The Project and Its Background

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Chapter I



Health is wealth. Most people consider health as the most important aspect

of their life. Better health is central to human happiness and well-being. It also

makes an important contribution to economic progress, as healthy populations live

longer, are more productive, and save more (World Health Organization 2017).

Healthier person can work longer compared to those who are not because they can

avoid sickness that can hinder their work.

From the beginning of time waste has always been generated by humans.

With the rise of industrialization more waste is being created, hence the start of

waste management. Waste management is the process of managing garbage that

came from different sector of the society like industries, communities, and

individuals. The 2007 figures showed that the National Capital Region (NCR) has

the highest waste generation at 2.86 million tons per year, followed by Southern

Tagalog and Central Luzon at 1.69 million tons and 1.21 million tons, respectively

(DENR 2007). This waste is commonly composed of plastics, papers, and by-

products. In Balete, Batangas residents considers waterlily as waste for it traps

waste that is being thrown to the river which results to mosquitos and other

insects. While in Malvar, Batangas wherein one of their main product is nata-de-

coco, they produce a by-product called “lahod” which they only throw away.
Waterlily or water hyacinth is a free floating perennial plant that can grow

to a height of 3 feet. The dark green leave blades are circular to elliptical in shape

attached to a spongy, inflated petiole. Underneath the water is a thick, heavily

branched, dark fibrous root system. Water hyacinth is a very aggressive invader

and can from thick mats. If these mats cover the entire surface of the rivers it can

cause oxygen depletions and fish kills.

According to the recent studies of the (Department of Environmental and

Natural Resources 2017), they said that growing fields of water hyacinth can

create breeding zone for mosquito and screens off sunlight that is required by

aquatic flora and fauna. Although it is classified as a pest specie some use this

plant to create handcrafts like bag, shoes and carpet.

Nata de coco is a white to creamy yellow, translucent, jelly-like substance

formed by acetobacter aceti subspecies Xylinium, on the surface of sugar enriched

coconut water. It is popularly used as a dessert. It is also used as an ingredient in

other food products, such as ice cream, halo-halo, fruit cocktails, etc. Nata de coco

are composed of Coconut water, Refined sugar, Ammonium phosphate, Acetic

acid, and Nata starter. Nata production has not discounted the aspect of proper

waste disposal of materials. Common by-product of Nata de coco are sapal and

lahod. In sapal people have already found a way to reuse and recycle this material

and use it as a fertilizer, biogas, animal feeds, fertilizer, dietary fiber, flour, snack

foods and other baked products. while in lahod, they only come-up with an idea of
using it as a glue and a help for starting fire. Those lahod that are not being used

are only disposed in canals which cause a blocking of water and will cause flood.

Charcoal is a carbon-containing substance made from wood, naturally black

and powdery. Charcoal is made from wood by heating it in airless space in high

temperature. The wood will not burn, but instead turn into charcoal. The common

types of charcoal are hardwood Char, lime, starch, anthracite coal, and sodium

nitrate. The main uses of charcoal are to absorb odors and toxins in gases, such as

air. Charcoal filters are also used in some types of gas masks. The medical use of

activated charcoal is mainly the absorption of poisons. Activated charcoal is

available without a prescription, so it is used for a variety of health-related


With all the information mentioned above, the researchers decided to create

a product with two waste materials lahod and water lily. This will not only solve

the waste management problem that is caused by this two but this can also be a

livelihood for the communities.

Objectives of the Study

The objective of this study is to develop a charcoal product made from

waste materials. This undertaking is particularly focused on making charcoal from

water lily and lahod. Specifically, this aims to:

1. To make charcoal out of water lily and lahod.

2. Test the performance of “lilyhod charcoal” compared to traditional charcoal

in terms of;

2.1 Combustibility;

2.2 Duration of Combustion;

2.3 Quality of smoke

3. Determine the general acceptability of the product in terms of

aforementioned variables by direct users.

Scope, Limitations and Delimitations of the Study

This study concerns mainly with the development and production of water

lily and lahod charcoal. It also aims to test the finished product in terms of its

combustibility, duration of combustion and quality of smoke. This would also

evaluate the acceptability of the developed product through its performance in

terms of combustibility, duration of combustion and quality of smoke.

The study limits itself in using water lily and lahod as the main component

in making charcoal. In this product the researchers do not add any chemical

additives that may harm the environment and the user’s health. The components

used are less expensive and environmental friendly. Aside from using charcoal for

grilling food, it can also be used as a foul odor and moisture absorber from the air

in your home and remove fridge odors. The evaluation of its acceptability was

based from the assessment of the respondents only in terms of its performance

compared to traditional charcoal as to combustibility, duration of combustion, and

quality of smoke. The evaluators who assessed the performance of the finished
product were composed of group of respondents from isaw vendors from Magapi,

Balete and Poblacion, Malvar, Batangas. Specifically, the evaluators involved 2

residents from Magapi and 3 from Poblacion.

The study was delimited to using other component for making charcoal

aside from waterlily and lahod, consequently this undertaking intends only to

produce charcoal and did not intend to produce other product out of waterlily and

lahod. The respondents of the study did not involve other people from Magapi and

Poblacion except from the selected isaw vendors that came from the said area.

Significance of the Study

This study is deemed significant towards the aims of product development,

promotion of the local market, producing a relevant research, finding an

alternative source of income, and as a reference for future researchers.

Specifically, this study would be very useful to the environment, Government,

community, researchers and future researchers.

The environment will benefit from our product because it reduces the trees

that we consume or cut and maintain the environment’s cleanliness to avoid less

sickness and pollution.

The Government will benefit from our product because it will decrease the

amount of money that they provide in different calamities or disasters specially

floods and landslides.

The findings of this study would also be beneficial to the community in a

way that the residence of the community will be more productive and creative that
serves as source of income for their everyday life. It reduced the nata de coco

waste that have an unpleasant smell. The potential of the product to become one of

the main source which can make the locality popular can be a goal to look forward

to. In this end, it would not only contribute to the economic development of the

local producers, but to the local community and government as a whole.

The researchers who are grade 12 students may benefit from this

undertaking as this may serve as a stepping stone of improving the environment,

Government and to community. This would introduce them to the nature of

conducting product development studies that may increase their competence in the

skills expected from graduates of STEM students

The findings of this study would be beneficial to future researchers. This

study may serve as an inspiration and as a reference in conducting similar


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