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19th OCT 2020

Prepared By,


(Dr Eric Nesh)

1. The drawing shows the human digestive system.

Label the above organs correctly


2. Label the orangs correctly according to its function
 Question 1
Which one is the monomer of protein?
answer choices
A. glucose
B. amino acid
C. fatty acid
D. glycerol

 Question 2
which one is used to test for fat?
answer choices
A. add iodine and observe the colour
B. add ethanol, pour water and shake it
C. add benedict and heat it
D. add biuret and observe the colour

 Question 3
A food is tested. It is cloudy in ethanol test and purple in biuret test. What molecules
does the food have?
A. glucose and starch
B. lipid and starch
C. glucose and protein
D. lipid and protein

 Question 4
In which part does absorption happen?
A. stomach
B. duodenum
C. pancreas
D. small intestine

 Question 5
The part of the digestive system which is highlighted represents:
A. Oesophagus
B. Small intestine
C. Stomach
D. Trachea

 Question 6
Constipation is caused by...
A. lack of vitamin D
B. lack of vitamin C
C. lack of fiber
D. lack of protein
 Question 7
Which type of teeth is used to grind the food?
A. Incisors
B. Canines
C. Molars

 Question 8
Which is the hardest part of the teeth?
A. enamel
B. tooth root
C. dentine
D. gum

 Question 9
Most of water absorption happens in ...
A. Mouth
B. Stomach
C. Small intestine
D. Large intestine

 Question 10
Lipase digest .... into ...
answer choices
A. protein; amino acids
B. fat; fatty acid and glycerol
C. amylum; glucose
D. sugar; glucose

 Question 11
Which is the product of liver?
A. bile
B. amylase
C. lipase
D. hydrochloric acid

 Question 12
Which chemical reaction takes place in the stomach?
A. Proteins are digested by proteases
B. Proteins are digested into fatty acids
C. Starch is digested into amino acids
D. Starch is digested by lipase

 Question 13
Which chemical reaction takes place in the stomach?
A. Proteins are digested by proteases
B. Proteins are digested into fatty acids
C. Starch is digested into amino acids
D. Starch is digested by lipase
 Question 14
A food substance is tested to see if it contains complex carbohydrates and simple
sugars. Which two reagents (chemicals) are used to test the food?
A. Biuret's solution and iodine solution
B. Benedict's solution and ethanol
C. Iodine solution and Benedict's solution
D. Benedict's solution and Biuret's solution

 Question 15
Q. A food substance passes through the organs of the human digestive system in
which order?
A. Mouth - oesophagus - stomach - large intestine - small intestine - anus
B. Mouth - stomach - oesophagus - small intestine - large intestine - anus
C. Mouth - oesophagus - stomach - small intestine - liver - large intestine - anus
D. Mouth - oesophagus - stomach - small intestine - large intestine -anus

 Question 16
Which organ makes bile and where is it stored?
answer choices
A. Made in the liver, stored in the gall bladder
B. Made in the gall bladder, stored in the pancreas
C. Made in the liver, stored in the pancreas
D. Made in the stomach, stored in the gall bladder

 Question 17
which one is the monomer of carbohydrate?
A. glucose
B. amino acid
C. fatty acid
D. glycerol

 Question 18
which structure helps the absorption of food?
answer choices
A. epiglottis
B. villi
C. rectum
D. teeth

 Question 19
what is the other name of digestive tract?
answer choices
A. tracheobronchus
B. cerebrospinal
C. cardiovascular
D. alimentary canal
 Question 20
Human needs 30 grams of fibre a day. 100 grams of certain vegetable contain 2,5
grams fibre . How many vegetables do you need to eat?
answer choices
A. 1 kg
B. 1.2 kg
C. 1.5 kg
D. 2 kg

 Question 21
Which organ absorb water?
answer choices
A. Pancreas
B. Large Intestines
C. Rectum
D. Gall Bladder

 Question 22
Which organ pushes the bolus into stomach using peristalsis movement?
answer choices
A. tongue
B. esophagus
C. epiglottis
D. duodenum

 Question 23
almost all chemical digestion happens in ...
answer choices
A. mouth
B. stomach
C. duodenum
D. ileum

 Question 24
Pancreatic juice contains natrium bicarbonate and enzymes (amylase, lipase, trypsin)
that are carried into ... to be used
answer choices
A. stomach
B. duodenum
C. ileum
D. jejunum

 Question 25
Which deficiency causes scurvy?
answer choices
A. vitamin D
B. vitamin A
C. vitamin C
D. vitamin E

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