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Desiderata By Max Ehrmann (LSRTC)

Desiderata" (Latin: "desired things") is a 1927 prose poem by American writer Max Ehrmann. Largely
unknown in the author's lifetime, the text became widely known after its use in devotional and spoken-
word recordings in 1971 and 1972. Each line of the poem gives a new thought that has a great meaning.

Ehrmann's work reminds people to listen to their inner voice and to understand that all people are
struggling with their own troubles and could use help and compassion from others. The theme of the
poem is directing people to focus on their own selves rather than using their time to judge others and
the world around them, but also not to judge oneself, but instead to find an inner peace.

It asserts that a person should be true to himself, do what makes him happiest in the world, and that
both the universe and a higher power embrace each individual on the planet. Overall, the focus of the
poem is that people should have a more love-based focus both in their interactions with others and in
their inner voice.

The poem starts with the following lines:

“Go placidly amid the noise and haste,

And remember what peace there may be in silence.”

The poet urges us to be clam in midst of noise and haste. There is peace in silence. In order to be calm
with ourselves we need to be on good terms with all types of person. We need not surrender our self-
respect in doing so. We should be receptive to one and all. We should even listen to the dull and
ignorant. They, too, have their own points of view which may be useful to us. The most important thing
is to speak our truth without hesitation.

The poet goes on: ”Avoid loud and aggressive persons;/they are vexatious to the spirit.”Such persons
are neither at peace with themselves nor do they allow others to be at peace. We need to be ourselves.
This is possible if we stop comparing ourselves with others. When we compare ourselves with others we
become either vain or proud or low spirited. Whatever we achieve or plan we should relish it. We should
remember our uniqueness in the world. Only then we can lead a peaceful and happy life.

The poet further exhorts us to remain interested in our job or profession, however small or low it is. We
should love whatever we do as it is the only treasure that we possess. In managing our business affairs
we should be cautious as the world is full of tricksters who may harm us. But we should not be
overcautious and become cynics because the world is not devoid of virtuous persons. There are many
who try to achieve high and noble ideals in life and who are courageous. We should not overlook this

“Be yourself”. It is very important to be what we are. We should try to present ourselves as what we are.
We should not pretend to be loving towards someone if we are not. But at the same time we should not
be cynical towards love. In this world of dried up feelings and disillusionment love is as fresh as the

The poet even has a word of advice for those that are ageing. He says that grow old and accept old age.
We should not try to force ourselves to be young, ”surrendering the things of youth” without any fuss.
We should strengthen our inner resources of spiritual strength as a bulwark against any unexpected
misfortune. We should not let fear assail is for most of the fears are as a result of the product of fatigue
and loneliness. We should be disciplined but we should not torture ourselves with self- control. It is
better to be gentle with ourselves. Anything that is forced or excessive is bad.

Everything in the universe has its own place. We are as much a part of this universe as the trees and
stars. Whether you understand it or not, everything in this universe is happening as it should. So we
should be at peace with God and ourselves.

Now the most beautiful lines of the poem:

“With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,

It is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful.

Strive to be happy.”

Although there is much hypocrisy in this world. There is lot of boredom and hard, useless toil. People
suffer because there dreams are broken. Despite so much negative things the world where we live is a
beautiful place. We should remain happy and make all efforts to be so.

A modern critic is sure to challenge the categorization of ‘Desiderata’ as a poem. It seems to be more
compendium of maxims put together in poetic form. No idea is allowed to grow. Despite is didactic
value, it is shorn of all qualities we seek in a poem.

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