Fishing For The Future: Red Gabriel Convocar

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Red Gabriel Convocar

Fishing for the Future

The documentary revolves around sustainable fisheries and its vital role in keeping the
fishermen’s nets full, our plates filled, and the next generation’s hopes alive. With the adverse
effects of overfishing, destructive fishing, along with the population boom and decline of
resources, our need to preserve and manage our coastal resources becomes a dire concern for
all Filipinos as seen by the damaged ecosystems and fewer, smaller catches. Thankfully, we
have started to grow up from our selfish ways. With the advent of FISH, MPAs, government
ordinances, coast guards, and other projects to help promote sustainable fishing, we are
starting to bring back the life in our seas, more fish to catch, at the same time protecting our
environment. We all know that these projects will not work by themselves; strict
implementation, cooperation, well-structured planning, and the idea of selflessness are needed
for these tasks to become truly-effective in reality not just on paper. Some of these efforts are
already starting to pay off; yet the road to recovery and sustainability is long and winding but
we are heading to the right path. And we will soon see the smiles on the small-time fisherman’s
face once again.

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