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Motivational quotes for every day

compilation by LinusPee
Quotidian (adjective) -
Occurring every day.
People often say that
motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does
bathing - that's why we
recommend it daily
- Zig Ziglar
This e-book might not be accessible with
screen readers. My sincere apologies. I shall
consider creating an accessible audio version
of this book in the future.

Also, this e-book looks best on phone screens

(1080 * 1920 px). If you are reading this on a
desktop and find the vertical layout
frustrating, my apologies.

V 1.0
All quotes belong to the respective Authors or
Writers and/or their respective copyright or
trademark holders.

All product and service names mentioned are

trademarks of their respective companies.

All photographs (without the quotations) are
available under a free-for-life copy-left license
:). Write to me, if you want a copy.
About this book

Quotes are typically sentences or phrases

someone has said in the past. They have
the power to convey the wisdom of an
entire human generation in a few simple
words strung together. If a quote resonates
with a reader, it typically represents a view
he/she personally relates to.

I have been fascinated by quotes since I

began writing. So much was my fascination
that many of my blog posts started with a
relevant quote that represented the gist of
the blog.

This book is an outcome of my hobby of

collecting quotes. It contains a quote for
each day of the year. Also, each day's
quote is from a person who was born on
that day* and who went on to achieve
great things. Accompanying each quote, is
a photo that I took during my morning
walks along the Munnekolala lake near my
home in Bengaluru.

*- Date of birth as per wikipedia and google search results

About me

I am Sunil Prabhakaran and I go by my

online identity, 'LinusPee'. I am a techie,
writer, coach and entrepreneur from
Bengaluru (India) which has been my home
since 1999.

I have been fortunate to live close to a

few lakes in Bengaluru and have enjoyed
some long walks and jogs by them.

Between the years 2015 and 2019, I lived

near Munnekolala lake. Every morning,
besides catching a breath of fresh air, I
have clicked photos of the flora and fauna
around the lake that you will find in each
quote poster.

If you are more interested in other

aspects of my work, write to me at
About Munnekolala

Bengaluru is a city of lakes. At one point

in time, the city was bustling with a
thousand lakes. Had these lakes survived,
Bengaluru could have been aptly named
the city of thousand lakes. About 90% of
these lakes have been lost due to massive
urbanization in the late 20th and early 21st

Munnekolala lake is a restored lake

situated near Marathahalli (Latlong
12.960368, 77.708355). It is spread over 15
acres with amenities like a gazebo, a
jogging track and a childrens play park. It is
frequented mostly by local residents.
During the winter months, it does attract a
few migratory birds that make this lake
their summer home.
This quote book wouldn't have been possible without
the support of my family, friends and colleagues. I would
like to thank the following people without whose support
this project wouldn't have come to fruition.

Thank you...
Bindu Gangaram for cheer leading every day and each
time a milestone was achieved.
Akshaya Sutrave for providing editing inputs and
proof-reading the book.
Shwetha Nayak, for painstakingly checking if there any
repeating quotes or photographs.
Sheeba Prabhakaran for wanting to contribute photos
from her garden (which I didn't include, owing to the
project's focus on Munnekolala lake)
Manav Shankar, who has been an avid supporter of
the alpha version of this project since 2017.
Sridhar Ramakrishnan & Vikaas Shivalingaiah for
unknowingly being the accountability partners.
Sridhar Sundaram, for encouraging words each time
we spoke in the last 6 months.
Joe Kattackal, for taking lead in another common
project, so that I could stealthily focus on this book.
Kavinesh R & Shilpa Hejmadi for sharing their
excitement each time I posted a picture of a bird, bug
or beetle.
Drishti Trivedi, Jaideep Rao, Pranav Phating, Rohini
Lingambhotla, Sainath Vasudevan for their constant
support on Linkedin.
Abhilash Babu, Akshatha Kamath, Gargi Mukherjee,
Manjunath Reddy, Neha Arora, Pranita Bhat &
Tomoko Kawashima for their constant support on
My thank you to all my friends, family and colleagues for 40K+
views on my social posts. Here is a special acknowledgement of
people who took time to like and comment.

Abhishek Malik Narayani Krishnamurthy

Adam Smith Navin Vishnoi
Aishwarya Kadali Niranjan Demanna
Anoochan Pandey Ophelia Gonzales
Ashwin Karthik Piyush Bajaj
Ashwini TG Prasad BM
Bala Krishna Kadiyala Prerna Mohta
Barkath Ali Priya Karnani
Bharat Subramanian Rajashekar Gali
Bhasin Naik Rakesh Kendalaya
Bram De Winne Ravindra Babu
Caroline Kreuziger Rochelle Hannah
Darwin Moses Ruksar Siddiqui
Deepika Parmar Saathvik KV
Dhawal Keswani Sadaf Shakil
Divya Chandrika Mohan Sadananda Vaidya
Francois Vigneron Sampathkumar S
Gautham Krishnan C G Sanjana Kaushik
George Sebastian Shaun Newman
Gustavo Tamae Kakazu Shiva Prakash Hiremath
Harish R Sid Dutta
Honey Thakuria Silvia Gaber
Jagadish Arunagiri Sreedhar GS
Juri Loch Sunil M
Karrthik Shettyy Sunitha Gudisagar
Karthiheyini Subbiah Swaminathan Subramanian
Karthikeyan B Swathi Srini
Krishnan Sampathkumar Swathi U
Krzysztof Kamieniak Tara Wu
Lane Leskela Vaibhav Kothari
Lucas Desmarez Veni Mutyala
Mahesh Parameswaran Venkat Krishnan
Manjula R Venkat Raman L
Marcus Couch Vidya Krishnamurthy
Md Hasim Ansari Vijay N Manjunath
Meenakshi Sundaram T Vijayendra VS
Meenakshi Vidya Vikas Bajaj
Miraalfasa Sharma Vikram Sridhar
Mona Srivastava Vinay Janardhana
Nameeta Kustagi Vishal Kundal
Nancy George Vladlena Serie
How do you know
you're going to do
something, until you do
- J. D. Salinger
1 Jan
We all create our own
reality by the choices
we make
- Cuba Gooding Jr

2 Jan
Little by little,
one travels far
- JRR Tolkein
3 Jan
4 Jan what you are
- Louis Braille
5 Jan

The act of taking the

first step is what
separates the winners
from the losers
- Brian Tracy
You talk when you
cease to be at
peace with your
- Kahlil Gibran
6 Jan
7 Jan

Failure is there to
teach you something
so that you can go
beyond that
- Irrfan Khan
8 Jan

While there’s life,

there is hope
- Stephen Hawking
Capabilities are clearly
manifested only when
they have been realized
- Simone de Beauvoir

9 Jan
10 Jan

If you love something

you can put
beauty into it
- Donald Knuth
No dream is ever
chased alone
- Rahul Dravid

11 Jan
12 Jan

The greatest religion is

to be true to your
own nature. Have faith
in yourselves
- Swami Vivekananda
If you end up doing
what you are
passionate about, the
journey is so easy
- Rakesh Sharma
13 Jan
14 Jan

If you can find

interesting ways to
be clear, you're really
onto something
- Steven Soderbergh
Faith is taking
the first step even
when you don't see
the whole staircase
-Martin Luther King Jr
15 Jan
All perfection is
- Margaret Wilson
16 Jan
17 Jan

Your need for

acceptance can make
you feel invisible in this
- Jim Carrey
Weeds are flowers too,
once you get to know
- AA Milne
18 Jan
19 Jan

All that we see or

seem is but a dream
within a dream
- Edgar Allan Poe
20 Jan

Bravery comes along as

a gradual accumulation
of discipline
- Buzz Aldrin
Facing your own
mortality forces you to
re-evaluate your
- Paul Allen
21 Jan
22 Jan

In order for the light

to shine so brightly,
the darkness must be
- Francis Bacon
23 Jan

Freedom is not
given. Its taken
- Subhas Bose
We invent our future
- Lynda Weinman
24 Jan
25 Jan

You cannot find

peace by avoiding life
- Virginia Wolf
Life is perfect even
when it's not
- Ellen DeGeneres
26 Jan
27 Jan

I can't go back to
yesterday because I
was a different person
- Lewis Caroll
28 Jan

It’s not what you do,

but how much love you
put into it that matters
- Rick Warren
29 Jan

You get in life

what you have the
courage to ask for
- Oprah Winfrey
30 Jan

Remember you are

just an extra in
everyone else's play
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Everybody has their
own path. It's laid out
for you. It's just up to
you to walk it
- Justin Timberlake
31 Jan
1 Feb

I bring to a role
everything I am, was and
hope to be
- Clark Gable
If it's worth doing,
it's worth overdoing
- Ayn Rand
2 Feb
It's a myth that you can
have it all. You can't,
but more importantly,
I don't think you should
want to - Isla Fisher
3 Feb
Memories of our lives,
of our works and our
deeds will continue in
- Rosa Parks

4 Feb
5 Feb

Your love makes me

strong, your hate makes
me unstoppable
- Cristiano Ronaldo
None but
ourselves can
free our minds
- Bob Marley

6 Feb
it is the sweet, simple
things of life which are
the real ones after all
- Laura Ingalls Wilder

7 Feb
Darkness to you
is light to me
- Jules Verne

8 Feb
Walk that walk and go
forward all the time
- Chris Gardner
9 Feb
Know what you don't
know and
trust in what you do
- Robert Iger
10 Feb
The most certain way
to succeed is always to
try just one more time
- Thomas Edison

11 Feb
Most folks are as
happy as they make up
their minds to be
- Abraham Lincoln
12 Feb
All the good that is in us
comes from love
- Eleanor Farjeon
13 Feb
A man is not old until
regrets take the place
of dreams
- John Barrymore
14 Feb
15 Feb

You cannot teach a man

you can only help him
find it within himself
- Galileo
16 Feb

Awareness is the
greatest agent for
- Eckhart Tolle
Life has no limitations,
except the ones you
- Les Brown

17 Feb
If you surrendered
to the wind,
you could ride it
- Toni Morrison
18 Feb
19 Feb

Freedom is a boon,
which everyone has
the right to receive
- Shivaji
20 Feb

I am the me
I choose to be
- Sidney Poitier
It would be wonderful to
think that the future is
unknown and sort of
- Alan Rickman
21 Feb
There's something
liberating about not
pretending. Dare to
embarrass yourself
- Drew Barrymore

22 Feb
If you aren’t living your
dreams then you’re living
your fears
- Daymond John

23 Feb
Your time is limited,
so don’t waste it living
someone else’s life
- Steve Jobs
24 Feb
Life goes on within you
and without you
- George Harrison
25 Feb
Every bird that flies has
the thread of the
infinite in its claw
- Victor Hugo
26 Feb
Into each life
some rain must fall
- HW Longfellow

27 Feb
You've got to bumble
forward into the
- Frank Gehry
28 Feb
29 Feb

The only impossible

journey is the one you
never begin
- Anthony Robbins
There is no
only life
- Milan Kundera
1 Apr
2 Apr

Just living isn't enough.

One must have sunshine,
freedom, and a little
- HC Andersen
3 Apr

Coming together
is a beginning; keeping
together is progress;
working together is
success - Edward Hale
4 Apr

Nothing can dim

the light which
shines from
- Maya Angelou
5 Apr

Success always leaves

- Booker T Washington
6 Apr

We're all just

walking each
other home
- Ram Dass
7 Apr

To begin... Begin
- William Wordsworth
The Lord had the
wonderful advantage
of being able to
work alone
- Kofi Annan
8 Apr
The beautiful is always
- Charles Baudelaire

9 Apr
10 Apr

For all those who

expect a miracle
- Linda Goodman
11 Apr

The key to success for

everything... is never to
follow the others
- Masaru Ibuka
Anything worth doing is
worth overdoing
- David Letterman
12 Apr
Dance first. Think later.
It's the natural order
- Samuel Beckett

13 Apr
Everything you see,
is impermanent
- BR Ambedkar

14 Apr
Let no man in the world
live in delusion. Without a
Guru none can cross
over to the other shore
- Guru Nanak
15 Apr
never find
a rainbow if
you're looking
- Charlie Chaplin
16 Apr
17 Apr

The first step towards

getting somewhere is to
decide that you are not
going to stay where you
- JP Morgan
Power remains strong
when it remains in the
dark; exposed to the
sunlight it begins to
- Samuel Huntington
18 Apr
If you don't know where
you come from, you
don't know who you are
- Maria Sharapova
19 Apr
Sometimes you have to
go up really high to
understand how small
you really are
- Felix Baumgartner

20 Apr
In every walk with
nature one receives far
more than he seeks
- John Muir

21 Apr
Nothing revives the past
so completely as a smell
that was once
associated with it
- Vladimir Nabokov

22 Apr
When you change the
way you look at things,
the things you look at
- Max Planck

23 Apr
I have never tried to
compare myself to
anyone else
- Sachin Tendulkar
24 Apr
25 Apr

It isn't where you came

it's where you're going
that counts
- Ella Fitzgerald
Each day provides
its own gifts
- Marcus Aurelius
26 Apr
Be bold, be bold, and
everywhere be bold
- Herbert Spencer

27 Apr
28 Apr

Things are always

better in the morning
- Harper Lee
29 Apr

To me, if life boils down

to one thing,
it's movement.
To live is to keep moving
- Jerry Sienfeld
30 Apr
Art pries us open
- Amanda Palmer
Rise above principle
and do what's right
- Joseph Heller

1 May
2 May

The only time you run

out of chances is when
you stop taking them
- David Beckham
3 May

To be a champ you have

to believe in yourself
when nobody else will
- Sugar Ray Robinson
Nothing great in the
world has been
accomplished without
passion - Robin Cook
4 May
5 May

Once you label me, you

negate me
- Søren Kierkegaard
Hatred and anger only
consume the vessel that
contains them
- Rubin Carter
6 May
You can't cross the sea
merely by standing and
staring at the water
- Tagore

7 May
8 May

Don't put the key to

your happiness in
someone else's pocket
- Chinmayananda
9 May

If you are not

doing what you
love, you are
wasting your time
- Billy Joel
It is never crowded
along the extra mile
- Wayne Dyer
10 May
I... a universe of atoms,
an atom in the universe
- Richard Feynman

11 May
12 May

I never gave or took

any excuse
- Florence Nightingale
13 May
Ability may get you to
the top,
but it takes character
to keep you there
- Stevie Wonder
14 May

Boldness makes even

the smallest animal
- Robert Greene
15 May

True courage is in
facing danger when you
are afraid
- Frank L Baum
It's really about being
pleased with yourself
- Janet Jackson

16 May
17 May

Today is the first day

of the rest of your life.
And if that doesn't work
out, Tomorrow is the
first day of the rest of
your life
- Bob Saget
Be happy for this
This moment is your life
- Omar Khayyam
18 May
All glory comes from
daring to begin
- Ruskin Bond

19 May
20 May

One person with a belief

is equal to a force of
ninety-nine who have only
- JS Mill
21 May

Blessed is he who
expects nothing,
for he shall never be
- Alexander Pope
22 May

Hooray! Hooray!
The end of the world
has been postponed!
- Herge
23 May
The essence of
strategy is choosing
what not to do
- Michael Porter
24 May

All I can do is be me,

whoever that is
- Bob Dylan
What lies behind us and
before us are tiny
matters compared to
what lies within us
- RW Emerson
25 May
Do not fear mistakes.
There are none
- Miles Davis
26 May
27 May

If you don't know where

you are going, every
road will get you
- Henry Kissinger
28 May

The most radical act

anyone can commit is
to be happy
- Patch Adams
29 May

There are no rules of

architecture for a
castle in the clouds
- GK Chesterton
End your day with a
smile, a happy thought,
and a grateful heart
- Clint Walker
30 May
I believe a leaf of grass
is no less than the
journey-work of the
- Walt Whitman
31 May
1 Oct

Go out on a limb.
That's where the fruit is
- Jimmy Carter
Nobody can hurt me
without my permission
- M.K Gandhi

2 Oct
3 Oct

Style is knowing who

you are,
what you want to say,
and not giving a damn
- Gore Vidal
If you don't have a
strategy, you're part
of someone else's
- Alvin Toffler
4 Oct
We do not simply live
in this universe.
The universe lives
within us
- Neil deGrasse Tyson

5 Oct
6 Oct

Analyses of others are

actually expressions of
our own needs and
- Marshall Rosenberg
7 Oct

Everything we call real

is made of things that
cannot be regarded as
real - Niels Bohr
Never look down on
anybody unless you're
helping him up
- Jesse Jackson
8 Oct
When you compete
against yourself,
everyone wants to help
- Simon Sinek

9 Oct
If you don't ask,
the answer is always no
- Nora Roberts
10 Oct
My actions are my only
true belongings
- Thich Nhat Hanh
11 Oct
Giving people a hand up,
not a handout, is the
way forward
– Hugh Jackman

12 Oct
A man may climb
Everest for himself, but
at the summit he plants
his country’s flag
- Margaret Thatcher
13 Oct
14 Oct

What is important is
seldom urgent
and what is urgent is
seldom important
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
15 Oct

If you want to shine like

a sun,
first burn like a sun
- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Be yourself; everyone
else is already taken
- Oscar Wilde
16 Oct
17 Oct

Everything we are,
is at every moment alive
in us
- Arthur Miller
18 Oct

The eye sees only

what the mind is
prepared to
- Henri Bergson
Life is a pure flame,
and we live by an
invisible sun within us
- Thomas Browne

19 Oct
20 Oct

Arriving at one goal is

the starting point to
- John Dewey
21 Oct

Contentment is
the only real
- Alfred Nobel
Nothing brings down
walls as surely as
- Deepak Chopra

22 Oct
23 Oct

Life will find a way

- Michael Crichton
24 Oct

Live out of your

not your history
- Steven Covey
25 Oct

Inspiration does exist,

but it must find you
- Pablo Picasso
If you cannot do great
things, do small things in a
great way
- Napoleon Hill

26 Oct
People don't care how
much you know until
they know how much
you care
- Theodore Roosevelt
27 Oct
28 Oct

Don’t compare
yourself with anyone...
If you do so, you are
insulting yourself
- Bill Gates
29 Oct

It’s so important to do
something every day
that will make you happy
- Bob Ross
Either move or
be moved
- Ezra Pound
30 Oct
31 Oct

Life is but a day;

A fragile dew-drop on
its perilous way
From a tree’s summit
- John Keats
Sometimes, the most
profound of awakenings
come wrapped in the
quietest of moments
- Stephen Crane
1 Nov
Sometimes you have to
move backward to get
a step forward
- Amar Bose

2 Nov
A show of daring
oft conceals great fear
- Lucan
3 Nov
4 Nov

Life’s barely long

enough to get good
at one thing. So be
careful what you
get good at
– Matthew
We are what we
repeatedly do.
Excellence, therefore,
is not an act, but a habit
- Will Durant

5 Nov
6 Nov

There are no traffic

jams on the extra mile
- Zig Ziglar
7 Nov

Autumn is a second
spring when every
leaf is a flower
- Albert Camus
8 Nov

There was another life

that I might have had,
but I am having this one
- Kazuo Ishiguro
Somewhere, something
incredible is waiting to
be known
- Carl Sagan

9 Nov
In the end we only
regret the chances
we didn't take
- Oliver Goldsmith

10 Nov
11 Nov

If you want to
overcome the whole
world, overcome
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
12 Nov

Whatever you are

made of,
be the best of that
- Anne hathaway
13 Nov

An aim in life
is the only
fortune worth
- R L Stevenson
14 Nov
No matter where
you start, how you
finish is on you
- Gary Vaynerchuk
There never was a war
that was not inward
- Marianne Moore

15 Nov
Everything has its
own perfection
- Joan Lindsay

16 Nov
Through others
we become
- Lev S. Vygotsky

17 Nov
18 Nov

True belonging happens

when we present our
authentic, imperfect
selves to the world
- Brene Brown
The only thing we know
about the future is that
it will be different
- Peter Drucker

19 Nov
20 Nov

Everyone ends up
moving alone towards
the self
- Nadine Gordimer
21 Nov

Man is free at the

instant he wants to be
- Voltaire
22 Nov

It is never too
late to be what
you might have
- George Eliot
Maybe it's your time to
lift off and fly.
You won't know if you
never try
- Miley Cyrus

23 Nov
24 Nov

Nothing can bring you

but yourself
- Dale Carnegie
If you want to be 25 Nov

happy, set a goal that

commands your
thoughts, liberates
your energy, and
inspires your hopes
- Andrew Carnegie
26 Nov

Be yourself.
No one can say
you're doing it wrong
- Charles M. Schulz
To hell with
I create opportunities
- Bruce Lee

27 Nov
28 Nov

An ounce of action is
worth a ton of
- Friedrich Engels
29 Nov

We meet
no ordinary people
in our lives
- C.S. Lewis
30 Nov

Forgiveness is the
fragrance that the
violet sheds on the heel
that has crushed it
- Mark Twain
Thank you Reader!

Thank you for reading. I hope you have

enjoyed this book. If there is any feedback,
comment or a story that you would want to
share with me, do write to

Want to support?
Carving out 800+ hours of my personal
time to compile this book restricted my
volunteering contributions to the two
organizations that I am an avid supporter
of. If you could show your support to these
wonderful organizations, I would forever
be grateful to you.
1. India Inclusion Summit is working on
building an Inclusive India for everyone
despite their disabilities. More info at
2. SSISM is working on creating
employment for rural youth in central
India through value based higher
education. More info at
A note on tools used

Photos captured on: Motorola G5+ (85%),

Nexus 6P(10%), Nexus 5 (5%)

Quote research: Wikipedia, BrainyQuote, A-

Z Quotes, Goalcast & Goodreads

Quote compilation: Google Keep

Book & posters designed on: Canva

Other tools: smallpdf, PDF-Xchange Editor

Photo archive: Google Photos

Music companion: Spotify

The author is a free/paid user of these products and has no

direct affiliation to any of them.
All product and service names mentioned are trademarks of
their respective companies.
Motivational quotes for every day

compilation by LinusPee

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