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Electro-Magnetic Field Theory Module 1

Lecture Notes 18

Gradient N(x, y, z)

N(x+dx, y + dx, z+ dz)

r + dr (a)

z Δ

v(x, y, z) = C1

Figure (a) shows two neighboring points M and N of the region in which a scalar function V is
defined. The vector separation is

dr = dx ax + dy ay + dz az

From calculate the change in V from M.T.N is

v v v
dv = dx  dy   dz
x y dz
Using  operator r is

v v v
V = dx  dy   dz
x y dz

B. I .Neelgar, ECE, SoE, DSU.

Electro-Magnetic Field Theory Module 1
Lecture Notes 18

 v v v 
dv =  dx  dy   dz  : (dxax + dyay + dzaz)
 x y dz 
dv = V . dr

The vector V (grad v ) is called gradient of scalar function V. It can be seen that for a
fixed | dr |, the change in V in given direction dr is proportional to projection of V in that
direction. Thus V lies in a direction of maximum increase of function of V.
Let M and N lie on the same equipotential surface v(x, y, z) = C1.
As shown in figure (b).; then dv = 0 which implies that V is perpendicular to dr but dr is
tangential to equipotential surface. Hence V must be along the surface normal to M. since v is
in the direction of increasing V it points from v(x, y, z) = C1 to v(x, y, z) = c2 where c2 > 1, the
gradient of a potential function is a vector field that is everywhere normal to equipotential
surface. The expression for V in the three co-ordinate system ax.

v v v
V = dx  dy   dz (Cartesian)
x y dz
v 1 v v
V = a  a  a z (cylindrical)
   z
v 1 v 1 v
V = ar  a  a (spherical)
r r  r sin  

Relationship between E and V

From the equation
V = -  E .dl
The potential difference between two points separated by a length dl is

dv = - E . dl ---------------(1)
for a Cartesian co-ordinate system,

- E.dl = - (Ex ax + Ey ay + Ez az).(dxaz + dyay + dzaz)

= - (Ex dx + Ey dy + Ez dz ) ----------------(2)

Combining (1) and (2)

dv = - [ Exdx + Eydy +Ezdz ] ----------------(3)
Also by calculus

B. I .Neelgar, ECE, SoE, DSU.

Electro-Magnetic Field Theory Module 1
Lecture Notes 18

v v v
dv = dx  dy   dz ----------------(4)
x y dz
From (3) and (4)
v v v
- Ex = , - Ey = & - Ez = + ---------------(5)
x y z
So that

v v v
E =- ax  a y  az
x y z

i.e E = - V

B. I .Neelgar, ECE, SoE, DSU.

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