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Ini kali tidak ada yang mencari cinta

di antara gudang, rumah tua, pada cerita

tiang serta temali. Kapal, perahu tiada berlaut

menghembus diri dalam mempercaya mau berpaut

Gerimis mempercepat kelam. Ada juga kelepak elang

menyinggung muram, desir hari lari berenang

menemu bujuk pangkal akanan. Tidak bergerak

dan kini tanah dan air tidur hilang ombak.

Tiada lagi. Aku sendiri. Berjalan

menyisir semenanjung, masih pengap harap

sekali tiba di ujung dan sekalian selamat jalan

dari pantai keempat, sedu penghabisan bisa terdekap

1) Title : Senja di Pelabuhan Kecil

2) Author : Chairil Anwar
3) Publisher by : Mizan Publisher
4) Size : 3 Bait
5) Genre :-
6) Review by : Muftihatul Jannah
a. Orientation :
In Chairil Anwar poem “Senja di Pelabuhan Kecil” tells Sri Ayati, and this
is poem Chairil Anwar dedicated to Sri Ayti, Someone who admirer her while
in Minangkabau.
b. Evaluation :
The aouthor wants to express the failure of his love which causes his
heart to be sad and gripped. The failureof his love is as if he has lost
everything. Love that really can cause someone to understand what total
failure is.
c. Interpretative Recount :
This poem uses figurative words that have a profound and difficult
meaning to understand. In sentences that are written in poetry that I can
understand, the author managed to turn on the atmosphere with a picture of
d. Evaluation Summaries :
Although this poem has a variety of figurative words but according to the
characteristics of the author, each poem has a very touching meaning for its
readers, and each verse in his poem is very beautiful.


Waktu terasa semakin berlalu

Tinggalkan cerita tentang kita

Akan tiada lagi kini tawamu

'Tuk hapuskan semua sepi di hati

Ada cerita tentang aku dan dia

Dan kita bersama saat dulu kala

Ada cerita tentang masa yang indah

Saat kita berduka saat kita tertawa

Teringat di saat kita tertawa bersama

Ceritakan semua tentang kita

Ada cerita tentang aku dan dia

Dan kita bersama saat dulu kala

Ada cerita tentang masa yang indah

Saat kita berduka saat kita tertawa

1) Tittle : Semua Tentang Kita

2) Author : Peterpen
3) Publisher by : Musica Studio’s
4) Size : 4 Bait
5) Genre : Separation
6) Review by : Muftihatul Jannah
a. Orientation :
The song popularized by the singer “Semua Tentang Kita” tells the story of
the story experience by two human beings who have a relationship of
friendship and in the period of their friendship there laughter, jokes,
happiness and sorrow.
b. Evaluation :
In this song there is an important point, that is, we should learn to respect
time and use time for good things.
c. Interpretative Recount :
This song actually describes about two friend who experience separation
and in times of friendship there are laughter, jokes, happiness and sorrow
that are shared together and can only become memories in their memories.
d. Evaluation Summaries :
So the coclusion of this song tells of the depth of love to a friend, but time
has proven its strength that in the end they will face a separation.

1) Name of Product : Aloe Vera Soothing Gel 92%

2) Author : Jung Woon-Ho
3) Size : 250 ml
4) Function :
 Helps reduce black spots
 Overcome acne
 Moisturize the skin
 As a basis for make up
 Thichened eyebrows
5) Price : Rp. 90.000-100.000
6) Review By : Muftihatul Jannah
a. Orientation :
This product is the best product from nature public originating directly
from south Korea
b. Evaluation :
As the name implies, this product contains 92% aloe vera leaf extract
which has been known to have many benefits. one thing to note this product
is not suitable for those of you who are sensitive to alcohol because this
product contains alcohol.
c. Interpretative Recount :
This product is like an aloe vera plant which has many benefits for our
body, besides this product is not only for women, but men can also use it to
substitute cream for shaving mustaches. This product is also very popular
among teenagers.
d. Evaluation Summaries :
This product provides many benefits for our body such as overcoming
acne, removing black spots and so on.


Hari - hari dalam hidup FAHRI dijalani dengan duka dan usaha pencarian istri yang
sangat dicintainya, AISHA. FAHRI (Fedi Nuril) memilih tinggal di Edinburgh,
Skotlandia. Kota yang sangat disukai AISHA. FAHRI bekerja menjadi dosen serta
peneliti terhormat di universitas ternama kota tersebut. Dalam menjalani kehidupan
sehari-harinya FAHRI hanya ditemani HULUSI (Pandji Pragiwaksono), asisten rumah
tangganya yang berdarah Turki. Kesantunan dan keramahan sikapnya membuat FAHRI
disukai banyak orang, seperti Nenek Catarina (Dewi Irawan), wanita Yahudi yang
tinggal tak jauh dari rumahnya. Namun ada pula yang menentang bahkan membenci
dirinya, seperti KEIRA (Chelsea Islan), gadis kelahiran Skotlandia yang berobsesi
menjadi pemain biola terkenal. Suatu saat, FAHRI bertemu dengan HULYA (Tajtana
Saphira), gadis berkebangsaan Turki-Jerman yang sedang mengambil S2 di Edinburgh
yang masih memiliki hubungan keluarga dengan AISHA. Kedatangan HULYA justru
memicu kenangan sedih FAHRI. Mampukah FAHRI mencapai tekadnya untuk
memperbaiki citra Islam dan muslim di negeri dunia pertama itu.

1) Tittle : Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2

2) Author : Alim Sudio and Ifan Ismail
3) Director : Guntur Soehardjo
4) Genre : Religious and Drama
5) Actor :
a. Fedi Nuril as Fahri c. Dewi Sandra as Sabina (Aisyah)
b. Tatjana Saphira as Hulya d. Chelsea Islan as Keira
6) Runtime : 125 second
7) Publisher By : MD Pictures
8) Review By : Muftihatul Jannah
a. Orientation :
The film "Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2" is a continuation of the story of Fahri in
"Ayat-Ayat Cinta 1". This film is not only a religious genre but there are also
dramas that make the audience get carried away.
b. Evaluation :
The film which is starring the fedi nuril has attracted many teenagers now
because they are curious about the continuation of the story of fahri after
being abandoned by his wife aisyah.
c. Interpretative Recount :
This film tells about grief and Fahri's effort in finding his wife Aisyah.
Fahri has lived in Edinburgh, Scotland, a city that his wife loved so much.
Fahri works as a respected lecturer at a renowned university in the city. in
the course of his life, there were many people who opposed his religion, one
of them being the one who believed in him as a terrorist. then he met with
Hulya who had a family relationship with Aisyah which made him later
remember his wife.
d. Evaluation Summaries :
In the course of his life can he still retain his religion after he is
considered a terrorist by people and can he still love his wife after the arrival
of the hulya who loves him ?.


Seringkali seseorang mengejar cinta dengan sejumlah permintaan dan
harapan. Mencintai dengan cara yang tidak sempurnah berharap
mendapatkan cinta yang sempurna.
Prasetya Ramadhani, gadis yang menderita alergi akut terhadap segala
macam wewangian membuatnya tidak bebas beraktivitas, tak bebas
berteman maupun berkencan. Kehidupan remajanya pun menjadi tak
Namun keadaannya tidak menghalangi untuk memperjuangkan
cintanya terhadap orang yang ia puja, meskipun itu tidak mudah. Hingga
seseorang yang begitu setia muncul di dalam hidupnya. Memberi warna
baru dan harapan cinta yang baru. Tepi ia tak lantas merasa bahagia,
karena hidupnya tak cukup sampai di situ saja.
1. Tittle : Mencintai Apa Adanya
2. Author : Nuniek K.R
3. Genre : Fiction
4. Size : 250 gr and 248 page
5. Publisher By : Zettu
6. Cever By :-
7. Editor : Latif
8. Review By : Muftihatul Jannah

a. Orientation :

This book by nuniek KR, entitled "Mencitai Apa Adanya" is intended for
teens who are in love.

b. Evaluation :

This book is perfect for high school students who are in love and have to
face scorn from those around them but still retain someone who loves them
and loves them.

c. Interpretative Recount :
This book tells of a middle school student who has to face ridicule from
his friend because of his stinging body odor and worse he has an acute allergy
to all types of fragrances. so he is very difficult to interact with his friends. but
behind that all circumstances do not make it weak to maintain love even
though it is not easy
d. Evaluation Summaries :

Behind the circumstances that received a lot of ridicule from the people
around him, he has someone who can love him for who he is

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