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CESSNA 310 R PILOTS' CHECK LIST Check list-a je namenjena posadama koje su upoznate sa avionskim uredajima i sistemima kao i sa normalnim i vanrednim postupcima, Ova lista usaglaSena je sa avionskim Flight Manual-om. U sluéaju da se pojavi neusaglaSenost sa Flight Manual-om isti je stariji. Pehl pei am ak ak GBSNA STON CESSNA 310K CHSSNA 3108 CESSNA STON CESSNA SIDR CUSSNA SIOR CBSSNA.310R GHSSNA 310K NORMAL PROCEDURES BEFORE STARTING ENGINES OL, Preflight..ass, 02. Cabin Door 03, Control Lock. 04, Seat and Seat Belts 05, Fuel Selectors ..,, 06, Landing Gear Switch ....... 07, Mixtures, Propellers and Throttles 08. All Switches and Circuit Breakers , 09. Battery and Alternators 10. Landing Gear Position Indicator Lights 11. All Warning Lights 12, Lights... » LATCHED and SECURE STARTING ENGINES OL. Propellers 02, Magneto Switches 03. Engines .... 04. Auxiliary Fuel Pumps 05. Engine Instruments ,... BEFORE TAXIING OL, Brakes ws 02. Flight instruments BEFORE TAKE OFF 01. Engine Runup Throttles Alternators 2 Vacuum system ... CHECK 4 Magnetos. » CHECK ; Propellers. CHECK Engine instrument: Throttle: 02, Fuel Quantity , | 03. Fuel Selectors , | 04. Cowl Flaps, , 05. Trim Tabs ... 10, All Cabin Doors and Win lows | 11, All Warning Lights 12. Auxiliary Fuel Pumps 13, Flights Controls 14, Ice Protection TAKE OFF 01, Power .. SET FOR TAKEOFF 02, Mixtures i CHECK fuel flows in the white arc. 03. Engine Instruments . CHECK 80 KIAS . 92 KIAS at 5500 pounds, 04. Air Minimum Control Speed 05. Takeoff and Climb to 50 Feet . AFTER TAKE OFF 01. Landing Gear .., 7 02, Best Angle-of-Climb Spee 03, Best Rate-of-Climb Speed with Wing Flaps UP 03. Cow! Flaps DESCENT OL, Fuel selector ,, 02. Power , 03, Cowl Flap: 04, Mixtures , 05. Altimeter BEFORE LANDING 01. Safety Belts ert 02, Propeller Synchrophaser . 03, Fel Selectors 04. Auxiliary Fuel 05, Wing Flaps .. 4 06, Landing Gea : 07. Mixtures 08. Propellers , 09. Approach Speed . 10. Alr Minimum Control Speed _ AFTER LANDING / OL, Auxillary Fuel Pumps . | 02, Cowl Flaps 03. Wing Flaps 04, Radar/Transponde _. SHUTDOWN 01. Parking Brake 02. Accessory Switches 03. Auxiliary Fuel Pumps 04. Engines .., A ye ED EY. ee ee | Veet hha Uy Boge it) CESSWA 310K CHSSNA 310R CESSNA 310i GESSNA 5108 CESSNA 310R CESSNA 3IOR CESSNA 5108 CESSNA 310K EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ENGINE INOPERATIVE PROCEDURES ENGINE SECURING PROCEDURE 01. Throttle 02. Mixture 03, Propiellei 04. Fuel Selector ,. 05. Auxiliary Fuel UMP sa 06, Magneto Switches ..., 07. Propeller Synchrophaser .. 08, Alternator 09. Cowl Flap ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKEOFF (Speed Below 92 KIAS) 01. Throttles 02. Brakes . ENGINE FAILURE AFTER TAKEOFF (Speed Above 92 KIAS) 01, Mixtures 02, Propellers 03, Throttles Propeller . FEATHER 06. Establish bank 5° toward operative engine 07. Wing Flaps ... (if extended, in small Increments), 08, Climb To Clear 50-Foot Obstacle .... 09. Climb At Best Single-Engine Rate-of-Climb Speed .... «106 KIAS 10. Trim tabs - ADJUST 5° Bank toward ‘operative engine with approximately 1/2 ball slip Indicated on the turn and bank Indicator 11, Cowl Flap ~dnoperative Engine) .. teieteesineasnareseessseCLOSE 12, Inoperative Engine — SECURE as follows: Fuel Selector .. eee Auxillary Fuel Pump .... Magneto Switches .....,. ) Alternato: 13, As Soon As Practical “| ENGINE FAILURE DURING FLIGHT O1. Inoperative Engine ., | 02. Operative Engine , BEFORE SECURING INOPERATIVE ENGINE: 03, Fuel Flow ,.... CHECK. If deficient, position auxiliary fuel pump to ON 04, Fuel Selectors : 05, Fuel Quantity . a 06, Oil Pressure and Oil Temprature 07, Magneto Switches , IF ENGINE DOES NOT START, SECURE AS FOLLOWS: 09, inoperative Engine Throttle, Fuel Selector.,,,,,,, Auxiliary Fuel Pump. Magneto Switches,, Propeller Synchrophaser Alternator......,, Cowl Flap 10. Operative Engine Power ., Mixture Fuel Selector ,,.,,,. Auxiliary Fuel Pump ; Cow! Flap i 11. Trim Tabs .. | 12. Blectrical Load w....., 13. As Soon As Practical sees AS REQUIRED +O AS REQUIRED vs ADJUST «DECREASE to minimum ENGINE INOPERATIVE LANDING 01, Fuel Selector 02, Auxiliary Fuel Pump 03, Alternate Air Control ..., 90 04, Mixture ..... . FULL RICH or lean as required for smoot 05. Propeller Synchrophaser , 06. Propeller 07. Approach .... 08, Landing Gear 09. Wing Flaps ... 10. Speed srssnon ve MAIN TANK .ON (Operative Engine) 06 KKIAS with excessive altitude DOWN within gliding distance of fleld ...DOWN when landing Is assured DECREASE below 93 KIAS only if landing is assured 11, Minimum Control Speed ,.,..... .80 KIAS ENGINE INOPERATIVE GO-AROUND (Speed Above 92-KIAS) | | | | | Level flight may not be possible for certain combinations of weight, temperature | _| and altitude, In any event, do not attempt an engine inoperative go-around after wing flaps have ben extended beyond 15°, | ; 01. Throttle . oe 02. Positive Rate-of-Climb sss 03. Landing Gear 04. Wing Flaps .. 05, Cowl Flap wv. 06, Climb at Best Single-Engine Rate-of-Climb Speed ,, 07. Trim Tabs .. a ++ FULL FORWARD (32.0 Inches Hg) AIRSTART 01, Auxiliary Fuel Pump... s.scecsseees ay +, CHECK OFF IFON or LOW, purge engine by turning OFF auxiliary fuel pump, mixture to IDLE CUT-OFF, =| throttle full open, magneto switches OFF, and rotating engine 15 revolutions with starter | 02. Magneto Switches . 03. Fuel Selector 04. 05. seen ON MAIN TANKS ‘sssu.FORWARD approximately one and one-half inches FULL RICH then retard approximately two incehs 06, Propeller .,, FORWARD 07. Starter Button sees PRESS 08, Primer Switch .., cesses CTIVATE 09. Starter and Primer Switch . be RELEASE when engine fires 10, Auxiliary Fuel Pump ....,,., seesvereeeeeniensssssnnneessnie LOW 11, Mixture , ADJUST for smooth engine operation 12. Power ,, : dees seerste INCREASE after cylinder head temp, reaches 200° F with gradual mixture enrichment as power Increases 13, Cowl Flap ....., 14, Alternator ... BOTH ENGINES FAILURE DURING CRUISE FLIGHT Ol. Wing Flaps ...... 02, Landing Gear ,. 03. Propellers ,.. 04. Cowl Flaps 05. Airspeed 06, Landing Refer to Complete Power Loss) FIRE PROCEDURES FIRE ON GROUND (Engine star, 01, Throttles 02, Brakes 03. Mixtures . 04, Battery 05. Magnetos 06. Evacuate airplane as soon a8 practic Tax! And takeoff With Sufficient Distance Remaining To Stop) al, INFLIGHT WING OR ENGINE FRE 01. Both Auxiliary Fuel Pumps ., 02, Appropriate Engine , Throttle .,, Mixture Propeller Fuel Selector , Magnetos Propeller Synchrophaser Alternator vse Cowl Flap 03. Cabin Heater venene 04. Land and evacuate airplane as soon as practical INFLIGHT CABIN FIRE OR SMOKE | | O1. Blectrical Load .. ~- REDUCE to minimum required | 02, Attempt to isolate the source of fire or smoke 03, Wemaess waive 04. Cabin Air Controls rngaee eneane all vents Including wind shleld defrost, CLOSH if intenslly of smoke Increases, 95, Land and evacuate airplane as soon practical EMERGENCY DESCENT PROCEDURES PREFERRED PROCEDURE OL, Throttles 02. Propellers 03. Mixtures 04, Wing Flaps . 05. Landing Gear 06, Moderate bani 07. Alspeed .., IDLE FORWARD ADJUST for smooth engine operation IN TURBULENT ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS O1, Throttles ,. 04. 06, 07. 02, Propellers 03, Mixtures ...., Wing Flaps .. 05, Landing Gear , Moderate Bank .., EMERGENCY LANDING PROCEDURES FORCED LANDING (With Power) OL. Landing Site vs. 02. Landing Gear ... 03. Landing Gear .. CHECK, Overfly site at 100 KIAS and 15° wing flaps, DOWN If surface is smooth and hard, Normal Landing .. Keep nosewheel off ground as long as practical UP if surface is rough or soft Approach 100 KIAS with 15° wing flaps All Switches Cabin Door Mixtures .. Magneto Switches .. Fuel Selectors . Landing Attitude FORCED LANDING (Complete Power Loss) 1, Mixtures ., 02. Propellers 03, Fuel Selectors , 04, All Switches Except battery , 05. Approach s....s.s0005 06. If Smooth and Hard Surfac Landing Gear , ‘isieDOWN within gliding distance of fleld Wing Flaps . asst teehee AS REQUIRED Battery Swite ce OFF Cabin Door ...... /UNLATCH prior to flare-out Normal Landing aha Keep nosewheel of ground as lon as practical 07. If Rough o Soft Surface: a) Landing Gear b) Wing Flaps . Approah ,,.,, Battery Switch Cabin Door Landing Attitude ., LANDING WITH FLAT MAIN GEAR TRE, O1, Landitig Gear .. 02. Fuel Selectors ..., main tank on same side as defective tire feel for detent 03. Fuel Selectors . a « MAIN ‘TANKS before landing | 04, Wind should be headwind or crosswind opposite the defective tire 95. Wing flaps a finds DOWN 35° | 06. In approach, align airplane with edge of runway opposite the defective tire, allowing room for a mild turn Jn the landing roll 07. Land slightly wing low on the side of the inflated tire and lower the nosewheel to the ground Immediately for opositive steering 08. Use full aileron in landing roll to lighten the load on the defective tire 09, Apply brakes only on the inflated tire to minimize landing roll maintain directional control i 10. Stop airplane 'to avoid further damage unless active runway must be cleared for other traffic, vv SELECT 1 LANDING WITH DEFECTIVE MAIN GEAR 01. Fuel Selectors toes seeseeesannessaseses see inesenreecines es SELECT | main tank on the same side as defective gear; feel for detent “MAIN TANKS before landing HEADWIND or crosswind opposite defective gear 05. Wing Flaps ., 06. Approach . e000 08s vee AD) with the edge of run way opposite the defective landing gear 07. Battery Switch . eaaeensaen eeesasneen 98. Land wing low towad operative landing gear. Lower nosewheel immediately for positive steering 09. Ground Loop 10, Mixtures , 11, Use full aileron in 12, Apply brakes only on the operative landing gear to hold desired rate of | turn and shorten landing roll ' 13, Fuel Selectors 14, Atrplane vs «IDLE CUT-OFF LANDING WITH FLAT NOSE GEAR TIRE | 01. Landing Gear , 02. Passengers and Baggage 03. Approach .... 04, Landing Attitude 05. Nose . 06, Brakes ..... -100 KKIAS with 15° wing flaps NOSE HIGH HOLD OFF during landing roll “MINIMUM in landing roll 07. Throttles reba RETARD in landing roll 08. Control Wheel setaneseavenan wn FULL AFY until airplane stops 09, Minimize additional taxiing to prevent further damage LANDING WITH DEFECTIVE NOSE GEAR OL. If Smooth and Hard Surface: Baggage and Passengers . Landing Gear . Approach 100 KIAS with 15° wld flaps All Switches Except Magnets ,., ORR Landing Attitude ....... seis NOSE HIGH Mixtures .. * Magneto Switches , NOSE saesessee 02, If Rough or Sod Surface: Landing Gear , Approach 400 KIAS with 15° wing flaps All Switches Except magnetos penne HORE Cabin Door. ‘UNLATCH prior to Aare out Landing Attitude snnNOSE HIGH Mixtures 4.4... Fuel Selectors ,. LAND: WITHOUT FLAPS (0° Extension) 01. Mixtures... 02, Propellers «0. 03, Fuel Selectors ..... 04, Minimum Approach Speed 05, Landing Gear wasn FULL RICH or lean as required for smooth operation (See Figure 5-25) DOWN DITCHING Ol. Landing Gear uP 02, Approach .... HEADWIND if high winds, PARALLEL TO SWELLS if light wind and heavy swells, 03. Wing Flaps .. seeterieueee DOWN 35° 04. Power ... AS REQUIRED (300 Feet Per Minute Descent) 05, Airspeed , .93 KIAS minimum 06, Attitude "DESCENT ATTITUDE through touchdown FUEL SYSTEM EMERGENCY PROCEDURES _| ENGINE-DRIVEN FUEL PUMP FAILURE 01. Fuel Selector ..,..... 02, Auxiliary Fuel Pump 03. Cowl Flap . 04, Mixture . ELECTRICAL SYSTEM EMERGENCY PROCEDURES | ALTERNATOR FAILURE (Single) O1, Electrical Load , serena 02, If Clreuit Breaker is tipped: Turn pff affected alternator Reset affected alternator circuit breaker - ALTERNATOR FAILURE (Dual) ) illuminated ly EF Eap RE BP Vey le bal ek Me Me Aaya) a) yt ‘Turn on affected alternator switch If circuit breaker reopens, turn off alternator 03. If Circuit Breaker does not trip: Select affected alternator on voltammeter and monitor output Select affected alternator on voltammeter and monitor output Select affected alternator on voltammeter and monitor output If output is normal and failure light remains on, disregard fail indication and have indicator checked after landing, -If output Is insufficient, turn off alternator and reduce electrical load to one alternator capacity If complete loss of alternator output occurs, check field fuse and teplace if necessary Jfan intermittent light indication accompanied by voltammeter fluctuation Is observed, turn off affected alternator and reduce load to one alternator capacity, O1. Electrical Load 02, If Circuit Breakers are tripe 4 Turn of alternators Reset circuit breakers Turn on left alternator and monitor output on voltammeter If alternator is charging, leave in on, Disregard failure light if still illuminated If still inoperative, turn off left alternator Repeat steps ¢ through e for right alternator If circuit breakers reopen, prepare to terminate flight 03. If Circuit Breakers have not tripped: Turn off alternators Check fleld fuses and replace as required Turn on left alternator and monitor output on voltammeter If alternator is charging, leaveit on, Disregard failure light if still If still inoperative, turn off left alternator Repeat steps c through e for right alternator If both still inoperative, turn off alternators and turn on emergency alternator fleld switch Repeat steps c through e for each alternator If still inoperative, turn off alternators, nonesential electrical items and Prepare to terminate flight | AVIONICS BUS FAILURE O1. Avionics Master SWItCh vaccine 02, Emergency Avionics Power Switch LANDING GEAR EMERGENCY PROCEDURES LANDING GEAR WILL NOT EXTEND ELECTRICALLY 01. Landing Gear Motor Circuit Breaker ..., with landing gear switch DOWN 02, Landing Gear Motor Circuit Breaker . » CHECK IN sev PULL, 03. Landing gear Switch 04, Pilot's Sear 05, Handcrank . 06. Rotate Crank .... . CLOCKWISE four turns past gear down lights on (Approximately 52 Turns) NEUTRAL (Center) ae a a Pee eee er ered 07. Gear Down Lights .. ON; Unlocked Light - OFF 08. Gear Warning Horn sere CHBCK 09. Handerank ....., ..PUSH BUTTON and STOW 10. As Soon As Practical sreessieussreensereseee LAND LANDING GEAR WILL NOT RETRACT ELECTRICALLY 01. Do not try retract manually 02. Landing Gear DOWN 03, Gear Down Lights ON; Unlocked Light -OFF 04. Gear Warning Hom 05. As Soon As Practical CHECK LAND FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS EMERGENCY PROCEDURES VACUUM PUMP FAILURE (Attitude and Directional Gyros) O1. Failure indicated by left or right red failure button exposed on vacuum gage 02, Automatic valve will select operative source 03. Vacuum Pressure ws. -CHECK proper vacuum from operative source OBSTRUCTION OR ICING OF STATIC SOURCE O1. Alternate Static Source ...... 02. Excess Altitude and Airspeed .. AIR INLET OR FILTER ICING EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Ol, Alternate Air Control(s) 02, Propeller(s) . 03, Mixture(s) LEAN as required | PROPELLER SYNCHROPHASER | ENGINE INOPERATIVE PROCEDURES O1, Propeller Synchrophaser ..sususssssssseinesnees OFF SYNCHROPHASER FAILURE Ol. Propeller Synchrophaser .. .OFF 02, Propeller Synchrophaser Circuit Breaker , EMERGENCY EXIT WINDOW 01. Red Handle , ULL down and to the rear i 02. Window ... +. PUSH OUT' at top SPINS 01. Throttles 02. Ailerons .,. NEUTRALIZE 03, Rudder 04. Control Wheel ,. 05, Inboard Engine . OLD FULL RUDDER opposite the direction of rotation FORWARD BRISKLY, 1/2 turn after applying full rudder INCREASE POWER to slow rotation. (If Necessary) ¢ After rotation has stopped: 06, Rudder wee .NEUTRALIZE 07. Inboard Engine (If used - DECREASE POWER to equalize engines) 08, Control Wheel ,., to recover from resultant dive, ‘Apply. smooth steady cont ee RAPID DESCENT AND PULL UP PROCEDURE OOO 01. BEFORE LANDING CHECK LIST 1-404. TIME OUT-NEGATIVE RWY a) Mixture full rich a) Leveling 02. GYRO CHECK 05. CLIMB POWER a) Flaps 15° a) Gear up, flaps up b) Power 2300/23” b) Turning to facility ©) V=120 kts 06, LEVEL OFF 03. OVER FACILITY a) V=130 kts a) Gear down b) Cruise power, cruise check list b) Power 18” ) Timing 1° 4) V=120 kts, R/d=1000 fi/min ©) Pitch 10-15° % SLOW FLIGHT (DIRTY) 01. POWER 2300/23” 04, POWER 20” ‘ a) Before landing check list 1-7 a) Timing 1” |b) Power 16” 05, POWER 22”, START TURN c) V=90 kts power 20” 06, CLIMB POWER, LEVELING 02. TIMING 1° a) Gear up, flaps up a) V=80 - 85 kts b) V=130 kts | 03. POWER 22”, START TURN c) Cruise power, cruise check list a) Maximum bank 15° 01. POWER 2300/23” b) Mixture full rich ©) Power 16” B d) V=90 kts power 20" | 02. TIMING I’ 03. POWER 22”, START TURN a) Maximum bank 15° : O—) 01. POWER 2300/23” x a) Before landing check list 1-7 b) Flaps full c) Power 16” 02, MAINTAIN ALTITUDE a) Maintain heading ») Stalling ©) Angle 12-15° O—® 0 . POWER 2300/23” a) Before landing check list 1-4 b) Mixture ... full rich ©) Power 16” 02. MAINTAIN ALTITUDE a) Maintain heading b) Stalling ©) Angle 12-15° a) Before landing check list 1-4 SLOW FLIGHT (CLEAN) 04, POWER 20” a) Timing 1” 05, POWER 22”, START TURN, 06. CLIMB POWER, LEVELING a) V=130 kts b) Cruise power, cruise check list STALLING (DIRTY) 03, V=100 kts, ROTATION a) Climb power, climb check b) Vario positive c) Flaps 15°, Gear up, Flaps up d) Climb speed 106 kts - 120 kts 04, LEVELING a) V=130 kts b) Cruise power, cruise check list STALLING (CLEAN) 03. V=100 kts, ROTATION a) Climb power, climb check list b) Climb speed 106 kts - 120 kts 04, LEVELING a) V=130 kts b) Cruise power, cruise check list Oe ee EON es Nas TRAFFIC PATTERN 01. HOLDING point 08. BEFORE LANDING CHECK LIST 1-5 a) Before 7/0 check list 09. ABEAM THRESHOLD b) 1/0 briefing Gear down, timing 40 sec 02. LINE UP Continue with check list 7-10 Gyro check Power 25”/2350 Power 25” V=120 kts Release brakes 10. TIME OUT T/O power set 32”/2700, fuel 11. FINAL flow in white arc Flaps full Speed alive, V,=80 kts, Approach power 18/2350 Vp=83 kts, V2=92 kts V= 100 kts 03. VARIO POSITIVE -STABILISED 12. FINAL CHECK Gear up Flaps full V = 106 kts Propellers full forward 04, ACCELERATION ALTITUDE 700 ft 3 green on Climb power 29/2350, climb 13. LANDING ROLL check list Applay brakes as required V=120 kts After landing check list 05. TURNING ALTITUDE 1000 ft 06. LEVEL OFF Leveling 1300 ft 07. V= 130 kts Cruise power 23/2200, cruise check list | SINGLE-ENGINE AIRSPERDS FOR SAFE OPERATION | | Conditions; | tb ~ Takeoff Weight 5500 Pounds ~ Landing Weight $400 Pounds ~ Sea level, Standard Day OL, Air Minimum Control speed 02, Takeoff and Climb to 50 Feet 03. All Engines Best Angle - of - clini Speed (0° 04 Alll Engines Best Rate - of - Climis Speed 05 All Engines Landing Approach Speed (35 Wing Flaps 06. Maneuvering Speed ... 07. Structural Cruise Speed . 08. Never Exceed Speed wavs 09. Speed for Transition to Balked Landing Conditions 10. Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity 01, Takeoff Weight 5500 Pounds 02, Landing Weight 5400 Pounds 03, Standard Day, Sea Level Ol. Air Minimum Control Speed feted 02. Recomended Safe Single -Engine Speed .. 05, Best Single-ngine Angle-of Climb, Speed Of, Best Single-Bngine Rate-of Climb Spred Wing Flaps Up) 106K POWER SETTING C.310 [fe Condition 1 (kts) Configuration: UThrottie = | “Propeler ‘Mixture = TAKE OF TOY, | — 33 pea Wal forward | rich eee 105 te - intig | forward | seh CRUISE CLIMB | — 129 ee 7 fale 2350 | adjust CRUISE resulting a 7 inte 2200 | adjust DESCENT | resulting oe “a inne 2200 | adjust IFR APPROACH | 129 a? ae a Ge 2350 | sich PRECISION APPROACH - ILS Passing TL Radio Set up Altimeter set QNH Approach Briefing Before Landing] Approach Items [Check List ToD Calculate TOD f ATIS/Weather Passing OM Altitude cheek Continue check list Minimum (DA) apes No contact: Go Around Check list completed Start Reduce 140 kts Lo Glide one dot “flap 15° On Glide - Gear down Approach power ‘Visual contact Continue to land Final check RWY. NON PRECISION APPROACH Passing TL Radio Set up Altimeter set QNH Approach Briefing [Before Landing] Approach Items [Check Lis a Calculate TOD ATIS/Weather Passing Locator Start timing . Approach power Visual Descent Point VDP Start Reduce 140 kts ‘No contact: Go Around ; mo Minimum MDA. Visual contact Continue to land Final check Gyro check Before landing check list i On intermediate (LOC, VOR) i completed Advance power level flight

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