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Mindfulness Meditation 
What is it? 
No matter how busy your schedule is, everybody deserves a couple minutes to 
themselves every day. Meditation is a s
​ tate of awareness​ that involves turning 
your attention to the mind itself. Basically, while focusing on being present in the 
moment, your mind and body are able to finally ​relax​. Mindfulness meditation 
techniques encourage you to acknowledge wandering thoughts and refocus your attention on the 
An everyday practice... 
★ Start off by sitting or lying in any comfortable position.  
★ Consider relaxing music or anything to block out noise. 
★ Close your eyes and only focus on yourself.  
★ You want to breath only through your nose.  
★ Inhale positivity, exhale negativity.  
★ Focus on your breath. 
★ If your mind wanders, return your focus to your breath.  
★ Maintain this for 2-3 minutes 
★ Try meditating longer once you are comfortable.. 

Meditation can be used for many purposes- from calming/ healing physical, emotional, and mental stress 
to achieving self- realization. On a physical level, just for starters, meditation lowers stress, anxiety, heart 
rate, and blood pressure. It improves your metabolism, immune system, and attention span. 

When to do it… 
Any time can be meditation time! Meditation is a great way to raise your energy level in the morning or get 
a more tranquil sleep at night. Utilize this practice whenever you are stressed, angry, or frustrated- if done 
properly, mediation will always result in feelings of freshness, peace, and happiness. 

Where to go… 
The Wellness Journey Studio- 33 Dover St, Brockton MA 

Boys and Girls Club- 233 Warren Ave, Brockton MA 


Cast A Stone, 700 Brockton Ave, Abington MA 

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