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Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected

building sector

1. Chapter One...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Introduction.................................................................................................................1
1.2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.............................................................................3
1.3. GENERAL OBJECTIVE..............................................................................................4
1.4. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES............................................................................................4
1.5. RESEARCH QUESTION............................................................................................4
1.6. SCOPE OF THE STUDY............................................................................................4
1.7. JUSTIFICATION/SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY....................................................4
1.8. LIMITATIONS............................................................................................................. 5
1.9. ORGANIZATION OF THE PAPER.............................................................................5
2. Chapter Two:..................................................................................................................................6
2.1. Literature Review...................................................................................................................6
2.2. Cause of rework in literature....................................................................................................6
2.3. Origin of Rework....................................................................................................................8
2.4. Client Related.........................................................................................................................8
2.5. Design Related.......................................................................................................................8
2.6. Constructor Related...............................................................................................................9
2.7. Vendor Related....................................................................................................................10
2.8. Transporter Related.............................................................................................................10
2.9. Multiple Causes of Rework.....................................................................................................11
Classification of Rework......................................................................................................14
Ethiopian context........................................................................................................17
Climatic Condition................................................................................................................20
3. CHAPTER; - THREE.....................................................................................................................21
3.1THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..........................................................................................21
Research Design................................................................................................................... 21

Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Data Collection...................................................................................................................... 22
SOURCES DATA.................................................................................................................. 22
Research Sample size and sampling technique....................................................................22
Population study.................................................................................................................... 23
Instruments of Data Collection...............................................................................................24
Survey questions................................................................................................................... 24
PROCESSING OF DATA......................................................................................................24
CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................... 24
LIMITATION OF THE RESEARCH.................................................................................................25
PROBABLE APPLICATION OF THE RESULTS...........................................................................26
POSSIBLE BENEFICIARIES OF THE RESULTS.........................................................................26
DRAFT OUTLINE OF THE FINAL THESIS....................................................................................26

Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector


The construction industry plays a key role in the development of Ethiopia and contributes
significantly to the growth of Ethiopia. The structural structures have changed drastically after
people began to build shelters.

There were not enough design details, and because there was no machine, people had to do
it through human force at that moment. Over thousands of years building technology has
advanced, with new building technologies. However, repairing is a common phenomenon in
Ethiopia's construction industry and has a major impact on the progress of projects. The
Reasons for building repairs remains largely unknown. The assessment by the Institute of
Construction Industry (CII) shows that the rework results in a total growth in costs of an
average of 5 percent and the majority of construction firms cannot cope efficiently with the
problem. Preliminary investigations have been undertaken in a variety of fields (O'Conner
and Tucker 1986; CII 1989; Burati et al 1992; Love et al. 1999a, b; Love 2002b; Fayek et al.
2003; Love and Edwards 2004).

The inventory of national assets thus contributes value in buildings that meet the criteria and
consequently GDP (Windapo & Rotimi, 2012). However if the stability of the structures is
below the standards, structural rework with associated implications is necessary (Reynolds &
Steed man, 1992).The possible reasons for building improvements in reinforced concrete
could lead to failure, including death, injury to people and loss of property, with associated
consequences. In order to research the causes of rework in construction projects, we would
like to investigate a range of causes and firstly we would like to classify those people in
Ethiopia through a detailed literary analysis and semi-structured interviews or questionnaires

An inquiry will also be carried out in response to the unclearing of project Management, low
productivity of building technology and poor use of construction materials, which will prioritize
the causes. Finally, research has been found to be the most important aspects of these
variables. This study leads to the review of the root causes of the repair performed by lideta
construction specialists. Increase current understanding of the root causes of rework for the
culture of Lideta suburbs.

Literature has demonstrated that the worst loss is the breakdown of structures between the
current and those under development in many emerging counties (Figueroa, 2014, Ayodeji,
2011; Oloyede et al., 2010).Ethiopia is not excluded from building collapse accidents.

Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

So what's the rework? What Literature has shown is that the biggest loss is the institutional
breakdown in many developing countries between current and under-developed countries
(Figueroa 2014, Ayodeji 2011; Oloyede et al. 2010). Is it possible to rework in the sense of
reinforced concrete? These are the main research issues that are considered in this research

Rework is defined as an unwanted attempt to rework a process/product that does not comply
with customer requirements or existing standards (Abayneh, 2020). Described as "Rework
shall be referred to as a process of repetition of an activity that has already been completed
or an activity that has been incorrectly carried out in the first instance" (Love, 2002).

According to Chandrusha & Basha (2017), the rework has been described as an
unnecessary effort to redo an activity that has been incorrectly carried out for the first time or
a process by which an item is made to comply with the original requirement by completion or
correction. According to the definition of the Organization for the Growth of the Construction
Industry, CIDA, (1995) Rework is carried out at least one more time due to non-compliance
with the requirements. The second definition describes rework as a method for creating an
object that needs to be modified to a specification by modification or completion (Ashford,

Little is known about the rework of causes in Ethiopia, especially in our case of the Lideta
sub-city, Addis Ababa. The purpose of this study was to understand the causes of the rework
in reinforced concrete. The goal was to establish rework management measures so that
adequate measures could be formulated. The research included semi-structured interviews
and a questionnaire survey approach.


In several countries around the world, the building industry is known as the economic
cornerstone. As a developing world, the construction industry in Ethiopia plays an important
role in national growth. The key challenges facing the construction industry in Ethiopia are
delay, complete costs and frustration (Mohammed et al, 2019). Rework in the building
industry is a major issue and has been described as one of the key causes of timetable
delays, cost overruns and the discontent of parties in Ethiopia (Abraham et al., 2018).
Rework is a new vocabulary in the construction language that becomes necessary when an
aspect of construction works does not fulfill the specifications of the customer or when the
work done does not comply with the contract documents (Oyewobi et al, 2010).

There are several factors that may contribute to rework in building projects. Some
causes are direct and require more than one period to be conducted in work activities.
Rework can negatively affect the project time and cost as well as the satisfaction of both
contractor and client.

Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

 The key objective of this study is to determine the causes of rework for the building
industry in Lideta sub city in reinforced concrete structures, Addis Ababa

 Identifying the reasons in rework of construction projects in the reinforced concrete

 Analysis of the occurrence of rework causes in reinforced concrete on building projects

 Suggesting possible causes of rework to expand existing knowledge of the underlying


The following questions raised and responded through a detailed analysis that was
conducted in research process.

 What are the causes of work on building sites in Lideta suburbs in the reinforced concrete

 What are the rates of rework causes?


Our thesis focuses primarily on the awareness of the causes of rework in the construction
project for Lideta sub city buildings.


Help to expand existing knowledge of the underlying causes of rework for the lideta sub city
construction community

Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Our study is limited to the chosen lideta sub-city construction field and the vires impacting the
global economies named covid-19 .This research is limited to studying only the most
prevalent forms of reworked building triggers that will alter the performance of lideta
construction projects.


The thesis is composed of five chapters.

Chapter One: Introduction – This chapter provides Background of research, Statement of

Problem, General and Specific Objectives, Research Questions, Scope of the Study,
Justification/Significance of the Study, Limitations, and Organization of the paper

Chapter Two: Literatures Review – In this chapter, previous studies and researches
related to rework are reviewed in detail.

Chapter Three: Research Methodology – This chapter deals with the research
method which consists of the research approach, population and sampling technique,
data collection and data analysis methods. Relevant verification tools and supportive
instruments are noted.

Chapter Four: Results, Analysis and Discussions – Descriptive results of the

quantitative and qualitative data obtained using questionnaire survey; case studies
and interviews are analyzed and discussed in this chapter.

Chapter Five: Conclusion and Recommendation – This chapter provides a summary

of findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the thesis. And also, suggestions
for further researches are forwarded.


Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Literature Review
The definition of rework must first be explained, and the way it is interpreted often leads to a
new analysis process which in turn leads to different research outcomes (Love et al.2010).
Ashford (1992) describes rework as the method of redoing and recovering to make the built
subject meet the initial construction purpose. The Construction Industry Development Agency
(1995), conversely, defines Rework as the additional job triggered by an inconsistency with
the project's initial requirement. Love (2002) states that rework is the process or event
caused by deviations, faults, unqualified quality problems, or quality accidents, whereas
Josephson et al. (2002) define rework as unnecessary output caused by mistakes
undertaken during the construction process. According to Good Manufacture Practice (2010),
rework refers to the production of a product that has not satisfied the quality standards of the
regular procedures. As the preceding definitions demonstrate, rework is normally defined
from a negative and passive perspective, although it can also be the active process of
redoing some parts of a project to improve its function or value despite already having
satisfied the original expected function.

Cause of rework in literature

Analysis has been undertaken by a number of academics and organizations globally to
determine the reasons of rework for various forms of programs. Hwanget al. (2009) examines
the causes of rework in 359 building projects and describes ownership shifts and structural
mistakes/omissions as the most significant of these. From 1999 to 2002 in Australia, Love et
al. (1999, 2002) and Love and Li (2000) carried out a series of research projects to ascertain
the causes of construction project rework. They conclude that for residential construction
projects, rework is predominantly attributed to design errors and design changes, whereas for
industrial construction projects, rework is primarily caused by construction changes and
construction errors because of poor detailing and workmanship. Similar studies were later
conducted with civil engineering projects (e.g., Love et al. 2004, 2009, 2010). For example,
Love et al. (2010) use a stepwise multiple regression analysis to determine the major
variables involved in 115 Australian civil engineering projects. The results indicate that
the main rework causes are the ineffective use of information technology, excessive owner
involvement in the project, lack of clearly defined working procedures, changes made at the
request of the owner, and insufficient changes initiated by the contractor to
improvequality.In an investigation of seven Swedish building projects,

Josephson and Hammarlund (1998) describe eight principal rework factors, including volatility
of the owner organization, owner project management, customer participation, time
constraints, structure of the project organization, cost pressures, site organization funding,
and enthusiasm of people.

Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Josephson et al. (2002) later carried out another study of Swedish building projects and found
that the most important causes of rework were erroneous workmanship, unsuitable or deficient
design, and lack of coordination in planning, late delivery of materials, planning errors, and
unreliable production. The Building Owners Association of Alberta (COAA) in Canada a year later
(Fayek et al.2003) used a cause and effect (CE) diagram, which is also known as a fishbone
diagram, to explore all the potential or actual causes of rework and found that the main reasons
for rework are consistency not ensured before issued for construction, lack of inspection, and
poor workmanship of prefabricated material.

Fig 1. Cause and effect diagram –Model of the Root Causes of Rework (Fayek et al. 2003)

Oyewobiet al. (2011) in Nigeria evaluates rework cost on an elemental basis. However, the
underlying reasons for rework relating to different elements of buildings need further
investigation. There is a need to identify the underlying causes involved. This will enable the
future growth of explanations for effectively managing reworks in lideta sub city.

Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Origin of Rework

According to Davis et al. (1989), such causes are the source of rework in building projects,
which have been divided into five sources of rework. A description of their meanings is given
in Table 2.

 Client Related

 Design Related

 Constructor Related

 Vendor Related, and

 Transporter Related

Client Related

Palaneeswaran (2006) described a variety of problems assigned to clients that have

contributed to rework in construction projects. These client considerations contribute to
insufficient expertise and design awareness and procedures involved in construction work,
inadequate resources committed to site audits, early participation in the construction project,
inadequate contact with design contractors and sufficient administration of contract
documentation Any of these areas has been described as a source of anomalies resulting in
alteration, mistake or omission (Dalty and Crawhaw, 1973). The suggested advice in the
literature was that clients and project executors should follow a joint communicative approach
(Walker 1994).

Design Related

Where reporting is lacking, there is a need for the design team to ensure that contractors are
presented with the design appraisal status and the scope for improvement as demonstrated
by the building industry institutions (CII 1990). Failure to supply this information often results
in rework while contractors behave otherwise due to contact issues (Josephson and
Hammarlund 1999). A research undertaken by Love and Li (2000) showed that the
coordination and proper alignment of design team members limiting the flow of information
was a major cause of rework. Likewise, the technical differences between engineers and
architects have resulted in drawings and dimensional mistakes, which inevitably contribute to
rework at the point of success.

Constructor Related

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Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

The expertise of the constructor (main contractor) is important to ensure the proper
cooperation of all other subordinates operating alongside the project (Chan 1998; Walker
1994). This will ensure the quality of the administration of site teams and subcontractors.
According to a company roundtable meeting held in 1982, it was concluded that the failure of
the contractor's boss to prepare efficiently organize assignments and negotiate effectively
resulted in failures contributing to the reworking of finished operations. In a further study
performed by Cusack (1992), he clarified that the non-implementation of a quality scheme
(i.e. incorrect selection of subcontractors, bad workmanship, insufficient supervision) for the
management of mate processes increased by around 10%.

Vendor Related

The mechanism by which the procurement process is managed must be optimized in such a
manner as to minimize the occurrence of rework in such a process (Love et al. 1999a). As it
has been recognised that the performance of the project depends on the effectiveness of the
main contractor (and its subcontractors and suppliers), the progress of the construction
phase depends on this reality (Chan, 1998: Faniran et al., 1999; Walker, 1994). It has been
further emphasized that other concerning areas upon which rework comes to play by the
vendors lies in poor use or choice of materials (Josephson et al. 2002).

Transporter Related

Changes in terms of transport have been due to mistake arising from collisions, lack of safety
assurance awareness, and error-related changes that lead to standard variations that need to be

Table 2.1: Definitions of Origin of Rework

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Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Origin of Rework Definitions and examples

Client Related Changes resulting from poor project definition, poor

Communication, poor knowledge of design, inadequate funds.

Design Related Changes that occur as a result of error or omission in the project
design or requirement

Constructor Related Error/Omissions made by constructor due to change in

Construction methods, sequence of activities, procedure or job

functions, inadequate supervision. Also, changes could occur as a
result of change in constructor

Vendor Related Changes resulting from items necessary for execution were

Erroneously omitted by vendor Also, changes can occur as a result

of change in vendor

Transportation Related Changes occurring due to mistake during transport, accidents or

transportation error

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Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
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Multiple Causes of Rework

In an assessment conducted by Love et al. (1997), the report states the main causes of
rework to be people, design, and construction. It was explained that each group has its
representation arms by which it brings about rework in construction projects; this has been
depicted in Figure 1.1.

Figure 2.1: Generic cause and effect rework diagram (Love et al., 1997)

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Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
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Likewise, Evans and Lindsay (1996) and Mandal et al. (1998) note that it is possible to divide
a construction project work system into three sub-systems: technological and operational,
human resources and quality control. On this basis, Love et al. (1999a) established a model
that reveals the variables affecting the causes of the rework shown in Figure 2.2. All of these
are said to be implicit in the consistency that shapes the overall operation, the strategic
formation and the means to ensure that customer loyalty is accomplished. These factors also
influence the skills acquisition of employees, the level of training, the motivation building of
employees, and enhance the right decision-making in the construction arena and their
organization as a whole.

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Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
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Figure 2.2: Interactions among the three sub-systems of a project (Love et al., 1999a)

In an account to understand what influences rework directly and indirectly, Wasfy

(2010) defines two categories of rework into direct and indirect causes of rework. The
direct factors are said to be the factors that affect the rework directly on field operations,
and these have been identified as lack of proper supervision of construction projects,
incompetent supervision, poor workmanship, defective material, and design errors. On
the other hand, indirect rework causes have been classified as situations that will lead to
rework, which include: improper subcontractor selection, poor work protection, lack of
collaboration, and improper work sequencing. A diagrammatical representation of the
two forms of rework is illustrated in the Figure 2.3 below:

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Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
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Other types of rework, client-initiated improvements, non-variations and defects have been
reported (Love and Li 2000). It was then assumed that due to the complexities of building
processes, the different triggers of rework are interrelated.

Classification of Rework
Following the discovery of the causes of rework in building projects, some scholars have
continued to identify these causes. According to Burati et al. (1992), their findings indicate the
classification of rework in the study of building projects to be classified as design and
construction as seen in Table 2.2. The categories included the rework styles, the rework
variables and their explanations. In explaining the types, Love et al. (1998) stress that rework
in construction projects are aggravated by error made in the design process and only
manifest during the procurement stage. The longer the error goes unnoticed, the greater the
impact will be on the cost and schedule of the project (Love et al., 2009).

In certain cases, the signs of fault in such cases are visible during the integration period (Busby
and Hughes 2004), thus prolonging the length of the rework to be carried out on such a project.
In the same way, omission contributes significantly to the rework of the project, which may be
due to the company's work practice that would not handle the project adequately during the
execution of the project. A study conducted by Love et al. (2009) investigated the impact of
omission in construction and resource engineering projects. It was revealed that a major factor
contributing to omission is the design fee when discussing the design related rework.

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Table 2.2: Rework Classification System (Burati et al. 1992)

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Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Category Type Tertiary Description used

- A change is made at the request of the


- A change made by the client/clients’

representative to the design

- Design change initiated by the occupier

- A change in design initiated by a supplier/


- Design revisions, modifications and

improvements initiated by the contractor or
Client/client rep. - The source of the change could not be
Occupier determined, as there was not enough
Manufacture information available.
Change Improvement
Error Unknown - Discussion with project manager does not
Omissio reveal the cause Errors are mistakes made in
n the design
- Design omission results when a necessary
item or component is omitted from the design

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Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

- A change in the methods to construction in

order to improve constructability

- Changes in construction methods due to site


- A change made by the client/clients’

representative after some work has been
performed on-site. Occurs when a product or
process has been completed

- Process or product needs to be


Contractor request to improve quality

- The source of the change cannot be

Construction Site determined, as there is not enough information
conditions available. Discussion with project manager did
Client/client rep. not reveal the cause
Change Manufacture - Construction errors are the result of
Error Improvement erroneous construction methods or procedures
Omission Unknown
Damage - Construction omissions are those activities
Construction that occur due to omission of some activities

- Damage may be caused by a subcontractor

or inclement weather

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building sector

When addressing the change factor as the explanation for the rework of the project, Burati et
al. (1992) claimed that the change in some form of the project after the work has been carried
out changes the existing project requirement which results in the reworking of the building.
According to CII (1990), rework in the context of transition has an effect on the negativity of
the project in which the loss of the productivity of staff and the overall output of the project
can be tackled. In a wider context, the Alberta Building Owners Affiliate (COAA, 2002) also
reclassifies rework triggers as follows. The product of an analysis carried out by (Ruwanpura
et al. 2003) which was used to portray the condition of cause and effect of rework on
construction work. Contributing variables have been categorized into five separate branches
as follows:

• Human Resources Capacity: It has been reported that some of the major contributors
to the rework of construction work are insufficient supervision, lack of skillful workmanship,
lack of expertise on the part of the instructor and poor job planning.

• Leadership and Communications: the failure of the leader to impose effective quality
management in order to maintain regulation on the part of subordinates, inadequate
communication and poor enforcement of safety requirements make a major contribution to the

• Engineering and Reviews: Mistake, omission and change characterize the

engineering design epidemic, which is followed by weak document management and
changes in scope.

• Construction planning and scheduling: some of the resulting factors in the planning
and scheduling of construction have led to problems with construction, inadequate benefit,
late implementation of the design and an unrealistic timetable.

• Materials and equipment: not receiving materials at the right time, materials not
meeting the specifications of the project, and compliance problems are the results of bad
material handling.

Ethiopian context

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building sector

The construction industry in Ethiopia has been on a fast-growing road, which plays an
instrument in the development of the country. In the last ten years, Addis Ababa has
undergone an immense amount of work in the field of construction. This resulted in a very
rapid growth and change over this time The city has created a lot of facilities and government
building opportunities. The development of the city is accelerated by the construction of
private and government-owned buildings. Large and sophisticated government buildings are
being constructed, attracting domestic contractors and construction firms from all over the
world. But our undeveloped construction method is leading to a culture of rework, which is
mainly due to the following reason:


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One of the reasons for the delays was building flaws and reworks to correct the errors due to
faulty work man ship, according to several studies on the issues of 20/80 condominium
housing construction projects. This will impact the lives of the tenants and will also offer a
negative picture of the parties involved in the development of condominium housing.

Construction methods that may not be free of defects, inconsistent or substandard

workmanship, and the use of incorrect construction details may lead to short-term or long-list
defects. Wide varieties of construction materials cannot be very close to each other or below
the stated requirements for quality materials. During construction, severe site conditions can
undermine performance standards.

Therefore, the use of common materials tends to minimize flaws caused by inferior
construction materials. For example, the selection of aggregates that are hard, rough,
mineral-free and well graded for a well-proportioned mix ratio maintains the necessary
concrete strength, density, porosity, workability and curing time for the intended purpose
Thus it is possible to hold problems such as cracks caused by shrinkage and/or overstressing
within limits. Slab floor leakage, delaminating or worse collapse can be managed due to poor
concrete quality.

Monitoring defects caused by poor workmanship is significant, as they can easily be

avoided. Problems caused by poor technical skills such as mixture segregation in concrete
manufacturing leading to low quality/strength of concrete, loose tie of reinforcement bars
leading to misplacement of the bars leading to tension over structure. Due to mistaken
workmanship, installation materials for service are often caused by fitting problems. Fitting
issues, inadequate construction of sanitary pipes can lead to leakage, electrical installation
problems, and excessive filings around windows and door frames are often caused by poor
workmanship. It is possible to prevent these problems by closely managing the job and
improving the workforce's technical skills and maintaining good working conditions.

To avoid needless pollution and wastage of construction materials, good

construction management and technical skills are important. Strong management also helps
to control mistakes in workmanship, thereby preventing defects caused by poor
workmanship. Organized on-site material handling and storage systems, for example, can
prevent contamination of materials such as steel corrosion or aggregate mineral attack due to
the storage of top soil areas. This prevents problems caused by corroded steel material; if it
is used as a steel reinforcing material, the tensile stress on the reinforced concrete
framework cannot be overcome and structural cracks can lead to over-stressing of the
structure. Occur undermining the stability of the whole structure. The spelling of the concrete
cover may also occur due to the corroded steel making the concrete structure more
susceptible to carbonation, seriously affecting the strength of the material.

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General deficiencies can arise from poor project management, lack of experience and
labor competence, language barriers to communication and lack of communication, and
unsuitable construction equipment.


Inexperienced contractors and the client have contributed to insufficient design, according to
(Andualem Endris. 2014), resulting in many revisions to proposals, requirements, and
contract terms that resulted in orders of variance.

When the number of variance orders for a project increases, so does the probability of
conflict between the contracting parties. Such a confusion may arise because one or more of
the parties lack complete knowledge of the variation order process itself the costs involved in
implementing adjustments, or delays, disputes, and disruption of the construction sequence
and schedule that could adversely affect the coordination of the project.

Variation instructions included modification, extension, exclusion and replacement in terms of

consistency, quantity and schedule of operation (Adnan et al., 2010). Any addition, omission
or other alteration of the project objectives and scope of work shall be deemed to be
variations, whether they increase or decrease the cost of the project or the timetable (Ibbs et
al., 2001).

Sun and Meng's work (2008) suggested that variations in construction projects relate
to alterations in design, construction, project programs or project aspects caused by changes
in pre-existing circumstances, assumptions or specifications. Variation orders have an impact
on overall project output (Ruben, 2008). This is because differences will result in significant
changes to the length of the contract, overall direct and indirect costs, or both.

In most of the country's sub-city, such as Lideta, where new infrastructure and buildings are
being constructed, the occurrence of variation orders on public projects seems to be normal.
Most public construction projects in Lideta have been postponed, with a certain amount of
deviation orders increasing from the original value of the contract amount. According to the
team leader of Addis Ababa Housing Development and Construction Bureau, Supervision
and Follow-up department, variation is ordered for most of the projects. The projects were
delayed and the cost of the projects increased.

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Climatic Condition

It is important to consider the climatic conditions of the construction area and the
effects on building materials. This means that buildings in the country tend to weather quickly,
especially with regard to external building materials which are exposed to external causes
such as rain, wind, solar radiation, including ultraviolet light, and atmospheric pollution.
Fungal stains, harmful growth, peeling of paint, deterioration of mortar joints and faulty
plastering are some examples of tis element.


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This segment highlights the methods used to determine the goals and priorities in the
report. The sample size, data collection methods, and how they were administered
are also discussed.

Research Design

This study investigated the reasons for the remodeling and rating of the reworked concrete
building on Lideta sub-city. In the introductory chapter of this report, the literature reviews
addressed that three variables can be grouped into the fundamental issues of the rework as
evaluated by previous researchers: humanity, method and technology.

Several steps have been taken to undertake this study. Preliminary literature review and
research experience in the construction projects had first been done to define the issue.

In addition, a detailed analysis of the subject literature was performed on the basis of the
defined issue. Next the study of the causes and impacts of rework in the Lideta building
project was undertaken with a view to finding out whether this corresponds to the literature
discussed or not.

The survey, interview, case study, and observation questionnaire for a particular project has
therefore been chosen as a research method to collect their opinions to obtain factual
knowledge about the factors and implications of revisions.

After questionnaire creation, there was a phase where some words were clarified and certain
formalities were requested to be modified.

The final form of the questionnaire was generated or organized and distributed to the
selected samples at the end of this process through minor changes, amendments and
additions. Finally, to determine causes and goals for reworking the results of the
questionnaire were analyzed and based on this analysis some guidelines were given to
mitigate and reduce reworking causes.

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Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Data Collection
This thesis followed a research strategy among the different research strategies available
because of the existence of the issue being investigated (Fellows & Liu, 2008). The research
was carried out by research design and exploratory explanations (McNabb, 2009). A
comprehensive literature review was undertaken to determine the causes of the rework of
reinforced concrete buildings that led to the configuration of the study interview schedule. The
research was performed on reinforced concrete structures in the suburbs of Lideta.

There could not be found in the field of study number of reinforced concrete buildings under
construction; thus the physical counting was carried out and 70 buildings were completed.
Randomly chosen for data collection were calculated sampling scale 59 buildings under
renovation (Kothari, 2004).

In 78% of reinforced concrete buildings under renovation, interviews were performed. Two
sets of interview schedules were drawn up for the contractor and designer from each
reinforced concrete building selected for data collection (consultant). On the one side, the
timetable suggested the causes of building collapse by using the 5-point Liker scale where 1
showed a very small effect, while 5 showed very large effects. In the other hand, the
timetable allowed experts to identify building failures affecting the magnitude of one to eight

Research Sample size and sampling technique

The determination of sample size is the act of selecting the number of observations or of
replicates in a statistical sample. The sample size is an essential feature of any empirical
research that attempts to assess a sample population.

26 | P a g e
Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Population study
In the sub-city area, the study population and the sample volume were confined. Random
collection of customer, contractor and consultant data was used. According to the revised
data we receive, there are more than 263 contractors (grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3) and
204 consultants here in Addis Abeba, respectively on May 07, 2015 and August 2018. We
have taken roughly 233 customers by taking an average of 263 and 204. We had
approximately 700 population sizes by incorporating whole parties. Of the 700 people in total,
37,58% are contracting groups, 29,14% are consulting companies and 33,28% are

3.3.2. Sample design and Sampling methods

The selection of the number of comments or replicates to be included in a statistical survey is

the sample size determination. The sample size is an important characteristic of an empirical
analysis, in which a sample is deduced. The response was how many answers do we need
statistically sound results? ”

In calculation of sample size for the study population, statistical equation was used. To
measure sample size, following statistical equation was used (Creative Research System,


SS : The sample size

Z : Z value ( e.g. 1.96 for 95% confidence interval )

P : is the (estimated) proportion of the population which has the attribute to rework which is
90% and 10% is not attribute to rework.

C : Maximum error of estimation (0.1)

SS=((1.96)^2 (0.9)(0.1))/(0.1)^2 = 34.57 35 Total samples

The sample size (SSnew) of contracting companies, consultant offices & clients was some
proportion of the above total sample size which is 35 respondents. It was calculated by the
portioning as follows;

The contracting companies (grade1, grade2 and grade 3) are 37.58% of SS, the consultancy
offices are 29.14% of SS and the client’s agencies are 33.28% of SS. Therefore,

SSnew for contracting companies, Snew = 35*0.3758 = 13.15 13

SSnew for consultancy offices, SSnew = 35*0.2914 = 10.2 10

27 | P a g e
Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Instruments of Data Collection

To accomplish the analysis goals and answer test questions appropriately by way of
evaluating records and questionnaires.

Survey questions
1. Survey at selected active (under construction) projects in lideta the survey would be
on site and office data collection and conducting interviews

2. Distribution of questionnaire among experienced Project Managers, Construction

Engineers, Construction Supervisors and Construction Foremen in both consulting
and construction firms, sub-contractor.

3. Collecting relevant data from governmental institutions

4. Use of internet web sites to find relevant information

1. Comparison between projects

2. Analysis

Formulation of recommendation from the results obtained.

The following figure illustrates the procedure implemented to the research methodology

Thesis research proposal

Detailed literature review

Survey Questioners, document


28 | P a g e
Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Qualitative and quantitative Data


1. Conclusion and
Chart -1 research design flow chart recommendation


 The research is limited to building construction projects in Ethiopia

1. Preparation
2. Literature Survey
3. Interview and distribution of questionnaire
4. Data collection on site
5. Presentation of progress report of the thesis
6. Data analysis and interpretation
7. Write-up
8. Submission
9. Thesis defense


The result will be applicable to the Ethiopian construction industry towards an
effective construction management system.

29 | P a g e
Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector


 Consultants
 Contractors
 Project owners
 Educational Institutions
 Professional Associations
 Future studies in construction management and related topics





Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

1. Chapter 1: Introduction
2. Chapter 2: literature review
3. Chapter 3: Manpower Planning in the Ethiopian Construction Industry
4. Chapter 4: Research Methodology
5. Chapter 5: Results and Analysis
6. Chapter 6: Conclusion and Recommendations

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Cause of rework of reinforced concrete Structure at lideta sub city on selected
building sector

Appendices deposal

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