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a/an ...

He's gota carnera. She's waiting for a taxi It's a beautiful <lay.
a ... = one thing or person:
• Alice works in a bank. (not 'in bank')
• Can l. ask a question? (not 'ask questíon')
• I haven't gota car.
• There's a wornan at the bus stop.

B an (no/. 'a') before a/e/i/o/u:

• Do you want an apple ora banana?
• í'm going to buy a hat and an umbrella.
• There was an interesting prograrnme on TV last night.
also an hour (h is not pronounced: an (h)our)
but a university (pronounced yuniversity)
a European country (pronounced yuropean)
another (= an + other) is one word:
• Can I have another cup of tea?

C We use a/an ... when we say what a thing ora person is. For example:
• The sun is a star.
• Football is a game.
• Dallas is a city in Texas.
• A mouse is an animal. It's a small animal
• Joe is a very nice person.
We use a/an ... forjobs etc.:
• A: What's your job?
B: I'm a dentist. (not 'I'm dentist.')
• 'Wbat does Mark do?' 'He's an engineer.'
• Would you like to be a teacher?
• Beethoven was a composer.
• Picasso was a famous painter.
• Are you a student?

[136] a car/ sorne money (counrablc/uncounrable) ~ i@itJd;§:fl a and the ~ ElJ


64.1 Write a oran.
1 .~..... old book 4 an airport 7 a university
2 a window 5 a new airport 8 an hour
3 a horse 6 an organisation 9 an econornic problern
64.2 What are these things? Choose from the list.

fflffi fruit mountain rrver musical instrument

flower game planet too! vegetable

\ 1 A duck is .. ~ 6 Jupiter is a planet .

2 A carrot is . a vegetable 7 Apear is . a fruit
3 Tennis is a game . 8 The Amazon is a river
4 A hammer is a tool .. 9 A rose is . a flower
\ 5 Everest is ....... a mountain 10 A trumpet is a musical instrument
64.3 What are their jobs? Choose from the list and finish the sentences.
dentist electrician nurse photographer prívate detective shop assistant taxi driver

\ t ?.h..~'.s. 0:-.. 4&n..t.i".5.i:::. 5 He´s a electrician .

2 He's a shop assistant . . 6 She´s a nurse
\ 3 She ´s a photographer . 7 He´s a private detective
4 She´s a taxi driver .. 8 And you? I'm a teacher ..
64.4 Make sentences. _Choose from Box A and Box B. Use a/an where necessary.
· I VKJ1.t to ssk you Barbara works in old house artist
Tom never wears Ann wants to learn party question
I cari't ride Jim lives in bookshop foreign language
My brother is This evening I'm going to hat bicycle

1 . .!. .. ~~.t... ~...~k...~~--~- 'l'A..~S.~n...·. . ..

Tom never wears a hat
\ 2
3 I can´t ride a bicycle
4 My brother is an artist
5 Jim lives in an old house
6 Barbara works in a bookshop
7 This evening I´m going to a party
8 Ann wants to learn a foreign language

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