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Dear students,

These types of questions can be asked from the relevant readings. It's my humble request to all of you
to prepare this for examination point of view.

Dreze and Sen chapter3

1. What lessons can be learnt from diversity of experiences within India? Illustrate your answer with
emphasis on Indian states.

2. There is much more that india can learn from the diverse experiences of different states within the
country as it can learn from other countries with regards to economic development.” Discuss.

Dreze and Sen –Chapter2 & 3

1. Review the performance of Indian states in terms of SDP growth and human development
indicators. Briefly state the common features of development experiences shared by successful states.

2. “Maintaining a high growth economy is an important objective. It is also essential to pay attention to
the character of the growth process including equity and sustainability”. Discuss

Q 3: “While India has much to learn from international experiences, it has a great deal to learn from
diversity of experiences within the country.” Discuss.

Q 4: “The high achievement story conflicts somewhat with India’s mediocre performance in the progress
of quality of life as reflected in the standard social indicators”. Elaborate on this statement by doing a
comparative study of India with the rest of the world.

Q 5: “For India, lessons to be learnt from diverse experiences within the country are as important as
lessons from international comparisons with regards to economic development.” Discuss.

Q6 It is necessary to recognize the role of growth in facilitating development in the form of enhancing
human lives, but it is also necessary to appreciate how the growth possibilities, in turn, depend on the
advancement of human capabilities”. Discuss this statement with respect to Indian economy.

Q7: Compare and contrast India’s development experiences with that of other south Asian and BRICS

Q 8 There is something defective in India’s path to development. Critically analyze the statement in light
of comparison of India’s social indicators with non- African poor, south Asian and BRIC countries

Vijay Joshi--Education and Health

1. Assess India’s progress in the field of primary/ secondary / higher education. Highlight the key
problem areas and give suggestions for the improvement.

2. Discuss India’s performance in the area of health care- traditional public health/ primary care
/secondary care? Highlight the problem areas and suggest the measures to improve its performance.

3. Discuss in detail India’s performance in the area of education and health care. Suggest on the role of
state in these areas.


1. Discuss the salient features of India's demographic profile and examine the implications of this profile
for economic growth in India.

2. Discuss the major demographic and health related potential threats to India's future prosperity

3. “Demographic change in India is opening up new economic opportunities for the country. Policy
choices can potentiate India’s realization of economic benefits while failures to take advantage of these
opportunities can result in economic stagnation.” discuss this statement while discussing Population
Dynamics in India and its implications for economic growth.

4. Discuss in details the population Dynamics in India its implications for economic growth in the
country. Suggest the policy options for India to reap economic benefits from the favourable
demographics.( hint- for policy options, discuss-capturing India’s economic potential)

Nehru Era

Q 1: Discuss in details ‘Nehru- Mahalanobis’ strategy? Also discuss its main achievements and failures.

Q 2: Discuss in details ‘Nehru- Mahalanobis strategy. To what extent was this strategy successful in
taking India on a path of rapid economic growth?

3. Do you agree with the view that the resurgence of growth and transformation of Indian
Economy under the Nehru era is attributable to the economic policy regime of that period? Give reasons
in support of your answer.

Q 4: “The Shibboleth ‘Hindu rate of growth’, presumably a broad-brush description of the period prior to
the liberalization of the economy, manages to obscure rather than illuminate the extraordinary
economic dynamics of the Nehru era (1950-1964).” In light of the above statement, describe ‘the
economic dynamics of the Nehru era’ and discuss to what extent was the economic strategy of Nehru
Era successful in taking India on a path of rapid economic growth. (first part a statement from Nehru era
article - don’t get confused please)

Q 5 Describe the economic dynamics of the Nehru Era’ and discuss to what extent was the economic
strategy of Nehru era successful in taking India on a path of rapid economic growth?
Q6 In the context of Mahalanobis development strategy, explain the rationale behind promoting public
sector in India since 1951. What impact did this strategy have on India’s economic growth during the
Nehru Era?

Arvind Subramanian

1. Economic growth can be unleashed with a turn towards free markets and open trade, particularly true
for India in last 25 yrs. explain and justify that differential growth at the state level can be explained in
terms of decentralization dynamics.

2. Economic development results from the interaction of growth triggers with the right fundamentals
that allow the triggers to be exploited. Explain with reference to India.

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