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Manila, Philippines

GROUP: _____________GROUP#06___________________________________________ Course/Section/Block: ___BSN-201______

Case: _______Case#03__________________________ Subject/Term: ___Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well Clients) RLE____


Subjective: After 6-8 hours of  Asses the client's  For baseline data. Goal Met.
Interrupted nursing vital signs After 6-8 hours of
Client mentioned breastfeeding intervention, the nursing
that she’s related to maternal pain and swelling in  Encourage the client  To help milk flow intervention,
experiencing infant separation as the breasts of the to gently massage during client’s pain and
painful, engorged evidenced by mother will subside the breast while breastfeeding or swelling in the
breast. engorged and and breastfeeding feeding pumping. breasts subsided
painful breasts. will be initiated. and breastfeeding is
 Encourage the client  This may also help initiated.
After demonstrating to apply cold the breasts "let
Objective: and educating the compress to relieve down," increasing After demonstrating
techniques about the pain and swelling the flow of milk. and educating the
 Initial Infant sustaining lactation, techniques about
Weight: 3000g breast feeding  Educate the mother  To reduce anxiety sustaining lactation,
 Day 4 Infant positions and aids about proper breast and help ensure breast feeding
Weight: 2650g and breasts care, care and breast proper nutrition positions and aids
 Mother has the patient will feeding techniques of the baby and breasts care,
painful, engorged continue the client is able to
breasts. breastfeeding  Instruct the mother  To prevent the continue
 Newborn is independently. the proper breast breast from breastfeeding
separated from care techniques such moving independently.
the mother. After 1-2 days of as wearing a significantly.
 The mother is nursing supportive bra. After 1-2 days of
unable to give intervention, the nursing
breast milk to client and the infant intervention, client
newborn will achieve the  Demonstrate the use  To maintain or is able to achieve
continuously. satisfactory feeding of hand expression, increase the milk the satisfactory
regimen after hand pump and supply feeding regimen
feedings. piston- type electric after feedings.
pump with bilateral
The patient's collection chamber
hydration will be when necessary
monitored for the
milk production and  Discuss/demonstrate  To find the most
flow. breastfeeding aids comfortable ones
(e.g., infant sling, for mother and
nursing pillows, or infant

 Continue medication  For therapeutic
as per doctor’s purposes.

 Refer to support  This will help in
groups and monitoring the
community continuity of the
resources if needed mother to
breastfeed her

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