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CPEC- China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, is a multidimensional developmental and

infrastructure project which is currently under construction in Pakistan. The project was initially
worth of $46 billion which is increased to US$62 billion (as of 2017). CPEC is intended to bring a
socio-economic transformation in Pakistan by upgrading Pakistan’s infrastructure and
strengthens its economy. The focused areas of CPEC includes power projects, economic zones
and transportation networks. It is aimed that through Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), there is a
great opportunity to get connected with many African, Asian and European countries by
providing routes via roads, highways and railway.
CPEC is thought to transform many lives of many people living in the surrounding regions. The
initial amount of CPEC was thought to be divided into two parts, i.e. out of US$46 billion,
US$35 billion would be allocated to the energy sector and US$11 billion would be spent on
communications and infrastructures including Gwadar port development.
CPEC- A game changer
CPEC is considered as a game changer by many of the proponents. CPEC will not only benefit
Pakistan and China but also Gulf countries by the transportation routes and oil and gas
pipelines. Not only this, but CPEC will also be beneficiary for many countries of Africa and
Europe. What makes it beneficial is the geo-strategic location of Pakistan. Moreover, CPEC will
act as an economic booster for Pakistan. It will facilitate rapid development in economic and
commercial areas, encouraging industries across the globe to invest. This rapid economic
development would help Pakistan to stabilize its current economic, political and security
New employment opportunities will be created which is a basic and important need of Pakistan
in the present situation. It is expected that CPEC would contribute 2.5% to the annual growth of
Pakistan. Pakistani can also avail opportunities in many different sectors such as energy,
technology and education sectors from Chinese experts. There will also be a positive impact on
GDP through China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). It is bound to increase Pakistan’s GDP
by more than 5 percent.
It is thought that through CPEC the energy production of Pakistan will be improved, as under
the deal signed by China, it is stated that over 15 power plants will be installed in Pakistan. This
will eventually bring a great reduction in energy crises faced by Pakistan. It will bring prosperity
and strengthens Pakistani population by connecting rural area to urban. CPEC will also improve
and deepen the friendly relationship between the two countries, Pakistan and China.
CPEC- Another East India Company
The relationship between China and Pakistan is becoming stronger through CPEC, but US is still
doubtful about the economic corridor and thinks that it may be another East India Company. It
seems like the main aim of China entering Pakistan has a historical precedence. Just as British
enters the subcontinent to trade in the 18th century and then began to rule, China may have the
same agenda, that is, China wants to dominate Pakistan through this economic corridor.
Now the question arises, what makes people think that China wants to rule Pakistan just like
East India Company? Firstly, China is making Pakistan borrow the loans. According to the news,
Pakistan has already the debt of US$6 billion due to which China may have some kind of grip
over the Pakistani nations. Pakistanis are paying these loans on high interest rates. China also
took control over the Gwadar port. Many Chinese residents have also started living here which
may be considered as an alarming situation. Moreover, Pakistan may be considered as the new
target of China after what China did to Sri Lanka, Maldives and Djibouti. In addition, according
to Price water house Coopers (PwC), China will be leading the strongest economy till 2050.
But if we compare China enterprises and British, there are many differences. One of the major
difference is the methods both used. British may came to subcontinent with the intention of
doing trade but they take over the power through the brutal forces. If we see China, in contrast,
it wants to make its friendship with Pakistan stronger with mutual respect and trust. If we look
back into the 18th century, the subcontinent was far more prosperous than the British. On the
other hand, in the present, China is the second largest economic power followed by USA,
whereas, Pakistan’s economic conditions are not good enough. Moreover, China also has a limit
of influence and interests in Pakistan.
Critical Analysis
China have always been a hurdle in creating bond with people. It is due the different
technology and separate network, unlike, the western culture we follow. Through this
economic corridor, we may be able to solve the issues face by Pakistani sectors and learn more
about Chinese culture and values.
CPEC is not something China has imposed to Pakistan, instead, it is a mutual agreement. China
wanted to be an ally of Pakistan, and Pakistan respected and welcomed China with all its heart.
There may be some disadvantages of CPEC such as losing other allies or Chinese snatching jobs
and admissions of Pakistanis, but Pakistan is trying to deal with them.
If we consider all of the above factors, in my opinion, CPEC would be a game changer. The
advantages of the economic corridor is more than is disadvantages. It will be beneficial for both

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