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1) Poor personal appearance/sloppy application 2)

Lack of enthusiasm and lack of vitality; passive
and indifferent 3) Focused too much on the
amount of money offered 4) Criticizing past
employers/employment 5) Fidgeting not making eye
contact while conversing 6) Weak or
unconfident handshake 7) Unwillingness to
work in/at certain work sites or positions 8)
Arrived late for interview 9) Unappreciative for
the interview and interviewer's time 10) Vague
responses to questions (indecisive)
11) Over aggressive or conceited
: Kak

12) Inability to express self clearly and properly (grammar,

voice diction, etc.) 13) Lack of long-term goals (looking at
position as a short term job) 14) Lack of confidence and poise
15) Lack of extra-curricular activities/narrow interests
16) Expect too much too soon (unwilling to start at the
bottom) 17) Makes excuses for unfavorable issues in
record 18) Lack of tact; manners, maturity, courtesy 19)
Sloppy presentation (physical appearance/application)
20) No real interest in the company or job (not asking
questions) 21) Strong prejudices 22) Inability to take
criticism 23) High pressure type 24) Cynical 25)
Appearing lazy or arrogant

IRR "WhatSU:


Start preparing early. Take as much time as Wait until the last minute, you
have available to you.
Do your homework. Learn as much as you Go in knowing nothing about the
industry or can about the company and the interviewers. the position for which
you're interviewing.

Be prepared. Anticipate likely interview questions and plan your answers.

Be caught off guard. A lack of preparation makes you seem like you
don't want the job.

Make a good first impression. Show up early and looking well

dressed and well rested.
Arrive late or looking disheveled.

Practice everything from your handshake to | Fumble for words or sound

unsure of yourself your introduction.
because you haven't rehearsed.
Answer questions completely honestly. Paint Exaggerate or lie about your
yourself in the best light, but remain humble accomplishments. Droning.on
about your and brief.
achievements can make you look phony.

Remain polite, respectful, and positive.

Badmouth former employers or complain about prior jobs you've held.

Have educated questions for the interviewers. Ask questions for the
sake of asking, or ask
something you could have found out on your own.
. --
..-' .

Follow up with a'thank-you note after the interview and an email later if you
haven't heard from them.
Hound the hiring manager as it could hurt AS your chances


1.Did you enjoy school? Yes! 2.Tell me a little about yourself I am

a good person and a respectful person. 3. Do you plan to continue
your education? 4.In what school activities have you participated? I
participated in Art class,Spanish class,Math class,Drivers Ed
class,Computer technology class,Preschool,Culinary Class. 5. Which did
you enjoy the most? The most I like is cooking class. 6.How do
you spend your spare time? I just get on my Computer or my Phone to play
games Ext.7. What are your hobbies? I like to
color,draw,learn Spanish,Spend time with my family. 8) In
what type of position are you interested? I am interested in cooking. 9.
Why do you think you might like to work for our company? Because I
am a hard worker and I am a nice person and I am a respectful
person. 10. What jobs have you held? N/A 11.What do you know
about our company? 12.How did you rank in your graduating class?
I got an A+ on my test.13.What extracurricular activities did you
participate in? Do you think they were worth the
time you devoted? N/A 14.What do you think
determines a person's progress in a good
company? I will say they are very good progess
like doing their job.15.Why do you think you would
like this particular job?N/A16. Are you looking for
permanent or temporary work? N/A17.Do you prefer
working with others or by yourself? I prefer working with
others. 18.Have you ever had trouble getting along
with people? N/A 19.Can you take constructive
criticism without feeling upset? I just relax all day.
20.What have you learned from some of the jobs you
have held? I have a job in Gettysburg Collage.and I
have a job in Biglerville High School it is a cafeteria
worker. 21.What are your career goals? My goals is to
be a business like a restaurant. 22.What is your idea
of a good worker? I work very hard. 23.Do you like
routine work? Yes because other workers have a routine.
24) What jobs have you enjoyed most? Least?
Why? My most job I like is Gettysburg Collage
because It is a easy job in the dishroom.My Least
job is Food Service beacuse It’s like a fast pace

25) What are your greatest

weaknesses? N/A
Name: _

.. Tough Interview Questions ; Directions:

Read the "Tough Interview Questions" packet in its
entirety. . Write answers to the following questions on the
attached lined paper,
according to suggested answers attached to this
packet. Answers should be neatly written in sentence

--- ----- -
..... --;A...





1. Tell me about yourself. I am a nice guy.and I am a

friendly person. (2. What do you know about this
organization (answer this question .
related to you current or desired career.
Field? My Career goals is to be a buiness.)
(3. Why do you want to work here? Because I
am a good worker and I am a very hard
worker.) (4. What is your biggest strength and
weakness? My biggest strength is cooking.)
(5. How do you handle stressful situations
and working under
pressure? I just go to my Boss or your
manger.) (6. What sort of person do
you not like to work with? Their is
some person I do not like is a bad
(7.What are your
thoughts on team or group assignments? My team
assignments is like helping others.) (8. Where do you see
yourself in five years? N/A) (9. What are three
positive things your last supervisor would say about
you? They will say I am a very hard worker and and I
am a nice guy.) (10. Tell me about a suggestion that
you have made that has been
successfully implemented.N/A) (11. If you were
an animal, which one would you be? I will be a
wolf beacuse it is like a group.) (12. In your past
positions, what kind of decisions have you had to
make? It is your own decicions.) (13.
Regarding salary, what are your
expectations? N/A)
14. Do you have any questions? What are the
hours? When can I start? Are there any benefits
with this job, like medical, dental, retirement,
... . . .






An elevator speech or pitch is a brief summary used to quickly define a
person, service, product, etc.
Start writing your 30-second elevator speech by answering the following questions. Then use
the answers to write a message that you can share with someone in 30 seconds.

Use these tips in person, on the phone, with audio or video, and


1. Who are
you? I am
Juan Roque

2. What are you looking for in

a job? _ Yes I am looking for a
job that suit for me.

3. What are your


Food Service

Dish Room




Car Washing
4. What do you
want? _ I am
looking for a job

5. What can
you offer? I can
offer a cash or a

6. Ask for
help Yes

7. Thank them for

listening Hello My name is
Juan Roque I am a chief
that I cook a lot of meals
like for
nd dinner) Why because
everybody like to eat at a
restaurant everyday,I am a
very good cook.Why i am a
very good cook because I
cook for everybody in my
family because they like it
how I cook and some day I
want to be a business
owner because I am a nice
guy and a friendly person in
the Untied States and
thank you for your time and
have a good day I am
looking forward to see to
you their at you place in a
restaurant and thank you
for showing me the
company and I have enjoy
it to speak to you and
Thank you so much for
everything you I am so
happy and thank you for
you patience and for your
kindness and if you have
any question callme at
(717)638-4019 and here is
my email address is

Sincerly Juan Roque

Here is an example of a 30-second elevator speech used by someone looking for

a job:

Hello, my name is Dan Lehmann and i am a machine tool operator who is presently
between jobs. I have 19 years of experience in machine tooling and I can read and interpret
blueprints. can set-up, operate, and program CNC machines. I can also maintain the
machines. I noticed that you work in this company and was wondering if you are
familiar with the Human. Resources Manager or the person responsible for hiring
operators because I would like to get my resume to that person. Are you aware of
any job openings that would require my skills? I appreciate your taking the time to
listen to me, and would appreciate any help that you can give me in my job search.
(Offer a handshake as you end with) Have a great day!




Lately I have noticed that candidates have not been sending Thank you
questioning if candidates feel that they do
Notes/Emails. I am .
not have to send these anymore. And I am here to tell you
that you should be sending Thank You Notes/Emails after
interviews. Here are a few tips on the Thank You Note.
1. Make sure you have the interviewer's contact information. When
you are in the
interview, ask for a business card. If the interviewer does not have
one, ask the recruiter for the contact information. You cannot thank
someone without contact information! And you should know how to
spell that individual's name.

2. When to send? You should send a Thank You on the

same day. I prefer an email thank
you versus mailing a Thank You Card. If you mail the card, it can get
lost or take a week before getting to the interviewer. An email
works for a Thank You and the interviewer gets it immediately.

3. Make the Thank You personal. Please make sure you put info that
you obtain during the
interview in the Thank You note. Please do not make it generic. This
shows you were paying attention and are detail oriented.

4. Spelling and Grammar - please ensure that you proofread your

Thank You. This again
shows that you are detail oriented and know how to write a
professional thank you. Please do not use any slang or jargon
in the note.

5. Meat of the Thank You - Your Thank You should include thanking
him/her for his/her
time, express interest in the role, provide a piece of the interview that
interest you and show why you should be hired.

6. Length - The Thank You should only be 2-4 paragraphs

long. Do not write a book!
7. Your contact information - please make sure you put your
contact information in the
thank you. If the interviewer has any follow up questions, he/she will have
your contact info right there in his/her email.


A Thank You Email is a great way to follow up on the interview. Once you
send the thank you, would
call 2 business days after that to get
a status and to ensure the email was received.
FYI - please do not ever send a text message thank you! I get it - text
messages are the future but let's keep it professional. Thx 4

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