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LORD, HAVE MERCY 465 Soulful Dm Dmic Bie acm) A Dm Dmic Byer com Cantor Cant. = Christ, have mer - cy s A + 8 ag Dic ae FiA Gm c Dm Dm Cant, s A Lord, have mer T GLORY TO GOD J=43 Exuberant DAD GD AD A DO OAD GD AD AO Arce Gio-ry to God in the 6 Bm Bm/A Em Em? gies Cy 8b FIA Cr high-est_ and on earth peace to peo-ple_ of good-will. We praise You, we bless You, >o o—a)—t — @4 i Bb FIA Bb FA Gm co og * we a-dore You, we glo- ri -fy You,we give You thanks for Your great glo - ry__ cH ¢ cm cis) cc cmeng _—— Beppe tor King God al-migh-ty Fa - ther__ sp pidd der As: é z a — a 5 ee a GLORY To GoD. TAKE AWAY THE REST 14 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA, MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO. 12 21, Dm Dm/C Bb com GF C/E = Dm Dm/c Bb com og Christ, __on-ly be-got-ten Son____ Lord God, Lamb of God___ Son of the Fa-ther__ eh og Dm coms, ppiou FA Gm oem gm c You take a-way the sins of the world, _syyl4 I have mer-cy on us. You take a-way the ots Bpister) FA Gm cH c Dm cash pisses) FA —== wf 33 N sins of the world, re-ceive our pra-yer. You are seat-ed at the right hand of the Fa-ther ere: Pa o4 cm cl) pine) 6 Dire Em Em/D C a —= + 3| TI re have mer-cy on us.__ For You a-lone are the Ho - ly one You a-lone are the TAKE AWAY THE REST GLORY To GoD MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA pe p 6 D/Fe 4B s se Fae esese3 ‘Ota HOB Lord,__ You_ a-lone are the Ho-ly Spi-rit in the et te eee tg 8S eee SSS SS SS ae cows GB Am Amo) pr o G GFE Em De" 6 9. ———— Sf; molto rit, Po wa ALLELUIA 4=45 Moderato Ab BP i & BD = Cm = Cmy/Bh Ab Bbw) Bb legao nf >o Al-le-lu-ia! — Al-le-lu-ial ——Al-le-Iu on > & BD =m G/B Ab BB Cm —__ CoB} broader f >o Al- le - lu ia! Al-le- lu - ial Al-le-lu ial Al-le-lu- iat =—— 2d on Al - le = lu ~ial 4 TAKE AWAY THE REST ALLELUIA MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA BLESS US, O LORD 4-75 Dolce Dm Amic Bb FIA Gm FOES cme F s : ad © Lora, 3 Dm Dm/c Bb Gm cm coy s $ E God of all cre -a - tio now we come to You. Bring - ing this gift, the 19 ppt FIA Gm = Gmy/F OB Cin c F with hearts full of love__ we of - fer, 26 CE Dm = Dm Gm gang om ct ; : 8 = A God of all cre -a - tion, now we come to You. Bring-ing this gift, the 35 Bete! FA Gm eS T 7 B cup__of life,____with hearts full of love__ we of - fer__ a FA you) ciime—gCyBh FIA how crm gg nf a r YS Bless us, © Lord as we ga-ther__ and ac-cept_these gitts__we of - fer__ —, — mp BLESS US, 0 LORD TAKE AWAY THE REST 15 2010 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO 16 Dm coe Bpr) es Gms como F D rit, ———— rf Petter fo Fruit of our a-bor and work of ourhands Bless us,O Lord all our days Aah __ . ddd B oe cn ae coo peo op fy mene a ——— 57 Ll — Bless us, O Lord as we ga-ther__ and ac-cept_these gifts__we of-fer__ — —, mf Em piwe cise Goeyp Am 5 oS inf A T Fruit of our la = bor and work of — our Wt J J 2 dd 6 Ea - ewe c GB Am peo 6 70. Lord all our days, © Lord all our days a Jad ds Jad TAKE AWAY THE REST BLESS US, 0 LORD MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA HOLY 4100 Majestic G A a) D ip ACH D mf ro Ho - ly ho - ly, holy Lord, add oH Jo 6 A Bm Fem s bree Em OA pi D 6D Ace Bm the high-est!__ Bles-sed is He, who comes in the name of the | dd. Er 0) Gi D ~~ 8 GFE m Al /D HOLY TAKE AWAY THE REST 17 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO 18 WE PROCLAIM YOUR DEATH 4-65 Expressive B Fim mf. ca F Brew Be >o a We pro-claim your death, 0 Lord__ and pro- — os 5 F 8 Cm F Eb/Bh Bb 5 erese. a, —— >o a fess your re-sur-rec-tion un - til You come a - gain.__ a7ii 2 4 — TAKE AWAY THE REST MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO WE PROCLAIM YOUR DEATH 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA WHEN WE EAT THIS BREAD 465 Simple Bb c F CE Dm FIC When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we pro- mf FIA com c Bb ce F rit, ——————— Kae r claim Your death O Lord, __ un ~ til You come a - gain. 4 é + 4 Bb Lf >o o o4 WHEN WE EAT THIS BREAD TAKE AWAY THE REST 19 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA MASS OF ST, JOHN BOSCO 20 SAVE US, SAVIOR OF THE WORLD +80 Expressive Dm co om co Dm oD Dm Save us, Sa-vior of the world Dm 8 Dmc Bb c om Bb P c crese. rit, > >o for by Your cross and re - sur-rec-tion You have set__ us free, adi J hl a TAKE AWAY THE REST ‘SAVE US, SAVIOR OF THE WORLD MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA AMEN /=40 Exuberant 6 A D D AcE Bm’ BM/A 6 — A- ment A -ment A = ment A - ment A - - Ave a D ACH Bm? Bm/A GY GYD D AMEN TAKE AWAY THE REST 21 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO 22 OUR FATHER <=10 Prayerful 6 F CHE Bhew e F Fa-ther who art in hea-ven, hal-lowedbe Thy Name. Thy king-dom come, Thy will be CE Boe? c Gm™/C By FIA Bp" i 3S mf done onearthasit isin hea-ven, Give us this day our dai-ly bread, and for-give us our__ d 3 S. ocean] d gaa TAKE AWAY THE REST ‘OUR FATHER MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA FIA Be FIA om 7 —3— ro eu we for-give those who tres~pass @-gainst_us and 27 tres-pas-ses, Jae a4 = — 2 ow c Bb cm og F F “FP cT lead us not in-totemp-ta-tion butde-fi - ver us__ — je 2 OUR FATHER TAKE AWAY THE REST 23 2016 @ NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO FOR THE KINGDOM 4=65 Expressive Gmc pin FIA For the king- dom 2d 2o are Yours 46 2 4 Ne TAKE AWAY THE REST FOR THE KINGDOM MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO 2010 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA LAMB OF GOD 465 Sweetly Byer FA Gm Eb Bytes pers) phir FIA Pr Lamb of God, you__ 9 Gms BHF BBD cm aoe FA >o Lamb of God, o4 take a-way the sins ofthe world have mer-cy on us. 17 Gm BoIF & Eb/D cm Fenn Gm take a-way thesins of the world__ . Lamb of God, you D/FH Dm/F CIE ey Fiwsth Bhs") 4 oF ———— ip os +t L Ane a ee ae take a-way the sins of the world, grant us peace.__ _——, a bd dd : d ja id 1 Thy: ee —— 3 1 . 4 E = =F —_ = LAMB OF GOD. TAKE AWAY THE REST 25 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO TAKE AWAY THE REST Words: Mervil Jilo Merjudio 2-65 Expressivo Gm Dm/F ED) ED Gm Dm/F Ein) FT) pte) a hows) FIA Gm Gm/F Eb Bb/D 8 = A : SS Bow-ing low wecometo You with hearts in-flamed with Cm Frum F D/F# Gm BLIF & Gm Bb/F mp, Oh__hid-den in the bread and wine You__share with us Your 20, eye) ES ESD Cm Frcs) Bpiwn FIA Gm. err eer life di - vine Your life di- vine. You make Your gra-ces (© - ver - flow 26 OmiF 5 BD cm Pow F DIRE Gm BHF my) : ; rr ‘Oh what won-der so sub- _~ mp, \ 1 : You com - fort us in all our sor-row TAKE AWAY THE REST TAKE AWAY THE REST = 27 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA, MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO Ob Gm Bb/F ESE END Cm ple) g | lime that You're with us all the time, __ with us all the time 2s o i 34 GiB Am omg Foo co GiB — cae al -ry-thing we need__ Oh just be with me, my Lord ives ePaper: >o thing to give, You are P)) a4 Am cog Fiemt FO OFIE Dm TF take a-way the rest, Ges FG c FIC cit) 92 molto rit. ee pp s eS S16 ° 3 ‘ SS SS rest.__ Take a - way the rest. —_—— 1 JJ | = 8 bo 2 Es: | rT tT fF TAKE AWAY THE REST ‘TAKE AWAY THE REST MASS OF ST. JOHN BOSCO 2016 © NIKKO OLIVER VILLANUEVA,

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