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3rd Grade Story Element Choice


#1 Character #2 Venn #3 Time For

Character Map Diagram Change
Make a character map of Use a Venn Diagram If you could remove one
Who or what the the main character. On to compare and character from this
story is about your map, list 3 traits of contrast yourself with story, who would it be
your character. Under the main character. and why? Draw a
each trait, use evidence picture of how the story
Write 2 or 3
from the text to support would be different and
sentences that tell
it. explain in writing how it
how you are alike and would change the story.
#7 Setting Time #8 Setting #9 New Setting
Setting Make an illustration of the
setting of the story. Below
Comparison Give the story a NEW
setting that would not
Compare the setting of
your illustration, tell how change what happens in
The time and you know this is the
the story to where you
the story. Make a
place of the story live. Explain in writing
setting using at least 2 how the two alike and model or poster of your
clues from the text. different. Write at least new setting. Explain
3 sentences. Draw an why this setting would
illustration of both not change the story.
#10 Plot Timeline #11 Survey #12 New Ending
Plot Make a timeline that tells Says
what happened in the
Using the events of the
story, create a NEW
Design a survey to find
story. Your timeline ending. Your new
Problem and should include what
out what others think
ending should be at
solution of the happened in the
might happen next in
least 7-8 sentences
story (the events the story. Survey 5
beginning, middle, and long. You may illustrate
people and record their
of the story) end. predictions. Don’t
your new ending also.
forget to find out WHY
they think this will
How To Use This Choice Board
This choice board was designed to be used for students that have
already mastered the skills you are teaching. They are meant to
differentiate for your advanced learners, but can also benefit other

The activities are color coded. Orange activities are basic or lower
level activities. Green activities are proficient or average level. Blue
activities are advanced or higher level assignments. You can choose
to use these in the way that best fits your classroom. You might want
your advanced students to do at least 2 blue activities and 1 green.
The possibilities are endless and can be completely controlled by you.

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