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Course English (X11) Time available, 1 Hour

Course Instructor Kainat Siddiqui Date 23 Nov 2020


 Answer the following questions (Any 4, 20)

1- What do you understand by the term of Cosmopolitanism?
2- What was the view of Mrs. Okentubb about the chances and casual meetings we have with many
people during the lifetime?
3- What reason Liaquat ali khan gave to justify demand for Pakistan?
4- What main differences did Liaquat ali khan point out between the Muslims and the Hindus,
beliefs and attitude in his speech?
5- Write down the character sketch of Mrs. Okentubb/Gentleman.

 People often say that this pandemic of coronavirus is a divine punishment (or Azaab), which has
been unleashed on mankind, however such notion is being challenged by many people all around
the globe. Consider yourself a reputable journalist of Pakistan. Write an article in 150 -200 words
on the topic ‘’ Corona Virus a blessing in disguise’’. (Marks 5)

 Make the following paragraph precis and give suitable Title (Marks 5)
 Teacher is the noblest of professions. A teacher has a sacred duty to perform. It is he on whom
rests the responsibility of molding the character of young children. Apart from developing their
intellect, he can inculcate in them qualities of good citizenship, remaining neat and clean, talking
decently and sitting properly. These virtues are not easy to be imbibed. Only he who himself
leads a life of simplicity, purity and rigid discipline can successfully cultivate these habits in his

Besides a teacher always remain young. He may grow old in age, but not in spite. Perpetual
contact with budding youths keeps him happy and cheerful. There are moments when domestic
worries weigh heavily on his mind, but the delightful company of innocent children makes him
overcome his transient moods of despair.

1- No I beg for my death! Kill me! Blot out that picture which is always before my eyes which I
cannot endure!" This statement is
 A fact
 A vague
 A pretension
 A lie

2- "You killed my wife and daughter! You took their lives and wrecked mine. Haven't I the right to
take yours?" The answer to the question is
 Yes, definitely
 No, perhaps
 Don't know
 Yes, perhaps

3- "Vengeance is not wickedness. It is not wicked to punish the evil doer" who us evildoer?
 The Korean girl
 'He'
 Mrs. Oakentubb
 The porter

4- Mrs. Oakentubb confessed her crime because she

 Realize her mistake
 Tried to be fool him
 Knew that he wanted apology
 Made him perplexed

5- Mrs. Oakentubb killed two people in a motor accident because of a bet of merely
 Eight pounds
 Six pounds
 Five pounds
 Four pounds

6- When Mrs. Oakentubb killed two people, she was driving at

 Sixty miles an hour
 Fifty miles an hour
 Forty miles an hour
 Forty-five miles an hour

7- He perception of the gentleman about casual meetings is that they

 Do not create any difference
 Create some difference in life
 Sometimes they may alter one's life
 None of these

8- According to Liaquat Ali Khan, the basis of the creation of Pakistan is not just
 The cultural differences
 The political issues
 The religious difference
 The civil wars

9- Long experience and the history of several centuries had taught the Muslims of Sub continent that
under a dominating majority of three to one, freedom from British rule would mean to the
Muslims not freedom but merely a change of
 Concept
 Thinking
 Condition
 Masters

10- Liaquat Ali Khan termed Pakistan and India as

 Heterogeneous states
 Homogenous state
 Disturbed States
 None of these

11- Liaquat Ali Khan talked of American independence. From which country the independence was
 Russia
 Germany
 Britain
 Italy

12- "We live in an era of widening horizons" stated Liaquat Ali Khan, " It is in a sense an era in
 Man is discovering space
 Countries are fighting world wars
 New countries are being discovered
 Countries are being exploited

13- Pakistan and the Modern World is the text of speech Liaquat Ali khan delivered in
 1947
 1940
 1950
 1948
14- Pakistan and the Modern World is the text of speech Liaquat Ali khan delivered to acknowledge
the conferment of
 An honorary degree
 A Ph.D degree
 Life time achievement award
 An M.Phil degree

15- Liaquat Ali khan was born on

 October 1, 1895
 October 2, 1985
 October 3, 1895
 May 3, 1895

16- According to Liaquat Ali Khan, the freedom from foreign domination is
 The real concept of freedom
 Perfect definition of freedom
 An outworn idea
 A correct idea

17- Foremost belief among the beliefs of Muslims of Pakistan is in

 Democracy
 Supreme sovereignty of God
 Autocracy
 Theocracy

18- The re-awakening of the east is one the most enormous movement that can only be properly
understood when viewed in a wide --------------------- perspective.
 Social
 Historical
 Political
 Cultural

19- The supremacy of the East was not only military but science, philosophy, poetry and the arts also
flourished in China and the Muhammadan world, at that time Europe was sunk in
 Corruption
 Poverty
 Barbarism
 Illiteracy

20- The traditions of Asia are ancient and

 Renowned
 Outdated
 Highly held
 Glorious

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