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03138226630, 03041347008

1.1 nature of business:
We are introducing a unique online car repairing services business for peoples of Hyderabad
which is named as CAR’IGAR BULAO. Basic Purpose of our business is to provide services
like car washing, wiring, Car modifications, Oil Changing, refilling of fuels. Car denting, Car
panting, tunings, tire changing and all other services related to repairing of cars. Further we will
also focusing on to sell Auto parts too on an online order and deliver them at the door step of our

1.2 statement of financing needed:

Initial financing requested is Rupees 3,000,000. This amount of money will cover the expenses
of machines, mechanics, equipment, office space, office equipment, 2 rented

advertising and other related expenses.

1.3 statement of confidentiality of report:

The CARIGAR BULAO Business Plan hereby acknowledges that the information provided is
completely confidential and therefore the reader agrees not to disclose anything found in the
business plan without the express written consent of Co-Owner’s.

It is also acknowledged by the reader that the information to be furnished in this business plan is
in all aspects confidential in nature, other than information that is in the public domain through
other means and that any disclosure or use of the same by the reader may cause serious harm and
or damage to CARIGAR BULAO services. Upon request this business plan document will be
immediately returned to Co-Owners. As this is a business plan. It does not imply an offer of any
We are looking forward to introduce a “ONLINE CAR REPAIRING SERVICES”. In this busy
world where everyone is looking to pay their time on their jobs and businesses, people don’t like
to spend their week days or weekends in a car repairing shops. This service will provide the
customers, Time Savings, ease and money saving advantages.

First of all we’re aiming to start over business idea within the budget of 3 millions in which we
will take a 2 vanes on monthly rent which are mandatory to start our business which estimates
60,000 per month. The vehicles will be used for door to door car repairing services for our

We will introduce and online App in which we will provide the facility to our customers to book
our services for repairing their cars at their door steps. We will provide services like, Punchers
repairing, Re filling of Fuels, Car Washing, Filter Changing, Oil Changing, Car Modifications,
Car Denting, Car Painting, Engine Wiring, Door Looks, Car Detailing and other services related
to cars.

We are aiming total 5 workers and 2 drivers on daily wages who will look after all the on field
work which will be directed by service manager. The App will work for 24/7 a week but we will
provide limited and urgent services after 9pm till 6am like Puncher repairing, Urgent air fillings
needed on highways and other major issues related to conditions.

The Radios of this service will be Hyderabad city. Further more on the success and demand we
will expand our business likely.

3.1 future outlooks and trends:
The automobile industry is one of the most important industries in Pakistan. Auto repair shops
that want to ensure they will survive these trends in 2020 and must begin to take steps now to
prepare their shops and their staff for a future.They will require the more technologically
advanced tools, equipment and machines. Many auto repair technicians will have to be retrained
to ensure they have the right skill set to handle the changing auto repair needs in 2020.

6 Major Auto Repair Industry Trends

The transformational automobile design changes are hastening the demise of the low-tech auto
repair shop. The following are some of the trends crashing the modern auto repair industry.

1. More Reliable Vehicles

2. Growing Preference For Having Dealerships Handle Repairs
3. Digitization, Increasing Automation And Electrification
4. Enhanced Telematics And Connectivity
5. Shortage of Techs
6. Connectivity Services, Shared Mobility And Feature Upgrades

3.2 analysis of competitors:

CARIGAR BULAO faces over 100+ auto repair and auto parts competitors in the local area of
Hyderabad. Only a quarter of these competitors offer both auto repair services and auto parts
inventories. Among these, only a few are major national chains. The remaining ones are small
privately-owned establishments. CARIGAR BULAO will compete well by focusing on
convenience and offering a high level of customer service. Additionally, its honest reputation
will be a major factor in repeat business and building a large base of regular, loyal customers.

Primary competitors are engaged principally in the retail sale of automotive parts, tires and
accessories, automotive maintenance and service and the installation of parts.

Large competitors' stores typically carry the same basic product line, with variations based on the
number and type of cars registered in the different markets.

Automotive product lines usually include:



New and remanufactured parts for domestic and imported cars, including:

Suspension parts.

Ignition parts.

Exhaust systems.

Engines and engine parts.

Oil and air filters, belts, hoses, and air conditioning parts.


Wiper blades.

brake parts.

Chemicals, including oil, antifreeze, polishes, additives, cleansers and paints.

Mobile electronics, including sound systems, alarms, and remote vehicle starters.

Car accessories, including seat covers, floor mats, and exterior accessories.

Hand tools, including sockets, wrenches, ratchets, paint and body tools, jacks and lift equipment,
automotive specialty tools and test gauges.

3.3 market segmentation:

CARIGAR BULAO focuses on the middle and upper income markets. This market looks for
high quality, rapid service with as much convenience as possible. Most individuals in this market
segment are willing to pay an extra premium within the pricing of auto repair services to avoid
the common inconveniences of having a vehicle tied up in a repair shop.

Local residents regular customer base

CARIGAR BULAO wants to establish a significantly large regular customer base. This will
establish a healthy, consistent revenue base to ensure stability of the business.

3.4 industry and market forecast:

The Pakistan automotive market is slowly shifting towards a service oriented model with new
players focusing extensively on customer experience and consumer data. Transitions in
automotive markets are providing opportunities for some parts while other components face stiff
decline over the forecasts.

This portion provides the detailed information of our goods and services, the entrepreneur
mission reasons for going in to this business, why these are the best in providing services and
how they are different from the other ventures. It also shows the variates of goods and services.
In this portion, services are discussed, its costs and location.

4.1 background of the entrpreneur:

Our mission of venture is to provide best quality services and goods to the consumer in target
market with the minimum price from our competitors and their availability in the consumer
market. Whereas our services could be easily available to the consumer in market. They can
avail our services easily at their door step by using the app we will design. The thing is interest in
business of Online car services that we see pretty confidential so far. The reason for going to this
business is that we feel the need that nowadays people do not have enough time to go and spent
their weekends in markets and we are sure that our services will be appreciated in the local
market with low prices.

The reason for being successful in the venture is that we quite researched the market need. where
we found that people like to maintain their cars to modify them or to repair their old parts of cars
in new ones and many more but the most common thing was that most of the persons don’t like
to spent the whole day in car shops or spent their weekends with mechanics rather than with their
family. We see this business as a ground breaking one, like our policy is aggregately quite
different from target market. According to our research this type of methodology has not been
introduced yet in Hyderabad, so as we see an exclusive type of business opportunity in target

We have just done 5% of practical development and the rest of our 95% development is based on
research criteria. Contribution in practical development of our business has completed in terms
of space, location , area , merchandise for business activities, financial support for startup and
dealing with target market. Under the contribution of research development we have done the
goods and services research quite immensely as what sought of goods and services are available
and what are need to be introduced for target market.

4.2 service:
Our business is based on goods and services of cars with different type of variates. The goods
and services are listed as Carwash, Car detailing, New tyrs, New rims, Car pent, tunning, lights,
sound system, modifications, car pent, Lights, New engines, Repairing of engine and all the
goods and services related to cars.

4.3 business size:
Our business will be located in Hyderabad city, the reason for the selection of this area is low
rent as compare to other markets in different cities and Hyderabad has a good market of auto
industry which will help us to provide best services easily to customers. For our venture, the
office of our business will be in a normal condition, the office will need the renovation with cost
of PRs. 50,000 to 100,000 as we will setup our system in our office from where all of our
services will run for starting of the project. Office for the venture will be rented at the cost of
PRs. 20,000/25,000 per month. The location is better for business according to our services that
we are providing. The selected area is suitable for many reasons as it is located near our targeted
market, low rent charges, low wages, and high demand.

4.4 business equipment:

The equipment’s needed for the venture are furniture, stationary, electrical stuff, laptop for data
base. The main equipment’s are our Computer systems and from where we will run our app
system. The whole equipment’s will be purchased by the Business owner as these equipment’s
are not complicated or there should be need of the advisory of the experts. Installation of the
equipment’s will be done with the help of the engineer and other field related workers as they
know how to install all these equipment’s.

The session introduces the whole retail operations and services process and how goods will be
purchased and will be provided through services.

5.1 descriptions of company’s operation:

As our business is related to goods and services the machinery and tools are the basic needs for
our business. we will import heavy machines from china or Japan and for tools we will buy our
tools from Karachi shershah market at low cost and other materials like tyre rims and other stuff
will be imported from china directly from vendors. Whereas Inventory control system is used to
show how much stock you have at one time, and how you keep track of it.As our nature of
business and size of business is not much bigger we will not buy a stock in bulk. We will pay a
fee to our supplier to store it and will calling it off as when needed. The Advantages to keep a
little stock and negotiating with suppliers to deliver stock as when needed is they are Efficient
and flexible we only have what we need, when we need it, Lower storage costs and We can keep
up to date and use new products without wasting our stocks.

5.2 flow of orders for good and/or services:

As we are using online car repairing services we will design a mobile application where
customer will be able to book our services by downloading our application to give them out best
services at their door step. Once customer will book online services we will guide our captains
and mechanics to go there and look after all the services and repairing as per customer needs.
Whereas business transactions are important part of any business.The process starts with
identifying and analyzing business transactions and events. Not all transactions and events are
entered into the accounting system. Only those that pertain to the business entity are included in
the process.

For example, a personal loan made by the owner that does not have anything to do with the
business entity is not accounted for.
The transactions identified are then analyzed to determine the accounts affected and the amounts
to be recorded.
1. Preparation of business document, or source documents.
2. Recording in the journals.
3. Posting to the ledger.
4. Unadjusted trail balance.

5. Adjusting entries.
6. Adjusted trail balance.
7. Financial statements.
8. Closing entries
9. Post-closing trail balance.
10. Reversing Entries: Optional step at the beginning of the new accounting period.
5.3 technology utilization:
There are a few major areas in which we will utilize technology to serve customer effectively.
 WEBSITES:  Providing areas on our website where customers can answer their own
questions or seek answers from us.
 E-Mail: Using e-mail as a way to improve customer service and more quickly respond to
certain needs or help requests.
 Software:  Better managing customer relationships with more sophisticated data-
gathering tools, such as customer relationship management software.
The goal of our business in terms of our customer interactions is the generate loyalty. There's no
better way to do that than to offer quality products and services and to be responsive to our
customers. But as new technologies have come to market to make it easier for businesses to
provide customer service, they may also be increasing the number of channels through which we
interact with customers and the complexity of those interactions.

This portion shows the marketing strategy of the business plan. What will be the price of the
goods and services, how these will be promoted and advertising strategies, inventory control and
how much goods needed in future? Marketing plan includes all the strategies with the help of
SWOT analysis. The strength in our marketing strategies shows the gesture that how much our
goods and servicesare capable and can compete the demand of the market segment. The
weakness shows that at which points our competitors are strong and we cannot provide that
much of the goods and services. Marketing strategy is made on the basis of its factors like price,
promotion, and distribution. Our marketing budget will be of PRs. 3 million.

6.1 pricing:
Our goods and services are priced according to their manufacturing cost and the market price. Our actual
price of the good and services are based according to the nature of services we provide as we estimated
our goods and services price in the market will be from PRs. 500 to 100,000. The pricing of the goods and
services are different. The services like car wash, battery change, tunning, oil change, and so on will be
priced at the rate of PRs 500 to 25,000 whereas the goods like tires, new batteries, imported parts of car,
suspension parts, engine and engine parts, lightning, wiper blades, brake part, and so onwill be priced at
the rate of PRs 20,000 to 100,000.

6.2 price list from suppliers:

Name of goods Price in Rupees Quantity

Tires 30000 One pair

Batteries 4000 One piece

Paint 45000 Full body

Suspension parts 40000 All parts

Lightning 7000 One pair

Wiper blades 1400 One pair

Engine and Complete

Enginepart 120000 set

Air conditioning part 25000 Full kit

Seat Covers 3000


Oil and air 6000 Every tune


Floor mats 1500 Set

Rims 60000 Set

6.3 distribution:
The distribution will be done with the Suzuki van. As the goods and services increases we will
lease a van for its distribution to the loyal customers. The services required by customer can be
sensitive so the goods and services should be disturbed in their specific times. After the brand’s
promotion we will open our outlets in another city where our goods and services will be
disturbed to our customers.

6.4 promotion:
It deals with the advertising of the service. The promotion of the service will be done by two
methods, first one: Through Social Media Channels through video ads, pop ads and Second: Pan
flex at the roads and buildings. The adverting expense of the services will be limited because of
our total budget that’s why we are using selected channels for the promotion of the services.
After the good response from good customer, the promotion channels will be increased.

6.5 service forecast:
Their need arises whenever a component fails or requires replacement. As we can say that with
the little awareness and the availability of the service, there would be increase in the demand of
the service. Our target is to increase the service demand by 6 percent annually.

6.6 controls:
The control of the services will be handled by the help of the Application. There would be whole
mechanism that how much goods have bought and how much services have given to customer.
With the buffer stock system, we can easily understand our figures. The controlling play a key
role in the profit of the business. As it gives the check and balance between the goods and the


The organizational plan is the part of business which it describes the form of the ownership of
the company that it have. There are basic 3 types of ownership. Proprietorship is used when there
is only one person owns a company. Partnership shows when a company is owned by two or
more persons. The third one is corporation, where a company issues share to the general public
and the shareholders are the owners of the company. In this section of the business plan we have
to show that which type of ownership our company owns. Who will be the responsible for the
management and how will control all the authority of the financial and management schedule.
The salaries, bonuses and payment types for the members and rest of the management team.

7.1 form of ownership:

The form of our business is partnership. Partnership is a type of ownership where two or more
than two persons but having limited number to 16 members. We are four partners sharing the 25-
25 % share of the company. The partners have equal share in the company. Where they bears the
profit or loss of the company. Further terms of ownership are defined on the partnership

7.2 identification of partners:

The partners are Mr. Fahad Ali ghouri, Mr. Muhammad Owais memon, Mr. Moiz Hashmi and
Mr. Utam Chand. Our partner are currently enrolled in final year of BBA at university of sindh
and are currently living at the Hyderabad and they all has a good financial and business
background . The terms of agreement are that all of us are allowed and will interfere in any
company matter, We will not only invest the amount in the company. Our role is not limited over
the financial support. Whereas we will handle all the management aspects of the company.

7.3 authority of principals:

The form of our business is partnership. So that’s why there are board of directors and board of
advisers. The board of directors and advisors are appointed when there is a corporation and they
manage the corporation. In the partnership, all the management is controlled by the partners. The
authority of principals is assigned to two person, Mr.Moiz hashmi and Owais memon They will
be responsible for the checking and signing of the checks and he can issue and take any financial
decision. On the other side Mr. Fahad and Utam will not have any managerial authority. They
will not hire any employee or will take decisions regarding to the venture. Mr. Moiz and Owais
will oversee the managerial decisions and will have the authority to hire or fire any employee or
take the upgrading decisions of the company.

7.4 management team background:

The management team of our venture is consist of Two persons. Mr.Moiz and Owais, they will
manage the venture doings. Furthermore internal management responsibilities like paper work,
stock handling, financing, production and security watch all are done by Moiz and Owais as they
have the knowledge of these duties. They are business students in IBA University of Sindh
Jamshoro. The management hierarchy is not much longer because of the partnership. The role of
the Mr. Moiz and Owais is to manage the financial and managerial duties of the venture. They
will be responsible for the hiring of the lower employees, their take and care, checking balance
of the venture. They will be the person responsible to overview the financial transactions in the
form of memos, checks and receipts. Whereas Mr. Fahad and Utam will be responsible for the
marketing, selling, stocking checking of the company. They will deal with the customers and
will be responsible for the promotion of the product. Mr. Fahad and Utam will visit the Business
which are our targeted market.

7.4 role and responsibilities of organization members:

The role and responsibilities of each members differ from one another. There are four members
and wel will hire atleast 8 workers. Mr. Fahad and Utam will be responsible for the marketing
section of the venture, Mr. Moiz and Owais will have the responsibilities of the management of
the venture. The workers have some more responsibilities, first they have to collect raw material
from the suppliers, they will look after the services.They will be responsible for providing good
services to our cutomers and satisfy them from our services. They will also provide services to
the customers. The salaries for the workers will be from PRs. 15000 to 25,000, whereas we
partners will share the profit equally. The salaries for workers will increase as our services will
increase in market. Workers will get biannually bonuses depending on its efficacy and the
running of our goods and services

9. Assessment of Risk

Risk is the main part of the business as this portion shows the weakness of our project and how

these weaknesses should be removed by diverting the strategies. Risk is classified in to two

types, systematic and unsystematic risk. The risk which is connected with the company’s internal

management, resources, and the financial status and the marketing strategy of the company.

These type of risk can be avoided by applying different strategies, changing the management,

allocating the best resources, correct use of the financial status. The other type of the risk is

external risk. The external risk is uncontrollable by the company, the political conditions of the

country, deprecation of the currency, environmental emergencies, war conditions and the whole

industry decline, all these factors are associated with the company business but these factors

cannot be controlled. What should be our backup plan about the failure of the first strategy, there

we have to divert and change our strategies so that they can be used for the overcoming of the

risk factors.

9.1 Evaluate Weakness (es) of Business

As we evaluate about the weaknesses of our business, the Cariger. Our first weakness

isavailability of products at right place at right time, as customers can avail other competent

firms in case we are out of stock. Another weakness is to capture new customers and their trust,

it is hard to capture new customers in this competent environment of automobile services. Third

weakness is product quality satisfaction to the customers as there are many bad quality products

existing in the market, customers trust is foundation brick of this business. The final weakness of

our business will be the marketing strategy, as we are newcomers in the market and do not know

the consequence. After evaluating the weakness, we would focus in these parts of the venture.

9.2 New Technology
TheCariger and other automobile services firm are highly affected by the latest technology. The

technologies used in the services of automobile shortens the time and the efforts as well, it is

easy to recognize the occurring problems in cars through portable smart equipment. New

technology equipment like electric inflators, chip readers etc.Use of new technologies is

effective in means of time and having firm grip over the services provided to our valuable

customers. In other ways we can say that advancement in technologies in this automobile

industry highly appreciable and accepted.

9.3 Contingency Plans

The backup plans after the evaluation of the risk and new technology are the diverged strategies.

Like we will make promote our business by introducing low and competent prices comparing to

the market, which will attract customers. Expansion in product lineup and bringing new products

and variety of products as per customer demand and affordability. The next backup plan for next

5 years would be bringing new deals and offers for promotion and attraction of customer. The

contingency plan for more customer would be expansion in new market and while jumping in

new markets we will introduce cheap prices and promotional deals to get into competition with

new market. As the prices will be lower the customers will get interested to deal with us and we

will assure the best services and product availability. We will improve our promotion by

collaborating with automobile companies and providing satisfactory services to their customer

with complete ease at their doorstep which is beneficial for both organization and for our

business. Our goal is to make our customer believe that customer satisfaction is above all for our



The financial plan is an evaluation of the business’s current pay and the future state by using
current known variables to predict future income, asset, values and withdrawal plans. The
financial plan includes the pro forma cash flows, estimated sales and income statement, balance
sheet and the break-even point of the business that in what time period, business has an even

The assumption shows the first manufacturing budget of three months and the operating
expenses of first three months. The data in the tables is assumed on the market research and sales

Table 10.1 Projected assumptions for first three months

January February March

Projected Customers 210 225 240

Available services 210 225 240

Total services 210 225 240

Table 10.2 Operating Budget for First Three Months (PRs.)

Expense January February March

Salaries 35000 35000 35000

Rent 25000 25000 25000

Utilities 7000 7000 7000

Advertisement 3000 3000 3000

Total Operating 65000 65000 65000


8.2 Pro Forma Income Statements :

This statement shows the major sources of revenue which are achieved by the sales and
otheroperations, which are tied with sales volume, their expenses and the other sort of things.
Following tables 10.3shows the income statement of first year by months.

Table 10.3 Pro Forma Income Statement, First Year by Month (PRs.)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Total 1,050,00 11,250,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,050,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000

Cost Of 765,000 775,000 810,000 810,000 810,000 830,000 830,000 830,000 865,000 880,000 880,000 880,000

Gross Profit 285,000 375,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 390,000 420,000 420,000 185,000 420,000 420,000 420,000

Rent 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000

Salaries 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000

Advertising 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000

Utilities 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000

Total 65000 65000 65000 65000 65000 65000 65000 65000 65000 65000 65000 65000

Income Or 220,000 310,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 355,000 355,000 120,000 355,000 355,000 355,000

Table 10.4 Pro Forma Income Statement, Three Years Summary (PRs.)

Revenue Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Salaries 24,600,000 25,338,000 26,076,000

Cost Of Revenue 9,965,000 10,263,950 10,562,900

Gross Profit 14,635,000 15,074,050 15,513,100

Rent 300,000 300,000 300,000

Salaries 450,000 540,000 600,000

Advertising 42,000 42,000 42,000
Utilities 84,000 96,000 108,000
Total Operating 876,000 978,000 1,050,000
Income Or Loss 13,759,000 14,096,050 14,463,000

10.4 Pro Forma Cash Flow:

Cash flows is different form the profits. As profit is the result of subtracting expenses from sales,
whereas cash flows result from the difference between actual cash receipts and cash payments,
Cash flows only when actual payments are received or made. Cash flows determines the future
of the business. Some good businesses fail because of the lack of the cash flows. It is needed for
carry out the daily routine and business expenses.

Table 10.4 Pro Forma Cash Flow, First Year by Month (PRs.)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Total 1,050,000 11,250,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,050,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000


EQP 1,600,000
------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
- - - - - - -

Salaries 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000

Rent 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000

Utilities 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000

Advertising 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000

Total 1,670,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 76,000 76,000 76,000 76,000 76,000 76,000

Cash Flow -620,000 11,180,000 1,130,000 1,130,000 1,130,000 1,180,000 1,174,000 1,174,000 974,000 1,224,000 1,224,000 1,224,000

Begging 1,600,000 980,000 12,160,00 13,290,00 14,420,00 15,550,00 16,680,00 17,854,00 19,028,00 20,002,00 21,226,00 22,450,00
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ending 980,000 12,160,000 13,290,00 14,420,00 15,550,00 16,680,00 17,854,00 19,028,00 20,002,00 21,226,00 22,450,00 23,674,00
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pro Forma Balance Sheet:The projected balance sheet depicting the condition of the
business at the end of the first year. The balance sheet will require the use of the pro forma

income and cash flow statements for the balance sheet. The balance sheet basically consisted of
two parts. Assets and liabilities. The items that are used or available to be used in the venture
operations. The liabilities is the money that is owned to the creditors. Table 10.5 shows the
balance sheet.

Table 10.5 Pro Forma Balance Sheet of First Year (PRs)

Cash 23,674,000

Tires 500,000

Rims 100,000

Spare Parts 75,000

Furniture and Computer 118,000

Prepaid Rent 100,000

Total 24,567,000
Liability and
Owner’s Equity
Bridge Stone Tires 400,000

Fahad Ali 6,620,000

Moiz Hashmi 6,620,000

OwaisMemon 6,620,000

Retained Earning 4,305,000

Total 24,567,000

Break-Even Analysis:
Every business dream to have a profit in its first month. In the initial stages of the new venture, it
is helpful for the entrepreneur to have profit in the business. It shows that the business is

stabilized and has a financial potential. Break-even analysis is a useful technique for determining
how many units must be sold or how much sales volume must be achieved to break even. It
simply means that the venture neither makes a profit nor incurs a loss.

Table 10.7 Break-Even Analysis

Sources and applications of funds:

We the owners of CarigarBulao services are the main sources of funds for our busniess as we are
not borrowing any funds from bank or anywhere. Each of us has invested 25% of total budget
which we will invest to buy machinery, goods and other equipments regarding our business.

11. Appendix:

The appendix shows the backup material and information. It contains the letters, market research
data, the data which we have collected from the market, the agreement between the partners on
which terms and conditions partners are agreed, the price list of the raw material provided by the

Price List

General Body Parts

1 Tyre set 4 pieces 20,800

2 Head lights new 9,000

3 Back lights new 6,200

4 Break pads 2 pieces 1,500

5 Shock absorbers front 11,000

6 Shock absorbers rear 8,000

7 Front screen glass Thailand 6,500

8 Rear screen glass Thailand 5,000

9 Side glasses set (L&R) Thailand 1,200

10 Door handles 4 pieces 1,200

Engine Parts

1 Spark plugs 1,300

2 Oil 4 liters 1,900

3 Oil filter 300

4 Air filter 250

5 Valve set 1,250

6 Pistons 4 pieces 1,800

7 Water body 2,400

8 Hous pipes 600

9 Radiator 6,500

Paint Job

1 Full body paint 40,000

2 Full body dents 25,000

Business latter
Muhammad owaismemon

CARIGAR BULAO corporation.

Office number 123 Main autobahn road, Hyderabad

+923041347008 Email:

June 14, 2020


I.I Chundrigar road, Karachi


Subject: New autoparts needed,

Being the main supplier of autoparts to the region with quick delivery your work is
appreciable always. As I am writing this latter to you for business concern I have
started Online car services for the target market of Hyderabad, so for the start of
business I need the new auto repair parts including new tyres, rims, oil changing
filters, mirrors, and all the material related to autopartswith a quick delivery, I hope
you consider it as soon as possible.

You’re sincerely

Muhammad owaismemon (CARIGAR BULAO.PK)

Business letter



OFFICCE NUMBER 123 Main autobahn road Hyderabad

+923138226630 Email:

June 14,, 2020

Sadaqat Autos

Gari Khata, Hyderabad


Subject: Supply of second hand autoparts

Dear Mr. Sadaqat,

I am writing you for a purchase of second hand autopartsas I heard about your
distribution setup from my colleague, so I take this opportunity to declare an
intention to purchase second hand auto repair parts from you. We will discuss
further on our meeting. I will be waiting for your response to the letter.

You’re sincerely

Fahad Ali Ghouri (CARIGAR BULAO.PK)


[1] The statistical data is taken from the website source: Expert interviews and Markets and
Markets Analysis.

[2] Market Outlook is taken from NTC(

The other written information is researched by Mr.Fahad, Mr. Owais, Mr. Moiz and Mr. Utam
we researched from the different sources and autoparts repairing videos available on the

[3] Suppliers price list is made market research, personally meeting with the suppliers and the
autopartsrate is taken from the internet. (WWW.CARIGARBULAO.PK)


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