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Hybrid Lesson Plan Template: Lighting Design Unit

Date: Nov. 17th | Class/Group: Theatre Class | Topic: Lighting Design

Curriculum links:

Prior Learning:

-Students have learned very little information about this so far, other than the names of
some of the elements (cyclorama, catwalks, booth, lighting board etc.)

-Before the lesson, students, for homework, will watch a video about the basics of lighting.
This way, they will have basic knowledge of lighting fixture parts, lighting board features,
and movement of lighting.

Instructional Steps

In-class students:


-Show a video (or pictures) in class of some interesting lighting displays on stage.

Introductory set
Set student expectations for the lesson by explaining:

• The learning goal(s): Students will understand the concept of lighting design and its elements
• Relevance of the learning: Lighting design is important to every aspect of theater. Theater
directors, producers, designers, and even actors can benefit from knowing how lighting is done..
• Activities:
-Students will hang a light the proper way. This will be done individually after it has been
-Students will practice making a cue on the lighting board. A practice cue will be written on a
paper and the students will each set the cue one at a time.
-On the Cue Builder app, students will design the lighting for a scene from Sweeny Todd. It is
required that you use at least 5 cues but there is no maximum. Use as many as you need. Each
student will be assigned a different scene. (Sweeny Todd is this year’s upcoming musical-so
this is a fun way to preview that).


-Through a PowerPoint presentation with diagrams, students will be shown how to hang lights,
set lighting cues, and use the lighting board to make lights move (back and forth, side to side,
fade etc.)


-Students will label the parts of a light fixture on a diagram.

-Students will label the parts of a lighting board on a diagram.

-Students will take a short formative quiz (10 questions max.) over these three concepts.

-As a class, we will go over these quizzes to see how everyone is doing..

• Move on to working on Cue Builder Project

Resources, materials, and technologies required: Cue Builder App, PowerPoint

presentation slides, blank diagrams

• LMS: Google Classroom (Blank Diagrams and Presentation slides for at-home students)
• Communication tools: Email or Comments Section in Google Classroom

At-home students:

-Prompt students to watch a video (or pictures) of some interesting lighting displays on stage.

-This is found in Google Classroom

Introductory set
Set student expectations for the lesson clearly and succinctly. This could be written or
recorded as a video.

-Students will be asked to view the slides on the PowerPoint presentation found in Google

-Students will fill out the blank diagram of the lighting fixture and lighting board. This should
be an editable copy. Email these to me.

-Students will take the quiz on the 3 sections.

• Posting work to LMS: PowerPoint Slides and Quiz
• Editable documents or PDFs: Diagrams of Light fixture and Light board

Deliver feedback on learning via:
• Written comments about how the student did on their quiz. What should they work

• Prepare for Cue Builder Project

List extension activities for students who need additional challenge. Consider what this might
look like online as well.

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