The Differences Between Good and Bad Drivers

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The first thing that can distinguish a good drivers and a bad drivers is about
driver’s license. The good drivers definetely must have a driver’s license because
this show that drivers have a ability to drive properly meanwhile if someones
dont’t have a driver’s licence it will show that you’re a bad drivers. A good drivers
always prioritize about the safety rules, they always wearing the seat belt to
prevent the accident meanwhile the bad drivers don’t care about it even thougt
they know that it will harm them.
A good drivers always control or mantain the speed of car while the bad
drivers always drive in hurry and don’t care about the situation on road. A good
drivers always keeps the safe distance between their car and the car in front of
them and never tailgating like a bad drivers. A good drivers always keep their
eyes on the road and concentrating on driving, unlike the bad drivers who always
not focus, sometimes they will talk or text on the phone and stare at other drivers.
A bad drivers always disobeyed the traffic laws, they will pass the red
lights, weave througt the traffic, pass in no pass passing zone and so on. A good
drivers always follows the traffic laws dan don’t harm other drivers. A good
drivers always ready and never drive when fatigue or sleepy, they make sure they
drive in good physical and mentally unlike a bad drivers who don’t concern about
that things.

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