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ACTIVITY 1. Let’s try this!

1. Think of the first 5 things that come to mind when describing yourself.
Note: You can start by thinking about your identity within your family (as a daughter,
son, grandson, etc.) and within organizations or clubs that you belong to (as secretary of
the student council, member of the drama club, etc.).
2. List down these identities, as follows:
a. Seminarian, Pian and Dancer
b. Taekwondo Player
c. Member of the Drama Club in St. Pius X Seminary
d. Member in Choir in St. Pius X (A.Y 2015-2019)
e. 3rd son of Vilma Ocaso and Melchor Ocaso
3. Contact a classmate in Social Science 11. Introduce yourself to your chosen classmate by
telling her/him your identities.
4. After introducing yourself, compare your list with that of your classmate. Note down
your answers to the following focus questions:
a. Do your answers have similarities? List them down.
I have completely no similarities.
b. Do they have differences? List them down.
Helpful friend
Orator and Declaimer
Generous Friend
c. If you were to describe your classmate, would your list be similar to hers/his? Why or
why not?
No, because they have their own uniqueness inside their body and mind, they have
their own identity and we are different but if we have the chance that we have
similarities it would be great for me of for them.
5. Thank your classmate and say goodbye.
6. Submit your output on the end of this week.

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