Annotated Bibliography: Source #1

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Annotated Bibliography

Source #1
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Argaw, S. T., Bempong, N.-E., Eshaya-Chauvin, B., & Flahault, A. (2019). The state of research on cyberattacks against hospitals and available
best practice recommendations: a scoping review. ​BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making​, ​19​(1), N.PAG.

I found this article that was originally cited in a Futurity news segment. Does not directly connect to another article but it does feature​ 112 
reference sources used in their research and sources that can be used to extend the research they conducted,

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

-Cyberterrorism -Internet use that is intended to cause emotional or physical harm to

gain political or ideological power
-Cybersecurity -Protection of information from internet systems and networks, etc
-Cyberattacks -Can be a manifestation of cyberterrorism: Any attempt to destroy,
expose or steal unauthorized information

Summary of Key Findings

“The objective of this study was to identify and map the (Argaw 8)
scientific literature on cyberattacks on hospitals and to
describe the different areas of research in this literature.”

“The selected articles focus specifically on phishing, social engineering, (Argaw 7)

and ransomware
attacks. These articles are summative reports, descriptive
studies, and several editorials that focus on describing
and defining the attack type, recounting previous episodes of attacks,
and proposing recommendations for
mitigating risks.”

“Other areas of research that were (Argaw 7)

neglected in relation to the cybersecurity of connected medical devices,
for example, are security of cloud storage, the
use of USB ports, and the topic of identity and access management as
well as ethics.”

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quotes​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

This article focuses on the different types of literature that exist educate medical service companies of potential cyberattacks and terrorism. Argaw addresses
cyberterrorism in hospitals as one of the most severe information breaches because of the amount of personal and sensitive information that can be found within
a variety of medical record-keeping systems. This author uses an analysis of the literature that hospitals have access to in regards to cyberattacks and information
security to evaluate their preparedness to mitigate risks. The author’s findings are particularly relevant to my potential research to be able to understand the
information that is available in this field already to those who can find it valuable.

Annotated Bibliography - Source #2
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Awan, Imran. “Cyber-Extremism: Isis and the Power of Social Media.” ​Society,​ vol. 54, no. 2, Apr. 2017, pp. 138–149. ​EBSCOhost,

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

-Cyberterrorism -(Defined before) Internet use that is intended to cause emotional or

-Extremism physical harm to gain political or ideological power
- Holding extreme political or religious views
-Radicalisation - The process of a group adopting progressively extreme views,
becoming more and more radical

Summary of Key Findings

Includes recruitment statistics, for example an estimated 750 Britains Page 138
traveled to Syria to fight

Isis (was) actively using social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook Page 138
and Youtube to contribute to supposed 7 different characteristics of

Terrorist groups use “the Internet and social media Page 140
sites, as a tool for propaganda via websites, sharing information, data
mining, fundraising, communication, and recruitment (Conway, 2003).”

Breaks down the behavioral characteristics of potential recruits in a Page 143

table from observational data.

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quote​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

This article focuses on the presence of terrorist recruiting on social media platforms. The author, Imran Awan explores the presence of ISIS
recruits in countries like Great Britain, Australia and the United States, then he continues and elaborates on the motivations behind individuals’
decisions to serve for the extremists. This source examines media that is displayed on different platforms to encourage enlistment.
Annotated Bibliography - Source #3
APA X MLA Chicago


Kurtz, Stanley. “Time to Break the College Board's AP Testing Monopoly.” ​National Review,​ National Review, 10 Oct. 2017,

(Opinion Source! National Review itself is notably right leaning, so has a bias)

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

-Monopoly -The exclusive control of an industry by one enterprise or company that

limits access to any other company’s businesses

Summary of Key Findings

College Board’s status as an individual, private company makes (Kurtz 5)

lawsuits (such as the case in our own Jefferson County and Texas)
difficult to pursue because although a school board can modify
curriculums (APUSH), students will not pass standardized AP tests.

Development of alternative tests can be successful, but only with (Kurtz 9)

cooperation between colleges and high schools.

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quote​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

This article published by the National Review holds an inherent conservative bias, but it presents a good perspective as to the pushback
nationalized public school curriculums get for imposing different ideological views on students. This case is a little different than Common Core,
however, because this private organization is out of state and although it can be combated by school boards, the standardized testing will only be
successful to those who follow the learning plans. This company controls the entire college-entry testing and courses, therefore presenting a
dangerous monopoly to schools, parents and students. AGAIN, can be a good segway into further research or provide a valuable social
Annotated Bibliography - Source #4
APA X MLA Chicago


Darden, Jessica Trisko. ​Tackling Terrorists’ Exploitation of Youth​. American Enterprise Institute, 2019.

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

Ideological Appeal The attraction to one’s political, cultural or religious beliefs

Prospect of fame The likelihood that a person will achieve notability

Perceived grievances The factors that may drive an individual to believe their life would be
better off in an alternative situation

Recruitment The action of enlisting into an armed force

Propaganda Biased of misleading information used to promote an idea

Summary of Key Findings

“programs to counter
violent extremism abroad have yet to put the vulnerability of youth to This study focuses on the gaps that exist within the counter-terrorism
terrorist group recruitment at the community itself that aims to address women and children as important
forefront of their efforts. This is especially true for potential recruitees. Most focus is drawn to military aged males, and
girls and young women, whose participation in terrorism prevention most people forget that not everyone who is contributing to a terrorist
efforts has lagged behind that of their group is a soldier. The efforts of radical groups are .a strategic mix of
male counterparts” 13 professionals and all aspects of those recruits need to be examined in
order to be prevented
“If the United States is to meaningfully improve its efforts to counter
radicalization and recruitment, it is key that US
government-funded terrorism prevention programs abroad account for
the nuanced factors that
contribute to youth vulnerability” 13

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quote​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

This article aims to address the vulnerability found in youth terrorist organization recruits. Researchers examined particularly nuanced aspects
that make individuals more vulnerableTo become mobilized in terrorist groups. Researchers not only examined the demographics, ages, and
characteristics of recruits, but aimed to recognize exactly why those individuals serve. If the United States is to combat these programs
successfully, they need to understand the factors that contribute to an individual's choice to join without discriminating against them.This study
was published byThe American Enterprise Institute, a policy based research Institute. Jessica Trisko Darden, the author, is a Canadian academic,
activist, former model and beauty queen. Working as the assistant professor of international Affairs at the School of International Service at
American University and the American Enterprise Institute, she has other published works regarding insurgencies particularly with females, and
the way minorities become involved in terrorist organizations. This source can be used as a good branch to narrow down a potential research
question regarding terrorism. This is a much less studied aspect of martyrdom groups and can be a good pathway into my project.

Annotated Bibliography - Source #5
APA X MLA Chicago


Handbook on Children Recruited and Exploited by Terrorist and Violent Extremist Groups: The Role of the Justice System.​ United Nations Office
on Drugs and Crime, 2017.

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

Profiling Assess by record-keeping the capabilities and identity of a person

Adjudicatory The legal process that involves examining evidence to come to a


Deprivation of Liberty When an individual has total loss of personal freedom and is operating
under someone or something without their own consent

Exploitation The act of treating an individual unfairly in order to benefit from them

Reintegration To restore the position of an individual, encourage unity

Summary of Key Findings

Long quote:

“Children who have been recruited and exploited by terrorist and violent The Juvenile Justice System needs to be adapted do justly evaluate
extremist groups are victims offenses by children and reparations / compensations that can be
of violence at multiple levels. They are often victims of extreme made to them. Judicial Systems me to adopt laws, procedures,
violence during their association with authorities and institutions specifically applicable to Children alleged to
the group; which includes ferocious recruitment methods, enslavement, be involved in terrorist groups. Persecution of these children's will do
sexual exploitation, exposure more harm than good. specialization must occur to be able to deal with
to constant fear, indoctrination and psychological pressure. They are these extremely complicated investigations.
often injured or killed in combat.
At the same time, because of their young age and psychological
malleability, such children may become
particularly dangerous instruments of the groups that recruited them, as
the children may be used for
committing criminal offences, including, in certain cases, acts of
terrorism, war crimes or crimes
against humanity” 2

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quote​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

This handbook was developed by the United Nations office on drugs and crime, intended to address the exploitation and recruitment of children
by extremist groups. This particular Source examines the roll of Nations Justice systems for regulating this exploitation. This work offers a unique
approach to combating The Refuge sought out within extremist groups. Reparations and other compensations are recommended for victims of
terrorist acts to discourage participation in more martyrdom groups. The United Nations describe several different case studies conducted in
various parts of the world, including a particular study about a program for girls abducted by the Lord's resistance Army in Northern Uganda, who
gave birth while in captivity. There's a common misconception that terrorist and extremist groups only exist in the Middle East, when really they
exist all over the world in multiple Scopes. From neighborhood gangs to Nationwide insurgencies, the values of one group can be used to draw
conclusions about many, many others. The United States most lay the foundations of the treatment of children alleged of committing terrorist
related offenses with respect to why they chose to make those decisions. These cases cannot be seen at face value and after all they are
Annotated Bibliography - Source #6
APA X MLA Chicago


Coppock, Vicki, and Mark McGovern. “‘Dangerous Minds’? Deconstructing Counter-Terrorism Discourse, Radicalisation and the ‘Psychological
Vulnerability’ of Muslim Children and Young People in Britain.”​ Children & Society​, vol. 28, no. 3, May 2014, pp. 242–256. EBSCOhost,

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

Age Distribution -The proportionate numbers of persons in successive age categories in

a given population
Labeling Theory -The act of self identifying characteristics of an individual and
grouping/labeling on them
Vulnerability (Psychology) -Beliefs, conditions, thought process, etc that predisposes an individual
to psychological problems of many kinds

Summary of Key Findings

“In the case of young British Muslims, it The key finding I took away from this study was the researcher’s
shifts attention away from the impact of broader social and identification of some of the most driving factors that could lead to a
environmental factors on (UK) adolescent to join a terrorist group. They conclude that the social
their lives, namely ‘the impact of racism, Islamophobia, social exclusion problems that exist around an individual's psychological vulnerability in
and everyday tandem with outspoken hate and fear of extremist groups can actually
violence’ (Institute of Race Relations, 2010:79).” (253). encourage​ joining.

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quotes​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

The authors together possess a great deal of experience in this field of criminal justice and psychological study of terrorist children. Ms. Coppock
having a research background and interest in children’s rights, social justice and gender studies in the UK she has several published works and
citations in the realm of children and terrorism. Dr. Mark McGovern--a professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University of
Medicine--published this work under the Department of Social Sciences for Edge Hill University out of Lancashire, United Kingdom. Because this
research is about British Muslims, its applications to my own research might be limited, but might have use for comparison and reference to
potential ​solutions​ for the conclusion and analysis of my work.
Annotated Bibliography - Source #7
APA X MLA Chicago


Govern, Kevin H. “Security Assistance Cooperative Approaches to Counterterrorism.” ​DISAM Journal of International
Security Assistance Management​, vol. 27, no. 4, Summer 2005, pp. 14–16. ​EBSCOhost​,

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

Seminars -Academic instruction that is provided by a centralized or commercial

organization. Functions as a sort of training and discussion

Summary of Key Findings

“DHLS MET teams, in conjunction with host country participants, This is a rather short source, but it summarizes funding and interaction
present structured substantive presentations in conjunction with with foreign military groups in order to address terrorism and
combined facilitation of discussion groups, so that each participant has insurgencies in their countries. The mutual programs are described in
an opportunity to delve into and exchange ideas on contemporary legal detail, and as this excerpt suggests, outlines some of the specifics of
and operational concerns [of addressing counter-terrorism programs]” the seminars that occur in the countries.

“The DHLS Seminar in the host country helps advance the developing This specific seminar was conducted in India, lasting over a week.
relationship between Participants leave with a new understanding of military operations,
the U.S. and the host country and initiates appropriate institutional public affairs, peace operations, and much more. They learn about US
development via mutually history and legal systems to encourage the spread of this new
planned, developed, and presented course materials” (15). knowledge throughout the country.

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quotes​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

A potential concern for the use of this study in my research project could be its age. Technology and the realm of social media have evolved
tremendously since this research and article publication. The virtues of this project could potentially be applied though because the findings
related to the people and their psychological responses to the seminars might not vary greatly from what modern studies would find. The author is
a Professor of Law at West Point--the United States Military Academy--in New York. This author holds a great deal of credibility in this field and
his findings have passed through military ranking (both involved in the collection of data and the publication of his work). I may examine this paper
to see what lies in the references and citations to guide my initial research. Because this seminar evaluation is outdated I have to look further into
whether or not it is relevant to my data collection and analysis.
Annotated Bibliography - Source #8
APA X MLA Chicago


Guide to the Analysis of Insurgency .​ Central Intelligence Agency, 2011.

Access Link:

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

-Insurgency -”A protracted political-military activity directed towards completely or

partially controlling the resources of a country through the use of
irregular military forces and illegal political organizations” (CIA 2).

Summary of Key Findings

There are four broad categories of tactical approaches to developing “Politically Organized Insurgency” “Military Organized Insurgency”
an insurgency and they exist in ​every i​ nsurgency “Traditionally Organized Insurgency” and “Urban Insurgency”

Determinants of Control
Success Indicators
Effective Counterinsurgency

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quotes​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

This source has substantial value in the projects I see myself pursuing because this CIA pamphlet provides official definitions and analysis of
insurgencies and counters to them. The text begins with the definitions of “insurgency” and surrounding terms. It then goes into descriptions of
insurgent objectives, stages, types, control tactics, success indicators of insurgencies, and lastly effective counterinsurgencies. This source has
particular relevance to my research because with these definitions and information, I do not necessarily have to limit myself to official organized
terrorist groups like Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) and Islamist and Wahhabist group Al Qaeda--I could look into these direct factors
that are also present in much smaller groups like gangs and ANTIFA in the domestic United States. There are also specific military-produced
counter-insurgency resources that would connect to this text. If I find these sources, I can use them in conjunction with whatever study I choose to
conduct to build a cemented base for my analysis.
Annotated Bibliography - Source #9

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Metz, Steven. “How Insurgents Could Beat the United States.” ​World Politics Review​, World Politics Review, 1 Sept. 2017,

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

-Islamic State -The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant AKA the Islamic State of Iraq
and Syria (ISIS)
-Caliphate -The rule of an Islamic state under a Muslim leader known as a caliph
-Maoist model -Maoism [Mao Zedong Thought] is a type of Marxism–Leninism that
Mao Zedong developed for the socialist revolution in the Republic of
China and later the People's Republic of China

Summary of Key Findings

“The U.S. has a military doctrine to counter old-style insurgencies. But The United States has comprehensive literature and policy regarding
it does not have a playbook for insurgents who have the moral high conflict with demonized groups. But if the US is to face morally correct
ground.” groups that could potentially arise at home--how are we to deal with

“American counterinsurgency policy and doctrine focus on enemies like This exposed weakness in US policy could potentially pose great
the Islamic State and the Taliban that can be demonized and threats to our country’s survival and/or credibility in the face of foreign
discredited. Doctrine and policy say nothing about insurgents who have or domestic adversity
the moral high ground. Hopefully, though, America's adversaries will
not figure that out.”

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quotes​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

This author holds credibility in the research realm of national security and insurgencies, as he is a professor at the US Army War College. He
specializes in insurgency research, US national defense policy and future warfare. As an author he has authored several different books
regarding these topics and has published a large number of articles on these various topics. This particular article connects to my last source--a
CIA Insurgency pamphlet--because I can potentially shift my research focus to the domestic United States instead of exploring a broader foreign
context. There are many biased articles that exist to expose potential insurgency outbreaks by both the radical Left and Right, but this source is
not particularly leaning either way. It just exposes the United State’s policy and information gap in how they would deal with extreme groups who
possess the moral high-ground in the situation. The US is used to dealing with groups who are easy to dehumanize and hate, but Metz examines
how the US is indeed unprepared to deal with homeland insurgencies that are morally correct.
Annotated Bibliography - Source #10
APA X MLA Chicago


Metz, Steven. "Abandoning Counterinsurgency: Toward a More Efficient Antiterrorism Strategy." Journal of Strategic Security 10, no. 4 (2017) :

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

Cold War era Counterinsurgency Concepts These tactics were the first application of American diplomacy during
the Cold War, but they applied these same strategies in Vietnam and
even carried them into Iraq and Afghanistan.

Summary of Key Findings

Discusses a “new counterinsurgency era” “Both Iraq and Afghanistan were initially intended to be short
stabilization operations following the removal of hostile regimes. They
only evolved into counterinsurgency when opponents of the new,
American backed governments adopted the techniques of Cold War

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quotes​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

*​ The first US “counterinsurgency era” began in the early 1960s when policymakers recognized the Soviet Union and China were inspiring or
directly supporting left-leaning insurgencies to weaken the West, and to do so with less risk than direct military confrontation. Metz describes the
change (and lack thereof) in American tactics applied to counterinsurgencies throughout recent history. This is a relatively different perspective
from a research paper I have seen thus far, as this looks more at the progression of tactics rather than straight-forward guidelines for American
politicians and military leaders. The author suggests what we know as “counterinsurgency” is extremely flawed and makes way too many (mostly
inaccurate) assumptions about the groups and therefore does not deal with them as effectively as possible. This perspective can be an interesting
counterargument, but could also be used to just add depth to the United States’ approach to counterinsurgency rather than a blatant
Annotated Bibliography - Source #11
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***Citation pending because chapter is currently under review for research

Will consult author again for citation if this text is used in my project

“Insurgency’s Three Waves”

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

“Revolutionary insurgencies” Insurgencies “which seek to destroy and replace the existing power
structure, thus becoming the state.”

Summary of Key Findings

“Because insurgencies are weaker than the state or other power The psychological, informational and political aspects of these
structures in the conventional military realm, they seek to focus the strategies are the most prominent focuses in modern American society,
conflict in other domains where tangible resource superiority matters even outside of insurgent efforts.
less, particularly the psychological, informational, and political”

“This combination of Marxism and mass resentment of corruption and Phase 1, seems relevant today
injustice proved viable in many modernizing nations with the necessary
raw materials: an awakening peasantry, an intelligentsia energized by
modernization and nationalism, a corrupt, repressive, unrepresentative,
or inept state, and a hinterland where the state was weak”

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quotes​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

*Steve Metz writes in this chapter about the three defined stages of an insurgency. He also distinguishes himself against other authors when he
defines “insurgencies” as more of a strategy and less of an organized effort or group. Often it pits a non-state entity against a state with its
inherently greater economic, military, and political resources, but weak states have also used the strategy of insurgency against great powers or
an existing political order. An organization can adopt the strategy of insurgency in its development, refine or adjust it to better reflect the
organization’s ideology, objectives, and strategic setting, abandon it when it no longer suits the organization’s needs or capabilities, and even
readopt it at a later point. He describes the shifting goals that insurgencies have and their stages. These in-depth descriptions of the stages could
help me very much when analyzing the progression of insurgent groups in the US.
Annotated Bibliography - Source #12
APA X MLA Chicago


Ball, David. “The Tracts of May.” ​French Politics, Culture & Society,​ vol. 28, no. 1, Spring 2010, pp. 77–91. ​EBSCOhost​,

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

Political Tracts and Leaflets A pamphlet used for various political purposes
Public Speech The act of speaking in front of a live audience, often formal
Revolutionary Writing

Summary of Key Findings

FRENCH politics
“The collection of leaflets, fliers, and tracts “published” in May-June The period of civil unrest in France, May 1968 (Known as May 68) was
1968 (mostly mimeographed, sometimes printed) in the Bibliothèque the strike and boycott of university and factory workers. The strike was
nationale de France (BnF) numbers over 8,020 items for Paris alone” lit by a series of forceful university student-led protests aimed against
American capitalism, consumerism and imperialism. The protests
followed a progressive communist agenda sparked by French youth
that was soon met violently by police and university administration,

Highlights the “media” aspect of the rise of civil unrest. 82,000
pamphlets flew in the street as propaganda and informational fliers.
This non-commercial publication spike showed the protest capabilities
of French citizens. This strike completely halted the French economy
which can be connected to 2020 USA with the George Floyd protests
and economic shutdowns.

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quotes​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

I was inspired to look into the potential communist values of recent Antifa action by one of the experts I interviewed. I am having extreme trouble
finding literature on the basic and general progressions of communism and I am not sure why. This article talks about the May 68 incident in
France regarding media and protests that could be connected to the 2020 George Floyd protests in the US (purely examining the actions of
protestors, nothing for or against their ideological beliefs). I doubt I will use this source in my lit review or project in general but I anticipate I might
be able to use some of its referenced articles and citations. I aim to use this source as a branch into more relevant studies and articles.
Annotated Bibliography - Source #13
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Govern, Kevin H. “Security Assistance Cooperative Approaches to Counterterrorism.” ​DISAM Journal of International
Security Assistance Management​, vol. 27, no. 4, Summer 2005, pp. 14–16. ​EBSCOhost​,

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

Seminars -Academic instruction that is provided by a centralized or commercial

organization. Functions as a sort of training and discussion

Summary of Key Findings

“DHLS MET teams, in conjunction with host country participants, This is a rather short source, but it summarizes funding and interaction
present structured substantive presentations in conjunction with with foreign military groups in order to address terrorism and
combined facilitation of discussion groups, so that each participant has insurgencies in their countries. The mutual programs are described in
an opportunity to delve into and exchange ideas on contemporary legal detail, and as this excerpt suggests, outlines some of the specifics of
and operational concerns [of addressing counter-terrorism programs]” the seminars that occur in the countries.

“The DHLS Seminar in the host country helps advance the developing This specific seminar was conducted in India, lasting over a week.
relationship between Participants leave with a new understanding of military operations,
the U.S. and the host country and initiates appropriate institutional public affairs, peace operations, and much more. They learn about US
development via mutually history and legal systems to encourage the spread of this new
planned, developed, and presented course materials” (15). knowledge throughout the country.

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quotes​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

A potential concern for the use of this study in my research project could be its age. Technology and the realm of social media have evolved
tremendously since this research and article publication. The virtues of this project could potentially be applied though because the findings
related to the people and their psychological responses to the seminars might not vary greatly from what modern studies would find. The author is
a Professor of Law at West Point--the United States Military Academy--in New York. This author holds a great deal of credibility in this field and
his findings have passed through military ranking (both involved in the collection of data and the publication of his work). I may examine this paper
to see what lies in the references and citations to guide my initial research. Because this seminar evaluation is outdated I have to look further into
whether or not it is relevant to my data collection and analysis.
Annotated Bibliography - Source #14
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“What Is Violent Extremism?” ​FBI​, FBI, 23 Oct. 2015,

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

Extremism “defined by the FBI as “encouraging, condoning, justifying, or

supporting the commission of a violent act to achieve political,
ideological, religious, social, or economic goals.” (FBI 1)

Militia A group of armed, non-professional soldiers

White Supremacy The belief that non-white races and ethnicities are inferior

Hate crimes Crime motivated by one’s prejudice of race, sex, religion, sexuality, etc

Summary of Key Findings

“Groups can be a powerful way to bring people together to achieve (FBI 2)

common goals. Groupthink happens, however, when those in the group
stop stating their opinions or using critical thinking because they wish to
avoid conflict”

“five signs of groupthink: A feeling of overconfidence; rigid or polarized (FBI 3)

thinking; stereotyping of the opposition; pressure to conform; and the
withholding of information.”

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quotes​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

I was directed towards a list of potential sources from Elizabeth Cychosz at the Cell from the Mizel Institute, and this source was included. I find
this article to be particularly useful because it breaks down terms and phrases I see recurring in sources I have found already, especially official
documents like the CIA handbook on insurgency and research projects including the one on hospital information security breaches. This website
is a teen version of the FBI databases and it provides more casual information about how to avoid hate groups and terrorism in today’s world. This
more colloquial source can help me to articulate my definitions and clarifications I make throughout my paper and research process. This
particular page on the website outlines a number of different topics including groupthink, symbolism, principles, blame and propaganda. Some of
these subtopics might be less useful than others but enough of the themes recur to allow me to mirror the explanations in here on my project.
Annotated Bibliography - Source #15
APA X MLA Chicago


“Hate Crimes.” ​FBI,​ FBI, 3 May 2016,

Important Vocabulary & Phrases

No new phrases that haven’t been defined in previous sources

Hate Crimes
Militia See above source
White Supremacy

Summary of Key Findings

*** ”Hate crimes are the highest priority of the FBI’s civil rights program (FBI 1) This is a significant quotation because it shows how
because of the devastating impact they have on families and consequential hate crimes are to a society and movements

“With the passage of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate (FBI 2) This legislation broadened what is traditionally considered a
Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, the Bureau became authorized to also hate crime, and represents the shift in American culture that has come
investigate crimes committed against those based on biases of actual to accept more grounds for prejudice and discrimination
or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or gender.”

❏ Summarize​ significant findings or key information from the source

❏ Evaluate​ the credibility and relevance of the source as it pertains to your inquiry
❏ Quotes​ from the source that are applicable to your inquiry (where necessary)
❏ Reflect​ on whether or not the source will be used in your academic paper and if not, why not.

This was another source that I was directed to by Elizabeth Cychosz at the Cell from the Mizel Institute. I found its narrative on the implications of
hate crimes to be interesting and influential to my project. The FBI acknowledges the considerable implications of hate crimes because of the toll
they can take on Americans in society fueled by race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, etc. This source offers a range of hate crime data
statistics that can be publicly accessed, which could potentially be grounds for data collection and repurposing in my project. I am not sure how
feasible using the statistics from this particular source might be, but I know that the more informative aspects of the text that describe the severity
of hate crimes will be able to connect to my project--particularly for trigger events that occur for insurgent groups and movements like Antifa.

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