ___

a Did you? Why didn’t you say hello?
b                                         ? I didn’t really notice.
c                                         ? That’s great news.
d                                         ? Never mind, we’ve still got plenty of time.
e                                         ? Thanks very much.
f                                         ? You can have mine instead.

15 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences/questions.

Jason Peters / to / please / I’d / to / speak / like
I’d like to speak to Jason Peters, please.
1 the / about / newspaper / I’m / job / calling / advert / the / in
2 calling / ask / can / who’s / I ?
3 call / you / her / me / could / back / ask / to ?
4 ask / is / what / about / the / could / call / I ?
5 see / free / Mr Weaver / I’ll / is / just / if

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Intermediate Mid-course Test A
16 Read the article and put sentences a–f in the correct place in the text.

The world of work

by L Smithson
                c      ___                Musicians, writers, teachers and doctors perhaps, but otherwise I think
many of us just ‘fall’ into a job because we’re in the right place at the right time.
Clearly, however, you need specific skills or qualifications for certain jobs.
                                                                If, however, you want to be a teacher or work in public relations,
those skills will be vital if you are to succeed and be happy.
There are, of course, many other factors to consider when starting out on the career ladder.
Are you ambitious? How important is money? Are you prepared to work long hours in order to
get an early promotion? 2                                                            Is security important to you? What about
responsibility or opportunities to travel?
These are some of the questions I asked myself when it was time for me to think about the job
I would like to have most. I knew that a career in the world of finance was not for me as I don’t
enjoy working with numbers. 3                                                               
So, with all of those thoughts in mind I decided to train to become an English teacher.
                                                                        When I found a course, I gave up the job I had been doing and
started training. The course was the most challenging thing I have ever done and at times I
wondered whether I had made the biggest mistake of my life. But when I’d qualified and
actually started working, I realised it was the best decision I’d ever made.

a Are you able to work in a stressful environment?

b Although many of my friends thought I didn’t have the right personality, I knew it was the
right decision for me.
c There are very few people who know from an early age what they want to do when it’s time
to choose a career.
d And here I am ten years later still teaching and still enjoying my work.
e If you want to be an accountant or banker, you need to be good with numbers, though you
don’t necessarily need good communication skills.
f I’m much better suited to working with people and have never liked routine.


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Intermediate Mid-course Test A
17 An informal email
You lost touch with one of your best friends when you moved to a new area. After finding their
profile on a social networking site, you have decided to send them an email. You should
include the following:
- introduction
- questions for them
- your personal update
- reason for email
Write 120–150 words.

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Intermediate Mid-course Test A


Total: 100

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