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Normal erythrocyte Membrane composition

 Biconcave disks: to promote gas exchange Proteins

between CO2 and O2, for the flexibility and
 Integral proteins : sialic acid
deformability of the cell
(important in imparting a negative
 7-8 u in diameter
charge to maintain the zeta
 1.5 to 2.5 u thick: MCAT
potential) = red cells repel each
 Ave. volume: 90fl (80-100 MCV)
other because there is a negative
 Average surface area: 160 um2
charge surrounding them (attracted
 Average life span : 120 days
to each other= realaux)
Test if the red cells are maximizing their 120 days o Glycophorin
o Component a (band 3)
RBC survival studies
 Peripheral proteins : skeleton
Radioactive chromium (maintain the shape and
o Spectrin
Normal rbc half life: 25-32 days o Actin

Half life means the no. of days where in atleast Integral protein importance: to serve as a membrane
50% of the radioactivity of chromium will disappear transport mechanism
from the circulation
-it allows the passage of molecules (inlet or outlet)
1% a day is emitted
Membrane enzyme systems
 Anucleate with a dense outer rim
 Na – k – ATPase
 Cytoplasm: uniformly pink without inclusions o Regulates the entry of Na and K in and
 Central pallor: 1/3 its diameter (pale because it
out so that Na is maintained as the
has no Hb)
major extracellular cation and K is
o >1/3 = lacks Hb (hypochromic)
maintained as the major intracellular
 Size: small lymphocyte: NUCLEUS IS cation.
COMPARABLE WITH THE NORMOCYTE o Impair: causes excessive inlet/ outlet of
 Slight variation in size and shape : <5% (increase cations
in shape and size is abnormal) o Excessive inlet = cell becomes
 Flexible and deformable : (biconcavity) hypertonic = swelling
RBC Membrane

 Surround the cell cytoplasm and internal  Ca- Mg- ATPase

structure  ATPase= active transport (requires transport
 Selective transport: it doesn’t easily allow the protein and expenditure of energy which is the
diffusion of substances ATP)
 Selects the entry of water, electrolytes and
other molecules Lipids
 Regulates the shape and deformability
 Phospholipid bilayer (liquid sealer): stabilized by
o 50% protein (one surface = peripheral)
the proteins where they are connected
(crosses the phospholipid = integral )
 Tail= hydrophobic; head= polar/ hydrophilic
o 40% lipid (phospholipid & cholesterol)
o External: phosphatidyl choline,
o 10% CHO (in combination of lipids =
glycolipids and sphingomyelin
glycolipids or with protein = o Internal: Cephalin, phosphatidylinositol
glycoprotein) exposed = antigenic
& phosphatidylserine
property of the blood cell
 Cholesterol (regulation of membrane fluidity
and permeability to electrolytes)
 Surface: area volume
 Plasma cholesterol, bile acids and the activity of
the enzyme LCAT
 plasma cholesterol high (hypercholesterolemia
= macrocytes and target cells )
 Bile acids: fat digestion & solubilization
 Lecitin cholesterol acyl transferase: cholesterol
esterification (Chole + ester (fatty acid) =
cholesterol ester)


 Insert table (gene disorder Comment)

Metabolic act in the rbc

Increase RNA = Immaturity of RBC – metabolic


Mature RBC = for gas transport

Immature: metabolically active

1. Embden Meyerhof pathway

a. Anerobic component is for the
production of ATP (90-95%)
b. For every glucose produces 4 ATP, 2 for
GDP (total ATP = 4; net is 2)
2. Hexose monophosphate shunt/ PPP
a. Oxidative glycolysis
b. 5-10% ATP
c. Generates NADPH
d. (reduced NADPH and glutathione)
Prevents denaturation of Hb by
i. Major antioxidant activity of the
red blood cell
3. Rapoport- Luebering pathways (production of
a. Methemoglobin Reduction

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