D7.1 Testing and Validation Plan

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Ref. Ares(2017)2217168 - 28/04/2017

D7.1 Testing and Validation Plan

ThermoDrill Identifier: ThermoDrill-D71-GES-03-Testing and Validation Plan
Author(s) and company: Roland Faschingbauer (GES) Thomas Stoxreiter, Patrick Eisner,
Sepp Steinlechner (all MUL), Antony Martin (RED), Dimitra Teza,
Jörg Baumgärtner (both BESTEC), Clement Baujard (ESG),
Alexander Buchner (SIRIUS), Gary Portwood, Simone Pallesi (both
SMITH), Johann Plank, Timon Echt (both TUM), Peter Meier,
Frederic Guinot, (both GES)
Document status: Final
Work package: WP7
Confidentiality: Public
Keywords: Testing, validation, concepts, testing, jetting, intensifier, cutting,
Abstract: This document describes theoretical framework, tools and plan in
order to initiate test and validation process
The work was supported by
the Swiss State Secretariat This project is
for Education, Research and funded by the
Innovation (SERI) under European Union
contract No. 15.0163

Version Date Reason of change

1 2017-03-28 Document created
2 2017-04-26 Partner contribution integrated
3 2017-04-28 Final version

The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the
official views of the Swiss Government and/or the European Union
ThermoDrill D 7.1 Testing and Validation Plan

Table of Content

1.  Executive Summary........................................................................................................... 1 

2.  Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2 

2.1  Purpose of this document ............................................................................................. 2 
2.2  Scope of this document ................................................................................................ 2 
2.3  Related Documents ...................................................................................................... 2 

3.  Theoretical Framework ..................................................................................................... 3 

3.1  HSE Aspects and Risk Management ............................................................................ 3 
3.2  Comparison - Framework Conditions (August 2016 and April 2017) ........................... 5 
3.3  Gantt Chart – Project Overview .................................................................................... 6 
3.4  Gantt Chart – Development and Testing Overview ...................................................... 7 
3.5  Geothermal High Pressure Jetting/Rotary Concept – Hard Rock ................................. 8 
3.5.1  Basic Understanding and Approach...........................................................................................................................8 
3.5.2  Overall Scope and Methodology ................................................................................................................................9 
3.5.3  Test Results and Status Quo .....................................................................................................................................9 
3.5.4  Data Collection and Evaluation ................................................................................................................................10 

3.6  Geothermal Downhole Drive Mechanism – ThermoDrive .......................................... 12 

3.6.1  General Information - Downhole Pressure Intensifier Tool (D-PIT) .........................................................................12 
3.6.2  Basic Understanding, Resources and Approach .....................................................................................................12 

3.7  Geothermal Downhole Pressure Intensifier – ThermoPrInt ........................................ 13 

3.7.1  Basic Understanding, Resources and Approach .....................................................................................................13 

3.8  Geothermal Drill Bit – ThermoBit ................................................................................ 13 

3.8.1  Overall Scope and Methodology ..............................................................................................................................13 
3.8.2  Bit Design Process ...................................................................................................................................................14 
3.8.1  Standards/Norms related to Drill Bits .......................................................................................................................17 

3.9  Geothermal Drilling Fluid - ThermoFluid ..................................................................... 17 

3.9.1  Basic Understanding and Approach.........................................................................................................................17 
3.9.2  Resources and Responsibility ..................................................................................................................................18 
3.9.3  Overall Scope and Methodology ..............................................................................................................................18 
3.9.4  Equipment used for Fluid Testing ............................................................................................................................19 
3.9.5  Standards/Norms related to Drilling Fluids...............................................................................................................19 

3.10  Integration Plan........................................................................................................... 20 

4.  Testing Setup and Execution Plan ................................................................................. 22 

4.1  Geothermal High Pressure Jetting/Rotary– Hard Rock .............................................. 22 
4.1.1  Recently performed High Pressure Jetting Tests at one industry partner’s site ......................................................22 
4.1.2  Data Collection .........................................................................................................................................................24 

4.2  Geothermal Downhole Drive Mechanism – ThermoDrive .......................................... 24 

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ThermoDrill D 7.1 Testing and Validation Plan

4.2.1  Acceptance Pressure Test .......................................................................................................................................24 

4.2.2  Acceptance Function Test........................................................................................................................................25 
4.2.3  Data Collection .........................................................................................................................................................25 

4.3  Geothermal Downhole Pressure Intensifier – ThermoPrInt ........................................ 25 

4.3.1  Acceptance Pressure Test .......................................................................................................................................25 
4.3.2  Acceptance Function Test........................................................................................................................................26 
4.3.3  Data Collection .........................................................................................................................................................26 

4.4  Geothermal Drill Bit – ThermoBit ................................................................................ 26 

4.4.1  Acceptance Tests.....................................................................................................................................................28 
4.4.2  Data Collection .........................................................................................................................................................28 

4.5  Geothermal Drilling/Jetting Fluid - ThermoFluid ......................................................... 29 

4.5.1  Previous Testing and Evaluation of Sepiolite Fluid ..................................................................................................29 
4.5.2  Drilling/Jetting Fluid Testing Procedure ...................................................................................................................32 
4.5.3  Drilling/Jetting Fluid Requirements ..........................................................................................................................34 
4.5.4  Fluid Acceptance Tests, Requirements, Data Availability ........................................................................................34 
4.5.5  High Temperature and Pressure Test ......................................................................................................................34 
4.5.6  Superior Capability of the Thermodrill System .........................................................................................................35 
4.5.7  Filtration Tests – Solids Control ...............................................................................................................................35 
4.5.8  Reservoir Damage Tests .........................................................................................................................................35 
4.5.9  Disposal Tests of Drilling/Jetting Fluid and Cutting ..................................................................................................35 
4.5.10  Data Collection .........................................................................................................................................................35 

4.6  ThermoDrill Field Test ................................................................................................ 36 

4.6.1  Field Test at RED Well .............................................................................................................................................36 
4.6.2  Considered Field Test Scenarios .............................................................................................................................36 
4.6.3  Thermodrill BHA Acceptance Test ...........................................................................................................................37 
4.6.4  Downhole Test .........................................................................................................................................................38 
4.6.5  Data Collection .........................................................................................................................................................39 

4.7  Considerable Test Rigs and Test Bench .................................................................... 39 

4.7.1  WEATHERFORD Evaluation Centre (WEC) in UK ..................................................................................................39 
4.7.2  IRIS ULLRIG Drilling and Well Centre – in NOR......................................................................................................40 
4.7.3  Drilling Simulator Celle (DSC) TU Clausthal ............................................................................................................40 
4.7.4  Centre de Géosciences MINES ParisTech ..............................................................................................................40 

5.  Conclusions and Next Steps .......................................................................................... 41 

6.  List of Figures and Tables .............................................................................................. 42 

7.  Glossary ........................................................................................................................... 43 

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1. Executive Summary
ThermoDrill is an interdisciplinary project of research and industrial partners from across
Europe who joined forces to innovate deep geothermal drilling by combining proven and
cost-effective technologies into a completely new process.
This document sums up the general evaluation objectives for all research and testing
purposes of the project. HSE aspects and risk management in terms of testing and setup has
been emphasized at the beginning of this document.
The development and the findings from previous testing were shown as comparison of the
elaborated conditions from August 2016 and April 2017.
With the addition of the project Gantt Chart to this document, the current status is easy to be
recognized and it can be seen that the project activities are within timeline and feasible.
Nevertheless, we need to be clear that this is a research project and consideration of
changes and deviation of planning may occur.
Each research and development route of the consortium underwent substantial efforts to
achieve their objectives. The results of the tests performed within the last 20 months are
shown as brief summary and a starting point for the upcoming evaluation and testing.
With regard to high pressure jetting, in April 2017 a test campaign has been finalized with
really promising results. This led the consortium to plan additional tests in order to better
understand the interaction between hydraulic power and jetting effectivity. The evaluation of
these tests is still ongoing and will influence/support the design of the tools and parts.
Regarding the development of the Down Hole Pressure Intensifier Tool (D-PIT) certain
experts in high pressure pumps agreed to support the project by manufacturing some tools.
The D-PIT consists of a down hole Drive Mechanism (ThermoDrive) and the direct
connected Pressure Intensifier (ThermoPrInt). Both will be mounted in a standard drill collar
and will be handled as one tool for drilling and field testing objectives.
Fluid testing and validating is still an ongoing process, which is now focused on a sepiolite
fluid system. Detailed information about testing and evaluation during the last 20 months can
be found in the WP4, Deliverable D4.1.
Providing that the development of the individual components is successfully, each will
undergo a test and validation process, which is herein described in detail.
The target for this testing and validation plan is to be able to finally perform testing in a real
borehole and under drilling conditions.
Alternatively, the consortium considers introducing test rigs and/or a test bench to have the
possibilities for testing outside the wellbore.

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2. Introduction
2.1 Purpose of this document

This document provides a conceptual framework in terms of general evaluation of objectives,

including HSSE aspects, for testing, high pressure jetting, tools and fluids in order to initiate
setup and execute testing for each relevant compartment of the ThermoDrill system.
Furthermore, it compares the previous elaborated framework conditions to the ones which
have already been modified, or most possibly will be modified as a result of the evaluation of
the ongoing testing. It will show the reader the status quo related to the development of the
high pressure jetting process, findings and possible adjustments in order to optimize
upcoming testing parameters. The introduction of potential high pressure industry partners
for the manufacturing of the down hole pressure intensifier tool, providing the high pressure
test facilities is one aspect of this document. The progress of the bit development is shown
and the importance of the data exchange and dependencies within the project departments
is highlighted as well. The summarized research work and findings of the fluid development
takes another important chapter within this document.
Despite the fact that this R&D project needs to perform individual testing, the focus on
standardization of the work processes and consideration of related standards is highlighted
as well. Another part of the document is dealing with the topic data collection & storage
(including software support).
Testing setups and executive plans have been elaborated and included in this deliverable as
the main part.

2.2 Scope of this document

This document covers a number of topics which are mainly associated with
 HSE (Health, Safety & Environment)
 Framework conditions
 The high pressure jetting system
 The drive mechanism (ThermoDrive)
 The pressure intensifier (ThermoPrInt)  Pressure Intensifier Tool (D-PIT)
 The bit design (ThermoBit)
 Combined drilling and jetting fluid (ThermoFluid)
 Testing setups and executive plan

2.3 Related Documents

This document can be seen in close relation with the Deliverables: D1.2 Quality Assurance
Plan; D2.2 Drilling/Jetting fluid understanding and fluid/rock/material interaction review,
weaknesses and strengths; D2.3 Good Understanding of bit and tool design challenges and
comprehensive report on the first project related experiments & investigations; D3.1 Basic
data from tests of tension breaking methods, geometrical, impact comparison, forces are
known; D3.2 Two promising concepts for successful hard drilling are drafted and form the
basis for first simulation run; D4.1 One basic working Drilling/Jetting fluid system; D8.1 First
report on HSE aspects, Risk management & Business process modelling.

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3. Theoretical Framework
3.1 HSE Aspects and Risk Management

In order to guarantee safe testing operation the identification of HSE (Health, Safety and
Environment) hazards need to be performed by the personnel upfront of each test.
Observing and addressing hazardous acts and conditions can break the chain of events that
may lead to a near miss or even an incident.
To achieve this, a Hazard Identification process was performed before starting the design,
manufacture and test stages. As the main outputs, the following hazards for the Testing and
Validation Plan (Deliverable D7.1) were assessed:
 Use of laboratory equipment for performing the compression tests of rocks or other
laboratory tests
 Use of hand tools for preparing test pieces
Nevertheless, a checking and up to date process were performed before starting the testing
tasks in order to assure the correct performance and to avoid the appearance of any risk in
the testing facilities of the industrial partners.
Additionally, a number of human-based categories which cover the most common types of
hazardous behavior need to be focused on and monitored during the tests.
The following countermeasures were addressed for avoiding risks during the laboratory tests:
 Use of PPE when performing compression test: face shield or safety glasses.
 Respect of mobile parts protection of laboratory equipment. Use safety gloves.
 Training, Procedures in place, Job safety analysis, Permits to work, Toolbox talks,
Periodic maintenance and inspections of equipment.
 Do not handle the machine in operation: check that the equipment is off and it is not
running. Use devices with delayed opening if possible.
 Use of proper hand tools for preparing test pieces: hammers, screwdrivers, pliers,
etc. in good conditions.
 Use of mechanical gloves during the use of hand tools for preparing test pieces.
In Section 4.6 the field tests are described in more detail. Once the ThermoDrill system is
fully prepared for the field tests the risk assessment for the operation phase must be
reviewed and updated by the operator of the selected test site if necessary. The main
identified hazards for the field tests are listed below:
 Release of H2S gas
 Release of flammable gases
 Kick generation while tripping out of the hole
 Kicks while drilling
 Blowout generation
 Lost circulation above reservoir.
 Doglegs
 Fines formation.
 Absence of drilling fluids injection (low pressure circuit).
 Absence of jet drilling fluids injection (high pressure circuit)
 Absence of drill pipe movement
 Absence of additives in drilling fluids
 Release of drilling fluids
 Release of diesel from emergency power generation system

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In addition to the general considerations mentioned above, in cases where it is necessary to

take into account specific HSE-related issues, it is described within the corresponding

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3.2 Comparison - Framework Conditions (August 2016 and April 2017)

Based on the numerous tests that could be conducted within the last 8 months, the general
framework and such the basis for the design have changed significantly. As of today we
consider the following results and limitations as valid for the next steps in the drilling system
development. This will have significant impact on the testing concept and will be dealt within
the following chapters.
New conditions – status April 2017:
 High pressure may come as low as 2800 bar (previous 4000 bar)1
 This jetting process downhole requires a very clean jetting fluid with solids below 50
microns to allow for a reasonable lifespan (previous 5 to 10 microns)
 No abrasives must be used in the jetting operation. [still valid]1
 The amount of jetting fluid necessary for a successful pre-damaging of the hard rock
lies around 25 litres per minute (previous 10 liters)1
 The nozzle size of the jetting system will lie between 1 to 1.5 mm1 (previous 0.2 to
0.35 mmm)
 The maximum distance between nozzle and rock surface must not exceed 13 mm.1
(note: should technically as close as possible.)
 There may up to 2 nozzles be integrated into the bit design (previous up to 6 nozzles)
 Connection the high-pressure units with the bit is solved with standard solution
(previous required special considerations)
 Pressure losses need to be considered for operation and application in 5000 meters
depth. [valid]
 The hydraulic cleaning and cooling by the mud system must be maintained in parallel.
 The lower pressure hydraulic cleaning systems must not disturb the high-pressure
jetting operation in front of the bit. [valid]
 The length of one drillpipe (around 9 metres) defines the maximum vertical extension
for integrating tools. [valid]
 For this phase temperatures up to 150° C are assumed. [valid]
 Potential designs must be in full accordance with HSE aspects. [valid]
Annex 1 WP7: Applying “Zentrum am Berg” for field trials. [not considered anymore, cause
the down hole tools (Downhole Pressure Intensifier + Drive Mechanism) need hydrostatical
pressure to operate at full capacity and the related costs to drill a well to the required depth
are \1not reasonable, regarding the proposed similar field tests at a RED well]

extracted from: Stoxreiter, T.: "Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zum Bruchverhalten
von Gesteinen aufgrund verschiedener Lösemethoden", dissertation, unpublished and in process,

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3.3 Gantt Chart – Project Overview

Figure 3-1 Gantt Chart – Project Overview

End of April 2017

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3.4 Gantt Chart – Development and Testing Overview

The following Gantt Chart shows the development phases of the ThermoFluid, the ThermoBit, the D-PIT and overall testing from the current

Figure 3-2 Development and Testing Overview

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3.5 Geothermal High Pressure Jetting/Rotary Concept – Hard Rock

3.5.1 Basic Understanding and Approach

Drilling deep geothermal horizons is risky and expensive and could not be developed as
standardized off-the-shelf procedure. There are a number of uncertainties and risks involved.
One of these lies within the drilling process itself, where due to the application of existing but
slow drilling systems the overall duration of deep well drilling generates high costs that
render such average geothermal projects non-economic. The deeper the target horizons, the
harder the rock, and the lower the ROP represent a generally applicable statement.
Therefore, industry and academia were searching for technologies to increase the drilling
speed, the so called rate of penetration (ROP), and as such reduce the costing along with
the risk.
One of the fastest drilling concepts developed so far for soft to medium rocks and limited to
depths down to 3000 meters is the so called ‘Radial Drilling’ (Figure 3-3). This is based on a
coiled tubing being introduced to the drill collar, side-tracked and then jetting is applied with
pressures up to 500 bar through a nozzle with up to 1” diameter. Great ROPs could be
achieved, e.g. 100 meters per hour in limestone in Upper Austria. Unfortunately, neither the
direction of the drilling can be controlled properly, nor is there a concept available for non-
horizontal drilling and the necessary removal of cuttings. But still, the technology proves how
effective the jetting in rocks can be and how promising a combined application might

Figure 3-3: Radial Drilling Concept (Source: PetroJet Canada Inc.)

Based on this technology the ThermoDrill consortium sketched the plan of combining that
technology with the existing rotary drilling technology, making use of both their best
characteristics and make these usable for deep hard rock geothermal drilling with the goal of
reducing the drilling duration by at least 30%.
Investigations went into numerous directions to understand and prove whether the intended
application of a combined jetting/rotary drilling concept is feasible at all, and if the consortium
will be capable of developing this system into a testable device as proposed in the project

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The final approach for further investigation of this enhanced drilling concept, which goes
along with high temperature and hard rock formation, lead the consortium to simulate near
borehole condition during jetting/rotary testing.

3.5.2 Overall Scope and Methodology

The general principle is sending a pressurized fluid through a nozzle where it will be
accelerated and focused into a jet stream. This jet stream will hit the rock surface and erode
particles from this surface. The not published and ongoing dissertation from Thomas
Stoxreiter (MSc) of the Chair of Subsurface Engineering at MUL (member of the ThermoDrill
consortium) is investigating the physical processes in detail in order to be able to explain this
For the ThermoDrill project it is important to understand the parameters that influence this
process and particularly to capture the limitations of a jetting system under the conditions as
expected in deep, hard rock geothermal drilling.
The main part of the ThermoDrill research and testing, particularly on the fluid rock
interaction is dedicated to that particular task. Numerous tests have been conducted; even
certain measuring devices had to be designed and constructed to ascertain that the
operating principle of the ThermoDrill approach can be verified.
That goal was indeed achieved and during the ongoing tests at the testing facilities at MUL
and at industry partners, it could be seen that the principle of the pressurized jetting is very
To characterize the testing in terms of getting similar borehole conditions, like confined
pressure, rotation of the bit etc., a pressure vessel constructed by DI Stoxreiter of the Chair
of Subsurface Engineering in cooperation with Peter Moharitsch of the Institute for Physics,
has significantly contributed to gain better insight about the high-velocity jetting and granite
destruction process.

3.5.3 Test Results and Status Quo

Test results and discussions of the previous jetting tests at the facility at MUL, lead the
consortium to adopt the tests and organize additional tests at an industry partner´s high
pressure test facility.
The tests were conducted by MUL (DI Stoxreiter) and BESTEC (Dipl.-Geophys. Dimitra
Teza) with the technical support of an industry partner in April 2017. The high-pressure cell,
designed at MUL has been used to test with tap water as jetting fluid, back pressure, rotating
sample, realistic nozzle diameter and variable stand-off distance between the nozzles and
the rock sample.
In sum, the test condition and test design, which very well mirrors borehole conditions,
showed promising results, emphasizing used tap water as jetting fluid.
Out of the first results, it might be possible to reduce the initially high pressure demand from
the D-PIT of 4000 bar to the lower level of app. 2800 bar. This would go along with lower
performance risk in terms of HSE, technical design, longevity, etc. Nevertheless, this
depends on the final vertical depth (hydrostatical pressure – back pressure) of the planned
The results underlined and verified the proposed process to break the tension of even hard
rocks, like granite. As one part of the projected geothermal drilling process in hard rock, next
steps in development and testing need to be enforced.
Therefore, additional test runs with the high-pressure cell from MUL are planned in order to
verify the results collected from the previous tests, and to include new aspects in the testing
in order to answer the following questions:

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 What will be the effect on the jetting results using larger nozzle diameter?
 What will be the max. stand-off distance to realize acceptable jetting results?
 What influence does a different jetting fluid have (e.g. ThermoFluid) in comparison to
the currently used tap water?
 What effect does an optimized hole-cleaning capability of the drilling/jetting fluid have
on the rate of penetration?
 Where are the limitations in terms of solids content and viscosity of the testing fluid?
 How are nozzle diameter, jetting pressure and stand-off distance related to each
 Which approach should be taken to create essential hydraulic power, e.g. nozzle
The results and findings from the previous and upcoming tests will provide the necessary
understanding to design, modelling and create prototypes of a downhole drive mechanism
and a downhole pressure intensifier more precisely.

3.5.4 Data Collection and Evaluation

Evaluation of the high-pressure jetting tests on hard rock are performed by DI Stoxreiter, with
the data manually collected during the tests, all of which are filled into Excel sheets and
separately stored on external media.
The table, Figure 3-2, shows an excerpt of the test program and collected data during the
Surface Test Nr. Radius Nozzle diameter Stand‐Off Distance Back pressure Pump pressure Flow rate Hydraulic power Rotational speed
mm mm mm bar bar l/min kW RPM
1 95,00 0,70 2,00 290 2800 11,3 53 60,00
2 87,50 0,70 8,00 290 2800 11,3 53 66,00
UG 1 3 80,00 0,70 5,00 290 2800 11,3 53 36,00
4 65,00 0,70 2,00 290 2800 11,3 53 44,00
5 50,00 0,70 2,00 290 2800 11,3 53 57,00

1 95,00 0,70 2,00 310,00 2600 11,3 49 60,00

2 87,50 0,70 8,00 310,00 2600 11,3 49 66,00
UG 2 3 80,00 0,70 2,00 310,00 2800 11,3 53 36,00
4 65,00 0,70 4,00 310,00 2800 11,3 53 44,00

Figure 3-4 Test program and collected data

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the high-pressure jetting in terms of penetrating the
surface of the granite sample, is performed with a laser sensor and associated software. This
technique detects the caving in width [mm] and depth [mm]. Figure 3-3.1

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Figure 3-5 Evaluation of a laser sensor measurement 1

An optical feature of the software is the depiction of the depth/width in color intensity and
thickness of the penetration. Figure 3-41

Figure 3-6 Evaluation of width/depth with color, 4 test runs1

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3.6 Geothermal Downhole Drive Mechanism – ThermoDrive

3.6.1 General Information - Downhole Pressure Intensifier Tool (D-PIT)

The Downhole Pressure Intensifier Tool (D-PIT) is a part of the ThermoDrill BHA and
consists of a standard drill collar in which the ThermoDrive and the ThermoPrInt will be

3.6.2 Basic Understanding, Resources and Approach

There are several ways to transfer hydrodynamic energy into mechanical energy, specialized
into rotation or linear motion. The decision of which type to be used for the ThermoDrive
depends on the design of the ThermoPrInt, which will be a more intensive investigation and a
challenge to design. The target is that both components are planned, designed and produced
into one device. This will optimize the process of communication, reduce bureaucracy and
shorten the entire planning time because of lower NPT.
One industry partner as specialist for high pressure piston pumps agreed to support the
project by applying their longtime experience, to manufacture the ThermoDrive and the
ThermoPrInt for this project. Hence, the operational outline for the construction will be the
piston pump systematic.
The results and findings from the processing and design of both pressure intensifier tools,
are very important for the design, simulation and modelling of the ThermoBit as well, and
furthermore for the development of the entire project itself.
Design and manufacturing of the devices will based in industry standards and such
guarantee a professional way of how to perform developments in terms of quality assurance,
documentation, safety, environmental aspects, etc.

Quality Assurance Certificates (non- exhaustive list)

 Quality Management System DIN EN ISO 9001:2008
 Environmental Management System DIN EN ISO 14001:2015
 Energy Management System DIN EN ISO 50001:2011
 Health and safety management according to OHSAS 18001
 EC certificate high pressure cleaning systems according to cat. 1 GD, guideline
2014/34/EU (ATEX)
All necessary information in terms of maximum size in outer diameter and maximum length
of the down-hole drive mechanism that must fit into the drill collar of the BHA, together with
the ThermoPrInt is listed below
 This is limited to approximately 9 m in length to remain within the standard length of
drillstring tubulars, which will assist in rig floor handling and transportation.
 Outer diameter of the collar should not exceed 17.78 cm (7 inches) with an internal
diameter not exceeding 11.43 cm (4.5 inches).
 Outer diameter of the D-PIT body will be between 7 cm – 9 cm (2.76 – 3.54 inches).
7 cm will give more room between the collar ID and D-PIT OD for the drilling fluid to
pass and hence a lower pressure drop. The prototype must be able to withstand in
excess of 690 bar collapse pressure.
 Additional to the size limitation, hydraulic and constructional limitations combined with
the appearing confined pressure, will most probably be the main factors to be
considered in designing and manufacturing the ThermoDrive.

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3.7 Geothermal Downhole Pressure Intensifier – ThermoPrInt

3.7.1 Basic Understanding, Resources and Approach

The unique feature of the new concept is that penetration is achieved by a high-pressure
fluid jet which supports conventional rotary drilling by breaking the stress in front of the bit to
increase bit performance. This combination of fluid jetting and rotary drilling is expected to at
least double the rate of penetration.
The high-pressure generation, for reasons of cost and safety, will be undertaken by a
downhole pressure intensifier (ThermoPrInt), connected directly to the drill bit and with the
downhole drive mechanism above. As no such technology currently exists commercially, this
has to be designed and manufactured to suit the ThermoDrill project needs.
The ThermoPrInt will intensify the pressure from the hydrostatic pressure of the moving mud
column, reinforced via the ThermoDrive tool inside the drillstring up to a high pressure.
Initially, it was planned to achieve 4000 bar passing the mud through the high-pressure
nozzles in the drill bit, in order to be able to effectively jet the front of the borehole. However,
this pressure might be lower, but will be decided after evaluation of the additional high
pressure jetting tests with the MUL high pressure cell.
The ThermoPrInt will only use around 20-25 lpm (current knowledge for one high pressure
nozzle) of the expected 2200 lpm flow rate, with the remainder of the flow exiting the bit
through standard nozzles as is usual in drilling. The installation in the drill collar must allow
for the majority of the flow to pass through to the drill bit. This concept was initially set as a
first approach for this project.
During the current high pressure jetting tests with the high-pressure cell from MUL, larger
nozzle diameter, lower pump pressure and closer nozzle stand-off distance have been
introduced. The first results show good cutting performance and it looks like, that the
hydraulic force impacting the rock is the key factor for success.1 On the other hand, the
closer stand-off distance will challenge the ThermoBit design, in terms of wear of the bit and
damage to the nozzles, in case of contact with the rock.
The need of increased fluid volume through the D-PIT could result in problems related to fluid
availability for the tool.
Changing to this new frame of parameters, the high pressure initially assumed, could be
reduced. This would go along with lower performance risk in terms of HSE, technical design,
longevity, etc.
The validation of the test results recently performed and the results from the upcoming tests
will show what parameter could be changed in order to reach the balance between
necessary performance, general limitation and cost minimization.

3.8 Geothermal Drill Bit – ThermoBit

3.8.1 Overall Scope and Methodology

The focus of the ThermoDrill project is to improve the speed and efficiency of geothermal
well drilling. In order to achieve this, the drilling process will become hydro mechanical rather
than the standard mechanical process, with high pressure jetting being used to overcome the
confining pressure on the rock at the bottom of the borehole. This will then make the
mechanical cutting easier, faster and less damaging to the drill bit.
After successful conduction of the first jetting tests at MUL, numerous conclusions could be
drawn which led to a set of boundary conditions for the next design steps. Based on these
the technological possibilities were investigated and two feasible concepts were set up and
confronted with each other.

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3.8.2 Bit Design Process

With all this input, the consortium tried to integrate the relevant limitations and technical
challenges into the bit design. Based on the project meetings in Leoben, Volterra, and
Sevilla, on conference calls every 14 days since December 2015, and on a special design
meeting in Vienna, various ideas were collected and transposed, simulations were run on
issues like jet velocity, the influence of two or more nozzles and distance to rock surface to
establish that the designs and findings meet the theoretical needs. To allow most freedom in
application, SMITH went through the effort of developing a number of designs for three cone
bits, two cone bits, PDC´s and even hybrids. SMITH and their partners were utilizing their
experience and data from their worldwide drilling operations along every step of the way.
After evaluation of the data and considering that the most used bit in this application is the 3
Cone TCI Bit, the focus now lies on the 3 Cone Bit. Being the standard bit used for drilling
hard rock in geothermal wells, a strong baseline is present and new performance can be
better evaluated. High pressure nozzle would need to be fitted to the bit body and positioned
as close to the bottom of the borehole as possible. The 3 Cone Bit with its stability has the
potential of employing more than one high pressure jetting nozzle to the bit body. It would
also be required to jet the outside perimeter of the borehole to relieve the confining pressure.
SMITH came up with the following design based on an extended nozzle 3-Cone bit. (Figure

Figure 3-7: Roller Cone Bit

Here, SMITH’ IDEAS® software will greatly support the design process and will allow for
frequent trial and error runs to cover the integration of the high-pressure jetting into the
drilling process thoroughly.
IDEAS® is a proprietary software that allows to simulate the drilling process including rock
mechanics properties, drill bit details, its cutting structure and the bore-hole assembly. This
will speed up the prototype development and avoid numerous field tests for optimizing the
The IDEAS® task starts with rock mechanics test that provides engineering team with data to
start static and dynamic modelling of the drilling process. After the simulation, Engineering
team is able to define the best solution for the cutting structure and bits features.
Engineering team provides the manufacturing plant with all the 3d models, drawings, bill of
materials and specification to start the manufacturing process using the PDM software.
Manufacturing Engineering team, starting from the input above, makes all the manufacturing
drawings and NC programs needed to build the bit. CAM systems allow them to speed up

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the process without additional tests on CNC machine by only doing 3d simulation using post
In parallel Quality Assurance Team deploy the quality control plan for the whole process to
define inspections and checkpoints needed to guarantee that customer and engineering
requirements are met.
In addition to the standard Roller Cone bits’ quality control plan, ThermoDrill bit needs
additional inspections and tests for the high-pressure devices. Then, a further test will be
performed at an industry partner’s facility (details need to be defined) to ensure the high-
pressure device assembled will ensure both mechanical resistance and hydraulic
performance at the expected pressure before assembly with the other components of the bit.
After high pressure test completion, the components will be assembled with other parts and
will go through the functional test to ensure engineering requirements are met.
All the HSE concerns related to bit design and manufacturing are included and assessed into
the SMITH HSE assessment. High pressure testing performed at an industry partner’s facility
needs to be analyzed also with the industry partner’s personnel from HSE point of view.
Considering the topics above, current high-pressure jetting tests will give closer information
about pressure requirements and jetting effectiveness in terms of stand-off distance between
nozzles and formation and the nozzle diameter as well.
The current ThermoBit development is partly related to the findings at MUL high-pressure
tests and the findings in terms of the high-pressure tool developments.
Table 3-1 summarizes all the workflow regarding bit design and manufacturing testing.

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Rock mechanic test at MUL laboratory to create baseline samples 
or ThermoDrill damaged samples. Samples are sent to IDEAS Lab.

Indention/scrape test at Smith IDEAS Lab to create rock file. Rock 
file are stored at IDEAS Lab and available for the Engineering team.

Smith Engineering runs IDEAS analysis to identify bit and BHA 
performances (baseline bit and ThermoDrill Bit), prototype 
optimization can be performed directly changing bit and BHA 

Final cutting structure and Bit desing are deployed in details ‐ 3D 
models are stored as per Smith QMS

Manufacturing process, drawings and models are developed by 
Manufacturing Engineering and stored as per Smith QMS

Quality control plan is created by Quality Assurance to define 
inspections and checkpoints to guarantee Customer and 
Engineering requirements. Records are maintained according to 

Pressure test for high pressure body and connections will be 
performed, in addition to the standard Roller Cone bits quality 
control plan, to ensure mechanical resistence and hydraulic 

Functional test is performed for the bit at Smith manufacturing 
plant to ensure Engineering requirements are met. Records are 
maintained according to QMS.

Table 3-1 Bit design and manufacturing Workflow

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3.8.1 Standards/Norms related to Drill Bits

API Spec 7-1 (R2015)
Specification for Rotary Drill Stem Elements, First Edition -- Identical to ISO 10424-1:2004,
Includes Addendum 1 (2007), Addendum 2 (2009), Addendum 3 (2011).
Standard by American Petroleum Institute, 02/01/2006.
API Spec 7-2 (R2015)
Specification for Threading and Gauging of Rotary Shouldered Thread Connections,
First Edition (previously covered in Spec 7), Includes Addendum 1 (December 2010).
Standard by American Petroleum Institute, 06/01/2008.
API Specification Q1 9th Edition
Specification for Quality Management System Requirements for Manufacturing
Organizations for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry.
ISO 9001:2008 Quality management systems – Requirements and guidance for use.
Quality Management System for development of drill bits
Design, manufacturing and development of the prototype will be performed according to
quality management system certified according to API Q1 9th ed. and ISO 9001:2008.

3.9 Geothermal Drilling Fluid - ThermoFluid

3.9.1 Basic Understanding and Approach

While the main function of drilling fluids is to remove cuttings from the borehole, they also
fulfil several other requirements such as ensuring the stability of the borehole, cooling the
drill bit and forming a filter cake on the rock formation to prevent excessive fluid loss. In oil
and gas drilling, a large variety in drilling muds from water/clay based muds and oil based
muds to synthetic based fluids based on esters or even aphron are used. In geothermal
wells, the drilled formations are usually less porous and more stable than those encountered
during oil and gas drilling. Therefore, drilling fluids for geothermal wells typically consist of a
mixture of water and bentonite, sometimes including polymer additives.
The main problem to be solved for the ThermoDrill system as far as the fluids are concerned
is to achieve a high temperature (150 C) stable drilling fluid exhibiting excellent hole-cleaning
property which at the same time could be used as a high-pressure jetting fluid. The optimal
solution would to have one fluid for both functions. This concept requires effective solids
control i.e. removal of fine particles from the fluid.
Ideally, the same fluid would be used both for the jetting and as a drilling fluid, however, as
different fluid properties might be required this might pose a serious problem. Conventional
water jet cutting technology often uses pure water, but sometimes additives are added to
enhance certain properties of the water jet. Long chained polymers such as polyethylene
oxide have been applied as friction reducers which can improve the cohesion of the jet
allowing for larger distances between the nozzle and the cutting surface. In contrast to this,
an optimal drilling fluid should exhibit highly shear-thinning properties to ensure effective
hole-cleaning which in turn produces a very high rate of penetration.
The drilling fluids developed for the ThermoDrill project would allow for increased drilling
rates while maintaining a high environmental standard. The developed jetting fluids would
increase the cutting performance of the water jet. Certain other, completely novel and non-
classical fluid systems are investigated and tested, as there is potassium carbonate to weigh
the fluid without excessively changing the rheological parameters. Among the novel systems

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are these based on synthetic (hectorite) or natural (sepiolite) clays, on colloidal silica and on
organic polymers (HT-stable biopolymers and associative thickeners).

3.9.2 Resources and Responsibility

The Technische Universität München (TUM) is one of Europe’s top universities and the Chair
of Construction Chemistry is part of the Department of Chemistry at the university. Since the
beginning, the Chair always had a strong focus on oil field chemistry, including cementing,
fracturing and drilling fluids, the latter being of particular interest to ThermoDrill. The
development of safe and environmentally friendly novel drilling fluids presents a core
competency of the Chair.
Additionally, SIRIUS – ES Handels GmbH (SIRIUS), the competent industrial partner with
more than 50 years of experience in providing Drilling Fluids and Equipment, offers
application-related support to the ThermoDrill project.

3.9.3 Overall Scope and Methodology

The initial approach for the drilling fluid system involves a fluid which can function both as
drilling and jetting fluid. Its main component is a viscosifier which can provide sufficient hole
cleaning. Of the viscosifiers and the viscosifier combinations tested, the following systems
showed the most promising results and were evaluated further in depth: sepiolite, attapulgite,
colloidal silica, xanthan gum, welan gum, hectorite (Laponite RD, Laponite EP) and mixed
metal oxide/hydroxide (MMO/MMH) systems. Based on this screening process the sepiolite
fluid system was selected for in-depth investigation, with xanthan gum as a reference system
as xanthan gum presents the main product which is currently used in geothermal drilling
Using both agents, similar fluid systems have been formulated in order to test:
• Rheological performance as a function of:
 Temperature
 Salt type and concentration
 Static carrying capacity
 Mixing procedure
• Shear stability
• Tolerance to Ca2+ influx
The conclusion of extensive testing was that the sepiolite drilling/jetting fluid vastly
outperforms the xanthan gum-based fluid.
The most remarkable HSE issue regarding the sepiolite based drilling fluid is the
carcinogenic potential in some sepiolites with long fibers2, not expected for most sepiolite
deposits, but a relevant issue to deal with. Fiber lengths vary depending on the location of
the deposit from which the sepiolite was mined.
The sepiolite used to prepare the drilling fluid is not classified as dangerous or hazardous,
and it has no carcinogenic effects as it has been demonstrated by epidemiological, in vitro
and in vivo studies. However, the sepiolite may generate dust during handling and use, and
long term overexposure to it may cause silicosis due to its content in crystalline silica, so it is
recommended to use respiratory protection when handling sepiolite to prepare drilling fluid
and when handling drilling fluid dry wastes.
Additionally, under alkaline conditions sepiolite converts to smectite in a temperature ranging
from 150 to 260 ºC, so a small fraction of smectite may be present in used drilling fluid.

According to ”IARC Monographs, Volume 68: Sepiolite”, sepiolite is classified in Germany as belonging to
category IIIB, that is a substance suspected of having carcinogenic potential (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,

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Certain types of smectite may be classified as carcinogenic. Smectite can elicit a mild, dose-
dependent fibrogenic response at high exposure levels. Neither long term exposure nor high
exposure levels are expected, so that no additional countermeasure is recommended when
handling drilling fluid dry wastes.
In order to verify the sepiolite drilling/jetting fluid fitness for this project´s purpose, additional
fluid testing are needed, particular those related to:
 Ultra-high temperature (>150 °C) and pressure testability
 Lubricity behaviour
 Solids filtration/removal test
 Superior capability for the ThermoDrill devices test
 Fluids acceptance test
 Disposal tests

3.9.4 Equipment used for Fluid Testing

The table below shows a list of laboratory equipment used to prepare and test the different
properties of the drilling fluids.
Equipment Company Function
PVS Rheometer Brookfield HT rheometer
(20 – 200 °C)
FANN 35SA Fann Instrument Company Rheometer
(20 – 90 °C)
Chandler 3500LS Chandler Engineering Rheometer
(20 – 90 °C)
Fluid loss cells OFI Testing Equipment (OFITE) Fluid loss equipment
Roller oven OFI Testing Equipment (OFITE) Ageing of drilling/jetting
Zetasizer Malvern Instruments Particle size analysis
through dynamic light
Waring blender Waring High speed mixer
EUROSTAR power control IKA®-Werke Blade type mixer
visc stirrer

Table 3-2 Experimental Procedures and Testing

3.9.5 Standards/Norms related to Drilling Fluids

A number of standards and norms existing for drilling fluids will be considered in ThermoDrill
- for instance those provided by API (American Petroleum Institute).
 API Spec 13A / ISO 13500:2009
Specification for Drilling Fluid Materials3
Covers physical properties and test procedures for materials manufactured for use in
oil and gas well drilling fluids. The materials covered are:
barite, hematite, bentonite, nontreated bentonite, OCMA-grade bentonite,
attapulgite, sepiolite, technical-grade low-viscosity carboxymethylcellulose (CMC
LVT), technical-grade high-viscosity carboxymethylcellulose (CMCHVT), starch,

API, “2015 Publications Catalog”, URL:
http://www.api.org/~/media/Files/Publications/Catalog/2015_API_PubsCatalog_SinglePages_Web_031215.pdf, 13.01.2016.

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low-viscosity polyanionic cellulose (PAC-LV), high viscosity polyanionic cellulose

(PAC-HV), drilling-grade Xanthan gum, and barite (4.1 s.g.)
This International Standard is intended for the use of manufacturers of named products.
The current edition of API Spec 13A is the identical national adoption of ISO 13500:2009.
 API RP 13B-1 / ISO 10414-1:2008
Recommended Practice for Field Testing Water-Based Drilling Fluids3.
Provides procedures for determining the following characteristics of waterbased drilling
drilling fluid density (mud weight); viscosity and gel strength; filtration; water,
oil, and solids contents; sand content; methylene blue capacity; pH; alkalinity
and lime content; chloride content; total hardness as calcium.
This edition of API 13B-1 is the identical national adoption of ISO 10414-1:2008.
 Additional Regulations for Germany:
DVGW Regelwerk: Technische Mitteilung – Merkblatt W116
„Verwendung von Spülungszusätzen in Bohrspülungen bei Bohrarbeiten im
 Standards and Norms for Chemicals:
REACH: European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation,
Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals.
 Other Standards and Norms:
Health, safety and environment regulations
 national and international laws
 Quality management QM – System
 ISO 9000, ISO 14000

3.10 Integration Plan

The integration plan of the different Thermodrill system parts is under work as the testing and
validation plan is being elaborated, and will be delivered by the end of August 2017. It will
propose a detailed integration plan of the Thermodrill drilling process, focusing on the
connection between parts and the changes with reference to a standard drilling process.
Special attention will be paid on the following aspects:
 The Thermodrill BHA (see Figure 3-8)
 The Thermodrill system parts
 The drilling bit - ThermoBit,
 The downhole drive mechanism - ThermoDrive
 Pressure Intensifier Tool (D-PIT)
 The downhole pressure Intensifier - ThermoPrInt
 The Thermodrill system interfaces and parts connection
 BHA – ThermoDrive
 ThermoDrive – ThermoPrInt
 ThermoPrInt – ThermoBit
 The ThermoFluid mud system
 The ThermoFluid mud cleaning system

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Figure 3-8: Preliminary Bottom-Hole Assembly of the ThermoDrill System, as designed in the
integration plan

Through SWOT analysis and FMEA, the Integration Plan will also identify the major
weaknesses of the process that needs to be solved and whether the given objectives are
attainable, consequently to produce a Simulated Test Run in the form of a statistical model
with probabilistic results of the different sequences of identified events.

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4. Testing Setup and Execution Plan

4.1 Geothermal High Pressure Jetting/Rotary– Hard Rock

4.1.1 Recently performed High Pressure Jetting Tests at one industry partner’s site
In April 2017, an additional 4-day high pressure test at the test facility has been conducted by
MUL and BESTEC and as technical support, personnel from the partner. The pressure
vessel setup at one industry partner’s site is shown in Figure 4-1.1
Note that all tests performed so far at partner’s site were conducted using tap water only. No
specific jetting fluid as described in 3.8.1 was applied. Future tests should consider a jetting
fluid gained by cleaning the drilling fluid sufficiently from drill solids.
HSE aspects1
During the preparation of the test, HSE risks related to mechanical and electrical devices
have been evaluated, e.g. injury by crushing impacts or electric shocks. 
Same aspects appear during testing, plus the risk with high pressure-water, e.g. pipe burst.
Following mitigation actions were performed during developing and construction of the high-
pressure vessel and during setup at the facility as well:
 Installation of a protection casing made of shatterproof plexiglas.
 All electrical features were installed and checked by a professional, who performed a
technical acceptance test at the end. (TÜV certification)
 PPE: Appropriate workwear, gloves, safety glasses, ear protection and safety shoes
ensures safe working conditions.
 Pressure Vessel: The needed torque for the bolts is driven by means of sealing the
pressure vessel and is less than 60 % of the nominal torque for this type of screws.
The pressure inside the vessel is controlled by the pressure control valve and cannot
exceed the defined value. Temperature is no issue, since tap water at room
temperature has been used.
 In order to protect the hand pump, for the cell pressure generation, from corrosion (no
stainless steel), a mixture of water and glycol is used as a medium. As a special
water treatment process was installed, no issue were expected.

Figure 4-1: Pressure Vessel setup at business partner´s site1

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For the required high pressure supply, the industry partner provided the mobile high pressure
aggregate. The mobile diesel unit was mounted on a tandem chassis, with noise insulation
container and ball head coupling.
High Pressure Tests at industry partner’s facility 1:
04. April 2017 (1st day)
HSE introduction from HSE manager has been conducted. Rig up pressure vessel and
adaption of equipment was carried out. Installation of the injection pump in order to deliver a
constant volume flow at 2800 bar pressure and system test under atmospheric condition to
validate the functionality of the entire system were proven ok. Pressure testing was
05. April 2017 (2nd day)
A total number of 9 water jetting experiments were performed under 300 bar pressure with
0.7 mm nozzles. The confining pressure was kept constant during the jetting, pending the
unavoidable fluctuation due to the pumping process. Stand-off distance and cutting velocity
were varied in realistic ranges while the jetting pressure was constant at 2600-2800 bar.
06. April 2017 (3rd day)
A total number of 8 water jetting experiments were performed under 300-320 bar pressure
with 1.0 mm nozzles. Stand-off distance and cutting velocity were again between 4-11 mm
and cutting velocity between 300 and 600 mm/s while the jetting pressure was held constant
at 2600-2800 bar. An additional improvement of the test set up was achieved with the help of
the industry partner, a new valve was installed at the high-pressure line which allows a much
faster generation of the 2800 bar jet pressure. Similar to previous tests, the functionality of
the 1,0 mm nozzle was tested under ambient conditions.
07. April 2017 (4th day)
Performed experiments under 200 bar back pressure with 1,0 mm nozzle and sample
preparation for indentation tests (Smith Bit). In order to investigate the jetting performance
under "lower" back pressure (confining pressure), experiments with 200 bar pressure inside
the vessel were performed. Further on 2 granite sample surfaces with different radii under
300 bar back pressure were prepared for indentation tests at the Smith facility.
First Observation and Outlook:
The results of the testing were better than previous results achieved at MUL. This leads to
the preliminary conclusion that bigger nozzle sizes and hydraulic power are main driving
The evaluations of the results are still ongoing and will be presented in May 2017.
The tests will be planned by DI Stoxreiter in coordination with the other consortium members
and executed by MUL (DI Stoxreiter) and BESTEC (Dipl.-Geophys. Dimitra Teza) at the
high-pressure facility.
The target of the additional test campaign will be the optimization of the jetting parameter,
such as nozzle diameter, nozzle stand-off distance, pump pressure, etc., and the verification
of the performance under different conditions in terms of jetting fluid, solids loading, etc.
using the previous test results as baseline.
The specified information collected from these tests should give a very good understanding
of the process, show limitations and help to design the ThermoDrive and ThermoPrInt.

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4.1.2 Data Collection

The test will be planned by the ThermoDrill consortium and executed by MUL, BESTEC and
RED at the high-pressure facility at an industry partner site.
Data will be collected as in the previous test in April 2017. (Figure 3-2)
Evaluation with laser sensor measurement will be performed as well. (Figure 3-3)
Any additional numerical simulation carried out right after these tests will be discussed and
Discussion, presentation and conclusion of the test results will be done within the consortium
supported by the board of advisers. The results will be essential in order to continue
developing the D-PIT, the ThermoBit and the ThermoFluid.

4.2 Geothermal Downhole Drive Mechanism – ThermoDrive

The development of the ThermoDrive and ThermoPrInt based on the available data,
limitations and existing experience represents the most challenging part.
The tests and validation during the design process will be performed at an industry partner’s
site. When the prototype is ready for testing, acceptance function test and acceptance
pressure test needs to be performed but depends on the technical design of the tool.
Following test procedure is designed for testing as a single part.
This applies to the development process of the ThermoPrInt as well.

4.2.1 Acceptance Pressure Test

 Inlet pressure side testing:
a. Plug the outlet side
b. Screw the dummy top connection at the required torque.
c. Connect the pressure testing port to the pressure pump and to a pressure-
recording device.
d. Place the device in a secured closed container
e. Gradually increase the pressure to 15 bars
f. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
g. Gradually increase the pressure to 100 bars
h. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
i. Gradually increase the pressure to the final test pressure of 150 bars
j. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
k. Bleed-off the pressure to zero.
 Outlet pressure side testing
a. Unscrew and discard the dummy top connection
b. Remove the check valves on the outlet of the ThermoDrive. Screw the dummy
connection with pressure testing port on the ThermoDrive exit side at the
required torque. Connect the testing port to the ultra-high pressure pump and
to a pressure-recording device. Place the device in a secured closed
c. Gradually increase the pressure to 60 bars
d. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
e. Gradually increase the pressure to 400 bars (needs to be confirmed)
f. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes

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g. Gradually increase the pressure to the final test pressure of 600 bars (needs
to be confirmed)
h. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
i. Bleed of the pressure to zero
j. Unscrew the dummy connection.
k. Replace the check valves on the exit side of the ThermoDrive
l. Replace the protecting caps onto the device

4.2.2 Acceptance Function Test

a. Place the ThermoDrive on the test bench
b. Connect the hose on the inlet and outlet
c. Install the rate and pressure recording system
d. Apply the step rate sequence on the inlet check so that the outlet Q/P
matches the specifications

4.2.3 Data Collection

The test will be carried out by the ThermoDrill consortium and executed together with an
industry partner at its high-pressure facility.
The data will be collected manually, filled into a software program and will be electronically
stored separately on an external media.
Discussion, presentation and conclusion of the test results will be performed between the
ThermoDrill consortium and the High-Level-Expert Group members.

4.3 Geothermal Downhole Pressure Intensifier – ThermoPrInt

Similar procedures as for the ThermoDrive will be used (see Section 4.2) but with different

4.3.1 Acceptance Pressure Test

 Inlet pressure side testing
a. Plug the outlet side
b. Screw the dummy top connection at the required torque.
c. Connect the pressure testing port to the pressure pump and to a pressure-
recording device.
d. Place the device in a secured closed container
e. Gradually increase the pressure to 15 bars
f. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
g. Gradually increase the pressure to 100 bars
h. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
i. Gradually increase the pressure to the final test pressure of 150 bars
j. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
k. Bleed-off the pressure to zero.
 Outlet pressure side testing
a. Unscrew and discard the dummy top connection
b. Remove the check valves on the outlet. Screw the dummy connection with
pressure testing port on the exit side at required torque. Connect the testing

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port to the ultra-high pressure pump and to a pressure-recording device.

Place the device in a secured closed container
c. Gradually increase the pressure to 60 bars
d. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
e. Gradually increase the pressure to 4000 bars (needs to be confirmed)
f. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
g. Gradually increase the pressure to the final test pressure of 6000 bars (needs
to be confirmed)
h. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
i. Bleed of the pressure to zero
j. Unscrew the dummy connection.
k. Replace the check valves on the exit side of the ThermoPrInt
l. Replace the protecting caps onto the device

4.3.2 Acceptance Function Test

a. Place the ThermoPrInt on the test bench
b. Connect the hose on the inlet and outlet
c. Install the rate and high pressure recording system
d. Apply the step rate sequence on the inlet check so that the outlet Q/P
matches the specifications

4.3.3 Data Collection

The test will be carried out by the ThermoDrill consortium and executed together with an
industry partner at its high-pressure facility.
The data will be collected manually, filled into a software program and will be electronically
stored separately on an external media.
Discussion, presentation and conclusion of the test results will be performed between the
ThermoDrill consortium and the High-Level-Expert Group members.

4.4 Geothermal Drill Bit – ThermoBit

After evaluation of all data SMITH Bits finally developed a 3 Cone ThermoBit and following
tasks are planned to be executed until the expected completion date. The status quo of the
tasks are listed in the following and the dependency on direct involvement partners are
shown as well.

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Expected  Missing  detailed 
Sequ. Task Notes/status quo
completion date Data/Information 
Drill bit design ProE 3d model ready  14. Apr 2 models: 1 jet only
for first prototype 21. Apr                      2 jets one week later
Will be done in the same timeframe as the 
prototype drill bit ProE 3d models. 2 HP body 
14. Apr
prototype designs will be done with one have 
High pressure body/segment design  1 jet and one with 2 jets.
and ProE 3d model The HP connection to DPI and HP diamond jet 
nozzle will be roughly modelled. The diamond 
21. Apr
jet nozzle with be roughly modeled using 
industry partner’s website catalogue.

Working to develop high pressure 
Support from industry partner is 
3 connection to DPI and working on  28. Apr
nozzle selection with industry partner
4 BHA data from RAG/ESG done RAG data needed, submitted
Drill bit IDEAS dynamic simulation for  Static simulation without BHA already 
5 14. Apr
baseline bit completed
jetting on granite/sandstone under  tests finalized at industry partner´s facility 
6 MUL need to provide MUL Support is needed
confined pressure with MUL
Date depend on above bullet.
1 week per sample. As soon as one 
IDEAS lab test on granite/sandstone 
7 TBD sample will be ready it’s needed to 
jetted under confined pressure
ship the sample to Houston to 
Date depend on above bullet
2 weeks work for the simulation 
after the rockfile is available.
Drill bit IDEAS dynamic simulation for 
8 ThermoDrill bit using the jetted rock  TBD After design completion based on 
file IDEAS simulation outputs, a 
technical review need to be done 
with ThermoDrill partners and 
Houston engineers

Date of delivery depends also on 
First rough 3d model without industry 
Drill bit components plastic resin 3d  Houston 3d printer capacity. It’s 
9 30. Apr partner´s information. High pressure body 
printing used also for bits manufacturing 
components will be included
process that have highest priority
Micro casting supplier has been identified 
and qualified.
high pressure body/segment micro  Micro casting will start only when we have  Date depends on industry 
10 15. Jun
casting first article the final model completed and after the  partner´s support
technical review mentioned above to avoid 
unnecessary fixture costs.
Apr if in Saline What about someone from 
Meeting between Smith and industry  industry partner meet us in 
partner May if in Vienna Munich in May on a side of the 
review meeting?
Industry partner´s support is 
industry partner´s components 
12 TBD needed, date depend on when we 
start working with them.
high pressure body/segment assembly 
13 TBD Date depend on above bullet
with industry partner´s components

high pressure body system test (at  Industry partner´s support and 
14 TBD
industry partner´s facility) their pressure test bay is needed
15 Drill bit manufacturing completed 30. Nov

Figure 4-2 Sequenced tasks and status

When a prototype has been designed, simulated, modelled and manufactured, following
tests are planned and agreed to be performed and evaluated.

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4.4.1 Acceptance Tests

 Function Test
a. Screw at the required torque the dummy top connection with pressure testing
ports connected to the pressure pump and ultra-pressure pump to a pressure-
recording device.
b. With the low-pressure pump, gradually increase rate to 3000 l/min through the
low-pressure jets to prove circulation
c. Check that Pinlet vs Q (ltr/min) chart meets the tool specifications
d. Bleed off low-pressure circuit.
e. With the ultra-high pressure pump, gradually increase rate to 30 l/min through
the high-pressure jets to prove circulation
f. Check that Pinlet vs Q (ltr/min) chart meets the tool specifications
g. Bleed off ultra-high-pressure circuit.
h. With both pumps, inject gradually to 3000 l/min on the low-pressure circuit and
30 l/min on the ultra-high pressure circuit. Check on the 2 pressure circuits
that Pinlet vs Q (ltr/min) chart meets the tool specifications (ltr/min needs be
confirmed at the test facility)
i. Bleed off both circuits
 Static Pressure Testing
a. Unscrew all jets. Plug the jets ports with the test screw caps, both at the
required torque.
b. Screw at the required torque the dummy top connection with pressure testing
ports connected to the pressure pump and ultra-pressure pump to a pressure-
recording device.
c. Place the device in a secured closed container
d. Gradually increase the pressure and the low-pressure side to 15 bars
e. Observe pressure is stable for 15 minutes
f. Gradually increase the pressure to 100 bars
g. Observe pressure is stable for 15 minutes
h. Gradually increase the pressure to the final test pressure of 150 bars
i. Observe pressure is stable for 15 minutes
j. Bleed off the low-pressure line to 100 bars
k. On the Ultra-high pressure side, gradually increase the pressure to 60 bars
l. Observe pressure is stable for 15 minutes
m. Gradually increase the pressure to 4000 bars (to be confirmed)
n. Observe pressure is stable for 15 minutes
o. Gradually increase the pressure to the final test pressure of 6000 bars (to be
p. Observe pressure is stable for 15 minutes
q. Bleed-off the ultra-high pressure circuit to 0
r. Bleed-off the low- pressure circuits to 0

4.4.2 Data Collection

The test will be carried out by the ThermoDrill consortium and executed together with an
industry partner at its high-pressure facility.

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The data will be collected manually, filled into a software program and will be electronically
stored separately on an external media.
Discussion, presentation and conclusion of the test results will be performed between the
ThermoDrill consortium and the High-Level-Expert Group members.

4.5 Geothermal Drilling/Jetting Fluid - ThermoFluid

4.5.1 Previous Testing and Evaluation of Sepiolite Fluid

The team of Prof. Plank has extensively tested and evaluated different fluid systems with the
goal to develop a ThermoFluid, as can be seen in Deliverable D2.2 Drilling/Jetting fluid
understanding and fluid/rock/material interaction review, weaknesses and strengths and in
Deliverable D4.1 One basic working Drilling/Jetting fluid system.
Additional tests with the main focus on the sepiolite-based fluid considering different
temperatures and salts as KCl (potassium chloride) and K2CO3 (potassium carbonate) have
been conducted.
An excerpt from the presentation of WP4 Drilling Fluids at the Project-Meeting in Zurich
(Jan. 2017) is shown below:
Sepiolite mud: influence of K2CO3 concentration
Aged for 16 h, rheology measured at RT (room temperature)

Conclusion: Viscosity (Yield Point) stable in spite of increase in K2CO3 concentration

Sepiolite mud: influence of KCl concentration
Aged for 16 h, rheology measured at RT 

Conclusion: Viscosity (Yield Point) also high in presence of KCl

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• Sepiolite drilling fluid exhibits
 Excellent long-term carrying capacity up to 150 °C
 High salt tolerance (Ca2+ contamination requires additional
 Constant shear-thinning viscosity at high temperatures
 High shear stability
 Cost effective
 Favourable HSE aspects (more details are currently investigated)

4.5.2 Drilling/Jetting Fluid Testing Procedure

Mixing: The sepiolite based drilling fluid was prepared by mixing the clay (Berkbent Marine
from Tolsa) with water at 4,000 rpm for 5 min. Salt was then added, and the drilling fluid was
mixed for another 2 min at 4,000 rpm. The pH value was adjusted to ~10.5 using Na2CO3.
Hot roll: Prior to testing, all fluids were thermally conditioned for 16 h in a roller oven (OFI
Testing Equipment, Houston, TX). For this purpose, 400 mL of the drilling fluid were poured
into a 500 mL Teflon liner which was transferred into a stainless-steel ageing cell and sealed.
An N2 pressure of 35 bar was applied to the cell. The sample was then heated up to the
desired temperature (27, 50, 80, 100, 120 or 150 °C) while rotating at 25 rpm in the roller
oven and left rotating for 16 hours. Thereafter, the cells were removed from the oven and
cooled in a water bath. The fluid was mixed for 5 min using a propeller type mixer at 400 rpm
for 5 min before the fluid properties (density, pH value and rheology) were determined.
Rheology at RT: After the 16 h thermal conditioning step and the subsequent stirring, the
fluid was poured into the measuring cup. The rheology was measured using a Chandler
3500LS (Chandler Engineering, Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A.) coaxial cylinder viscometer. Dial
readings for the Chandler viscometer were taken every 10 seconds, and the rotational
speeds changed in the following sequence: 600 – 300 – 200 – 100 – 60 – 30 – 20 – 10 – 6 –
3 rpm. If the fluid was too viscous, it was measured using a FANN model 35 SA instrument
(Fann Instrument Company, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.). From this viscometer, dial readings
were taken at rotational speeds of 600 – 300 – 200 – 100 – 6 – 3 rpm. The gel strengths
were determined after shearing for 10 s at 600 rpm, followed by a 10 s, 10 min or 30 min rest

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period before shearing again at 3 rpm until a maximum value was reached. The maximum
value reached by the dial presents the 10 s, 10 min or 30 min gel strength respectively. The
dial readings obtained from the FANN 35 SA instrument (torsion spring factor F = 1) were
converted into lbs/100 ft2 by multiplying them with the factor 1.065, while the dial readings
from the Chandler 3500LS instrument (torsion spring factor F = 0.2) were converted into
lbs/100 ft2 by multiplying them with 0.213.
High temperature fluid rheology under actual condition: High temperature rheology of
the drilling fluids were determined using a Couette type coaxial cylinder rotational viscometer
(model PVS Rheometer from Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Middleboro/MA,
USA). For each measurement, 12.5 mL of the fluid was poured into the rheometer cup. A B1
type bob was used and a N2 pressure of 500 psi applied. The rheology developed at different
temperatures were determined by first heating the sample to 27 °C before measuring the
shear stress (N/m2) at shear rates of 600 – 300 – 200 – 100 – 60 – 30 – 20 – 10 – 6 – 3 rpm.
Then the sample was heated to the next temperature (27 → 80 → 100 → 120 → 150 °C)
within 20 min and the viscosity was measured as above. The sample was not stirred during
the heating process. For the continuous tests at 150 °C, the fluid was heated directly to
150 °C under stirring at 30 rpm, sheared for 20 s at 300 rpm and then the shear stress (N/m2)
at shear rates of 600 – 300 – 200 – 100 – 60 – 30 – 20 – 10 – 6 – 3 rpm was determined.
The system was then stirred again at 30 rpm for 60 min until the next measuring interval.
Every two hours the torque value was recalibrated.
Plastic viscosity (PV) and Yield point (YP) of the fluids were calculated using the 300 and the
600 rpm values obtained from the measurements on the FANN 35 SA or the Chandler
3500LS rheometer. This calculation assumes a Bingham type flow behavior.
PV (lbs/100 ft2) = θ600 – θ300
YP (lbs/100 ft2) = θ600 – PV
θ600 = Shear stress at 600 rpm in lbs/100 ft2
θ300 = Shear stress at 300 rpm in lbs/100 ft2
Static carrying capacity: To determine the carrying capacity, the drilling fluids were aged
statically for 16 h at the desired temperature (27 – 150 °C). At first, the fluid was poured into
50 mL glass vials before small sand particles (1 – 2 mm in diameter) or larger granite
cuttings were added to the fluid. The vials were closed and shaken to ensure that the
particles or cuttings were evenly distributed throughout the fluid. The samples were then
transferred into roller oven cells and a N2 pressure of 35 bar was applied to the cells. They
were then placed upright for 16 h into an oven. Thereafter, the cells were removed from the
oven and cooled in a water bath. The vials were removed and photographed to document the
distribution of the particles and the ability of the fluid to keep the particles suspended at high
Ca2+ tolerance tests: The influence of Ca2+ ions on the fluid was tested by preparing 10, 20
and 30 wt.% solutions of CaCl2. These were then added to drilling fluids at a volume ratio of
2 parts drilling fluid per 1 part of CaCl2 solution. The mixture was then stirred for 5 min at 500
rpm using a propeller type mixer and the rheology was determined and compared with a
sample that was diluted using tap water. In the next step, additional viscosifier dosage was
added to reconstitute the dosage before dilution (1.5 wt.% sepiolite), the samples were mixed
and their rheology was measured. The drilling mud was not conditioned prior to this test; it
was tested directly after mixing.
Drilling mud fluid loss: Room temperature low pressure drilling mud fluid loss testing will
be carried out using a differential pressure of 7 bar (100 psi) CO2 applied at the top of the
cell. Filtration will be proceeded through a 45.8 cm2 (7.1 in2) mesh metal sieve placed at the
bottom of the cell with specific hardened filter paper (according to API recommended practice
13B-1 and 13B-2) placed on top.

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Fluid loss determined at 80 °C will be tested according to the API RP 13B-1 2003 guidelines
using a static 500 ml HTHP fluid loss cell operated at 1000 psi differential pressure. After
mixing, the fluids will be conditioned for 20 min in the atmospheric consistometer to reach the
desired temperature.
Then, static fluid loss will be measured at 80 °C using a 175 mL high temperature high
pressure (HTHP) filter press manufactured by Fann Instrument Company (Houston,
Texas, U.S.A.). After pouring the homogenized drilling mud into the HTHP cell, a differential
pressure of 70 bar (1000 psi) N2 will be applied at the top of the cell. Filtration will be
proceeded through a 22.6 cm2 (3.5 in2) mesh metal sieve placed at the bottom of the cell with
specific hardened filter paper (according to API recommended practice 13B-1 and 13B-2)
placed on top.

4.5.3 Drilling/Jetting Fluid Requirements

Following drilling/jetting fluid requirements have been set and agreed by the consortium to be
used for the initial fluid formulation and tests.
 Fluid density 1.0 - 1.30 kg/L
 High carrying capacity (shear-thinning rheology = high YP, low PV)
 Thermally stable up to 150 °C
 No fluid loss control / filter cake formation
 To allow effective solids control
 High lubricity
 Environmentally friendly
As the sepiolite fluid system is the one to be focused on, following tests and analysis should
be executed in order to get a thorough understanding of the fluid system and to be able to
introduce it as drilling/jetting fluid:

4.5.4 Fluid Acceptance Tests, Requirements, Data Availability

a. Products QA/QC
 Product Specification Sheets
 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
 Reach Compliance Statement
b. Water quality requirements
 Ionic analysis of Ca2+ and Cl-, biological test, solid content, etc. in case of
not using tap water as base liquid
c. Surface mixing tests
d. Toxicity tests
e. HSE
 Further investigation related to potential cancerogenic effect of sepiolite
particles relating to the length of the fibers

4.5.5 High Temperature and Pressure Test

a. Rheology at various temperature and pressure conditions (final test will
exceed the 150°C specifications to get an idea of the limitations with respect
to fluid temperature)
b. Conversion ratio from sepiolite and smectite at higher test temperature (150-
200°C) and length analyze of converted smectite fibers
c. Dynamic solids suspension properties
d. Static solids suspension properties
e. Wellbore clean-out ability
f. Lubricity behavior
g. Weighing tests

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h. Compatibility test, e.g. spacer, cement

4.5.6 Superior Capability of the Thermodrill System

a. Benefit/disadvantage of the ThermoFluid in the pressure intensifier tool (D-
PIT) compared to state-of-the-art fluids. (This test will not solely assess the
ThermoFluid only, but will test the functionality of the D-PIT using the
ThermoFluid as well)
b. Jetting and cutting performance of the ThermoFluid compared to competitive
Part of additional high pressure testing with MUL high pressure cell
a. High pressure jetting with different nozzles and samples at various stand-off
distances nozzle-rock using tap water
b. High pressure jetting with different nozzles and samples at various stand-off
distances (nozzle-rock) using ThermoFluid. Varying the fluid density from 1.05
to 1.30 s.g.
c. High pressure jetting with different nozzles and various stand-off distances
(nozzle-rock) using a conventional, state-of-art competitive fluid. Vary the fluid
density from 1.05 to 1.30 s.g.
d. Assess ThermoFluid and competitive fluid cutting performances
e. Performing the MUL high-pressure cell tests or tests with various back

4.5.7 Filtration Tests – Solids Control

a. Filtration tests/appropriate solid control equipment investigation
 Depends which particle size the D-PIT tool is able to handle
b. Comparison with competitive fluids

4.5.8 Reservoir Damage Tests

a. Matrix injection and returned permeability test (RPT), needs to be confirmed
b. Return permeability test with ceramic disc in case no core/bulk is available,
needs to be confirmed
c. Lost circulation and return permeability test
 Adaption on the common used RPT to be considered. Usually porous and
permeable samples are used to be tested. Granite formation show very
low porosity and permeability, but can exhibit fissures and fractures
 Availability of a proper test device to be investigated
 Cost evaluation to be done

4.5.9 Disposal Tests of Drilling/Jetting Fluid and Cutting

a. General investigation of landfill possibilities, limitation and disposal cost
assessment (landfill regulations differ between EU countries)
b. Total organic content (TOC) on cuttings (in case of field tests with
c. Loss on ignition of cuttings (most probably a parameter for deciding the
disposal category beside TOC) (in case of field tests with ThermoFluid)
d. Recyclability of fluid (degradation cause of bacterial attack)

4.5.10 Data Collection

The tests will be planned by consortium and executed in the TUM lab facilities. In case
test(s) needs to be performed at 3rd party testing laboratories, e.g. filtration or return

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permeability tests, the data collection and storage needs to be agreed between the 3rd party
and consortium.
Basically, data will be collected manually, filled using a software program and electronically
stored separately on an external media as well.
Discussion, presentation and conclusion of the test results will be carried out within the
consortium or the 3rd party testing laboratory and the consortium.

4.6 ThermoDrill Field Test

4.6.1 Field Test at RED Well

Field test is planned to be performed under ambient and thereafter at reservoir conditions.
Particularly the reservoir condition tests in more than 2000 meters depth will allow a good
estimate of the performance and will represent the final proof of concept for this new hard
rock drilling system. This field test in particular will be performed in one of RED’s wells.
Appended to a normal oil or gas exploration program in Molasse Upper Austria, where the
hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs are situated in sandstone at around 2000 meters or in an old
well part of an abandonment campaign. Below these reservoirs, the granite forms the
basement and this will be used in most likely two test runs to evaluate the performance of the
new drilling system.
Each possibility offers the consortium to benefit from infrastructure already in place, at a
most favorable testing depth and at a reasonable cost. No transportation and mobilization
cost, no infrastructure cost, simply the plain additional cost for operating the rig for another
12 days and the associated consumables will apply. This represents a once in a lifetime
chance to accomplish the ThermoDrill project successfully. Due to the fact that these tests
will take place within the concession areas of RAG Austria, no further authorizations and
permits will have to be provided apart from the general authorizations through the
‘Montanbehörde’, the Austrian mining authority. As with every well drilled in Austria the
proposed work schedules with all relevant information will be made available on time and as
a standard procedure.

4.6.2 Considered Field Test Scenarios

For the field tests, all technical parts of the drillstring and the ThermoFluid should be
included. It has been agreed within the consortium that the testing fluid will be the RED
standard K2CO3-Polymer drilling fluid and not the sepiolite system. The reason is that the
potentially formation damaging properties of the sepiolite mud are still unknown.
The formation in the wells to be drilled are interbedded with shale formations clays or water
sensitive formations above the granite, and this might lead to swelling of the formation and
hole instability when using the sepiolite fluid. Furthermore, the K2CO3-Polymer fluid can be
used also in the granite section (although based on its rheological properties it is by no
means ideal), and no fluid exchange is necessary. It should be noted that this procedure of
using a shale-inhibitive fluid for drilling/jetting in granite will not allow to assess the true
potential of the new drill bit and jetting unit.
Fluid exchange in open holes are explicitly against the standard of well engineering and oil
field practices.

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Drill Thermo Thermo Thermo Thermo Thermo

Pipe BHA Drive PrInt Bit Fluid
1 x x x x x
ThermoFluid (e.g. sepiolite fluid) will not be used because its shale‐inhibitive 
and potential formation damaging properties have not been assessed 
completely at this point.
2 x x (x) (x) x
Without the ThermoDrive the the ThermoPrInt wouldn't be RIH (and vice 
versa). These two parts are mounted in the same tool and connected in the 
workshop. This scenario would not be possible.
3 x x x
Without these items in the BHA, the data gathered would only show any 
developments in the bit design with regard to standard cutting technology, in 
case the bit design, apart from the inclusion of the UHP nozzles, will be 
standard. However it could give us a baseline confirmation in conjunction 
with the offset well data, for the run with the DPI.

4 x x x

TUM  This would be a shallow functional test for the equipment (drill bit / jetting 
Comments unit) only. RIH open ended would not give any meaningful data..

Table 4-1 Considered Field Test Scenarios at RED wells

4.6.3 Thermodrill BHA Acceptance Test

Each individual component has undergone the above described acceptance tests, followed
by the function test and the static pressure test.
 Function Test
a. Connect and torque as per specifications all the components: ThermoBit and
b. Screw at the required torque the dummy top connection onto the top of the
ThermoDrive with pressure testing ports connected to the pressure pump and
to a pressure-recording device.
c. Place the tool on the bench facing a sacrificial surface
d. With the pump, gradually increase rate to 500 l/min through the low-pressure
and high-pressure jets to prove circulation.
e. Observe that both high and low pressure jets are functional
f. With a medical stethoscope, listen and confirm the regular noise of the
pistons’ strokes.
g. Check that Pinlet vs Q (ltr/min) chart meets the tool specifications
h. Bleed off pressure
 Static Pressure Test
a. Unscrew all jets. Screw the dummy connection with pressure testing ports on
the high-pressure jet’s exit side at the required torque.
b. Screw the dummy connection with pressure testing port on the low-pressure
jet’s exit side at the required torque.
c. Connect the low-pressure testing port to the low-pressure circuit

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d. Connect the high-pressure testing port to the ultra-high-pressure pump and to

a pressure-recording device.
e. Place the device in a secured closed container
f. Gradually increase the low pressure to 200 bars
g. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
h. Gradually increase the high pressure to 4000 bars
i. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
j. Gradually increase the low pressure to 300 bars
k. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
l. Gradually increase the high pressure to 6000 bars
m. Observe that pressure is stable for 15 minutes
n. Bleed-off High pressure. Observe pressure is zero
o. Bleed-off Low pressure. Confirm High and Low pressures are zero
p. Disconnect tool assembly from pressure testing bench
q. Screw jets back in place at the required torque
r. BHA is ready for field testing

4.6.4 Downhole Test

a. A section of at least 50 m or at least 24 hrs of continuous drilling will be drilled
in the crystalline section of the test well with a conventional roller-cone bit.
b. The following parameters will apply to that conventional roller-cone drilling
Mud Flow Rate WOB Rotation
2200 l/min 15 tons (metric) 40 rpm

c. RIH with ThermoBHA and the equivalent drill-stem until well TD is reached
(around 2100m)
d. The same parameters will apply to the ThermoDrilling operation, i.e.:
Mud Flow Rate WOB Rotation
2200 l/min 15 tons (metric) 40 rpm

e. The section to be drilled will be at least 50 m or will run at least for 24 hrs
f. POOH (Pull out of Hole)
g. Lay down the used ThermoBit and evaluate its condition (wear etc.)
h. Pick-up and make up the second ThermoBit run
i. RIH with the new ThermoBHA and same drill-stem until well TD is reached
(around 2150m)
j. The following parameters will apply to the new ThermoDrilling operation, i.e.:
Mud Flow Rate WOB Rotation
2200 l/min 8 tons (metric) 40 rpm

k. The section drilled will be at least 50 m or 24 hrs

l. POOH (Pull out of Hole)
m. Lay down ThermoBHA and asses its condition

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The following parameters will be recorded: (none exhaustive list)

TCI ThermoBHA 1 ThermoBHA 2
IADC type
Date/Time start
drilling at TD
Date/Time stop
drilling at TD
Drilled length (m)
WOB (mT)
ROP (m/hr)
RPM (1/min)
SPP Off Bottom
Appearance of drill

4.6.5 Data Collection

The acceptance test will be planned and executed by consortium on a test bench.
The data will be collected manually, filled in a software program and electronically stored
separately on an external media.
Discussion, presentation and conclusion of the test results will be performed between the
ThermoDrill consortium and the High Level Expert Group members.
During downhole test at a RED well, data will be collected with the PVSV rig system. The
data will be exported to a *.las format and stored separately on an external media.
Additionally RED personnel will be present on the rig floor as necessary but at least every
30 min to record the parameter.

4.7 Considerable Test Rigs and Test Bench

In order to be able to have additional test possibilities, the consortium investigated regarding
test rigs and test benches within Europe. Following facilities could be found which may be fit
for the purpose. Closer evaluation needs to be done.

4.7.1 WEATHERFORD Evaluation Centre (WEC) in UK4

The Evaluation Centre has been designed to reproduce operating conditions as closely as
possible. The rig and wells are available for rental by any company or organisation requiring
research and development facilities in the field of drilling or well services technology, on a
wholly confidential basis, as well as for product demonstration and practical training. The site
is ideal for testing new technology for horizontal well installations, which are carried out on
Test Bore Hole 4. Clients are provided with all data retrieved from the rig acquisition system
which can then be used as proof of tool commissioning. The WEC Rig Site has four test bore

WEATHERFORD (WEC) URL: http://www.weatherford.com/doc/evaluation-centre---rig-testing

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ThermoDrill D 7.1 Testing and Validation Plan

holes of varying depth and inclination, including a 36” cased-hole section, a 8½” horizontal
open-hole section and the deepest test bore hole at 1.432 m.

4.7.2 IRIS ULLRIG Drilling and Well Centre – in NOR5

The Ullrigg Drilling and Well Centre is owned by IRIS AS. Ullrigg is a full size offshore-style
triple rig, situated at Ullandhaug in Stavanger, Norway. Ullrigg or the Advanced Test
Facilities can be rented by any company on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis, for
testing or qualifying equipment or personnel, or for other purposes one might have. The
Ullrigg team consists of 25 employees with more than 30 years of experience within testing
equipment and verifying procedures and programmes for the petroleum industry. Underneath
Ullrigg there are 7 different test wells that the rig can be skidded over.

4.7.3 Drilling Simulator Celle (DSC) TU Clausthal6

Drilling Simulator Celle (DSC) by Clausthal University of Technology is a new and unique
research lab that uses virtual (software) and real (hardware) devices to help oilfield clients to
understand and mitigate critical drilling and well construction scenarios. The Virtual Simulator
is based on an industry-leading training simulator that has been enabled to allow modifying
the software, in order to describe especially downhole events in an optimized way. The
hardware simulator basically consists of a horizontal full-scale flow loop, powered up by two
oil-field triplex pumps with 800 HP each. The system allows drilling with a BHA up to 6 ¾“
into a formation and investigate the dynamic behavior of components and cuttings
transportation. Both industry and research customers are welcome to have their equipment
tested in the software and hardware environment.

4.7.4 Centre de Géosciences MINES ParisTech\7

Based in Pau, in the south of France, near the Pyrenees mountains and the Basque coast,
the Mines de Paris Drilling Laboratory conducts research projects and provides services for
customers in the field of oil and gas drilling. The full size drilling simulator is able to perform
drillability tests. Characterization of drilling behaviour of any type of full scale drilling bits can
be done in only a few days. The Drilling Test Facility is able to test roller cone or fixed cutter
bits up to 8"1/2 in diameter and simulates the deep hole drilling conditions. The tests consist
of drilling rock sample under constant WOB or constant ROP. The rock was held in a
pressure vessel and after the test, the bit and the bottom hole pattern can be examined
Additionally directional drilling tests, hydraulic simulation and single cutter drillability tests can
be performed.

IRIS ULRIGG URL: http://www.iris.no/research/ullrigg.
GeoTherm 2017 Offenburg - Exhibition Booklet.
Centre de Géosciences MINES ParisTech, URL : http://www.geosciences.mines-

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5. Conclusions and Next Steps

The ThermoDrill consortium has done a great job in developing this holistic concept for a
novel jetting/drilling system. The recently-performed high-pressure testing at an industry
partner’s site confirms the feasibility of the high-pressure jetting under confined pressure,
which was a particularly huge step forward relative to improved drilling performance on
geothermal wells. Evaluation of these tests will help the optimization and improvement of the
jetting process while limitations of the system can be assessed as well.
The ThermoDrill consortium is sure that the time schedule as agreed can be adhered to.
Nevertheless, there will be heavy engineering involved in the tasks ahead and it can be
assumed that within the next 4-6 months all critical issues will be solved from the planning,
design and manufacturing sides.
As for the drilling/jetting fluid which presents a critical part of optimum performance of the
novel drill bit / jetting unit, its evaluation with regard to high temperature performance,
lubricity and robustness towards various contaminants (e.g. brine influxes, contamination
with cement) will be pursued vigorously.
Simulation will hold an important part in this design and development phase and much
emphasis will be put on this. Ongoing evaluation and immediate communication of test
results within the consortium needs to be focused on, as well.
Testing will have to be done as the QC measure to allow for optimum performance and will
be supervised by the experts of Geo-Energie Suisse.

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6. List of Figures and Tables

Figure 3‐1 Development and Testing Overview ...................................................................................... 7 
Figure 3‐2: Radial Drilling Concept (Source: PetroJet Canada Inc.) ......................................................... 8 
Figure 3‐3 Test program and collected data ......................................................................................... 10 
Figure 3‐4 Evaluation of a laser sensor measurement1 ........................................................................ 11 
Figure 3‐5 Evaluation of width/depth with color, 4 test runs1 .............................................................. 11 
Figure 3‐6: Roller Cone Bit ..................................................................................................................... 14 
Figure  3‐7:  Preliminary  Bottom‐Hole  Assembly  of  the  Thermodrill  System,  as  designed  in  the 
integration plan ..................................................................................................................................... 21 
Figure 4‐1: Pressure Vessel setup at business partner´s site1 ............................................................... 22 
Figure 4‐2 Sequenced tasks and status ................................................................................................. 27 

Table 3‐1  Bit design and manufacturing Workflow .............................................................................. 16 
Table 3‐2 Experimental Procedures and Testing ................................................................................... 19 
Table 4‐1 Considered Field Test Scenarios at RED wells ....................................................................... 37 

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7. Glossary
acidizing The pumping of acid into the wellbore to remove near-well formation
damage and other damaging substances. This procedure commonly
enhances production by increasing the effective well radius. When
performed at pressures above the pressure required to fracture the
formation, the procedure is often referred to as acid fracturing.8
air drilling A drilling technique whereby gases (typically compressed air or nitrogen)
are used to cool the drill bit and lift cuttings out of the wellbore, instead of
the more conventional use of liquids.8
annulus The space around a pipe in a wellbore.
API American Petroleum Institute. A trade association and standards
organization that represents the interests of the oil and gas industry. It offers
publications regarding standards, recommended practices, and other
industry related information.9
BHA Bottom-Hole Assembly. An assembly composed of the bit, stabilizers,
reamers, drill collars, various types of subs, etc., that is connected to the
bottom of a string of drillpipe.
BHT Bottom-Hole Temperature. The temperature measured in the borehole at
total depth.
BHCT The temperature of the circulating fluid (air, mud, cement or water) at the
bottom of the wellbore after several hours of circulation.8
BHST Bottom hole static temperature. The temperature of the undisturbed
formation at the final depth in a well. The formation cools during drilling and
most of the cooling dissipates after about 24 hours of static conditions,
although it is theoretically impossible for the temperature to return to
undisturbed conditions. This temperature is measured under static
conditions after sufficient time has elapsed to negate any effects from
circulating fluids.8
BHT Bottom hole temperature. The temperature measured in the borehole at
total depth.
bit The tool used to crush or cut rock. Everything on a drilling rig directly or
indirectly assists the bit in crushing or cutting the rock. The bit is on the
bottom of the drill string and must be changed when it becomes excessively
dull or stops making progress. Most bits work by scraping or crushing the
rock, or both, usually as part of a rotational motion. Some bits, known as
hammer bits, pound the rock vertically in much the same fashion as a
construction site air hammer.8
bit record A report that lists each bit used during a drilling operation.9
BOP Blowout preventer. A large valve at the top of a well that may be closed if
the drilling crew loses control of formation fluids.8

Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary. URL: http://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com. 19.10.2015.
Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing eTool
URL: https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/etools/oilandgas/glossary_of_terms/glossary_of_terms_a.html.

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brine A geothermal solution containing appreciable amounts of sodium chloride or

other salts.10
BSCW Basic support for cooperate work. The shared-workspace-system used in
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
casing Steel pipe placed in an well to prevent the wall of the hole from caving in, to
prevent movement of fluids from one formation to another and to aid in well
casing shoe A short, heavy, cylindrical section of steel filled with concrete and rounded
at the bottom, which is placed at the end of the casing string. It prevents the
casing from snagging on irregularities in the borehole as it is lowered.9
CBL Cement Bond Log. An acoustic survey or sonic-logging method that records
the quality or hardness of cement used in the annulus to bond the casing
and the formation. Casing that is well bonded to the formation transmits an
acoustic signal quickly; poorly bonded casing transmits a signal slowly.9
CET Cement Evaluation Tools. Cement evaluation tools measure the bond
between the casing and the cement placed in the wellbore annulus between
the casing and wellbore. This real-time measurement is made with acoustic
sonic or ultrasonic tools. Hydraulic isolation between reservoir layers is
essential to avoid potential reservoir problems such as crossflow between
reservoir zones behind the casing. The detection of poor cement, or the
absence of cement, makes it possible to conduct remedial action before the
well is completed to avoid potential production problems and their
associated costs.11
circulation loss The loss of drilling fluid to a formation, usually caused when the hydrostatic
head pressure of the column of drilling fluid exceeds the formation pressure.
This loss of fluid may be loosely classified as seepage losses, partial losses
or catastrophic losses, each of which is handled differently depending on
the risk to the rig and personnel and the economics of the drilling fluid and
each possible solution.8
CNC Computer numerical control, a computer controller that reads instructions
and drives a machine tool12

CT Coiled Tubing. A long, continuous length of pipe wound on a spool. The

pipe is straightened prior to pushing into a wellbore and rewound to coil the
pipe back onto the transport and storage spool. Depending on the pipe
diameter (1 in. to 4 1/2 in.) and the spool size, coiled tubing can range from
610 to 4,570 m or greater length.8
CTU Coiled Tubing Unit.
coring The process of cutting a vertical, cylindrical sample of the formations
encountered as a well is drilled.9
cuttings The fragments of rock dislodged by the bit and brought to the surface in the
drilling mud. Washed and dried cuttings samples are analyzed by geologists

DOE Geothermal Glossary. URL: http://energy.gov/eere/geothermal/geothermal-glossary.
Schlumberger, URL: hht://www.slb.com/services/drilling/cementing/cement_evaluation.aspx.
Wikipedia URL:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNC_(disambiguation)

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to obtain information about the formations drilled.9

D&C Drilling and Completions.
DC Drill Collar. Thick walled pipe or tube designed to provide stiffness and
concentration of weight at the bit.13
DD Directional Drilling. The intentional deviation of a wellbore from the path it
would naturally take. This is accomplished through the use of whipstocks,
bottomhole assembly (BHA) configurations, instruments to measure the
path of the wellbore in three-dimensional space, data links to communicate
measurements taken downhole to the surface, mud motors and special BHA
components and drill bits, including rotary steerable systems, and drill bits.
The directional driller also exploits drilling parameters such as weight on bit
and rotary speed to deflect the bit away from the axis of the existing
DDR Daily Drilling Report. A record made each day of the operations on a
working drilling rig and, traditionally, phoned, faxed, emailed, or radioed into
the office of the drilling company and possibly the operator every morning.9
dogleg The abrupt change in direction in the wellbore, frequently resulting in the
formation of a keyseat.
DP Drillpipe. The heavy seamless tubing used to rotate the bit and circulate the
drilling fluid. Joints of pipe are generally approximately 9 m (30 feet) long
are coupled together by means of tool joints.9
D-PIT Downhole Pressure Intensifier Tool
drilling mud Drilling Fluids. Any of a number of liquid and gaseous fluids and mixtures of
fluids and solids (as solid suspensions, mixtures and emulsions of liquids,
gases and solids) used in operations to drill boreholes into the earth. One
classification scheme is based only on the mud composition by singling out
the component that clearly defines the function and performance of the fluid:
(1) water-base, (2) non-water-base and (3) gaseous (pneumatic).8
drilling rig Equipment and machinery assembled primarily for the purpose of drilling or
boring a hole in the ground.13
drillstring The drillstring is the mechanical assemblage connecting the rotary drive
system of the drilling rig on the surface to the drilling bit. It includes drill pipe
and drill collars as well as ancillary equipment like stabilizers, shock
absorbers and crossover subs.14
EGS Rock fracturing, water injection, and water circulation technologies to sweep
heat from the unproductive areas of existing geothermal fields or new fields
lacking sufficient production capacity.10
elastic A temporary change in shape caused by applied stress. The change in
deformation shape is not permanent and the initial shape is completely recovered once
the stress is removed.
ESP Electric Submersible Pump.
filter cake The residue deposited on a permeable medium when a slurry, such as a

IADC Drilling Lexicon. URL: http://www.iadclexicon.org.
Nguyen, Jean-Paul (1996): Drilling. Oilfield and Gas Field Development Techniques. Paris (Editions

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drilling fluid, is forced against the medium under a pressure. Filtrate is the
liquid that passes through the medium, leaving the cake on the medium.
Drilling muds are tested to determine filtration rate and filter-cake
fish Anything left in a wellbore. It does not matter whether the fish consists of
junk metal, a hand tool, a length of drillpipe or drill collars, or an expensive
MWD and directional drilling package. Once the component is lost, it is
properly referred to as simply "the fish." Typically, anything put into the hole
is accurately measured and sketched, so that appropriate fishing tools can
be selected if the item must be fished out of the hole.8
FIT Formation Integrity or Formation Competency Test. Application of pressure
by superimposing a surface pressure on a fluid column in order to determine
ability of a subsurface zone to withstand a certain hydrostatic pressure.13
fluid loss The leakage of the liquid phase of drilling fluid, slurry or treatment fluid
containing solid particles into the formation matrix.8
formation The force exerted by fluids or gas in a formation, recorded in the hole at the
pressure level of the formation with the well shut in. Also called reservoir pressure or
shut-in bottomhole pressure.8
fracturing A method of breaking down the formation by pumping fluid at very high
geothermal The rate of increase in temperature per unit depth in the Earth. Although the
gradient geothermal gradient varies from place to place, it averages 25 to 30 °C/km.
Temperature gradients sometimes increase dramatically around volcanic
areas. It is particularly important for drilling fluids engineers to know the
geothermal gradient in an area when they are designing a deep well. The
downhole temperature can be calculated by adding the surface temperature
to the product of the depth and the geothermal gradient.8
GL Ground Level
G&G Geology and Geophysics.
GR Gamma-Ray. High-energy, short wavelength, electromagnetic radiation
emitted by a nucleus, which is penetrating and is best attenuated by dense
material like lead or tungsten. The energy of gamma-rays is usually
between 0,010 MeV and 10 MeV.13
HDR The so-called Hot Dry Rock research aimed ultimately at extracting useful
heat from rock formations which possess insufficient natural permeability to
allow extraction of heated natural groundwater at the required rate.15
hook load The weight of the drill stem and associated components that are suspended
from the hook.8
HTHP High temperature and high pressure.
HWDP Heavy-Weight Drill Pipe. Pipe with thick wall used in transition zone to
minimize fatigue and as bit weight in directional wells.13
hydrostatic The normal, predicted pressure for a given depth, or the pressure exerted
pressure per unit area by a column of freshwater from sea level to a given depth.8

Garnish, John D. (1991): Research and development on geothermal energy in Europe. Proceedings
of the Ussher Society, 7, 309-315.

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IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors. A trade association that

represents the interests of members of the drilling segment of the oil and
gas industry. It offers publications regarding recommended industry
practices and training materials.8
induced Induced seismicity is earthquake activity resulting from human activity that
seismicity causes a rate of energy release, or seismicity, which would be expected
beyond the normal level of historical seismic activity. In addition to the
subsurface stresses, fluid pressures play a key role in causing seismicity.16
injection The process of returning spent geothermal fluids to the subsurface.
Sometimes referred to as reinjection.10
jet nozzle The passageway through jet bits that causes the drilling fluid to be ejected
from the bit at high velocity. 8 The purpose of fluid streams is to keep the bit
cones clean, cool down the bearings and to sweep formation cuttings
towards the annulus.
kelly The square or hexagonal shaped steel pipe connecting the swivel to the drill
string. The kelly moves through the rotary table and transmits torque to the
drill string.13
keyseat A small-diameter channel worn into the side of a larger diameter wellbore.
This can be the result of a sharp change in direction of the wellbore (a
dogleg), or if a hard formation ledge is left between softer formations that
enlarge over time. In either case, the diameter of the channel is typically
similar to the diameter of the drillpipe. When larger diameter drilling tools
such as tool joints, drill collars, stabilizers, and bits are pulled into the
channel, their larger diameters will not pass and the larger diameter tools
may become stuck in the keyseat.8
LCA Life cycle analysis is a systematic set of procedures for compiling and
examining the inputs and outputs of materials and energy and the
associated environmental impacts directly attributable to the functioning of a
product or service throughout its life cycle. This goal is accomplished by
taking the following steps: compiling an inventory of relevant inputs and
outputs of a system, evaluating the potential impacts associated with those
inputs and outputs and interpreting the results of the inventory and impact
phases in relation to the objectives of the study.17
LCM Lost Circulation Material. Solid material intentionally introduced into a mud
system to reduce and eventually prevent the flow of drilling fluid into a weak,
fractured or vugular formation. This material is generally fibrous or plate-like
in nature, as suppliers attempt to design slurries that will efficiently bridge
over and seal loss zones. In addition, popular lost circulation materials are
low-cost waste products from the food processing or chemical
manufacturing industries. Examples of lost circulation material include
ground peanut shells, mica, cellophane, walnut shells, calcium carbonate,
plant fibers, cottonseed hulls, ground rubber, and polymeric materials.8
LOT Leakoff Test. A test to determine the strength or fracture pressure of the
open formation, usually conducted immediately after drilling below a new

Lawrence Berkeley National Library. Induced Seismicity. URL:
Im aktuellen Dokument sind keine Quellen vorhanden.17 Madu, Christian (2001): Handbook of
environmentally conscious manufacturing. Springer Science-Business Media, New York.

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casing shoe. During the test, the well is shut in and fluid is pumped into the
wellbore to gradually increase the pressure that the formation experiences.
At some pressure, fluid will enter the formation, or leak off, either moving
through permeable paths in the rock or by creating a space by fracturing the
rock. The results of the leakoff test dictate the maximum pressure or mud
weight that may be applied to the well during drilling operations. To maintain
a small safety factor to permit safe well control operations, the maximum
operating pressure is usually slightly below the leakoff test result.8
lubricant A mud additive for lowering torque (rotary friction) and drag (axial friction) in
the wellbore and to lubricate bit bearings if not sealed. Lubricants may be
solids, such as plastic beads, glass beads, nut hulls and graphite, or liquids,
such as oils, synthetic fluids, glycols, modified vegetable oils, fatty-acid
soaps and surfactants.8
LWD Logging While Drilling. The measurement of formation properties during the
excavation of the hole, or shortly thereafter, through the use of tools
integrated into the bottomhole assembly.8
MD Measured Depth. The length of the wellbore, as if determined by a
measuring stick. This measurement differs from the true vertical depth of the
well in all but vertical wells. Since the wellbore cannot be physically
measured from end to end, the lengths of individual joints of drillpipe, drill
collars and other drillstring elements are measured with a steel tape
measure and added together. Importantly, the pipe is measured while in the
derrick or lying on a pipe rack, in an untensioned, unstressed state. When
the pipe is screwed together and put into the wellbore, it stretches under its
own weight and that of the bottomhole assembly. Although this fact is well
established, it is not taken into account when reporting the well depth.
Hence, in virtually all cases, the actual wellbore is slightly deeper than the
reported depth.8
mud additive A material added to a drilling fluid to perform one or more specific functions,
such as a weighting agent, viscosifier or lubricant.8
mud The movement of drilling fluid out of the mud pits, down the drill stem, up
circulation the annulus, and back to the mud pits.8
mud weight A measure of the density of a drilling fluid expressed as pounds per gallon,
pounds per cubic foot, or kilograms per cubic meter. Mud weight is directly
related to the amount of pressure the column of drilling mud exerts at the
bottom of the hole.8
MUL Montanuniversitaet Leoben.
multilateral Pertaining to a well that has more than one branch radiating from the main
NC Numerical Control
NDT Non-Destructive Test. Test used to detect internal, surface and concealed
defects or imperfections in materials, using techniques that do not damage
or destroy the items being tested.13
NPT None Productive Time.
O&M Operations and Maintenance.
PAC Polyanionic cellulose. A cellulose derivative similar in structure, properties
and usage in drilling fluids to carboxymethylcellulose. PAC is considered to
be a premium product because it typically has a higher degree of

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carboxymethyl substitution and contains less residual NaCl than technical

grade carboxymethylcellulose, although some PACs contain considerable
PDC bit A drilling tool that uses polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) cutters to
shear rock with a continuous scraping motion. These cutters are synthetic
diamond disks about 1/8 inch thick and about 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter.8
permeability The capacity of a substance (such as rock) to transmit a fluid. The degree of
permeability depends on the number, size, and shape of the pores and/or
fractures in the rock and their interconnections. It is measured by the time it
takes a fluid of standard viscosity to move a given distance. The unit of
permeability is the Darcy.10
porosity The ratio of the aggregate volume of pore spaces in rock or soil to its total
volume, usually stated as a percent.10
QA/QC Quality Assurance / Quality Control
reamer A tool used in drilling to smooth the wall of a well, enlarge the hole to the
specified size, help stabilize the bit, straighten the wellbore if kinks or
doglegs are encountered, and drill directionally.8
reservoir A naturally occurring underground body of liquids, such as water or steam.
RKB Rotary Kelly Bushing. Bushing that sits on top of the rotary table. It transmits
torque from the rotary table to the kelly and is commonly used as a
reference for vertical measurements from the drill-floor.13
roller cone bit A tool designed to crush rock efficiently while incurring a minimal amount of
wear on the cutting surfaces. The roller-cone bit has conical cutters or
cones that have spiked teeth around them. As the drillstring is rotated, the
bit cones roll along the bottom of the hole in a circle. As they roll, new teeth
come in contact with the bottom of the hole, crushing the rock immediately
below and around the bit tooth. As the cone rolls, the tooth then lifts off the
bottom of the hole and a high-velocity fluid jet strikes the crushed rock chips
to remove them from the bottom of the hole and up the annulus. As this
occurs, another tooth makes contact with the bottom of the hole and creates
new rock chips. Thus, the process of chipping the rock and removing the
small rock chips with the fluid jets is continuous. The teeth intermesh on the
cones, which helps clean the cones and enables larger teeth to be used.
There are two main types of roller-cone bits, steel milled-tooth bits and
carbide insert bits.8
ROP Rate of Penetration. A measure of the speed at which the bit drills into
formations, usually expressed in feet (meters) per hour or minutes per foot
RT Room temparature
rotary drilling A drilling method in which a hole is drilled by a rotating bit to which a
downward force is applied. The bit is fastened to and rotated by the drill
stem, which also provides a passageway through which the drilling fluid is
circulated. Additional joints of drill pipe are added as drilling progresses. 8
rotary table Device used to apply torque to the drill string during drilling and normally
located in the centre of the drill floor.13
RPM Revolutions per minute.
RSS Rotary Steerable System. A tool designed to drill directionally with
continuous rotation from the surface, eliminating the need to slide a

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steerable motor. Rotary steerable systems typically are deployed when

drilling directional, horizontal, or extended-reach wells. State-of-the-art
rotary steerable systems have minimal interaction with the borehole, thereby
preserving borehole quality.8
shut-in To close the valves on a well so that it stops producing. To close in a well in
which a kick has occurred.8
sidetrack A secondary wellbore drilled away from the original hole. It is possible to
have multiple sidetracks, each of which might be drilled for a different
reason (multilateral).
SL Sea level.
stabilizers They are included in the drill string, more precisely at drill collar level, to
control the bit and keep it on the right trajectory, whether vertical or
deviated. The shapes and makes vary depending on the formation, the
abrasiveness and the service required.14
stress The force applied to a body that can result in deformation, or strain, usually
described in terms of magnitude per unit of area, or intensity.8
sub A short, threaded piece of pipe used to adapt parts of the drilling string that
cannot otherwise be screwed together because of differences in thread size
or design. A sub (a substitute) may also perform a special function. Lifting
subs are used with drill collars to provide a shoulder to fit the drill pipe
elevators; a kelly saver sub is placed between the drill pipe and the kelly to
prevent excessive thread wear of the kelly and drill pipe threads; a bent sub
is used when drilling a directional hole.8
TCI bit Tungsten Carbide Insert bit.
TD Total Depth.
THP Tubing Hanger Pressure. The pressure in the production tubing.
top drive A top drive (frequently also referred to as a power swivel) is a piece of
equipment that serves the following functions: rotating the drill string
(formerly undertaken by the rotary table); providing a conduit for drilling mud
(formerly undertaken by the rotary swivel); disconnecting/connecting pipe
(formerly undertaken by the iron roughneck); closing in the drill pipe by an
integrated kelly valve (formerly undertaken by the kelly valve in connection
with the rotary table); lifting/lowering drill string by use of standard elevator
(formerly undertaken by the hook by using same kind of elevator). Top
drives may be either electrically or hydraulically driven. If they are
hydraulically driven, several hydraulic motors are normally used. Elevator
links and elevators are not regarded as a part of the top drive (standard
drilling equipment).13
torque The turning force that is applied to a shaft or other rotary mechanism to
cause it to rotate or tend to do so. Torque is measured in foot-pounds,
joules, newton-meters, and so forth.8
Tubing Hanger Component used to support the downhole completion tubing string. It is also
typically used to seal and contain the completion annulus from the
TUM Technische Universitaet München.
TVD True Vertical Depth. The vertical distance from a point in the well (usually
the current or final depth) to a point at the surface, usually the elevation of
the rotary kelly bushing (RKB). This is one of two primary depth

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measurements used by the drillers, the other being measured depth.8

UBI Ultrasonic Borehole Imager. See ultrasonic measurements.
UCS Unconfined compressive strength, uniaxial compressive strength. A
measure of a material’s strength. The unconfined compressive strength
(UCS) is the maximum axial compressive stress that a right-cylindrical
sample of material can withstand under unconfined conditions, the confining
stress is zero.8
ultrasonic In the context of borehole logging, measurements of acoustic signals that
measurements are in the hundreds of kilohertz to the low-megahertz range. Such ultrasonic
instruments are mostly of the pulse-echo type, and are used in the borehole
televiewer, and in various cased-hole devices to determine corrosion and
cement-bond quality.8
USIT Ultrasonic Imaging Tool. See ultrasonic measurements.
VES Vertical Electrical Sounding.
VSP Vertical Seismic Profile. A class of borehole seismic measurements used for
correlation with surface seismic data, for obtaining images of higher
resolution than surface seismic images and for looking ahead of the drill bit.8
WOB Weight on bit. The amount of downward force placed on the bit.
well logging Assessing the geologic, engineering, and physical properties and
characteristics of geothermal reservoirs with instruments placed in the
well A treatment performed to restore or enhance the productivity of a well.
stimulation Stimulation treatments fall into two main groups, hydraulic
fracturing treatments and matrix treatments. Fracturing treatments are
performed above the fracture pressure of the reservoir formation and create
a highly conductive flow path between the reservoir and the wellbore. Matrix
treatments are performed below the reservoir fracture pressure and
generally are designed to restore the natural permeability of the reservoir
following damage to the near-wellbore area.8
WL Water level.

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