PM Assignment 4 Shaharyar Amin

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Registration ID: 2201047

Name: Shaharyar Amin
Program: MBA (1.5) Evening

Project Management

Submitted to: Sir Najmus Saqib Rehmani Dated: 02-05-2020

The history of Quality Evolution

Evolution is one of the sustainable theories in the history of science. It is supported by various
evidences. It is basically a change over periods of time. Various scientists were given their
theories on evolution.

Quality is basically the specifications as to how product should be made. There are basically
three gurus, whom define the quality precisely:

 W. Edwards Deming - quality is continuous improving and minimizing variation - the

biggest reason for low quality is bad management - 14 points, plan-do-check-act cycle,
removing fear, long term focus, training employees, fact-based management ƒ
 Joseph M. Juran - quality is “fitness for use”, strongest customer point of view -
importance of management, planning, training, annual quality breakthroughs, focus on
chronic problems, quality has a price.
 Philip Crosby - quality is production according to specifications -”Quality is free”, “Zero
defects” - prevention of errors is important -”there is no trade-off in quality” - Increased
publicity of quality tremendously.

History of quality evolution is of big concern. History of quality evolution starts before criest
(BC). In India and Egypt, B.C era structures show evidence of measurement and quality e.g;
precisely cut stones for pyramids, forts etc.

There was quality assurance in these structures because of the use of best developing methods
and procedures with accurate and precise measurement devices. There were also skilled
craftsmen and efforts that were directed to building quality into final product. There were
evidences in the past that show the quality in evolution with accuracy in measurement and
inspection. These were discussed below:

 1450 BC- Egyptian Wall paintings:

In Egyptian wall painting, cutting of pyramid stones was precise and best in quality.
Even today it is impossible to get a knife blade between blocks. This precision and
accuracy is due to precise measuring devices, great design and consistent use of well-
developed building methods and procedures.

 1046BC – 256BC( The Zhou dynasty ):

In this era, there was a development of specific governmental departments. These
departments were given the responsibility of production, manufacturing, inventory,
product distribution (Supply Chain Management), formulation and executing quality
standards and supervision and inventory. In all these parameters, inspection provides a
greater concern for better quality.

 5th to 15th century( The Middle ages ):

In this era, craftsman, specifically in Europe, served as a manufacturer and inspector.
They put every effort to put best quality in their work.

 1760-1840( The Industrial revolution):

In mid-18th century, a system is developed by the scientist gunsmith for manufacturing
muskets to a standard pattern. This idea was bought to America by Thomas Jefferson.

 1870-1940( The Second Industrial revolution):

Taylor introduced the principles of scientific management. Manufacturers could ship
products but at a good quality. This was the primary means of quality control. There were
also development of new theories and methods of inspection for improving and
maintaining quality.

 Till 1950s( Post World war II ):

In the 1950s, scientist Armand Feigenbaum recognized the importance of comprehensive
organizational approach to quality. Continuous improvements were made by the top
managers to support integrated quality and better improvement.

 1960s:
Kauro Ishikawa introduced the seven tools of quality control and quality circles. He is
best known outside for Ishikawa or cause and effect diagram i.e.; fishbone diagram.

 1970-1980:
Japanese products started to exceed because of better quality production and in a few
short years, Japanese made major inroads into market.

 1980s ( The U.S quality revolution):

In 1980s, there was a period of change and growing awareness of quality. The
manufacturers change the phrase from – Let the buyer bewares- to –Let the producer
beware-. W Edward Deming’s, play a key role in quality evolution by paying his
contribution in the development of Japanese quality. According to this scientist, -Improve
quality, you automatically improve productivity-.

 1981-1990:
 1984- The U.S government designated October as National Quality Month.
 1985-NASA announced an excellent award for Quality and Productivity.
 1986- Motorola introduced the concept i.e. Six Sigma.
 1987- International organization for standardization issued the first issue of ISO
 1988- NIST introduced the Malcom Baldridge National Quality (MBNQ) award
established the federal quality.
 1989- Florida Power and Light was the 1st Japanese company to be awarded the
Deming prize for quality.
All of these achievements are due to betterment in quality with to passage of time.

 1991-2015:
 1991-1994: International Organization for Standardization (IOS) issued 2 nd issue
of ISO-9001.

 1999- Addition of non-profit education and health-care sectors to the Baldridge
 2000- IOS issued its 3rd issue of IOS-9001.
 2008- IOS issued its 4th issue of IOS-9001.
 2015- IOS issued its 5th issue of IOS-9001.



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