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GENERAL ENGLISH 6 comparative adjecti V high numbers 's Scotland bigger P ip, sentence stress than Wales? Yes, i's three times bigger. 1 VOCABULARY high numbers 2 LISTENING a Read three questions from a radio quiz a 34) Whatquiz shows are popular in your country? Listen to show. Choose the right answer for each the introduction to a quiz show called Quiz Night. Answer the question. questions. 1 How long do the contestants have to say ifthe sentences are true 1 Whatis the approximate population ofthe cue JK? is acs 2 How much do they win ifthey get..? b 52,000,000 a the first answer right. cc the third answer right __ c 62,000,000 b thesecond answer right. d alleight answers right 3 [fthey get an answer wrong, how much do they lose? ioeticidlat eccebedtabdababhaoas Moa 4 What cana contestant do if they are not sure of the answer? a 670 b 485 b_Inpairs, look atthe sentences from Quiz Night. Write T (true) or © 305 F (false). 3 How Faris from New York City toLos © 449 Listen to a contestant on Quiz Night. Check your answers Angeles? tob. How much does she win? 2 about 4000 km b about 2,500 km Listen again for why the answers are true or false. Write down € about 5,000 km any numbers you heat. b 14) Listen andcheck. How do yousay the three answers? © > Vocabulary Bank Days and numbers. Do part 4. d_ Lookat the numbers below. Correct the mistakes. Ws ahundred seventy-five 2,150 two thousand and 2 Carrots are sweeter than tomatoes. _ one hundred and fifty EE oT 3,009 three thousand nine ‘tron. 20,000 twenty thousands 3,000,000 three millions © 24) _Listenand write the ten numbers you hear. £ Answer the questions with e partner. 1. What's the population of your town J city? 2 What's the population of your country? 3 How farisit from your town | city t.. a London b New York FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 1 GRAMMAR comparative adjectives Lookat the adjectives in the quiz sentences. In pairs, answer the questions. Using adjectives to compare two things: 1 What two letters do you put at the end of one- syllable adjectives (e.g.cold)? 2 Why is big different? 3. Whathappens when an adjective endsin-y? 4 What word do you putin front of long adjectives, (eg. dangerous)? 5. What’ the comparative form of good and bad? 6 What's the missing word? (China is bigger Japan. sewer Grammar Bank 9C. Learn more about comparative adjectives and practise them. PRONUNCIATION ‘al, sentence stress 5 4) _Listento the eight quiz sentences from 2 How is than pronounced? How is -er pronounced at the end ofa word? Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the hythm, SPEAKING > Communication Quiz Night Play Quiz Night READING Read about two quiz shows. Do youhave the same or similar shows in your country? Do you enjoy them? Now read about Pat Gibson. Why is he ‘the best quiz contestant in the country’? Read the article again and complete it with a verb from the listin che past simple. ‘answer be become get have help know phone win ‘With a partner, look atthe highlighted words in the texts related to quiz shows and guess their meaning. Would youlike to be acontestant ona quiz show? Which one? Who Wants to Bea Millionaire? A quiz show where contestants can win maximum prize of cone million pounds i they can answer multiple choice questions which become more and more difficutt. Contestants have three possibilities of getting help: they can ask the audience, reduce the four choices to two, cr they can phonea friend Mastermind Aquiz programme where contestants answer questions ‘ona specialist subject which they choose, and then answer ‘general knowledge questions. Q Who is the best quiz contestant in the country? A Pat Gibson Last night Pat Gibson ‘had a big party after winning Mastermind on BBC TV. But it2 not his first celebration party. Last April Mr Gibson ° 21 million in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and «the first person in Britain to win both quizzes. In the Mastermind final Pat, 2 43-year-old computer programmer who is obsessed with trivia, beat five other contestants, including a university lecturer. During ‘the competition he © questions on several specialist subjects, for example film director Quentin Tarantino and science fiction author lain M Banks. In Who Wants to Be 2 Millionaire? he & to the final question and still had the possibility of phoning a friend for help. He was sure that he a ‘the answer, but he 8 Mark Kerr, a friend, to double-check it. Mark was happy to help him — six weeks before, Pat *___ Mark to win £250,000 on the same show as his phone-a-friend! Adapted from anew website FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 2 1 GRAMMAR comparative adjectives ‘a Write the comparative forms of these adjectives in the correct circle “bed beautiful cheap dry sad difficult dirty cold far wet high hungry comfortable thin good [one syllable = + er| rowel + L consonant = double consonant + er Tor2 syllables ending iny = +ier b_ Write sentences using the opposite adjective. 1 Abike is lower thana car. ‘Acar_isfaster than abike a 2. Lions are smaller than tigers. Tigers a 3 Ireland is werter than Italy. Italy 4 January is longer than February. February SEE HEE ee eer eree 5 Alaptop is more expensive than an iPod. AniPod___ PEE 6 Fridays are better than Mondays. Mondays 7 Acookeris hotter than a fridge. A fridge i 8 Italian iseasier than Russian. Russian__ Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein, German scientist VOCABULARY high numbers 6 _ Listen and Gircl9 the correct numbers 1 104 304 2 586 596 3 2,670 2,660 4 8,905 9,905 5 11,750 12,750 6 543,830 553,830 7 1,315,000 1,350,000 8 25,460,000 35,460,000 74) Listen and write the numbers in words. 1125 2 895 34,500 412,470 5 33,930 6 575,600 7 6,250,000 __ Se 8 34,800,265 PRONUNCIATION /2i, sentence stress Write the words in the chart. Better cheaper colder ditier drier easier healthier higher shorter slower taller worse (Q = tree | | Bq _Listenand repeat FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 3 ¢ 94) _Liseenand underline the stressed words 1A pencil is cheaper than appen. 2 Juneis shorter than July 3. Thekitchenis dirtier than the living room, 4 Anappleis healthier thana biscuit 5 Switzerland is colder than France, 6 Everestis higher than Kilimanjaro. 4 194 _ Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 5 LISTENING 12.) Listen to 2 conversation between a couple ralking about two cities with the same name, Write T (true) or F (False) ‘More people vein Birmingham UK than Birmingham USA. Birmingham UK is bigger than Birmingham USA. Z Birmingham USA is greengr chan Birmingham UK. Birmingham USA is older than Birmingham UK. a Birmingham USA is wetter than Birmingham UK. Birmingham UK is colder than Birmingham USA. 4 READING a Read the sentences. Do youthink they are T (true) or F (false)? Then read the article and check. 1 Cycling is safer than driving, 2 Dogs are more intelligent than cats. 3 South America is bigger than North America ae 4 Margarine ishealthier than butter. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. contestants /Kat'testants! population /popju'lesf! prize /praiz! approximately /sproksrmatli! ‘winacompetition (win 2 kompo'fal Dd Guess the meaning ofthe highlighted words. Check the meaning and pronunciation in your dictionary. L scientists at oxford University did some research into the brains of different groups of mammals. They looked at the changes in the size of the brains over the last 60 milion years and they discovered that there were bigger changes in dogs’ brains than there were in cats’ brains. They think that dogs are cleverer than cats because they are more social. Z there are 12 countries in South America including ‘Argentina and Brazil. thas an area of 17,840,000 square kilometres and its population is over 371,090,000. North America includes Canada and the USA but it also contains the countries of Central ‘America It covers an area of about 24,709,000 square kilometres and its population is nearly 529 milion. This, makes it bigger than South America, 3B nen the aritish Medical Journal studied the number of people injured in traffic accidents in the UK, they got a surprise. They discovered that for every 100 car passengers who went to hospital, there were 68 cyclists, However, a lot of people travel by car, and only a few go by bike, so the results show that cycling is actually more dangerous than driving 4 expertshave different opinions about margarine and butter, and there is a big argument about which one is better for you. The truth is that margarine today is better than it was in the past because producers use a different type of vegetable oil. Butter still contains a lot of animal fat. Margarine today contains less fat which makes it healthier than butter. SEPALS LE I NN A FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 586 ~ PAGE 4 What's the oldest building in I'm not sure. ‘your town? G superlative adjectives V places and buiicings P consonant groups Probably the cathedral. VOCABULARY places and buildings a Complete these famous tourist sights with a word from the list. Do you know what countries | cities they are in? 1 Theli art gallery in the world “Bridge Castle Mountains Square Street 1 Trafalgar 4 Edinburgh 2 The Golden Gate 5 The Rocky 3 Wall 124) Listen and check Vocabulary Bank Places and buildings. 2 GRAMMAR superlative adjectives a Lookat the photos. Do you know what countries they are in? b 1349 Withapartner, complete the captions with aphrase from the lst. Listen and check. the biggest the busiest the most dangerous the longest the most popular the widest © Complete the chart with superlatives from b. Adjective Comparative | Superlative tig bigger the biggest long longer wide wider busy busier dangerous more dangerous popular more popular What letters do you add to 2 one-syllable adjective to make a superlative? What ‘words do you put before longer adjectives? Grammar Bank 10A. Learn more about superlative adjectives and practise them. 5 Avenida 9 de Julio in ‘Buenos Aires is___— streetin the world 2 Vasco da Gama Bridge is bridge in Europe. 6 Shinjuku Station in Tokyo is raliway station in the world, __ FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 5 PRONUNCIATION consonant groups a 14 d» Listen and repeat the adjectives in 2c. O Consonant groups Words which have two or three consonants together, e.g. festest, can be difficult to pronounce. 'b 5 4) Listen and repeat these superlatives. themost exciting the oldest the smallest the most expensive the most beautiful © > Communication Cities quiz Complete the questions with superlative adjectives, ‘Then ask and answer the questions with a partner. READING a Read thearticle below and look at the photo. Would you like to go cycling there? Why (not)? b Read the article again. Then cover the text and answer the questions in pairs, Whereis the North Yungas Road? Whyisit called ‘Death Road’? How wide is the road? Woy is it popular with cyclists? Whenis the most dangerous time of year to go? Why isthe road similar to London Bridge and the Sydney Opera House? 7 Why didn’t Marte enjoy cycling on the Yungas Road? ¢. Inpairs, guess the meaning of the highlighted words. isthere an 4. Iscycling popularin your country | region? area that is very popular for cyclists? Why? highest capitol cty in the world, vio, The road Sonica cn ap tiver lies 200 metres WAM, Bolivions call tel ia Muerte (Death Road) because Cone pC eye ieC Gece u see ce ore fom ‘One mistake and you are dead’ Beemer aera Rs inl Fewerkat aeons Rieger her cicu kaaeeeae the worle to have the most exciting ride of their arama fu g=r02OV Perennials) Eeimem anil Micceeolar icant ites unas Cian Mettaek! ay 5 SPEAKING & WRITING a Workin pairs. ‘A Imagine you are atouristin your town (or nearest big town) who only speaks English. Ask B, who lives in the town, questions 1-5. Get as much information as you B Youlivein your town. A isa tourist who doesn't speak your language. Answer his | her questions (1-5). Explain everything very clearly and give as much information as you can! Then swap roles for questions 6-10. What's the most (think the beautiful square? ( pazzeNavone Where's that?) (tin the centre, near See ithas.. A 1 What's __square? (beautiful) 2 What's ‘way to get around? (easy) 3 What’s__ museum? (interesting) 4 What's time of year to visit? (good) 5 Whar's____place to eat typical food? (nice) B 6 What's building? (old) 7 What's___place to go fora day trip? (nice) 8 What's___areato walk at night? (dangerous) 9. Where's place to buy a souvenir? (good) 10 Whar’'s__area to go at night? (popular) b_ Imagine you want to advertise your town | city for tourists. Write an advert using superlative adjectives, ‘Add photos if you can. Come to Kielce. Itisn't the biggest or the most beautiful own in Poland, but ithas the cleanest ar and the most delicious cheesecake Tee Me erro ered ate Froese Conic eae ecg Tete) Ponca asked myself a thousand tim Eee FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 586 ~ PAGE 6 ‘As soon as there s life thereis danger Ralph Waldo Emerson, American writer 1 GRAMMAR superlative adjectives a Complete the chart. Comparative Agjective 1 cold colder “2. high 3 expensive 4 dy 5 dangerous 6 hot 7 beautiful "8 interesting 9 good 10 bad b_ Write the questions. 1 What /small continent / world _What'sthesmallestcontinentinshe world 2. What /big ocean J world 3 What /largecountry | world 4 What/ populated city / world What wet place / world 6 What [dry desert | world 7 What common native language | world 8. What /cold place / world c aba correct answer to the questions in b. b Europe ¢ South America 2a TheAtlantic b The Pacific c Thelndian Ocean 3a Canada b China © Russia 4a Mumbai b Shanghai ¢ Buenos Aires India b Ireland ¢ Brazil 6 a TheSaharaDesert (Africa) The Arizona Desert (The USA) The Atacama Desert (South America) 7 a Mandarin Chinese b English © Hindi 8a TheArctic b Alaska ©. The Antarctic VOCABULARY places and buildings ‘Complete the sentences with aword in each box. “art car department police post ralivay shopping town 1 Where can you visit different shops? ‘Aca shopping centre. 2. Wherecan you see paintings? ‘Where can you get a train from? Froma : 4 Where can you buy astamp? Aca 5. Where can you tak toa policeman? Ata ____. 6 Where can you buy clothes forall ehe family? Ina 7 Where can you leave your car? Ata__ 8 Where can you speak toalocal politician? Inthe FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 7 o Complete the puzzle. Can you find the hidden word? 3 PRONUNCIATION consonant groups 16 4) Listen and repeat the sentences. 1 Itsthe cheapest place to live 2. It’s the highest mountain in the worl. 3. He's the healthiest person in the family 4 esthe prettiest village in che country. 5 Iesthe most difficult language to learn, 6 _Ie’sche most polluted city inthe area, 7 They're che most attractive couple I know. 8 She's the most intelligent person in the class, 4 LISTENING 17 Listen toa radio interview with a travel writer ‘What is his book called? b Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1 Uluruis the rockin the world 2 It’s___kilometres long. 3 The world’s highest waterfall isin 4 Thetallest building in the worldis. metres high, 5 The world’ oldest city beganin__BC. 6 The world’s longest railway goes ftom to Vladivostok 7 The shortest runway in the world is___ metres long 5 READING a Read the text and write T (crue) or F (false). 1 Ulm Munster is the world’s biggest church, 2. You can sometimes see the mountains from the top of the church, = 3 Ulm Minster wasghe city’first church, 4 Construction of the church took over 500 years. —_ 5 The church opens every day at 8 o'clock. 6 es very expensive to visit Ulm Manster. Gi wuess the meaning of the highlighted words. Checkin your dictionary. LIMIT THE THE SKY'S { ‘Ulm Munster in Germany isthe tallest church in the world. | ‘The tallest part of the church isthe steeple, which is 461.5 mettes high and contains 768 steps, From the top. ‘of the church there isa view ofthe city, and on a clear day ‘you can see the Alps Before the Munster was built, Vim already had 3 church outside the city walls. However, the inhabitants of the city decided that they wanted a new church inthe town centre and they agreed to pay for the building Construction of the church began in 1377 but the building wast't completed until 31st May, 1890, At fst the work ‘was dificult because the heaviest parts fell down and the builders had to repair them. Then construction — Stopped from 1543 to 1817 for political reasons. ‘oday, tourists can visit the church every day of the year Winter opening hours are from 9 am. to 4.45 pm. and the church is open in the summer months from 8 am. to 745 pm. Admission to the church is free, but the price of climbing the steeple is €3 for adults and €2 for cildren. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. accidents. /eeksidants! fun fan’ region /ridjon! nearly ali popular /"popjata! ‘wide (opposite narrow) /wacd! below (opposite above) /br'i9! Eee eee FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE & G adverbs (manner and imodi V common adverbs P word stress 1 READING a Lookat the photos of three cites. Doyouknow what countries they arein? b_ Readewo blogson aUK travel website, about people's first impressions of two ofthese cities. Which twoare they? ¢. Readthe blogs again. Answer with the names ofthe cities. Where...? do people eat alot of salt and sugar do TV programmes have subtitles are the days very short in winter doalot of people have bad habits when they drive is the city safer than the writer thought are te houses colourfully painted doyou see men looking after young children eon kene do people speak very slowly How do they dress? They dress very fashionably, but casually Travel blogs Moira in __ The driving I think people drive quite dangerously, ‘hich surprised me because | thought they ‘wore careful divers here. They don't drive fast, but people ae always on the phone in the car, which you don't often see in the \ UK nowadays. The food The food can be delicious, but think people eat very unhealtily In restaurants they often add sat to their food, And they drink itres of Coke! The headquarters ofthe Coca-Cola company is based here, and they even have ‘Coca-Cola museum. Once I went toa coffee shop and ‘asked fora double espresso, no milk no sugar. Ihad to repeat my order three times, because the waitress couldn't understand me. She said people here only as for lattes and cappuccinos with lots of suger! The people In general, people ae very friendly. The people I'm staying with, who ve just outside the city, know al ther neighbours realy wel. They often don’t lock their doors, which surprised me because people say it's @ dangerous city, They speak incredibly slowiy, witha strong accent and sometimes | have a problem understanding them, Mark in The weather It’s December ~ and it gets dark at about 3 pm. which is depressing! There's a lot of snow at the moment, but al the buses and trains are running perfectly, not lke in Britain where everything stops when it snows! The houses . All the houses are painted in pretty colours, like red, green and blue, and many houses have a yellow land blue flag. Inside the houses are decorated beautifully with lots of flowers and modem wooden furniture. * The people People are friendly and polite, but quite formal. They dress fashionably but casually, and of course you see a lot of very blonde women here. You also see a lot of men who are looking after very young babies. Everybody speaks English really well, maybe because a lot of the TV is in English with subtitles. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 586 ~ PAGE 9 Find words in the blogs which mean: Moira Paral adv atthis time Parad noun the office where the leaders of an organization work Para verb close witha key Mark Parat ____adj sth making you feel sad ParaS adj made fromatree Para6 adv not ina formal way € Which ofthe two cities would you prefer to live in? Why? 2 GRAMMAR adverbs a Lookat the highlighted adverbs in the blogs. Answer the questions. 1 Whattwo letters are added toan adjective to make an adverb? 2 Which adverb isthe same word as the adjective? 3 Whichis the adverb from good? 4 Which four adverbs are describing other adverbs? b Nowlook atthe highlighted adverbs again in Moira’s first paragraph. Complete the rules with before or after. 1 Some adverbs describe how people do things ‘They go____the verb or verb phrase. 2 Some adverbs describe another adverb (or adjecti ‘They go___the adverb (or adjective). Grammar Bank 11A. Learn more about adverbs and practise them, 184 Listen and say what is happening, Use an adverb. Ciherre speaking quietly. : 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Underline the stressed syllable in the adjectives. Adjectives Adverts don ge'rous. dangerously polite politely beau tiful beautifully injere ible incredibly careful carefully fastionable | fashionably casual casually perfect perfectly unhealthy | unheatthity b 194 Listenand check, Repeat the adjectives. © 204 Now listen and repeat the adverbs, Does the stress change? 4 LISTENING & SPEAKING 214) _Listento Jemma talking about the third city. In general, is she positive, negative, or neutral about it? Listen again. Then, with a partner, complete Jemma’s sentences. Eating out People spend a lot of time in and? People who 3 0 out to a bar torhave 4___ They don’t have it in their When people go out in big groups, ® all sitat one end of the table and” atthe other. The women Women here talk very ® and very®__, Women dross = Work ‘There's a myth that the Spanish don't ® , but | don’t think i's @__. People have a !* lunch break, but they finish ‘work very # ¢ Answer the questions in small groups. J yeu saute ray how do people..? « dress for special occasions + treat tourists + dive + eat at lunchtime during the week «speak Foreign languages + behave at sports matches + decorate theirhouses 2) nko ine wen you went ta natn ‘country or another city /region in your country for the frst time. What did you notice about..? + the people + the food « the driving + the houses «+ the weather 5 WRITING Choose two headings from the blogs in 1 or the listening in 4. Write two paragraphs, either about your country or acountry you have visited. + RANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 - PAGE 10 You can fallin love at first sight with a place as with a person. Alec Waugh, British writer ‘a Complete the sentences with an adverb. 1 ‘The French cook perfect meals, They cook _ perfectly. 2. The Germans are careful drivers They drive . 3 The Britishare very polite. They speak very eee 4 The Brazilians are good at football They play football__ 5. The Japanese are very hard workers ‘They work very 6 The Canadians eat healthy food. ‘They eat 7 The Swedish speak beautiful English. ‘They speak English 2 VOCABULARY common adverbs - Make adverbs from the adjectives and complete the sentences. el ehe correct w passesessiasesesnaaes Beeee Cece ecee ete eee Feit cock good sy Tord heaty pardbe paree ult 1 My brother dresses casual / sual. ae ee Frank cooks real | really well. Dee car drivers drive carefully 3 Ieseasy | easily to ridea bike. 7 4 They walked quick | quickly to the 2 ..workers work railway station, 3 ...families eat 5. He'svery quiet / quietly. He never says 4 ...people speak foreign languages __ anything! 5. ...youcan travel around 6 Elena's pizzas re incredible | 6 ...people talk. incredibly. 7 ...everybody treats tourists 7 My Frenchis very bad / badly. 8 ._.everythingis _ cheap. Canyou speak more slow | slowly? Mark speaks English good { well 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress 10. She eats unhealthily / unhealthy erie eee au pat a Underline the stressed syllable in the adverbs. Which three adverbs > are not stressed onthe first syllable? 99 gy beautifully 6 inireldibly 1 2 carefully 7 perfectly 3 casually 8 politely 4 derigerously 9 unheatthily 5 fashionably : FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 11 4 READING a Read the text, Match the headings A-D to the paragraphs, ‘A The Polish way of life B Feeling at home abroad C My first impressions D Not what {expected First impressions of Warsaw Danny MacIntyre, from Scotland, came to Poland for the first time seven years ago, He now lives in ‘Warsaw where he runs a small media company. 1 zy You always remember your first impressions of anew country. When I first came to Warsaw, [ idn’t know much about Poland at all. I didn’t know anything about the culture. I didn't think the food was going to be very exciting, and I expected the weather to be similar to Scotland = maybe even a bit colder! But when I got there, Taiscovered how wrong I was. 2 ‘Tt-was summer, and it was hot! In fact, the temperature was over 30 degrees! My first impression was that Warsaw was more beautiful than Texpected. I spent a lot of time just walking around looking at the incredible architecture. I felt that the city had wonderful atmosphere and lots of energy. 3 Polish people are very friendly. Most people can speak a bit of English and many speak it very ‘well, Lam trying to learn Polish, butit is very difficult. Fortunately, people don't mind when ‘make mistakes! Polish people are very hospitable, and they love to socialize - get together, eat, rink, and talk, Parties often don't finish until early the next morning. Iam now married toa Polish woman, At our wedding, our guests didn't leave until 5.00 am. the next morning! 4 Poland is a great place to live. Ithas everything ~ friendly people; cheap travel: delicious food: the summers are hot; and there's great skiing in the winter. There are mountains, lakes, and beaches; Deautiful cities and fascinating culture. Istill love Scotland, but Poland feels like home now. 1b Complete the sentences with words in the box. ‘atmosphere culture socializing fascinating hospital impressions architecture expect ty 1 Danny's first. of Warsaw are very memorable. 2. Before he got to Poland, Danny didn't know much about Polish __ area 3 He didn't ___the city to be so beautiful 4 He was very impressed by the in Warsaw. 5 Healso liked the energy and_ ofthe city 6 The of the Polish people is well known. 7 Polish peoplelike vwith their family and friends 8 Danny finds the Polish culture a LISTENING 23449 Listen to two people talking about where they live. Answer the questions. Speaker! Brno, Czech Republic 1 Why isthe city so quiet and ‘empty atthe weekend? 2. Whereare there lots of shops? 3. How are they different from the onesin the main shopping areas? Speaker? Reykjavik, Iceland 4 When do people goto ‘swimming pools and hot tubs? 5 What are there very few of in the Icelandic countryside? 6 Howmany peopleare there...? in Reykjavik in the second-biggest city 7 What kind of things do Icelandic people make? USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. aforeigner (9 forana! smyth fm subtitles /'sabtattl2/ incredible /in’kredabl/ incredibly /inkkredablif dress (well) ares! astrong accent /o stron ‘eksent! first impressions fst m'prejnz! getdark iget ‘dark! in general /in ‘dgenral/ lock (your) doors ok ‘ds:2/ FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 12 b V prepositions of time and place: at, in, on What was 7 happening? P sentence stress PPB’ people were = RCo) Y9 alae aL ee READING Look ata photo which news photographer Tom Pilston took in 2008. What do you thinkis happening? Read Tom’s description of what happened ‘on the night he took the photo. Were you right? Read it again and answer the questions. 1 Why did Tom Pilston go to Chicago? Why coulda'the take a photograph of Obama? eu ai WIE Clay 3 What was the weather like? 4 Where did he take this photo? a 5. Where could the people see the election 1 ath Novernber | artived in Chicago late in the evening. | wanted results? to photograph Barack Obama and his family inthe Convention 6 Washe sorry that he couldn't go inside the Center, but when | got there | ciscovered that | dict have center? my press pass and | couldn't go inside. | walked around the park ‘outside the center. Although it was November, it was @ warm night. ‘The atmosphere wes wonderful. When | took tis phato everybody Why do you think the photographer thought was looking atthe TV screens waiting for the election results. Some his photo was better than a photo of Obama people were quietly holding hands and smiling - others were tense and 9 nervous, They felt thatit was their moment, Suddeniy | realized that tis himself? Do you agree ‘was a better place to be than inside. | was watching Obama's victory through the faces of al these people, African, Hispanic, Chinese, white ‘At about 11 o'clock the results were announced, and everybody went GRAMMAR past continuous mad. People started laughing, shouting. and cry. But when Obama made his speech they al became quiet and emotional. There was only ‘one place to be on the planet that night ~and | was there. 7 What happened when Obama won? Adapted from aBitish newspaper Look at the highlighted verbsin an extract from the text, Do they describe actions that happened...? a after he took the photo ' ’b atthe same time as he took the photo 3 VOCABULARY at, in, on a Which preposition do you use before When | took this photo everybody was looking at the TV screens waiting for the 1 adate (e.g 4th November) __ election results. Some people were quietly 2 atime (eg. 11 o'clock), holding hands and smiling ~ others were tense and nervous. 3 the morning, the afternoon, etc. 4 aroom orbuilding (eg. the Convention Cemter) > Grammar Bank 2B. Learn more b_ Check your answers toa in the text. What preposition do you use about the past continuous and practise it with... 24 4) In pairs, listen to the sounds and 7 ee January) 3_home, work, school __ make a sentence using the past continuous et and the past simple. o> Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part 1. were playing tennis d > Communication at, in, on Answer the ‘questions with a preposition and atime or place. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~_PAGE 13 4 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress 6 SPEAKING & WRITING 25 4) Listen and repeat the dialogue. Copy the a Talk toa partner. Give more information if you can. shythm. 1 Do youhave a photo you really like? Who took it? ‘What was happening atthe time? 2. Doyouupload photos onto Facebook or other internet sites? What was the last photo you uploaded? 3 Do youhave a photo as the screen saver on your computer or phone? Whatisit of? A Where were you t sixo'clockin the evening? 8 Iwas at work A What were yeu doing? 8 | washaving a meeting with the boss Inpairs, take turns to answer the questions about 4 Do you havea favourite photo of yourselfasa child? yesterday. Who took it? What was happening when they tookit? —— What were you wearing? 6.30am. 1L.00am. lunchtime 4.00 p.m. 7 ae h 7 " 8 beds 1 Godpm. 1000pm. miright 5 Doyowhave any photos in your bedroom or living room? What are they of? Where were you at 6.30 ( was at home. 6 Doyou know any other famous historical photos? inthe morning? is Who or what are they of? b > Writing My favourite photo. Write a Wat ware you dog? description of your favourite photo, LISTENING Look at famous photo which was on the cover of many magazines around the world in the 1960s. Where do you think the people are? What do you think is happening? Read the beginning of a newspaper article, Why do youthink itis called “The image that costa fortune’? 26 4) Now listen to the woman in the photo talking about it. Were you right? Listen again. Choose a,b, orc. 1 1n 1968 she_ ‘2 wasn't interested in politics b wasa communist © was an anarchist 2 She loved the atmosphere because all the students were fighting for_ a peace b democracy c freedom 3 She was sitting om friend's shoulders. a. because she was tired b totake photos € sothat she could see better 4 She was carrying the flag because_ it ie) rieLs costa Parity 2 she wasa leader in the demonstration aroline de Bendern was born in 1940, She was the c somebody gave it to her Centers Count Maurice de Bendern, arich aristocrat she brought it with her ‘who owned a lot of property in Paris and Monaco. Although he hag other grandchildren, the Count decided to leave allhis money to 5. Her grandfather died six late. Caroline. ‘never knew why says Caroline. ‘Perhaps because | was a days b weeks ¢ months pretty’ He paid for her to go to very expensive schools in England, and he hoped that she would marry well, perhaps a member of a European royal family. But Caroline was a rebel. She went to New York and worked there for a short time as a model, Then, in 1968 vihen she was 28 years old she returned to Paris. Doyou think she is sorry that she was inthat photo? ‘Adaptesfiom a FRANKLIN INSTITUTE — ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 14 Photographs are pictures taken to please ‘the family end bore the neighbours. Edmund Votkart, American sociologist 2B The story behind the photo Ss 1 GRAMMAR past continuous a Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past continuous. 1 You _were laughing _ (laugh) when I took the photo. 21 (snow) when our plane landed. 3 We (not drive) fast when the accident happened. 4 What (he | do) when his boss arrived? 5 Why (you J cry) at the party? 6 1__(it) on che bus when I saw my boyfriend with another girl. 7 They (live) in New Zealand when their first child was born. 8 He didn’t call you because his mobile phone_(not work). 1b Write sentences with when. Use the past simple © Complete the story with the past simple or and past continuous. past continuous. 1 Dyas teva Lassner (tos ingest ty Theywere arguing when with my cousin for a few weeks. One afternoon we ‘thewaiter hroughe the bil 2 (have) lunch ina nice restaurantin the centre of town when my cousin’_(get)a call on her mobile phone and went outside to talk, While 2 He/ fall /offhis bike/ she* (speak) to her friend, | suddenly eye bome : (notice) a man in a black hat who © (it) at the next table. It was the actor Johnny Depp! He was alone,andl’___(decide) to take my chance.So! got up and® (Go) : tohis table. Excuse me, could i have my photo taken 3 Techn te enya aed He? apessot 7 (Gtop) a weitress who™ (pass) EEE byand gave her mycamera,She”__(take) the photo of me and johnny, thanked them both, and then | returned to my table. Whenmycousin® _ (come) back (smile). 4 We have /a barbecue it/ start /torain ‘Why are you looking so pleased with yourself? she asked ‘Thad my photo taken with johnny Depp ‘Johnny Depp? Where is he?” ‘He's sitting over there. Look!” ‘She turned around to look and then started to laugh. 5 I] finish my report my ‘computer / crash “That's not johnny Dept rs (loot) atthe man in the black hat ~he ro - (laugh) too. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 15, 2 VOCABULARY 2t, in, on time ‘a Complete the sentences with atin, or on. 1 Theresults ofthe election were announced _at_ 11 otclock 2 Mobile phones were invented __ the 20ch century. 3 Ourflightisleaving ___ Wednesday at 9.30_the eveningand arriving 12 o'dock__ Thursday. 4 Wehave an exam. ‘Monday morning. 5 Inmost countries, banks and offices are closed ‘Christmas Day and New Year's Day. 6 Thate driving, night, getting up early__the morning, and working weekends. 7 Steve Jobs was born. 1955, and he died__ ‘Sth October, 201. 8 __ Easter we went to Portugal and we're going again ____ the summer, probably the last two weeks July. place Complete the sentences with at, in, or on. 1 Hetooksome great photos _ atthe party. 2 Ican’treada book ___thebus or 3 Wewantto put some shelves__the wall_the living room. We're going to put ll our old books __ the shelves. 4 My family are from Iretand but welive__ New York, the 11th floor of tall building, 5 [llmeetyou_the bus stop. 6 The adults sat__chairs and the children sat thefloor. 7 They spent the morning, forawalk____ the park. 8 Imetmy boyfriend ___ school and we split up while we ‘were__univer acar. the museum and then went 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress “G7 @ Listen and repeat the dialogue. Copy the rhythm. A. Where were youst ten oclock last night? B_ Iwas at home. ‘A What were you doing? 8 | was watching a film. LISTENING 284) Listen toa conversation between ‘Matt and Jenny abouta photo. Does Jenny like the photo? ___ Listen again and choose the best answers. 1 The photo shows... a Matt’ parents. b Matt’s aunt and uncle. © Matt's grandparents. 2 The photo was taken. a inthe spring. b inthe summer. ¢ inthe autumn, 3 Theman wanted to win... a. some money. b some food, ¢ some jewellery. 4 The other people in the photo were the man’s... a neighbours. friends ¢ colleagues. 5 Theman onthe stall. a took the photo. b asked for more money for the photo. didn’tlike the photo. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. democracy /d'mokrasi/ demonstration idemon'streii/ lection /lekfal freedom /"frisdom! holdhands /hould bende! peace /pis! realize rlarz! ‘TV screens tir ‘vit skritnz/ upload {np'oud! screen saver /skrizn 'se1vo! FRANKLIN INSTITUTE — ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 16 V verb phrases P word stress Why was she was going very Fast? Because she was in hurry. een Vein asd | GRAMMAR time sequencers and connectors 29 4) Read the story once. Then complete it with a sword or phrase from the box. Listen to the story and check. ‘After thet Next day One evening in October Suddenly Fwesinutestater When With a partner, answer the questions. 1 Why did Hannah go and speak to Jamie? Why did Jamie play Blue As Your Eyes? ‘What happened when Hannah lft the club? What was the restaurant like? ‘Where did they go every evening after that? ‘What was the weather like that evening? Why was Hannah driving fast? Why didn't she see the man? From memory complete these sentences from the story with so, because, or although. Then check with the story. 1 She was going very fast__ she was in hurry. 2 the food wasnt very good, they had a wonderful time. 3 Hewas wearing a darkcoat,__ Hannah didn’t see him at first. > Srammar Bank 2C. Learn more about time sequencers and connectors and practise them. Complete the sentences in your own words. Then compare with a partner. 1 They fellin love on their first date. Two months later... 2. Twenttobed early last night because. 3 The weather was beautiful, so we decided.. 4 Tewas really cold that night, and when woke up next morning... 5 Although we dida't play well in the final 6 Iwas driving along the motorway listening to the radio. Suddenly annah met Jamie in the summer of 2010. Itwas Hannah's 2ist birthday and she and her friends went to a club. They wanted to dance, but they didn't like the music, so Hannah went to speak to the DJ. This music is awful, she said. ‘Could you play something else?” The DI looked at her and said, ‘Don't worry, Ihave the perfect song for you" 1 Tivo minutes later he said, ‘The next song is by Scouting For Girls. It's called Blue As Your Eyes and it’s for a beautiful girl who's dancing over there.’ Hannah knew that the song was forher.__Hannah and her friends left the club, the DJ was waiting for her at the door. ‘Hi, ‘Tm Jamie, he said to Hannah. ‘Can I see you again?” So Hannah gave lim her phone number. 3__tamie phoned Hannah and invited her to dinner. He took er toa very romantic French restaurant and they talked all evening. Although the food wasn't very good, they hada wonderful time. “__Jamie and Hannah saw each other every day. Every evening when Hannah finished work they met a 5 30 ina coffee bar in the high street. They were madly in love. 5 , Hannah was at work. As usual she was going to meet Jamie at 5,30. It was dark and it was raining. She looked at her watch. It was 5.20! She was going to be late! She ran to her car and got in. At 5.25 she was driving along the high street. ‘She was going ver fast because she wasn aur. | aman ran across the road. He was wearing Haken ‘0 Hannah didn't see him at fist. Quickly, she puther foot on the bate... FRANKLIN INSTITUTE - ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 17 2 PRONUN Approximatel CIATION word stress tress in two-syllable words ly 80% of two-syllable words are stressed of the first syllable. Most two-syllable nouns and adjectives ere stressed on the fist sylable, eg. mother, happy. Howe’ prepositio the secon ver, many two-syllable verbs and or connectors are stressed on lable, ¢. ative, behind, before a. Underline the stressed syllable in these words from tl across after again along the story. although awful because birth day evening invite perfect second b 30. @ Liste snand check, 3 VOCABULARY verb phrases a Make verb phrases with a verb from box 1 anda phrase from box 2. Allthe phrases are from the story. invite somebody to dinner play leave wun b Coverbox 1. cach phrase. 2, along thebigh street somebody your temait/ phone number asong across the road inahury inacoffeeber for somebody the club verylate somebody todinnes somebody toa restaurant wonderful time ‘Try to remember the verb for 4 SPEAKING & LISTENING a Read the story of Hannah and Jamie in 1 again. ’b In pairs, use pictures 1-5 tore-tell the story. Try to use connectors and the verb phrases in 3. ao ¢ Thereare two different endings tothe story. Have aclass vote. Do you want to listen to the happy ending or the sad ending? ae 324) Whatdo you thinkis going to happen in the ending you have chosen? Listen once and check, Listen again. Ifyou chose the happy ending, answer the questions in» Communication Happy ending Ifyou chose the sad ending, answer the questions in > Communication Sad ending FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6~PAGE 18 1 GRAMMAR time sequencers and connectors a GiB the correct words or phrases. ‘The summer /Gne summe| decided to travel to Peru. flew toLima and then traveled to a town near Machu Picchu to spend the night.”Next day / Afterday,Icimbed the mountain tovisit the monument. was quite tired? when / then I reached the top. “Sudden / Suddenly, |saw a man who was in my English class backhome. ‘Two minuteslater / Two minutes after, he came ‘ver to speak to me and he was surprised as 1 was. * after that / When, we decided to travel together. We had a great summer, and we carried on seeing each other back home. infact, we got married two years later, and we now havea beautiful daughter called Hannah. b Lookat each group of sentences. Complete each sentence with s0, because, but, or although, 1 a Lindaran to the station _because_ she was very late. Linda was very late she ran to the station. © Linda ran to the station, she was too Jate and she missed the train. 2a wwe couldn't go out, we had a really good afternoon at home. b Itwasraining wwe stayed athome. We stayed at home last Sunday wasraining. 3a Thetickets were really expensive ‘managed to sell them all in an hour. the tickets were really expensive, they sold them allin an hour. ¢ They sold the tickets quickly the concert was very popula. they ‘The drivers the most dangerous part of the car. Leo Campion French humourist Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. 1 Ididn't have any breakfast because | didn’t have time. (so) didn’t have time __so.Ldidw’thave any breakfast 2 Thad a great holiday in Egypt although I can’t speak Arabic. (but) can't speak Arabic. 3 Idon’t really like Ryan, but [went om 2 date with him. (although) Iwenton a date with Ryan, 4 Icalled the police because the door to my flat was open. (50) ‘The door to my flat was open. 5 Jimhasa lot of money, but he’s really mean. (although) Jim's really mean, 6 Mary couldn't find her wallet so she cancelled her creditcards. (because) Mary cancelled her credit cards 2 VOCABULARY verb phrases a Match the phrases 1 Jamie andBethmet [4] a herto dinner. 2 He played CO »b forherat the door. 3 Sheleft_. CO awonderful evening. 4 Hewaited Od imaetab. 5 She gave De toanewrestaurant. 6 Heinvited O & thecub very late. 7 He took her LD ¢ herfavourite song. 8 Theyhad (Ch himherphone number. Cover the right-hand column. Try to remember the sentences. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 19 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Write the words in the chart aeress efter” agein although awful belcause birthday evening invite perfect restaurant second 1 First syllable stressed | 2 Second syllable stressed _ after across b 33) Listenand check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 READING a. Read the story. Number the paragraphs in the right order. A lucky CSCUpE Ten minutes later, it began to rain. Soon, Liz found it hard to see out of the front windscreen. There was alot of water on the road, so she drove more slowly. Although Liz was an experienced driver, she felt arald. 1 An hour later, fre fighters cut Liz out of the car. She went to hospital, but the doctors sent her home because she didn't have any serious injuries. Her head was fine and she only had a few cuts and bruises. Her son went to collect the shopping from the car and gave the loaf of bread to his ‘mum, Now, she is going to keep it as a souvenir. [1] one day last November, Liz Douglas decided to go shopping in Glasgow. She drove to the supermarket in the city centre and spent the morning doing her weekly shop. She paid for her shopping, went back to the car park, and put the shopping bags on the back seat of the car. Then she started to drive home. 7 However, Liz was lucky, When she braked, loaf of bread flew out of one of the shopping bags. The car turned over, and the loaf of bread landed between Liz’s head and the roof of the car. It stopped her head from hitting the car roof. C1 suddenly, she lost control of the car. She saw 2 telegraph pole in front of her and braked. She closed her eyes and hoped that the airbags in the car would inflate. Unfortunately, they didn’t. ct } Lookat the highlighted words. What do you think they mean? Check with your dictionary. 5 LISTENING 34 @ Listen toa radio programme about people who had lucky escapes. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Maureen Evason was on holiday when the accident happened. L 2. She was in hospital for four months. a 3 Joseph Rabadue was sitting on the floor when the accident happened. a 4 Thelorry hit che TY. He 5. Barry McRoy was drinking coffee when the fight happened. = 6 The DVD was in his jacket pocket. a USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. anniversary /em'vsssari! brake /breik/ perfect /pafikt/ asusual 22 jucsal/ cross the road /kros 89 ravd/ High Street hat strist! happy ending /'hapi 'endty/ justin time /dgast m ‘tain! madly inlove /medli m lav! ‘untilthe last moment /en'til a lasst 'maument! FRANKLIN INSTITUTE — ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 20 ¥ G present perfect+ yet, just, already ‘ V housework, make ar do? \ P fi/and ids) 1 READING a Look atthe definition offeenager. How do you pronounce it? Do you havea similar wordin your language to describe a person of that age? teenager Pti:nexdsa" a person who is between 13 and 19 years old b_ Read the article about some annoying habits. \ Write P if you think the tweet is a parent talking about teenagers, or Tif you think i is ateenager talking about his | her parents but so do their parents! i T Simon Fry © " ‘They come into my room without knocking and then are surprised to see things they don't really want io know about Bl Rachel Black 2 = | They carry on texting when I'm tolling them something é realy important and they say “Yeah, yeah | heard you" Of course they ida. ‘ethony Sith They always pick up the remote and change the channel when 'm watching something really interest oe eer They leave their room in a terrible mess and then roll thot oyee when | as them ody rah Vine . | t) They never pick up dty cethes or wet towels tom the” | fioor. They think some elves come later and pick them up! ames Bright They say no before I've even finished explaining what I want to do. me to do the washing-up and then complain 19 Place in the dishwasher. ‘Sam James Whenever | need to call ther their mobile is either switched off or the battery is dead. € Compare with a partner. Do you agree? _ Lookat the highlighted verbs and verb phrases. With a partner, say what you think they mean, © Doany ofthe parents’ or teenagers’ habits annoy you? Which ones? Have you tidied your room yet? Yas, ve just done it. 2 VOCABULARY housework, make or do? a Lookagain atthe highlighted phrases from the text. Which three are connected with housework? b Vocabulary Bank Housework, make or do? 3 GRAMMAR present perfect + yet, just, already a 35-4 Look atthe pictures. What do you think the people are arguing about? Listen and check. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE - ADULTS 586 ~ PAGE 21 b Listen again and complete the dialogues swith a past participle from thelist. “cleaned done dried finished looked seen 1 A Haveyou seen my yellow jumper? Ican't find: BNo,thaven't. Have you__in your wardrobe? ‘A. Of course Ihave, What's that under your bed? B_Oh,yes.| remember now. | borrowed it, 2. A Wihyarentt you doing your homework? B Ivealready it A Really? Wher? B Ididiton the bus this evening. 3A Have you yet? B Nearly. ‘A. Ineed the bathroom now, B Butlhaventt __my hair yet. ‘A Well hurry up then, 4. A Can youget aplate for that sandwich? Ie just _ the floor. B_ OK. Oops too ate. Sorry! © Look atthe first two questions in dialogue 1 Are they about..? a aspecific time in the past b anon-specific time (Ic. sometime between the past and now) 4 Underline the sentences with just, yet, and already in dialogues 2-4. What do you think they mean? e> Grammar Bank 4A. Learn more about the present perfect and practise it, 36 4 Listen and make thei sentences negative and the El sentences positive 1) ve finished. Chavet finshed ))tt hasnt rained. Citsrained 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING jj and a _374 Listen and repeat the picture words and sounds. yacht 1b 38 qo Put the words in the right column. Listen and check Then listen and repeat the words. just yet jumper yellow change teenaa fnew uniform year student enjoy beautiful jacket young bridge argue Practise saying these sentences. I've ust bought Jane ajumper and jacket. Have you worn your new uniform yet? @ > Communication Has he done it yet? e 39 Listen. Say what's just happened. 5 LISTENING 2 404) Listentothefirstpartof2 aa radio programme about teenage carers. Answer the questions. 1. What reputation do teenagers have? 2. What do thousands of teenagers have to do? 3. How many hours do they have to help aweek? b 41.4 Now listento the rest of the programme. In what way are the two teenagers unusual? Do they feel positive cr negative about their lives? ¢ Listen again and answer with ‘A(Alice),D (Daniel), oF B (both ofthem). Who...? 1. looks after their mother 2 looks after theirbrother and sister 3. does alot of housework 4 can't cook 5 doesn't live with their father 6 gives their mother a massage 7. issometimes angry with their friends 5 never goes out without their phone 4. Do you know any teenagers like Alice and Daniel? What do they do? FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 22 Few things are more satisfying than seeing ‘your children have teenagers of their own, ougLarson, American journalist PY Meee cde ale ests 16 1 VOCABULARY housework, make or do? 'b_ Complete the sentences for each picture. Use {ust + present perfect and a verb from the lst Fl Bs a Complete the expressions with these verbs. clean do lay make pickup 1 pickup dirty clothes tidy take out 2____thebeds, lunch 3 your room, your desk 4 _ the table for dinner 5 the floor, the bathroom 6 the rubbish, the newspapers 7 the ironing, the washing up 8 the clothes on your bed b Complete the sentences with do or make. Clean do lay win miss fall 1 Henever forgets to_do his homework after school. 1 She'sjust done _ the washing up. 2 Itry notto. anoise when I get up early. 2 He_____offhis bike. 3 My husband doesn’t often. Tunch. 3 They____the championship. 4 Tmgoing to course in Portuguese before I go 4 the floor. to Brazil. 5 He_______therable. 5 Wealways housework on Saturday morning. 6 ‘Sorry. You dinner? 6 Some children friends easly when they go to school. 7 When do you have time to. sport? 3 PRONUNCIATION jj, /d3/ 8 Sorry, need to. aphone call. a Writea word containing the sound in the pictures. 2 GRAMMAR present perfect + yet, just, already ay a Add already or yet to these sentences in the correct place. 1 Pvedone the washing. —Tvealteady done the washing 2. Have you made any plans forthe weekend? 1 aperson at university student 2 the opposite of old 3 twelve months 4 acolour 2 5 special clothes for school 3 Wehaven’t finished lunch. 4 Daniel has tidied his room. a 6 akind of short coat 7 aperson between 13 and 19 years old 8 something that crosses river 9 another word for sweater 10 get pleasure from something 5 I've done the ironing. 6 Have youbeen to the supermarket? : 7 Thaven'tcleaned the bathroom. 8 Edward bas aken out the rubbish b 424 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 23 4 READING a Read thetext. Whichis the best ttle? 1 Havinga cleaner house 2 Equality in the home 3 Improving your relationship Men and women all over the world have arguments about doing the housework, and it’s usually the women who lose. However, a recent study by researchers at Oxford University shows that the situation is slowly improving. ‘The researchers asked men and women aged between 20.and59 to keep a diary of how much time they spent ‘on housework each day. Then the researchers collected the diaries and analyzed them. ‘These showed that women inthe UK today spend about four hours and 40 minutes each day doing housework. Men, on the other hand, spend two hours and 28 minutes doing the same things. Although women stil spend more time doing domestic jobs, the figures show that the situation has improved, In the 1960s, women spent six hours a dey on housework and men only 90 minutes. Researchers say that women are stil doing mostof the housework because people stil vide domestic jobs into two areas. They see cooking cleaning, and looking after children as ‘women's work, and general repairs, car maintenance, and work outside the home as ‘men’s work’. So, in general, the results of the study bring good news for women. The difference between the amount of time ‘men and women spend on housework is getting smaller every year. This means that the time will come when both sexes share domestic chores equelly. However, women willhave to be extremely patient, because the change won't be complete for another four decades! b Read the text. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Men and women don't always agree about housework z 2 Adults and teenagers took part inthestudy. — __ 3 The participants had to write down the time they spent on housework. = 4 The time people spend doing housework has changed since the 1960s. 5 Today, women do more housework than they did inthe 1960s. _ 6 Ingeneral, people think it's normal for women to lookafter the family car. aa Posty years from now, men and women will share the housework. oe € Lookat the highlighted words. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their ‘meaning and pronunciation. 5 LISTENING a [43.4 _Listento five teenagers talking about housework. Which speaker does the most housework? 'b Listen again. Match the speakers with what they say about housework. Speaker BA Weall hareit. Speaker? _-B-My mumrdoesital Speaker3 ___C Wepay someoneto doit. Speaker4 ___D There's one thing like doing. SpeakerS __E Idoalittle every day. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. carer 'kearal plate /pleit/ reputation /tepju'teyfa/ teenager /tinerdgal wardrobe /'wo:draubl dry (yourhair) dra’ knock (onthedoor) /nok/ carry on (texting) ("keri pn! switch off (your mobile) /swt{ off ‘TV channel tizvis 'tfenl/ FRANKLIN INSTITUTE ~ ADULTS 5&6 ~ PAGE 24

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