Chem 242 Unknownsolid

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Chemistry 242 Lab 4: Qualitative Analysis — Qualitative Unknowns Winter/Spring 2020 LAB 4: QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS — QUALITATIVE UNKNOWNS Name__LOWr itt Section_&A Your answers to each question should be self-contained and should not require the grader to flip between pages to confirm your answer. Order of report pages ~ 1 packet for your solid and 1 packet for your liquid: 1-2: worksheet pages 3: NMR printout of your spectroscopy unknown. 4: IR spectra of your spectroscopy unknown 5-9: Notebook pages 1. (6 pts) On your NMR spectrum do the following: Draw the structure of your product. Label all peaks, including the solvent and TMS, with which H atom(s) in which compound that peak corresponds to. 2. (6 pts) On each IR spectrum, draw the structure of the compound and label peaks that correspond to any of the following bonds: C-H, O-H/N-H, C=, C=CIC= 3. (4 pts) Unknown codename__Fetix Structure: Ss " oy Y-(dimetny) amino? ‘eng benzaidenyde For questions 4-7 below, be BRIEF e.g, “Tollens test - positive, aldehyde present” 4. (4 pts) Was your compound soluble in the following aqueous solutions? How are those results consistent or inconsistent with your structure above? (do NOT write full sentences) Pure water: ingoluble = negasive, not a small polar molecule HCI solution: pee — positive, indicated presence of an amine NaHCO; solution: jngoiwole ~ neqowive, Mor A CArboxy le acid NaOH solution: iy go(uele — Negove, not & phenol 5. (3 pts) What were the results for the following tests? How are those results consistent or inconsistent with your structure above? (do NOT write full sentences) DNP: red precipitate ~ Positve , aldehyde OR Ketone present Beilstein: orange Flare - neganve, No Narogens Ignition: sooty Flame - positive , low HM conten’ — benzene Wag. 7 Chemistry 242 Lab 4: Qualitative Analysis ~ Qualitative Unknowns Winter/Spring 2020 Structure: Sr Mn ct 7S CMs 6 (3 pts). What supplemental chemical tests did you do and what were the results? How are those results consistent or inconsistent with your structure above? (do NOT write full sentences) \. Tollen's Tes > Silver mirror, positive, confirmed presence of aldehyde 2. Nitvous Acid Test > negative i both cold and warnn conditions >ruled out primary ancl Secondary amines 3. Sodium Bicaroonare Test —Pnegonve/no oubbles — 0 canooxy lic C CONTROL TEST) acid present 7 (5 pis) What derivative did you make? What were both the literature and experimental melting points, for the derivative? How are those results consistent or inconsistent with your structure above? (do NOT write full sentences) Derivative class (e.g. oxime)__Semicarpazone Lit. mp_222 °C Exp.mp_21@ °C Oxime 185°C _ tele The resuits are consistent with my structure as he mps of my olenVvatves were %- 6T away from the Literature values. 8. (3 pts) If you listed any data above that was not consistent, what did you do to come to a conclusion about what your unknown was? (2-3 sentences MAX) ' riginally confused as to W | got & positive HCI musty Or bur Weg aHve eral add (both Cold and 7 warm) results: However, ater looking at vry 12,1 saw mau peaic od $400, indicahing the presence of an ae eae Add] Hon ally ,my NMR heiped me yo veauze it We iS fe with m salubility 464: amine, which proved to be consistent W Yy " and nitrious acid test resules. RddtHOnally, my IR SUgge. ed thot | could Mave a Carboxylic Acid. TO ensure hot solubility test was Nor a false negative ,\ (or dae sodium vicarbonate +est, Which came baci Report /34 Notsbook ___—/6-—=snegastive ancl contivmed thar 13 | didn} hove a carboxylic acid. ‘SpinWorks 4: UNKNOWN SOLID-FELIX g g 8 g Hoe | Hd-© Wa Hts Wee | singlet | | | | angier jdt | sougier Hara Wer? | age 8 a a 8 y T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Bem 1210) 11101 | 10.0 | 19:0) 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 © -1.0 : -.AWitty\Downloads\FELIXSOLIDNMR.jox expt: undefined freq. of 0 ppm: 60.052234 MHz transmitter freq.: 60.052594 MHz processed size: 16384 complex points ‘ume domain size: 8192 points LB: 0.100 GF: 0.0000 width: 862.07 Hz = 14.3552 ppm = 0.105233 Hz/pt He/em: 34.483 ppm/cm: 0.57421 ‘number of scans: 0 FELIX 2500 2000 WAVENUMBER [cr-1]

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