Data Science & Machine Learning Brochure PDF

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ss INTIGLIDE TECHNOLOGIES DATA SCIENCE & MACHINE LEARNING PROGRAM Data science is a term used for dealing with big data that includes data collection, cleansing, preparation and analysis for various purposes. A data Prot one amroe Nace MUCOUS RCCL METiCCUMECTEE DN MET OCC Pree ee MO Mee Cole em on eto lac hI R COR crag SuiTMau (elec MIO Mn CLO MN MUN MOLLE MMM Nimo eee e CMTE CL and understands the data from business perspective and give useful insights and accurate predictions that can be used in devising critical business Clays Machine Learning is defined as a practice of using the suitable algorithms to utilize the data for learning and predicting the future trend for a particular area. Machine learning software contains the statistical and predictive analysis functions that is used to recognize the patterns and find the hidden insights based on perceived data. The best examples of machine learning applications are Virtual assistant devices like Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, and Microsoft's Cortana . Machine Learning is also extensively used in Social Platform applications like Facebook which uses Machine Learning principles to predict & respond as per the past behaviors Oya a RUSE WOR tte meno eC UCoyeLn cL CReTee Le Expert Trainers —— Case study driven ~~ 100+ hours Live & Hands On — 4months g / > Intro to Data Science OM irl BOLT nleom Vena DEL! science Matters & How it Powers SSMS TSAI TNC PMO oman en mee ment ati ae) OP 1) Natta DMCs RET acme HB 34 Install & Set-up R and R-Studio « Familiarization with R-Studio and eta tnita eeotes versrect tinh teeter vate rome OPA bce conn a34 > Data Handling & Visualization in R ¢ Exploratory Data Analysis using R ¢ Data Wrangling & Text Mining Penta e ecto am) Skene ieot Sete RUCne reve r MOn Tay PAR rntatentae » Intro to Algebra/Statistics Probability for Data Science CM Deru} eenvorc em lout terl ye LeClelecd Ooinete ccs cr si lisateeenrg PPE temte ites » Case Study 1 Using R : Data Mining OR eoser sr iiite eC UnCece Tani) s) SS SC ag lect t-eODY.N Serratia tite welt > Intro to Machine Learning (ML) « Machine Learning basics & Overview oR Yevu Colt m UI PwAU Ceuta arb Seda ea hence ee IF Oe ace VM Mitte Meret Data creation] * Packages & Functions needed for ML ree ooo ge = (eA yy CLL Libie ee > Case Study 2 using R : Data Ais ee MEE PlUUnis POE ie aired PRUs Cele eee available in ‘mlbench’ package PO eR est eect nrertens (rt CREST eM DeLee RITE IPzLeTe ny Split the Dataset into Training & Testing data Pm ona RECS PREV itt SRT aun VP eet) [Mei tesole Association Rule Mining & PN Seema Outen Tae Moser caret nekenne cant Feat eSTO SS > Case Study 3 & 4 using R: Retailer Case Study & IDET Ee Keim Obie SRS Cote rte wR VITA! Secon Ler a amu Cel eTcoussitynited Pattern’ DUAR Tea Diagnosing Breast Cancer CUT melicouiw. leu en mee) ‘Diagnose Breast Cancer’ }> Supervised Learning - (OES Tie tato See ETMTaN th Ceiaaecten RES ¢ ‘Classification Algorithms’ CO Rete AC Rss eTeCOny SOV erat HENRI Cn Oo Rai cose AVI Oc DEOMI UT ee OCHA ey Terao CO Ctetnacoltecel Avilla mixer OM ColeT tes PURI M ENB SA oc} DOA ASUS ee oT cutis Mobile phone Spam ¢ Filter Mobile Phone Spam using Naive Bayes Classification > Case Study 8 using R : Predict titanic Saag Pe arte ee AOR Send ect) » Case Study 9 using R: Predict Churning in Telecom Predict Customer Churning in Telecom Dataset using Decision Tree »> Case Study 10 using R: Identify Risky Bank loans Identify Risky Bank Loans using C5.0 peste wuesey Vece tit DONC BEST a eee eel LOTR aha e Applying random Forest for Sonar Data (Oem Tate hia Machine Learning Model Validation Pre ny COV iu iTeLeES oR ETC Tem encm ae cenCeeh Cn Ley BV CeYeC Melo leyelare8 CM OoSM ENE LH Cmca ne Lacy K-Fold Cross Validation & Leave One Lola oSOMIEl Ce cLalel ey SOE Cnn T Sey eect beeen Finetuning Input Data & Evaluation Oe eM Asc Rice SP on ela cectereonm istered Seether AO ete tests B UCL Ey using Confusion Matrix Ce Nolet a rece Oey > Case Study 12 using R: Anomaly detection in Ae tiem atau e eRe rewoteatne Mtoe lg sD ietolute)ny > Case Study 13 using R: CO ene Ete bd & drawing ROC + AUC * Using HouseVotes84 Data Classification to «Develop Confusion Matrix *ROC & AUC Curves ML Prediction using Linear Cuvee PR eRe Ant eta ots SUITOR tonto Ly ¢ Understanding Simple vs Multiple Linear Regression * Measures of Model Performance: R-Squared & RMSE > Case Study 14 using R: Australian Athletics Case Study Simple Linear Regression Case study for Australian Athletics Data Case Study 15 using R: Predict Medical Expenses Predicting Medical Expenses Rong en ria cero Time Series Analysis using R * What is Time Series Analysis ECA UTR toe Ly * Understanding ARIMA & Random Walks DOO COMICS a a Forecast Tractor sales Pe Woda hee Beem CORON COUT SEy Time Series & ARIMA Models > Tableau > Managing Data Science BRUSIC Uz Lem tenM Eley 1 Projects & Teams = Guest lecture on how to manage Leone Drew ented ax cee ae) = Introduction to Big Data & understanding Geenegieee Industry Application PURO ey AeA A > Real Time Project Experience Sharing PMC aa = Guest Lecture to share the Real Project «= Introduction to Deep Learning/ ete eee Plena NLP & Neural Networks > Intro to Python : Getting Started Stead tie) © N Dimensional Array Handling Basic Array Ooperations OO era ntsc taster teas Iterating OO ea Coren Teast En eveon Vera nth tt Neen aela chyss © What is Python Programming Language Why Python is 'Language of Choice’ for ETE tone) aan anette Python Interpreter Installation on your System. Python IDE installation Array Functions & Methods reed ane NU Cr LY COMA Rl rest RE eg renee Lamond * Python Data Structures (List, OCB BC CL] Dictionary, Tuple, Set) Tia de ee MOOR CME mid Python Control Structures easy data analysis Operations [eats er ea a Reteystnt 9) Python Functions (Creating User DSi em athe e CTD) Aen orm lee Nellie) OO econ Ieee DAE BNE L IT Pore tea erty « Understanding Pandas Data Traian > Numpy & Scipy Library : Python * Understanding Operations in PCE Le eu Cme anil a eT fast N-Dimensional Array TTS ST TLCS Dur Ua aS Joining, Pivots & Reshaping ; ; , Sion emer n et See ee ee ee te Nea Undestanding Pandas Dataframe * What is Scipy Library & When to use it ante Installing Numpy & Scipy Libraries Sense ann nt es Manipulations »> Matplotlib Library : Python } Scikit-Learn Library : Python module for visualization. module for Machine Learning Matplotlib Overview & MON (as tanmele Veto at bw Recvertitsg Architecture & Scikit-Learn ¢ Installing Matplotlib ¢ Installing Scikit-Learn Library ¢ Matplotlib Event Handling & COT oa rail neon Sora Matplotlip Data Plotting & Data Analysis « Matplotlib Customization & Configurations ON ee arene VEL ot Ts Peotccenteatcntasal ct Understanding the Lifecycle of Ca Clel Bo renew yc Evalue > Live Project Discussion ae Professionals who want to learn the practical aspects of data handling Erato ON er LCT EM Hse ROU MSora CIV EDD cre mC Teen bY Taal cleo Project Managers, Business Managers and Senior Leaders who have the responsibility to manage large data analytics/big data based projects and would like to gain understanding of this domain. Young professionals and Managers who have little or no formal education in Business Analytics, but who now feel the need to embrace technologies Pane meb ei Racubec ceca teats Executives with analytical aptitude who are interested in and want to learn Data Analytics through hands on practice on popular tools. Individuals who aspire to switch to or embark on a career in Business Analytics or Data Science. At Intiglide, we strive to be the global leaders in providing world class digital transformation education and consulting and to groom the leaders of tomorrow to be transformation enablers and to help them leverage these digital technologies to create a big impact in the digital world. We work towards bringing organizational change through the use of digital technologies and business models to improve performance. It is about how we can leverage these digital technologies to achieve strategic business goals. RAO aaOen nmr Cm nae mtCkecuS Genet Ch eCh nist ace REUTER ae mene O orn n eto Mec Smenccccom Con em CM Ceci Mere itang well-equipped you are to help orchestrate their transformation. Manette MOC omET CM cece rch ime C nee ne amc ment training, to best leverage that technology to achieve strategic business goals. The comprehensive curriculum is designed in consultation with the industry experts and delivered by the world class faculty, driven by real time case studies and data sets to solve real time complex business problems. Intiglide has been formed by a cohesive group of professionals with more than a decade of experience in the industry and are alumnus of reputed institutes like NUS CP UB Eric lol em MMe T CoB TU The team is mentored by leading industrialist, Organisation and Practice heads, Darel Men ene Cnet nee R cnet as The team also boasts of having doctorates in the relevant field of Statistics and Big Data to lay a solid foundation which is essential part of this course. The team also has on board PMI Champions who have decades of experience in ToT ee Clee Roel) oa ke) aeRO Te OUMS OE TSM eee Come) the students understand How to Manage Data Science Projects and deal with Data Rotana

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