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Journal of Communication Management

Managing organisational writing to enhance corporate credibility

Roslyn Petelin
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Roslyn Petelin, (2003),"Managing organisational writing to enhance corporate credibility", Journal of Communication
Management, Vol. 7 Iss 2 pp. 172 - 180
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Managing organisational writing to
enhance corporate credibility
Received (in revised form): 26th September, 2002

Roslyn Petelin
convenes the postgraduate programmes in writing, editing, and publishing and science communication in the School of
English, Media Studies and Art History at the University of Queensland, Australia. She has also taught professional writing in
the School of Communication at the Queensland University of Technology and at Cornell University.
She is editor of the Australian Journal of Communication and has co-authored two books, ‘The Professional Writing Guide:
Writing Well and Knowing Why’ (1992, Allen & Unwin, with Marsha Durham) and ‘Professional Communication: Principles and
Applications’ (1999, Prentice-Hall, with Peter Putnis). She has consulted extensively and run workshops on writing and
information design to government and public and private sector organisations in Australia, the UK and Southeast Asia.

Abstract Many employees neither trained as ‘career writers’ nor defining themselves as
writers spend a major part of their time writing because, undeniably, writing is a central
activity in organisations. To produce the high quality required to create and maintain
credibility, organisations need to have professionals who can efficiently produce
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documents with substance, structure and style. This paper discusses issues relating to
the management of corporate writing and editing, and presents practices and processes
that managers can implement in their organisations to produce flawless documents,
thereby avoiding the credibility crises that occur when writing is not taken seriously.

KEYWORDS: managing writing processes, enhancing writing quality, training, hiring,

briefing writers

A RATIONALE FOR These practices are not universally

QUALITY WRITING followed for a number of reasons related to
In an increasingly competitive global economics and education. One key reason
knowledge economy where the is that, because the difference between the
‘knowledge worker is a citizen of a reception of flawless and flawed
‘‘verbal environment’’ ’1 organisations that documentation is difficult, if not
consistently generate high-quality impossible, to quantify, many organisations
documents enjoy a credibility that neglect to consider the consequences of
enhances their public profile. How can poor writing and fail to implement
corporate managers with a commitment to excellent writing because it is expensive.
the excellence of an organisation’s Another key reason is that many managers
publications ensure that their employees do not appreciate the rhetorical and
generate consistently excellent products linguistic sophistication required to write
that create the desired credibility? By well. Nor do they find writing to be
implementing the practices advocated in intrinsically interesting or intellectually
Dr Roslyn Petelin this paper, whereby employees are hired stimulating. As Paradis, Dobrin and Miller
The University of
Queensland, School of according to their writing ability and state in a seminal text on workplace
English, Media Studies and documents are subject to quality control writing: ‘Writing, in general, is not a
Art History, St Lucia,
Queensland, 4072, Australia; measures from their conception and highly visible activity’.2 Writing is thus
Tel: +61 7 3365 3212; design, through their writing and editing, often regarded as a peripheral rather than a
Fax: +61 7 3365 2799;
to their publishing and dissemination mainstream activity, until there is a stages. document-related crisis.

172 Journal of Communication Management Vol. 7, 2 172–180 # Henry Stewart Publications 1363–254X (2002)
Managing organisational writing to enhance corporate credibility

On the same day that a large Australian experience, the author suggests that
bank posted an Aus$200m loss, they organisations concerned about their
posted the author a letter that was riddled credibility should consider adopting:
with problems of fact, detail, logic,
structure, punctuation, spelling, grammar — savvy hiring practices
and tone. They were not amused when she — enlightened training practices
suggested to them that the two events — insightful and responsible briefing
could be linked. In their letter of apology
— collaborative designing processes
to her, which, unsurprisingly, was also — transparent composing processes
embarrassingly flawed, they maintained — accessible archiving practices
that the letter she had received was not — supervised collaborative writing processes
representative of their usual high-quality — empathic mentoring practices.
correspondence. They assured her that
quality control measures were in place and Couture and Rymer distinguish between
were puzzled about how correspondence ‘the professional who writes primarily to
from an untrained, unsupervised, new demonstrate technical or administrative
employee had escaped the notice of their competence and the career writer who
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‘editorial eye.’ The author remained writes primarily to demonstrate rhetorical

unconvinced, as she was now in possession expertise’.5 It is the former category of
of two flawed documents from them. On corporate writer the author is referring to
another occasion, she received a letter in this paper: the professional who has
from an international airline based in received no specialised training in writing,
Australia apologising for a flight that had not the career technical writers or
taken 60 hours instead of six to get her to journalists who see themselves primarily as
her destination. Their seeming sincerity writers and who typically write specialised
was somewhat undercut by the yellow documents based on or reporting on ‘the
post-it note accidentally attached to the activities of others’.6
letter: ‘Send letter number three to this The author’s observations arise out of her
turkey’. experiences as a long-term corporate
Australian organisations are not alone consultant to public and private sector
when it comes to losing credibility as a organisations; as a university teacher of
result of poor corporate correspondence. corporate writing in both Australia and
An article in the New York Times, the USA; as a reviewer for Business
‘Defending English from assault on the Communication Quarterly; as an author of
job’, 3 lamented the deterioration of two books in which she deals with
writing standards in many workplaces, corporate writing; and as a researcher in
citing examples from the Oval Office right the workplace writing of professionals
down through the corporate sector. The such as engineers, lawyers, information
UK magazine PR Week captured the technologists and public relations
dilemma neatly as follows: ‘It is a question practitioners.
of whether [organisations] want [their]
staff to be ambassadors or assassins’.4 HIRING
How can organisations overcome Very few Australian organisations
perceived deficiencies in corporate writing, administer writing tests to their shortlisted
improve writing quality and thereby applicants. There is a widespread absence
enhance their credibility? Informed by of savvy hiring practices in the Australian
research on workplace writing, both in the corporate sector, whereby potential
literature and out of her consulting appointments are given writing-editing

# Henry Stewart Publications 1363–254X (2002) Vol. 7, 2 172–180 Journal of Communication Management 173

tests that determine whether they have the professional communicators and
potential to handle the kind of writing that information designers.
they will be doing if they are hired. It is
very difficult to train someone to write TRAINING
once they have entered the organisation. It It is very difficult for new employees
is far smarter to avoid hiring incompetent denied the benefit of professional training
writers in the first place. In organisations to decipher the rules of organisational
that have a testing policy in place, there writing. The differences between school
needs to be a staff member designing and and workplace writing are vast. In the
administering the tests who have academy, students write in a literary style
themselves been trained to write, and have for the one reader who will grade them; in
a theoretical understanding of how the workplace, employees often write in a
reading, writing and editing work. It is, truncated or dot-point style for many
however, uncommon to find ‘writing different readers. Some organisations
experts’ in Australian organisations because expect their new employees to acquire
there is no mandatory first-year university their organisational style by osmosis. Some
composition requirement, as there is in the give their employees models to copy,
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USA, and many students graduate from expecting them to scan the documents and
university with no ‘college-level’ writing internalise the style. In the absence of on-
experience. Students enrolling in the the-job editorial expertise and training,
elective courses that the author runs in many writers new to an organisation are
academic and professional writing at the pointed to that old standby, the filing
University of Queensland substantially cabinet. As Lee Clark Johns illustrates so
increase their employability and vividly in her article ‘The file cabinet has a
subsequent promotability, but courses such sex life’,7 replicas of documents are
as these are not widely available in generated, generation after generation,
Australian higher education. replete with outdated layouts and archaic
Very few Australian organisations hire and/or bureaucratic language.
experienced resident writer-editors, what Some managers scrutinise and critique
the author would call ‘career writer- the writing of their new employees, but
editors’, to help their employees. Two of base their feedback on their own preferred
the author’s graduates work as corporate style rather than on knowledge informed
writer-editors, but, in both cases, they by scholarly theories of reading and
relied on their own initiative to create and writing. One senior partner in an
recruit themselves into these positions. The international legal firm that hired the
situation in the USA is different. There is a author as a consultant sent back an
long tradition of hiring ‘technical writers’ insurance report 17 times to the young
in some industries, and there are strong lawyer desperately trying to produce the
professional bodies such as the Society for desired document. New writers are often
Technical Communication and the faced with the task of preparing a
International Association of Business rhetorically complex document of
Communicators. In the UK, the Institute indeterminate genre with a dazzling
of Public Relations contributes to spectrum of generic choices. Common
professional development, as does the corporate genres include routine
Institute of Scientific and Technical documents such as memos, reports and
Communicators, which has been letters, but also proposals, submissions,
functioning for more than 50 years, and is specifications, speeches, press releases,
the largest UK body representing advertisements, policies, handbooks,

174 Journal of Communication Management Vol. 7, 2 172–180 # Henry Stewart Publications 1363–254X (2002)
Managing organisational writing to enhance corporate credibility

manuals, brochures, instructions, style guides are, however, very valuable

procedures, video scripts, websites, when they exist, as they serve as a
environmental impact statements, event/ productivity, as well as a writing-quality,
conference plans, marketing campaigns, tool. Employees in one utilities
business/communication plans, signage, organisation that the author consulted to
articles, minutes, etc. New employees can created their own informal manual that
hardly be expected to have the they called ‘The good guts book’ as a
metaknowledge to defend their writing- service to new employees.
editing choices without long-term In some organisations, on-the-job
familiarity with the corporate context. training is often conducted by ‘kwik-fix’
Some organisations refer their consultants, who are hired in for a short
employees to the organisation’s style workshop, but who lack a background in
manual or to a publicly available style communication theory and have only a
manual to overcome some of the training minimal understanding of the structural,
challenges. A comprehensive, modifiable linguistic and document-design principles
and maintainable style guide is valuable to that are the basis of flawless documents.
an organisation’s document management Consultants who lack knowledge of
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process for the following reasons: writing-editing as a series of incremental,

— It can orient new writers by providing, in recursive steps short-change workshop
one accessible document, information such participants — not a practice endorsed by
as the characteristics and expectations of a those who take writing seriously.
niche audience MacKinnon’s essay on developing
— It can ensure consistency of documents by writing ability in a specific organisation
addressing issues of corporate stance, contains much guidance that is useful for
policy, format, terminology and other training corporate writers.10 MacKinnon, a
conventions. Plain language, active voice writing instructor at the Bank of Canada,
and structured or limited vocabularies are conducted a research project that consisted
now elements of corporate policy in many of a naturalistic, longitudinal investigation
of writing-related change in ten newly
— It can specify critical quality control points
in the document production process such
employed, highly educated adult
as editing, proofreading, technical accuracy ‘knowledge workers’. He aimed to
review, etc. discover what writing-related knowledge
— It can settle arguments that arise out of university graduates acquire in their first
individual writers’ idiosyncratic prefer- one or two years on the job in a writing-
ences that relate to style rather than to intensive mature organisation, and how
correctness they learn what they learn. MacKinnon
— It can save an organisation time and interviewed his participants and their
money by making the document design manager-supervisors (who acted as
process more efficient and the documents reviewers in the document cycling process)
more effective in projecting an image of about three months after they began
quality and professionalism.
working at the bank, and then again ten to
An alternative to a style guide is a 20 months later. MacKinnon’s first set of
template or format guide, which is not as interviews took place immediately
comprehensive. Some organisations make following the production of a large
do with format guides, because style document and focused mainly on the
guides can take years to produce. concrete and discrete experience of writing
Employees ‘know it is their last chance to the single document at hand. He
make a claim for company style’.9 Good researched four topics: attitudes and beliefs

# Henry Stewart Publications 1363–254X (2002) Vol. 7, 2 172–180 Journal of Communication Management 175

regarding writing; knowledge of the social participants, because of its catalytic nature,
and organisational context of writing; the appeared to be contextualising knowledge
writing process; and the written product. that included:
His second lot of interviews asked
participants to describe any global changes — aspects of the Bank as a discourse commu-
of significance in their writing related to nity that accomplishes specific (and at
the four topics and concluded by asking times unique) business functions through
the specific discourse practices of a specific
participants about differences between
culture with its own distinct point of view
writing at university and writing for the — the information needs of senior, often
bank, advice they would give an employee remote, readers
about writing, and whether they thought — the business functions enabled through
their writing would continue to develop in writing and the relationship of written
the following year. MacKinnon’s findings texts to various larger institutional ‘value-
reveal that all participants appeared to adding’ processes
acquire a wealth of writing-related — the forms of argument and informal
knowledge over the timeframe of the reasoning conventional to, and found
research: knowledge about the social and persuasive in, the bank
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organisational context in which they wrote — The participant’s role as an employee and
(the business functions performed by their writer in the larger, ambient, business-
function processes
departments, the jobs performed by their
— The rationale for and the mechanics of the
readers, and the values and beliefs implicit document cycling process
in the organisation’s activities — the ‘bank — The participant’s growing, job-specific
view of the world’). professional knowledge
They reported being more able to
initiate ad hoc documents, being clearer These valuable findings indicate that these
before drafting a document, discussing employees received very high-quality
writing with colleagues while drafting, briefing and training from knowledgeable
keeping their readers in mind as they managers.11
wrote, and reacting to feedback effectively.
Managers reported that participants’ BRIEFING
documents tended to be more focused, Employees can sometimes be given a
more visibly and hierarchically structured, cryptic brief to ‘see what you can come up
and more analytic and less descriptive. with’, because management do not
The participants’ attitudes and beliefs necessarily know what they want a specific
about writing also changed. Most of the document to achieve. At other times,
participants believed that they had management do know exactly what they
developed significantly as writers, an want a document to achieve, but the data/
aspect that they had not predicted. Some research conflict, so the hapless writer is
participants developed a deeper faced with cognitive dissonance. When
understanding of the ways in which superiors brief their employees, it is crucial
writing constructs knowledge. The that employees have good listening and
developments reported by the participants interpersonal skills to enable them to
appeared to be triggered by the new clarify the task, elicit more information,
demands placed on them as writers, and liaise with others if necessary and negotiate
the feedback they received on their a realistic deadline.
writing. It is crucial that managers brief writers
MacKinnon contends that the most from the outset of the document
important knowledge gained by the production process about the intended

176 Journal of Communication Management Vol. 7, 2 172–180 # Henry Stewart Publications 1363–254X (2002)
Managing organisational writing to enhance corporate credibility

readership, purpose, scope and designer had been engaged before she, as
dissemination of the document. If the editor, had been hired. The designer was
document is to be desktop published, this there to be consulted from the conception
step should not happen prematurely. The to completion.
author was recently asked to edit a four-
page brochure for a government agency. COMPOSING
The brochure had already been graphically All levels within the corporation need to
designed at great expense and was within understand the nature of writing as a
minutes of going to the printer, when process. There needs to be collective
someone remembered that the original concern, awareness and motivation. Many
request had been for the document to be managers regard writing as a product, one
couched in lay language. Because the that can be formally described and
document was heavily larded with internal prescribed. While it is important to
jargon, it was clear that a translation was understand the generic differences between
in order. No one in the department had documents, the view of writing as
the ability to translate their jargon: they ‘product’ undercuts the importance of the
were ‘too close to it’. To free the writing process, because it holds that the
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document of specialised jargon, the author components and structure of a document

needed to translate practically every word can be foreseen in advance by the writer.
that was not ‘the’, ‘a’, ‘and’ or ‘but’. The Thus, the process of effective arranging
brochure had to be re-designed at and styling, of drafting and revising in
additional expense, which leads into the response to the particular situation and
next heading, ‘designing’. reader is ignored in favour of producing
an ‘acceptable’ document.
DESIGNING When management lacks understanding
Even when editorial expertise is present in of how writing works as a way of
the organisation, maintaining high thinking, as a way of structuring
standards is possible only when documents knowledge, they risk perpetuating
undergo quality control measures attitudes, structures and policies that
throughout their conception, research, militate against the possibility of excellent
design, planning, writing, editing, and writing.12 All writers within the
dissemination. It is important that writers organisation should view writing as a
understand how the look of the page will problem-solving process.13 When writers
affect the text to allow them to make regard writing as a process of solving
informed decisions about design. Thinking rhetorical problems as they arise —
about design is thinking about structure, clarifying purpose, analysing the reader,
function and aesthetics. Making decisions collecting and selecting appropriate
about layout and text structure is one information, hierarchically organising
powerful way a writer brings organisation complex material, revising and editing for
to a text. Writers should think of a page as accessibility and effectiveness — they
a design space. Good document design augment innate or already internalised
helps readers read efficiently, emphasises competencies such as linguistic fluency and
the most important contents and the ability to reason. The heuristic strength
encourages readers to feel good about a and flexibility of problem-solving
communication. strategies is important to emphasise, and
When the author edited the catalogue unwise to ignore. Strategies can be used in
for the Brisbane International Film all contexts, and are not easily forgotten,
Festival, she was delighted that the the way rules are. They provide writers

# Henry Stewart Publications 1363–254X (2002) Vol. 7, 2 172–180 Journal of Communication Management 177

with an ongoing way to make efficient use problem of cataloguing and retrieving
of knowledge that they already have. text, in both soft and hard copy. Two
They give writers power over their increasingly vital considerations for
writing process and power over their organisational writers and managers are
readers. Writing is a dynamic process that the opportunities presented by metadata
depends on knowledge, fluency and and single-sourcing.
reasoning far more than on prescription.
In analysing their writing processes, COLLABORATING
corporate writers have reported to the Research has found that collaborative
author that their problems are caused by writing is playing an increasingly
inadequate planning, lack of motivation important role in the writing workplace.15
and lack of confidence in their composing Lunsford and Ede’s US research revealed
processes. that nine out of ten business professionals
Organisations are now well into the sometimes write as part of a team.16
second decade since executives doing their Benefits of successful collaborative
own wordprocessing have replaced those writing include:
who worked in the typing pool. The
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power of keyboarding has been — higher-quality documents, because of the

range of perspectives, knowledge and skills
acknowledged and embraced. Voice
contributed by participants
recognition software has been touted as an — higher levels of motivation, because parti-
imminent reality for many years, but has cipants encourage each other to do their
not yet performed convincingly. best
Technologically literate employees are — the provision of valuable feedback as co-
using the track-change facility when writers operate as readers in the first
editing each other’s work, using outlining instance, while the document is still in the
facilities on their computers to help them draft stage
structure documents, and are wary of — opportunities for less experienced writers
grammar checkers beyond helping to flag to improve their skills and become accul-
checkable problems. Carlson reminds of turated to organisational norms, values,
the ‘delicate balance between computers and standards by working with more
experienced colleagues
and humans’.14 E-mail, while having
— enhanced work relationships, because
undeniable benefits, has caused many colleagues work together to produce a
problems for employees unable to balance high-quality result
their priorities with their readers’ — higher levels of acceptance of the final
expectations. document, because a range of people has
been involved.
Who is responsible for retrievable, A US study revealed enormous problems
accessible archiving? There seems to be a in a real-life collaborative writing process.
pervasive archiving problem in many Cross reports that it took 77 days for the
organisations. ‘Re-inventing the wheel’ is eight members of a corporate writing
a common occurrence, as writers are team to produce a two-page executive
unaware that documents similar to the one letter for inclusion in an annual report.17
they are about to compose repose in the He says the process became inordinately
files. Or they are aware, but cannot find protracted for a number of reasons: key
them. The exponential increase in among them were the low status of the
documentation that has accompanied the writer (the most junior member of the
rise of computerisation has exacerbated the team), the failure of senior staff to properly

178 Journal of Communication Management Vol. 7, 2 172–180 # Henry Stewart Publications 1363–254X (2002)
Managing organisational writing to enhance corporate credibility

brief the writer about what they wanted, documents judged by their effects on
the physical separation of participants (on readers rather than on their status as
different floors of a large building), the artifacts? Who exemplifies high-quality
large number of people who edited the writing and uses composing models that
letter (five members of middle new employees can emulate? Is there a
management and then the Chief Executive style manual for the organisation?
Officer and the President), and the These are all questions that the manager as
idiosyncratic changes made to the letter by mentor should deal with. The manager as
the executive secretaries who were asked writing mentor should:
to type it. Situations such as this can be
— fully and clearly brief the writers of docu-
avoided by using strategies that include:
— provide optimum conditions for on-the-
— granting the writer/s the respect and
job writing
support they deserve — create documents that serve as exemplars
— briefing all participants thoroughly on
— examine draft documents and work-in-
purpose, audience, content, style, process,
progress and give constructive and usable
deadlines, etc. in the preliminary stages
feedback, guiding and collaborating, rather
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— working in close physical proximity to

than critiquing the extant product
other participants, if possible
— ensure that filed documents are easy to
— dividing tasks according to participants’
varying competencies and experience (for
— work to put in place a style guide for
example, the best editors should edit the writers and guide them through it, if
document, not everyone on the team)
— verifying regularly, as a group, elements
such as accuracy, completeness and appro- The accelerating interest in, and attention
priateness of style and presentation. to, workplace writing18 generated by the
imperatives of the knowledge economy
Collaborative writing is very complex, surely make it advisable for organisations
with widely differing practices. It is to implement the advice discussed in this
growing even more pervasive with paper.
multisite companies and intercontinental
teams, so organisations need to urgently References
put collaborative writing practices in place. 1. Carlson, P. (2001) ‘Information technology and
organisational change’, Journal of Technical Writing and
Communication, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 77–95.
MENTORING 2. Paradis, J., Dobrin, D. and Miller, M. (1985) ‘Writing
It can be difficult for untrained new at Exxon ITD: Notes on the writing environment of
employees to decipher the politics of the an R&D organisation’ in Odell, L. and Goswami, D.
(1985) ‘Writing in nonacademic settings’, The
workplace writing culture. New
Guilford Press, New York, pp. 281–307.
employees need to work out who writes 3.
what, who has the content knowledge, 04GRAM.html
who examines drafts, who edits whom, 4. PR Week, 28th June, 2002.
5. Couture, B. and Rymer, J. (1993) ‘Situational
whether the editing is substantive or exigence: Composing processes on the job by writer’s
superficial, the dynamics of collaborative role and task value’, in Spilka, R. (1993) ‘Writing in
writing, the role of the resident specialist the workplace: New research perspectives’, Southern
Illinois University Press, Carbondale, pp. 4–20.
editor, if there is one. If there is one, who 6. Harrison, T. and Debs, M. (1988) ‘Conceptualising the
has editorial authority? Are editorial organisational role of technical communicators: A
standards imposed that are based on an systems approach’, Journal of Business and Technical
Communication, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 5–21.
understanding of how readers read or on
7. Clark Johns, L. (1989) ‘The file cabinet has a sex life’.
pedantry and idiosyncratic whim? Are in Matalene, C. (1989) ‘Worlds of writing: Teaching

# Henry Stewart Publications 1363–254X (2002) Vol. 7, 2 172–180 Journal of Communication Management 179

and learning in discourse communities of work’, 13. Flower, L. (1981) ‘Problem-solving strategies for
Random House, New York, pp. 153–187. writing’, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, San Diego.
8. Caernarven-Smith, P. (1991) ‘Aren’t you glad you 14. Carlson (2001) op. cit.
have a style guide? Don’t you wish everybody did?’, 15. Lay, M. M. and Karis, W. M. (eds) (1991)
Technical Communication, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 140–143. ‘Collaborative writing in industry: Investigations in
9. Ibid. theory and practice’, Baywood Publishers,
10. MacKinnon, J. (1993) ‘Becoming a rhetor: Developing Farmingdale, New York.
writing ability in a mature, writing-intensive 16. Lunsford, A. and Ede, L. (1986) ‘Why write ...
organisation’, in Spilka, op. cit., pp. 41–55. together: A research update’, Rhetoric Review, Vol. 5,
11. Putnis, P. and Petelin, R. (1999) ‘Professional pp. 71–77.
communication: Principles and applications’, 17. Cross, G. (1994) ‘Collaboration and conflict: A
Prentice-Hall, Sydney. contextual exploration of group writing and positive
12. Anderson, W. and Kleine, M. (1988) ‘Excellent emphasis’, Hampton, Cresskill, New Jersey.
writing: Educating the whole corporation’, Journal of 18. Henry, J. (2000) ‘Writing workplace cultures: An
Business and Technical Communication, Vol. 21, No. 1, archaeology of professional writing’, Southern Illinois
pp. 49–62. University Press, Carbondale.
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180 Journal of Communication Management Vol. 7, 2 172–180 # Henry Stewart Publications 1363–254X (2002)
This article has been cited by:

1. Jahna Otterbacher. 2011. Being Heard in Review Communities: Communication Tactics and Review Prominence. Journal of
Computer-Mediated Communication 16:3, 424-444. [CrossRef]
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