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Austria, Michelle Ericka A.

BM4-1 09/10/2020
Case Study

1. Is there anything wrong with the actions of the three personalities in this case?
Elaborate your answer.

Yes, there is. Mr. Bundoc who acted as the champion of the student’s cause and
even tried to personally convince the other members of the board to opposed the
proposal of Dr. Agao on increasing tuition fees, but suddenly he changes his mind but to
accept the proposal of Dr. Agao after being constantly reminded by his wife to maintain
good relationship with Dr. Agao. This is not a good behavior at all, because if you have
already decided at first, you should stand for it until the end no matter what. Thus, we
see it as finally giving in to the advantages he can get as a businessman and the
student’s tuition fees may get affected, which is not a good thing.
As for Dr. Agao, spearheaded the tuition increase. With his attitude of being not
accustomed to defeat, he proposed a deal with Mrs. Bundoc, the wife of Mr. Bundoc.
This shows a self-interested personality and he even used other people to achieve what
he wanted. In proposing a deal with Mrs. Bundoc, he has a motive to influenced and
manipulated the decision of Mr. Bundoc wife to get the side of Mr. Bundoc. This should
not be the case as a university president, and also what was agreed upon in the
meeting in the first place, he must accept the agreement of the board members since
it’s a majority vote.
And for Mrs. Bundoc, after the proposal deal with Dr. Agao the opportunity to
monopolize their business inside the school campus, it eventually took efforts to
encourage her husband to maintain good relationship with Dr. Agao that made Mr.
Bundoc suddenly changed his mind to the proposal of dr. Agao on increasing tuition
fees. And we can see, this opportunity is brought about by the benefits her family and
their business can avail from the deal.
Mrs. Bundoc should first ask her husband regarding the deal of Dr. Agao to her and
what decision she could make. She must not first accept the offer immediately ask the
reason why it was suddenly offered to her.
Each of the characters in the case could benefit from the tuition fee hike because
of the proposal given by Dr. Agao. The actions done by each personality can be
considered unethical because they are driven by personal motives. Their personal
motives actually affect their behavior which comprises their point of view and eventually
their decisions and priorities. Human behavior is greatly affected by the level of risk,
conflict and even opportunities.

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